Spice mix

Spice mix

Spice mix

Spice mix

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Mixed spice, which is sometimes called pudding spice, is easy to make, helps you guarantee freshness, and makes baking more convenient. However, there are other spice mixes that may also be called mixed spice, and you can make many of these at home as well. Ingredients 1 tablespoon 6 g ground allspice or whole berries. Grate them with a microplane grater. While effective for grinding, a microplane grater is better for very small quantities of spices, such as when you want to grate fresh cinnamon on a hot drink. To use a microplane grater, hold the grater by the handle in one hand. Carefully run your whole spice back and forth on the grater edges. Be very careful not to grate your fingers. Because a microplane grater requires you to get your fingers so close to the grating edge, it works best with large whole spices like nutmeg and cinnamon sticks. Pound them with a pestle and mortar. A pestle and mortar is another manual way to grind spices. Because the bowl allows you to grind more spices at once, a pestle and mortar is great for about a quarter-cup of spices at a time. To grind with a pestle and mortar, place the spices into the mortar the bowl. Use the pestle to grind the spices into the bottom of the mortar. You can also spin the pestle around in the mortar until you achieve the desired grind. A pestle and mortar can also be used for spreads like pesto and curry pastes. Use a spice grinder. A spice grinder is a small electronic device that has a large cup with a blade inside. When you put in the spices and push down on the lid, the blade spins and grinds the spices. These are simple to use and very effective, especially for larger quantities of spices. To use a spice grinder, simply place your spices into the basin or cup. Put on the lid and push down for about 30 seconds. Remove the lid and check for large pieces of spice. Grind for another 30 seconds if necessary. To clean this device, empty out all the ground spices and add in several grains of rice. Grind the rice to remove any large spice pieces and sweep up leftover spice dust. Dump out the rice and wipe the inside clean with a paper towel. Try a coffee grinder. A basic coffee grinder is essentially the same thing as a spice grinder. The reason the two are differentiated is because spices and coffee both have very powerful and unique flavors. Using a coffee grinder will make your spices taste like coffee and your coffee taste like spices, and vice versa. Dump out the coffee dust and wipe the grinder with a paper towel. Add and grind your spices. Pour them out and run more rice through the grinder before wiping it out with a clean paper towel to make it suitable for coffee again. Gather your ingredients and supplies. You can start with either whole or ground spices to make mixed spice. Pre-ground spices are more convenient, but grinding your own whole spices will result in a fresher spice mix. To grind your own spices, you can use a spice grinder, pestle and mortar, or coffee grinder. Grind, measure, and blend the spices. For spices that are already ground, simply measure out the correct quantity and transfer it to your jar. For whole spices, grind each spice individually, then transfer it to a small bowl. Measure the ground spice to ensure you have the right quantity, and add it to the jar. When all the spices have been added, stir the mix with a spoon. For a teaspoon of coriander, start with a little less than a teaspoon of seeds. Store the mixed spice properly. To keep your spice mix fresh for as long as possible, store it in a cool, dark place. Light and air will degrade the spices, so keep the mix in a pantry or cupboard. Ground spices that are stored properly will stay fresh for about a year. Add it to baked goods. In British cooking, mixed spice is traditionally used in sweet baking, dessert dishes, and a few savory baked goods. When you use mixed spice in baked goods, a recipe will generally call for about a tablespoon of the mix. Common goodies you can use mixed spice in include: Sprinkle it on fruit. The spices in mixed spice are ideal for pairings with sweet foods like fruit. Mixed spice can also be whipped into yogurt or whipped cream toppings that are used on fruit dishes. Add it to a smoothie. Similarly, mixed spice is also a wonderful addition to fruit smoothies and juices. Top your hot beverages. Mixed spice contains all the spices that are associated with winter holidays, so it makes a great topping for cool-weather drinks like coffee, hot chocolate, and warm apple cider. Blend your own curry powder. Curry is a spice blend that originated in India. It is popular around the world, and is commonly found in meat, vegetable, and fish dishes. There are many regional varieties of curry, and you can experiment with different spices to customize a blend. To make a basic curry spice, combine: Make Chinese five spice. This is a basic blend of five common spices that are often used in Chinese and Asian cuisine. Most grocery stores carry this blend, but you can also make and tailor your own mix. To make your own blend, grind together: Create your own herbes de Provence. This is a blend of dried herbs that originated in the Provence region of France. To make this blend, combine: Try homemade chili powder. Chili powder can be used in a wide variety of dishes, especially meat and vegetable ones. Chili powder blends vary based on region, but a basic blend consists of: Is there a mixed spice without cinnamon? Store bought mixed spice will contain cinnamon. Not Helpful 1 Helpful 1. Allspice, unlike mixed spice, comes from only one ingredient: Can I use Allspice instead of mixed spice? Allspice comes from a dried berry and has more of a peppery taste than mixed spice. How can I make a ready-made seasonings similar to Maggi Magic Sarap? This mix is actually very similar to a chicken soup base or bouillon. Not Helpful 1 Helpful 0. Can you make mixed spice without coriander? Yes, you can omit the coriander. If you do want to replace the coriander, use cardamom in instead. Can I leave out the ginger in the mixed spice? If making it yourself, you can make any removals or substitutions you want to. You will probably miss it if you try to make mixed spice without it. Not Helpful 2 Helpful 0. Already answered Not a question Bad question Other. Did you try these steps? Upload a picture for other readers to see. Tell us more about it? Click here to share your story. Spice Mixes In other languages: Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read , times. Did this article help you? Cookies make wikiHow better. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our cookie policy. AB Angela Braconi Oct Using a coffee grinder was a great idea, and the recipes for the spices was so helpful, now I know what I am doing. PP Pamela Pinnaro Mar Now I can bake. MP Margot Petersen Sep 19, I had all the ingredients, though, to make it myself once I knew how. RT Ros Thomason Jun 27, I was happy to see I did. GW Gina Watson Jun 2. I love that I can make it at home. More success stories All success stories Hide success stories. All text shared under a Creative Commons License. Help answer questions Start your very own article today.

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