Spiderman Literotica

Spiderman Literotica


Spiderman Literotica
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When I was in college money was hard to come by most of the time. In fact, I had enough debt in school loans that I didn't think I'd ever get free. I was working minimum wage jobs, and it only paid enough to keep me in fast food and my monthly membership to the gym. I'd goofed off long enough with little jobs for a time and finally got myself into college to try and get a job that paid enough to live on.
The only thing that kept me sane was working out. You know pumping Iron until my muscles burned like fire. I admit I was obsessed with how my body looked, but everyone needs a hobby. And I wanted to be the next Arnold Schwarzenegger, but it never happened. What did happen was it got me one of the wildest jobs I've ever had!
At 24 I was pretty damn buff! I had the 6-pack abs, big biceps and chest, and a tiny waist. I'd also been blessed with being tall and good looking. At least that's what the girls I managed to get in my bed told me. All I knew was that it wasn't all that difficult for me to pick up almost any female that struck my fancy.
Sex was easy for me to get, and the ladies seemed to like the size of Jimmy. I started calling my penis Jimmy back in high school when some of my friends on the football team saw me in the shower. I was getting dressed, and this kid named Nate had forgotten his combination to his lock. He saw me naked and said, "Hey Jase, bring that big dick over here and Jimi this lock open!"
Everybody was standing around and started laughing and pointing at my cock. I guess it was big enough for them to make fun of it back then, but I was the one laughing now. I could get laid anytime I wanted, and Nate had turned into a real nerd with an ugly wife telling him what to do all the time. If they knew about what I ended up doing for work, they would have crapped in their pants!
Anyway back to how this all got started.
I was working out one afternoon, and it was hot as hell in the college gym. I had shorts and tennis shoes on with my weight belt pumping iron like a mad man when this lady came in. She had on a business suit and wasn't bad looking. Sort of prim and proper, not much over five foot five, relatively thin with a nice rack. She was acting like she owned the place and I wondered if she was college staff until I saw her eyes.
She was looking over all the guys like she was shopping. It wasn't that unusual because lots of times college girls would check us out... giggle and go on their way. I was surprised when she stopped next to me and watched me on the bench press.
I finished my set and sat up with a sweaty body, and my arms were pumped up hard as rocks.
"Excuse me can I bother you for a minute?" She asked.
The woman was around thirty-something and not bad looking for her age.
"Are you looking for work by any chance?"
"Yeah, I'm always looking for a way to make some money."
"My name is Melanie, call me Mel for short." She said and offered me her hand to shake.
"I'd like you to come down to my office and have an interview when you have time."
I stood up, and she was appraising my body with her eyes. I was pretty used to that but not from an older woman.
"All I can tell you now is that you can make some serious money. If you come down for an interview, I'll explain it in detail. Are you interested?"
I thought it was kind of mysterious, but it wasn't like the local Taco Bell had made me sign a contract, so I agreed.
Mel and I worked out the time, and she wrote it down on the back of a business card. I looked at the card as she walked out and all it said on the front was, "H4H Inc." It said Melanie Griffin President, along with the address. That seemed a bit strange to me, but I tossed the card in my gym bag and headed for my dorm.
The next afternoon when my classes were over I drove down to the "Warren Suites" on the west side of Tampa. It was a tall office building with black glass windows. When I got inside and looked at the directory in the lobby, most of the building was full of wealthy people. You know Doctors, lawyers, investments, etc. I'm sure you know what I mean; you probably have the same kind of place in your town. Tampa seems to attract money, so it wasn't all that unusual as I punched the button on the elevator.
I rode the glass elevator up to the 14th floor and found the door marked, "H4H Inc." and went inside.
There was a cute girl around my age working behind an enormous mahogany desk.
"Can I help you?" She smiled at me.
"I'll let Mel know that you're here. Please have a seat."
I sat down on a leather chair and looked at the magazines. They didn't give away any clues as to what sort of business it was. Magazines like "People and Time," Neatly stacked on the expensive coffee table.
I noticed the girl checking me out occasionally as I waited. I considered asking her out but was interrupted when Mel came out of a big door.
"Hi Jason," she said, I'm glad you decided to show up."
I followed her into the biggest office I'd ever seen. It had a large, luxurious looking desk on one side. A large wet bar with several expensive leather chairs on the other. And damn, The back wall was all glass looking down on the city!
Mel motioned me to a chair in front of her desk and took off her suit coat. I had to admit the woman had some nice looking firm round tits barely held in check by her white blouse. They didn't look real, to round and perfect if you get my drift.
"I'm glad you came in Jason. It's so nice to see you again!"
"Thanks," I told her, "People usually just call me Jase."
"Okay Jase, let me explain what we do here at H4H."
I interrupted her, "What does that stand for?"
She gave me a big smile and sat back sticking her chest out, "It stands for Hunks for Hire. We supply men...dancers to private parties, events, etc."
I understood where she was going with that right away, "Male strippers like those Chip N Dale guys?"
"Exactly, but those guys keep their speedo's on. The guys that work for me have to take it all off."
She studied my face to see what my reaction would be.
I kept my composure, "And you want me to be a stripper?"
"Let's just say you have lots of potential. You are a tall, good Looking guy, with a buff body that women dream about."
I was sitting there wondering what it would be like to run around naked in front of a bunch of strange women. I guessed I could do it if I had a few beers, or the money was right.
"I'm not much of a dancer," I told her.
"Trust me these clients don't give a damn about your dancing skills. They want to get drunk, feel you up, and wish you were going to take them to bed."
"So you want to make me a male whore?" I asked, a little pissed by her insinuation.
"Oh please, spare me the drama. I'm offering you a chance to make a lot of easy money."
"I'm going to make money at the same time. I provide a service for my rich clients, who want their privacy protected. These women usually are rich and bored. They like to have some dirty fun and are willing to pay handsomely for it."
I pictured a bunch of ugly old grandma's yelling at me to take it off, "How much money are we talking about?"
"You get $500 guaranteed for each appearance. What you make in tips can easily exceed that amount. It depends on you at that point."
I asked her flat out, "Do I have to have sex with them?"
"That would be illegal, and I don't condone that kind of behavior," She replied, with a sly twist to her lips, "But, I'm sure it goes on from time to time. Of course, I wouldn't have any knowledge of such a thing, and as the owner of H4H, I tell all my employees that it's strictly forbidden! Some touching is going to happen, but sexual contact is against the rules. And in two years, I've never heard any complaints from my customers about inappropriate behavior."
I read between those lines as, "It's on you, but I expect my customer's to be happy with your performance."
"Good, now I'd like to take your measurements for our catalog if you're still interested, and a couple of photos."
Mel pushed a button on her intercom, "Tracy can you bring in the camera."
In a closet was one of those scales like a doctor's office. They got my height and weight and when I was done with that Tracy had a digital camera in her hand and an evil smile on her pretty face.
Mel led me over to the sofa, "You can get undressed here."
"Oh come on, this is a job where you run around naked in front of strangers. Are you so shy you can't strip for us?"
Tracy was grinning this time; I think she was enjoying how uncomfortable I was.
"If you've changed your mind now is the time to tell me," Mel said, both of them standing there waiting for me to strip down.
I stood up kicked off my tennis shoes and took off everything but my boxers.
"Those need to come off too," She pointed at my underwear, "We need to get a look at your package."
It felt weird taking my clothes off for them. It was usually me getting the girl naked, not the other way around!
I yanked them down and stepped out of them. Both ladies looked at my cock, and Tracy's eyes got big around.
"Very nice Jase, I think you're going to make us both a lot of money!" Mel told me, "Could you stand by the bar."
I stood by the bar as Tracy fumbled with the camera and took a front, side, and rear photo.
I felt like a piece of meat being inspected, but I guess that's what I was. The shoe was definitely on the other foot for the first time in my life.
"Do you have any performance problems?" Mel asked as Tracy put the camera back in its case.
"That's not what I mean," Mel said, "I mean does it work like it's supposed to?" She pointed at my cock.
I felt a flush on my cheeks, "Well yeah...I mean I haven't had any complaints!"
"Tracy, let's see if he's telling the truth."
Tracy had a huge grin on her face and walked right up to me and grabbed my dick.
"Jase, all kinds of women are going to grab your penis, ass, and anything else they want. You might as well get used to it right now."
"He needs to shave," Tracy said, looking down at my crotch as she began to stroke my dick.
I knew about shaving because I already shaved my body so my muscles would look better. I'd never shaved my pubic hair before and wondered what else I would have to do.
My dick didn't have that problem. It was getting big and hard as Tracy manipulated it like an expert. She kept looking down at it and seemed to be enjoying it immensely.
"Are you a minute man?" Mel asked watching my cock as Tracy teased my knob with her fingertip.
"Do you cum right away or can you hold it for a while?"
"I never really thought about it," I replied, and was really starting to enjoy the dick massage I was receiving.
"I can give you some pills to help with that." Mel remarked, "Can't have you shooting your load the first time several women start playing with you."
My mind was getting totally blown away by that point. I was being discussed like a copy machine or something. I had a raging hard cock, and it desperately needed more attention.
"That will be all Tracy," Mel said,
Tracy reluctantly let go of my cock and mumbled something as she went out the door.
"Jase have a seat on the couch over there."
I felt like a fool walking over to it with my cock standing straight out swaying back and forth in front of me. I sat down, and Mel came over in front of me, "You have anything against older women?" She asked, and pulled her blouse out of her skirt.
"We'll let me be the judge of that."
I watched in amazement as she unbuttoned her blouse and tossed it next to me. She undid the front clasp on her bra, and it came off quickly. She had the best set of boobs money could buy, but I wasn't complaining as she pushed my legs apart and got on her knees.
Mel took hold of my cock, bent down and licked the knob a few times before she took it in her mouth and started giving me head.
The woman was no beginner, and I was gritting my teeth as she worked me over like a pro! I was thinking this was the best job interview I'd ever had as she bobbed up and down on my cock.
Mel had my cock nice and soaking wet with saliva when she stopped, and then crawled up on her knees over my lap. Her beautiful big boobs were practically in my face. Mel gave me a big smile, reached up under her skirt and aimed my cock straight up.
I felt bare wet pussy instead of panties as she rubbed my knob between her folds and then sat down and let it slide into her.
"Suck my nips." She told me and sank lower, taking half of my shaft up her steamy hot cunt. I couldn't believe it as she began to fuck me and put a nipple to my mouth. I sucked it, and she let out a little hiss of air and took more of my cock up inside.
In a few more strokes I felt her juice running down my shaft and tickling my balls. Then she sat all the way down on my cock and wiggled her hips forward and back, "Feels like about nine inches, nice and thick too!"
"Eight and 3/4s," I told her and squeezed both of her perfect boobs with my hands.
Mel laughed, "I haven't met a man yet, who didn't measure how big his dick is. MMmmm... And yours feels just about perfect Jase."
Mel got serious then and started to buck up and down on me, and it was all I could do not to shoot off right away. I mean the whole thing was so absurd! Not to mention the woman really knew how to fuck!
"I couldn't let you go home with it sticking out of your pants now could I?" She hissed and then moaned as she rode me a bit faster.
At that point, I really didn't care about anything but shooting my load deep in her hot juicy snatch!
"Are you going to cum for me, baby?" She whispered, "Oh mommy wants you to cum in her hot pussy...Mmmmm...You're going to make mommy cum!"
I can't say that any woman had ever told me that before. But like I said her pussy felt wonderful sliding up and down on my dick. I put my hands up under her skirt and grabbed her bare hips, pulling her down on my cock as I thrust upwards as hard as I could.
"Oh YEAH! OH YES baby give it to ME!" Mel yelled, as our bodies slapped together, "Give it to me Jase! Ooooh FUCK YESSSS!"
Mel started to cum, and I felt her pussy tighten up around my cock. I let out a grunt as my load began to spurt up inside of her. I came more than usual as her vagina pulsed and gripped my jerking dick with practiced ease.
She came to a rest in my lap, with my cock buried to the hilt. "You're going to make so much money you won't believe it." She told me and kissed me on the lips. I felt her pussy squeeze my cock a couple more times and then she got off me.
"There's a bathroom over there if you want to get cleaned up." She told me and picked up her bra and blouse and went off to another small restroom behind the bar. I got up and used it because my crotch was a mess of cum and juice. When I was almost dressed, Mel showed up looking like nothing had happened.
"I'll be sending you some information, give your email address to Tracy on the way out."
I guessed that I'd been dismissed and went out the door. Tracy was giving me this look as I gave her my email address. When we finished, she slid a scrap of paper to me.
I picked it up, and it was a phone number, "Call me sometime!" Tracy said, and then answered a ringing phone.
I left wondering what the hell I had gotten myself into. I was young and didn't care all that much, who wouldn't want to make money having their cock sucked?
A few days later I received an email from H4H with a bunch of rules. I think it was mainly to protect them from the employees getting caught having sex at these gigs they put on. I didn't care as long as I made some fast money...free and clear.
I could even wear a costume as long as it came off quickly. I mulled over that one for a bit because that seemed like a good idea. It was a big city, but I didn't want to take a chance on someone recognizing me while I was "dancing."
I started looking at costumes online and when I saw it...it was perfect!
I found a Spider-Man underwear costume online. It had a man's speedo type brief that barely covered your package. It came with long gloves and a top piece that left your chest bare. But the best part for me was it had the mask. The eyes had lenses and no mouth opening. I could cover my whole head, and nobody would recognize me.
The next day I drove down to a local costume place and bought one. It was a good thing because I had my first gig that following Friday night.
On Friday I met up with three other guys outside of the "Eaton Estates" hotel and spa. It was me, Jackson a black dude, Johnny, and Fletcher.
"First-time bro?" Jackson asked me.
Jackson laughed, "You give the ladies the dick man!"
"Yeah, just flash it and cash it!" Johnny added, "These drunks will pull your dick off and keep it if you ain't careful."
I put on my Spider-Man suit and felt like a fool.
"Better take one of these, my man," Jackson said handing me a little white capsule.
"Half Viagra and half desensitizer," He told me, "You can fuck all night with one of these bad boys!"
I swallowed it dry, and it didn't want to go down. Jackson handed me a beer and after that, the night was kind of foggy. I wasn't much of a drinking man, and the combination was enough. I didn't really give a fuck by the time the show started.
I remember going into this conference room where it was packed with older women of all shapes and sizes. Loud music played, and we ran around the room getting tips shoved in our tiny underwear. Women were rubbing my package, ass, and flashing me their tits.
It got crazier as the women cheered each other on and got themselves worked up into a frenzy. They pulled my little undies down and played with my dick.
It sprung up from that pill and stayed that way for the whole hour we ran around collecting cash. I think at least twenty different women sucked my cock that night. It was really all a blur but a fun blur I have to admit!
Some ladies would suck it for a few seconds, and there were some who didn't want to let it go!
I had women opening their tops to show me boobs while they sucked on my dick. I saw Jackson acting like he was fucking, pumping his big black cock back and forth in a woman's mouth. He had one foot up on her chair and was pushing her head down on his cock.
I learned from that and did the same thing. Cash was being stuffed inside of this bag I had tied around my neck. I think it was for kids to keep jacks in, but it worked perfectly for stuffing with money.
That pill really worked, I was having a good time and didn't feel like I was going to cum for a long time. Everything has its limits, and towards the end of the hour, this big breasted woman was sucking my dick while another one was licking my balls.
All of a sudden I shot several huge spurts of cum and the woman looked surprised at first, and then swallowed it and licked my knob clean, while her friends cheered that she'd got me off.
She gave me a big wad of cash along with her phone number. I stuffed it in my purse thing and ran off as the show ended. I was exhausted, and Jackson told me, "Not bad for a rookie...you make some bank?"
I couldn't get all that cash out it my little bag was so packed. When I got home and got that sweaty money out to dry. I had almost $800 dollars, plus the $5oo that I got from Melanie. Not bad for an hour's work!
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