Spice Girls — Википедия

Spice Girls — Википедия

Spice Girls — Википедия

Spice Girls — Википедия



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Spice Girls — Википедия

Spice Girls — Википедия

24 года спустя: как изменились солистки Spice Girls

Spice Girls — Википедия

Spice Girls: как сложились судьбы Джери Холлиуэлл, Мел Би и других «перчинок»

Spice Girls — Википедия

Конечно, говорить о том, что экс-солистки начнут гастролировать по миру, пока рано. Но при благоприятном стечении обстоятельств на всевозможных телешоу они точно должны появиться. Тем более за это каждой из них заплатят… 10 миллионов долларов! История создания группы Spice Girls до сих пор удивляет, как и ее молниеносная популярность. Возможно, все дело в том, что все четыре солистки были приняты в коллектив практически с улицы. То есть до того, как подписать контракт продюсеров, они были обычными девчонками без связей и престижного образования…. На предложение откликнулись более британок. Летом года девушки записали первый сингл Wannabe, а уже осенью представили сольный альбом. Дальше их ждали слава, гастроли и всевозможные музыкальные награды. Однако в году коллектив начал распадаться. Первой ушла Джерри. Потом каждая из участниц также начала заниматься сольными проектами. Только в м и м все четыре солистки снова воссоединились ради совместного тура. В м появились слухи о концерте Spice Girls в честь летия группы. Однако этого не произошло. Виктория Бекхэм и Мелани Си отказались в нем участвовать. Инсайдеры уверяли, что тогда звезд не устроило денежное вознаграждение за незапланированный выход на сцену. К тому же в это время у каждой из них была своя жизнь…. Рассказываем, как сложилась жизнь каждой солистки Spice Girls. А также сравниваем их фотографии на пике популярности и в последние годы. Эмма с детства мечтала стать известной певицей, хотя никаких предпосылок к этому не было. Она родилась в небольшом районе на севере Лондона, ее отец был молочником, а мать тренером по карате. На кастинг Spice Girls Бантон, по собственному признанию, пришла из любопытства. Девушка не рассчитывала на победу. Однако продюсеры разглядели в ней талант и приняли в группу. Она была самой младшей в коллективе, за что получила псевдоним Бейби-Спайс Baby Spice. Всю карьеру в группе она не изменяла имиджу миловидной девушки — носила короткие платья пастельных оттенков преимущественно розовых и собирала свои белокурые волосы в два хвоста. После распада группы Эмма начала сольную карьеру певицы: выпустила три альбома и 11 клипов. Правда, в м она оставила попытки стать мировой пивицей, представив последнее видео All I Need to Know. Зато у Бейби-Спайс получилось сделать карьеру диджея. С года она работает на одной из британских радиостанций. Также она часто становится ведущей всевозможных ток-шоу. В личной жизни Эмме тоже повезло. Ее отношения с певцом Джейдом Джонсом, с которым она начала встречаться еще в году, переросли в брак. У супругов два сына — летний Бо и 6-летний Тэйт. Виктория, которая до замужества за футболистом Дэвидом Бекхэмом носила фамилию Адамс, родилась в довольно обеспеченной, но далекой от шоу-бизнеса семье. Ее отец был инженером-электронщиком, а также владельцем собственного бизнеса, а мама — домохозяйкой. С раннего детства в девочке никто души не чаял, а ее желание стать популярной артисткой было беспрекословно одобрено. В 17 лет она поступила в престижный колледж искусств, а также пела в малоизвестной группе Persuasion. В общем, до того, как попасть в Spice Girls, за ее плечами уже был неплохой опыт выступления на сцене. В группе Spice Girls Виктории за умение преподнести себя и безупречный вкус дали псевдоним Posh Spice. Правда, за время карьеры она часто меняла имидж. Поклонники видели ее и с идеально прямыми каштановыми волосами до плеч, и брюнеткой с короткой стрижкой, и даже блондинкой с каре. Также Бекхэм то худела, то опять поправлялась, а еще сделала несколько пластических операций. Правда, не все оказались удачными. Только к году, то есть к распаду проекта, Вики наконец-то нашла себя. Причем удачно: вот уже несколько лет она считается главной иконой стиля Британии. К тому же ее сольная певческая карьера не сложилась она выпустила только один альбом , и она посвятила себя моде. Вот уже несколько лет она выпускает одежду и аксессуары под собственным именем. Семейная жизнь Виктории тоже сложилась удачно. Уже 18 лет она состоит в браке с Дэвидом Бекхэмом и воспитывает четверых детей: летнего Бруклина, летнего Ромео, летнего Круза и 6-летнюю Харпер. Джерри имеет интересное происхождение — ее отец является наполовину англичанином, наполовину шведом, а мать — испанкой. Она росла в среднеобеспеченной семье и ходила в школу для девочек. До прихода на Spice Girls Холлиуэлл работала танцовщицей в клубе, фотомоделью и ведущей на одном из турецких каналов. На кастинг группы она пришла в самый последний момент, но из-за яркой внешности была замечена и дошла до финала. В коллективе Spice Girls Холлиуэлл из-за огненно-рыжего оттенка волос получила псевдоним Джинджер-Спайс. Правда, чаще всего ее называли Секси-Спайс, поскольку она всегда носила декольте и мини. Да и в целом в группе она считалась лидером. Причем не только из-за образа. Джерри принимала участие в написании синглов и ставила танцы. Кроме того, она стала первой девушкой, покинувшей проект ради сольного проекта. В настоящее время на счету Холлиуэлл три альбома последний вышел в году и 12 клипов. Кстати, начав петь сольно, Холлиуэлл кардинально сменила имидж. Сначала она перекрасилась в блондинку и сделала каре, а потом сильно похудела. Причем в один момент певица диетами и тренировками довела себя до анорексии и некоторое время провела в больнице. Помимо певческой карьеры Джерри пробует себя и в писательской деятельности. Она выпустила книгу о красоте и здоровье, а также несколько детских книг. Первое время личная жизнь Джинджер-Спайс не складывалась. В году она встречалась со сценаристом Сашей Джервази, но отношения не сложились. В году Джерри родила от бывшего любовника дочь Блюбелл, крестными родителями которой стали Эмма Бантон и Виктория Бекхэм. После неудачного романа Холлиуэлл долгое время считалась матерью-одиночкой. В м у пары родился сын Монтагю. Сейчас она наконец-то счастлива и часто делится счастливыми семейными кадрами в микроблоге. Мелани Чисхолм мечтала о карьере певицы задолго до того, как увидела объявление о кастинге в Spice Girls. Зато, представ перед продюсерами, за ее спиной были три года обучения в колледже танца, музыки и театрального мастерства. В группе ее имя сократили до Мелани Си или Мел Си. Также из-за стального пресса она получила псевдоним Спорти-Спайс. И для того, чтобы соответствовать сценическому имиджу, девушка всегда носила спортивную одежду и кроссовки. Кроме того, Чисхолм стала первой из участниц, начавшей сольную карьеру. И для этого ей не пришлось уходить из проекта. Первый альбом вне группы она записала еще в году. А в настоящее время на ее счету семь альбомов и плотный гастрольный график. Успевает Мелани и принимать участие во всевозможных ток-шоу. Правда, она все же больше известна на родине, в Великобритании, чем во всем мире, как, скажем, та же Виктория Бекхэм. О ее личной жизни можно писать книги. Но долгие серьезные отношения Чисхолм связывали лишь с Томасом Старром. От него в году она родила дочь Скарлет, которую в настоящий момент воспитывает одна. Мелани Браун начала проявлять таланты с раннего детства. И популярной стала не случайно. Будучи одной из лучших студенток музыкальной школы, продюсерам Spice Girls ее порекомендовал один из педагогов. При этом кастинг она проходила наравне со всеми девушками. Как и Мелани Си, она начала делать сольную карьеру, не уходя из проекта. А когда коллектив распался, записывала хиты с перерывами. Сейчас у нее только два альбома, но она планирует выпустить третий. Зато Браун успела выпустить биографию и принять участие в нескольких ток-шоу. Также с года она эмигрировала из Великобритании в США, где проживает до сих пор. Браун была замужем дважды. Ее первым супругом был танцор Джимми Гулзар, от которого осталась дочь Финикс. Сейчас ей 18 лет. Второй муж Мелани — кинопродюсер Стефен Белафонте. От него она воспитывает 6-летнюю дочь Мэдисон. Кроме того, от отношений с актером Эдди Мерфи у певицы есть третья дочь — летняя Эйнджел Айрис. Выбор редакции. Фото: Getty Images. К тому же в это время у каждой из них была своя жизнь… Рассказываем, как сложилась жизнь каждой солистки Spice Girls. Эмма Бантон. Внешне Бантон практически не изменилась. Разве что стала худее и взрослее. Виктория Бекхэм Виктория Адамс. Фото Getty Images. Джерри Холлиуэлл. Мел Си Мелани Чисхолм. Мел Би Мелани Браун. Материалы по теме За воссоединение со Spice Girls Бекхэм получит 10 млн долларов Маркл на заметку: 7 нерушимых правил королевского этикета. Комментарии 4. Гость Войти или зарегистрироваться. Отправить под именем. Топ Все комментарии Показать сначала Новые Старые. Сначала новые Сначала старые. Гость Все красотки, чудесно выглядят! Ответить Пожаловаться. Когда был школьником был влюблен в Джери Холивел, и сейчас она шикарно выглядит! Британки конечно очень страшные. Подписка на рассылку Подписаться.

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Spice Girls — Википедия

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The Spice Girls are an English pop girl group formed in They were signed to Virgin Records and released their debut single ' Wannabe ' in ; it hit number one in 37 countries \\\\\\[1\\\\\\] \\\\\\[2\\\\\\] and commenced their global success. Their debut album Spice sold more than 31 million copies worldwide, becoming the best-selling album by a female group in history. In , Top of the Pops magazine gave each member of the group aliases , which were adopted by the group and media. In the mids, relatives Bob and Chris Herbert of Heart Management decided to create a girl group to compete with popular boy bands , such as Take That and East 17 , which dominated the pop music scene at the time. After several weeks of deliberation, Victoria Adams , Melanie Brown , Melanie Chisholm , and Michelle Stephenson were among 12 women chosen to a second round of auditions in April; Geri Halliwell also attended the second audition, despite missing the first. A week after the second audition, the women were asked to attend a recall at Nomis Studios in Shepherds Bush , performing ' Signed, Sealed, Delivered ' on their own and in a group. During the session, Adams, Brown, Chisholm, Halliwell and Stephenson were selected for a band initially named 'Touch'. According to Stephenson, the material the group was given was 'very, very young pop'; \\\\\\[23\\\\\\] one of the songs they recorded, 'Sugar and Spice', would be the source of their final band name. They also worked on various dance routines at the Trinity Studios in Knaphill , near Woking , Surrey. A few months into the training period, Stephenson was fired from the group and replaced with Emma Bunton. The group felt insecure about the lack of a contract and was frustrated by the direction in which Heart Management was steering them. In October , armed with a catalogue of demos and dance routines, they began touring management agencies. To ensure they kept control of their own work, they allegedly stole the master recordings of their discography from the management offices. They were introduced to record producers Absolute , who in turn brought them to the attention of Simon Fuller of 19 Entertainment , who signed them to his company in March During the summer of that year, the group toured record labels in London and Los Angeles with Fuller, signing a deal with Virgin Records in September Their name was changed to Spice Girls, as a rapper was already using the name 'Spice'. In the weeks leading up to the release, the music video for 'Wannabe' directed by Swedish commercials director Johan Camitz and shot in April at the entrance and main staircase of the St. The first music press interview appeared in Music Week. His piece recognised that the Spice Girls were about to institute a change in the charts away from Britpop and towards out-and-out pop. The song proved to be a global hit, hitting number one in 37 countries, including four weeks atop the Billboard Hot in the US, and becoming not only the biggest selling debut single by an all-female group but also the biggest-selling single by an all-female group of all time. In December '2 Become 1' was released, becoming their first Christmas number-one and selling , copies in its first week, \\\\\\[32\\\\\\] making it the fastest selling single of the year. The success was unprecedented and drew comparisons to Beatlemania , \\\\\\[12\\\\\\] leading the press to dub it 'Spice mania' \\\\\\[34\\\\\\] \\\\\\[35\\\\\\] \\\\\\[36\\\\\\] \\\\\\[37\\\\\\] and the group the 'Fab Five'. That same month the Spice Girls attracted a crowd of , when they switched on the Christmas lights in Oxford Street , London. At the time, this was the highest-ever debut by a non-American act, beating the previous record held by the Beatles for ' I Want to Hold Your Hand ' and the joint highest entry for a debut act beating Alanis Morissette with ' Ironic '. It sold out its initial print run of , copies within a day, and was eventually translated into more than 20 languages. The group also performed their first live British show, for the Royalty of Great Britain. In June , Spice World began filming and wrapped in August. That same month, Simon Fuller took the Spice Girls east to perform their first live major concert to 40, fans in Istanbul , Turkey. In November, the Spice Girls released their second album, Spiceworld. The album was a global best seller. It set a new record for the fastest-selling album when it shipped seven million copies over the course of two weeks. Gaining favourable reviews, \\\\\\[51\\\\\\] the album went on to sell over 10 million copies in Europe, \\\\\\[62\\\\\\] Canada, \\\\\\[63\\\\\\] and the United States \\\\\\[47\\\\\\] combined, and 20 million copies worldwide. The group was criticised for the number of sponsorship deals signed \\\\\\[65\\\\\\] —over twenty in total—and they began to witness diminishing international chart positions. Nevertheless, the Spice Girls remained the biggest-selling pop group of both and Many commentators speculated that Fuller had been the true mastermind behind the group, and that this was the moment when the band lost their impetus and direction. In early , the Spice Girls embarked on the Spiceworld world tour covering Europe and North America, starting in Dublin , Ireland on 24 February before moving to mainland Europe, and then returning to Britain for two gigs at Wembley Arena. On 31 May , Halliwell announced her departure from the Spice Girls through her solicitor. Rumours of a power struggle with Brown as the reason for her departure were circulated by the press. AWS , a manufacturer of motorcycles and scooters. On 9 March , Halliwell informed the other members of the group of her intention to withdraw from the group, yet the girls signed an agreement with AWS on 24 March and again on 30 April and participated in a commercial photo shoot on 4 May in Milan, eventually concluding a contract with AWS on 6 May The Court of Appeal of England and Wales held that their conduct constituted a misrepresentation by giving the impression that Halliwell intended to remain part of the group in the foreseeable future, allowing AWS to rescind their contract with the Spice Girls. This is now the leading case in English law on misrepresentation by conduct. While on tour in the United-States, the group continued to record new material and released a new song, ' Goodbye ', before Christmas in The song was seen as a tribute to Geri Halliwell, and when it topped the UK Singles Chart it became their third consecutive Christmas number-one — equalling the record previously set by the Beatles. She gave birth to daughter Phoenix Chi in February Later that year, she married Beckham in a highly publicised wedding in Ireland. The Spice Girls returned to the studio in August , after an eight-month recording break to start work on their third and last studio album. In December they performed live for a UK-only tour, Christmas in Spiceworld , in London and Manchester, also showcasing new songs from the third album. Despite being at the event, Halliwell did not join her former bandmates on stage. In the US, the album peaked at number thirty-nine on the Billboard albums chart. On 28 June , the group held a press conference at The O2 Arena revealing their intention to reunite. On the first concert in Canada, they performed to an audience of 15, people, singing twenty songs and changing a total of eight times. The album peaked at number two on the UK Albums Chart. On 1 February , it was announced that due to personal and family commitments their tour would come to an end in Toronto on 26 February , meaning that tour dates in Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Sydney, Cape Town and Buenos Aires were cancelled. Bunton was there to collect the award. The group later won the award which was received by Halliwell and Brown. Two years later, in June , the group reunited for the first time in four years for the press conference in London to promote the launch of Viva Forever! Pancras Renaissance London Hotel , the location where the group filmed the music video for 'Wannabe', sixteen years earlier, to the day. On 8 July , Brown, Bunton, and Halliwell released a video celebrating the 20th anniversary of their first single 'Wannabe', alongside a website under the name 'The Spice Girls - GEM' and teased news from them as a three-piece. Beckham declined to join due to commitments regarding her fashion business. Men , in order to create many derivative products such as books, cups, bags and coasters. The project will be produced by Simon Fuller, with Karen McCullah and Kiwi Smith writing the screenplay, and will feature both previous and original songs. A director has not yet been announced. The modern pop phenomenon that the Spice Girls created by targeting early members of Generation Y was credited with changing the global music landscape, \\\\\\[\\\\\\] \\\\\\[\\\\\\] \\\\\\[\\\\\\] bringing about the global wave of late s and early s teen pop acts such as Hanson , Britney Spears , Christina Aguilera and NSYNC. The Spice Girls have also been credited with paving the way for the girl groups and female pop singers that have come after them. The phrase ' girl power ' put a name to a social phenomenon, but the slogan was met with mixed reactions. This concept was by no means original in the pop world: both Madonna and Bananarama had employed similar outlooks. Thatcher was the first Spice Girl, the pioneer of our ideology. However, it was not until the emergence of the Spice Girls in with 'Wannabe', that the concept of 'girl power' exploded onto the common consciousness. Its message of empowerment appealed to young girls, adolescents and adult women, \\\\\\[\\\\\\] \\\\\\[\\\\\\] and it emphasised the importance of strong and loyal friendship among females. Make it last forever; friendship never ends. In all, the focused, consistent presentation of 'girl power' formed the centrepiece of their appeal as a band. The video, which was launched on YouTube and ran in movie theatres internationally, \\\\\\[\\\\\\] featured British girl group M. O , Canadian ' viral sensation ' Taylor Hatala, Nigerian-British singer Seyi Shay and Bollywood actress Jacqueline Fernandez lip-syncing to the song in various locations around the world. The term ' Cool Britannia ' became prominent in the media and represented the new political and social climate that was emerging with the advances made by New Labour and the new UK Prime Minister Tony Blair. Coming out of a period of 18 years of Conservative government, Tony Blair and New Labour were seen as young, cool, and appealing, a driving force in giving Britain a feeling of euphoria and optimism. Although by no means responsible for the onset of 'Cool Britannia', the arrival of the Spice Girls added to the new image and re-branding of Britain, and underlined the growing world popularity of British, rather than American, pop music. Their concept of each band member having a distinct style identity has been influential to later teen pop groups such as boy band One Direction. After the lunch, Loraine and his editorial staff decided to devise nicknames for each member of the group based on their personalities. In an interview with Music Week , Loraine explained that, 'In the magazine we used silly language and came up with nicknames all the time so it came naturally to give them names that would be used by the magazine and its readers; it was never meant to be adopted globally. Each Spice Girl had a unique, over-the-top style that served as an extension of her public persona, becoming her trademark look. In their one-off reunion at the Summer Olympics closing ceremony , the Spice Girls performed in updated high fashion versions of their signature outfits, \\\\\\[\\\\\\] after entering the Olympic Stadium in five black cabs which lit up with LEDs, each decorated with their individual trademark emblems Posh: sparkling black, Sporty: racing stripes , Scary: leopard print, Baby: pink and Ginger: the Union Jack Flag. At the height of 'Spice mania', the group were involved in a prolific marketing phenomenon. Throughout the American leg of their Spiceworld world tour , commercials were played on large concert screens before the shows and during intermissions. It was the first time advertising had been used in pop concerts and was met with mixed reactions in the music industry. The mainstream media embraced the Spice Girls at the peak of their success. The group received regular international press coverage and were constantly followed by paparazzi. There is lineage from them to the Kardashianisation not only of the music industry, but the wider culture. The Spice Girls have been labelled the biggest pop phenomenon of the s \\\\\\[18\\\\\\] \\\\\\[20\\\\\\] due to their international record sales, iconic symbolism and ' omnipresence ' in the late s. The dress has achieved iconic status, becoming one of the most prominent symbols of s pop culture. Some sources, especially those in the United Kingdom, regard the Spice Girls as gay icons. In , a study conducted by the British Council found that the Spice Girls were the second-best-known Britons internationally—only behind then-Prime Minister Tony Blair —and the best-known Britons in Asia. This is one of the greatest moments in my life' \\\\\\[\\\\\\] in an encounter organised by Prince Charles, who said, 'It is the second greatest moment in my life, the first time I met them was the greatest'. Victoria Adams started dating football player David Beckham in after they had met at a charity football match. In June , the group began filming their movie debut with director Bob Spiers. Grant , Elvis Costello , and Meat Loaf. The Spice Girls have starred in several television specials, documentaries and commercials since their debut in They have hosted various television specials. Live in Istanbul , \\\\\\[\\\\\\] Spiceworld Tour \\\\\\[\\\\\\] and Christmas in Spiceworld tours were also broadcast in various countries. The Spice Girls have released at least seven official behind-the-scenes television documentaries, including two tour documentaries and two making-of documentaries for their film Spice World. They have also been the subject of a number of unofficial documentaries, commissioned and produced by individuals independent of the group. The Spice Girls have appeared and performed in numerous television shows and events. Men , creating many derivative products such as books, cups, bags and coasters. In conjunction with the beginning of the Spice World — Tour , the Spice Girls launched an advertising campaign with Walkers potato crisps who they had previously worked with in the s. They have sold 85 million records worldwide, \\\\\\[6\\\\\\] \\\\\\[8\\\\\\] achieving certified sales of 13 million albums in Europe, \\\\\\[45\\\\\\] 14 million records in the US \\\\\\[47\\\\\\] and 2. They are also the first British band since The Rolling Stones in to have two top-ten albums in the US Billboard albums chart at the same time Spice and Spiceworld. The group had three consecutive Christmas number-one singles in the UK ' 2 Become 1 ', ; ' Too Much ', ; ' Goodbye ', ; they only share this record with The Beatles. Spice is the 18th biggest-selling album of all time in the UK with over 3 million copies sold, and topped the charts for 15 non-consecutive weeks, the most by a female group in the UK. Their run was broken by 'Stop', which peaked at number two in March Spiceworld: The Movie topped the UK video charts on its first week of release, selling over 55, copies on its first day in stores and , copies in the first week. The video starts with the Sugar Lumps as schoolgirls who really want to become pop stars like the Spice Girls, and ends with them joining the group on stage, while dancing and lip-syncing the song ' Who Do You Think You Are '. Parodies of the Spice Girls have also appeared in major advertising campaigns. In , Jack in the Box , an American fast-food chain restaurant, sought to capitalise on 'Spice mania' in America by launching a national television campaign using a fictional girl group called the Spicy Crispy Chicks a take off of the Spice Girls to promote the new Spicy Crispy Sandwich. In , the term ' Spice Boys ' emerged in the British media as a term coined to characterise the 'pop star' antics and lifestyles off the pitch of a group of Liverpool F. A spokeswoman for the quartet said in response to the comparisons, 'In fact, they are much better looking than the Spice Girls. The Bond girls are proper musicians; they have paid their dues. London and Blackpool museums in \\\\\\[\\\\\\] and , \\\\\\[\\\\\\] and the Watford Colosseum in From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. British girl group. The Spice Girls performing during their penultimate reunion concert in Toronto , Ontario, in February L—R Melanie C. Pop dance-pop. Heart Management Ltd. Open audition. Danceworks, 16 Balderton Street. Friday 4th March. Please bring sheet music or backing cassette' \\\\\\[20\\\\\\]. Main article: Spice album. Spice Girls debut single 'Wannabe' is one of the best selling singles of all time, topping the charts in 37 countries and selling over 6 million copies Worldwide. Main article: Spiceworld album. Main article: Forever Spice Girls album. Main article: Girl power. Main article: Cool Britannia. Main article: Spice World film. Main article: Spice Girls filmography. Main article: Viva Forever! Main article: Spice Girls merchandise and sponsorship deals. Main article: List of awards and nominations received by Spice Girls. BBC News. Retrieved 18 September Spice Girls'. Retrieved 7 February The Prefab Five are back. Are you ready? The Times. Marie Claire. Retrieved 17 February The Independent. Retrieved 8 December Retrieved 28 November MTV News. Retrieved 23 June Retrieved 25 August Retrieved 15 April University of Cambridge. Archived from original on 28 April Retrieved 31 October Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved 29 October Rolling Stone. Retrieved 26 May Retrieved 8 August Retrieved 1 September Retrieved 16 March Spice Power: The Inside Story. Sinclair, p. Retrieved 12 February Omnibus Press. Music Week. April Retrieved 11 January Retrieved 21 March Macmillan Publishers. Official Charts Company. Retrieved 6 December Retrieved 20 October Retrieved 21 February New York Daily News. British Phonographic Industry. Retrieved 13 February Best-Selling Albums of All Time. UK Database, Spice sold 2. Archived from the original on 6 March US Spice Girls album sales. Recording Industry Association of America. Retrieved 2 October Spiceworld — Review. Retrieved 11 March Retrieved 24 September Retrieved 3 February London: Zone Publishers. Retrieved 10 March Canadian Recording Industry Association. Retrieved 6 June The Spice Girls Biography. Archived from the original on 18 July Retrieved 17 August PR Newswire. Retrieved 18 February Retrieved 25 March The British Broadcasting Corporation. Retrieved 17 November Retrieved 10 February Retrieved 14 March Contract Law — Text, Cases, Materials, 4th edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Retrieved 22 December Retrieved 19 December Retrieved 26 August December The Guardian. Retrieved 30 March Retrieved 7 December Nottingham Post. Archived from the original on 9 April Retrieved 5 January Retrieved 21 November Archived from the original on 17 July Retrieved 28 June Herald Sun. Retrieved 30 December BBC Press Office. Retrieved 4 December Fans snap up Spice Girls tickets. Retrieved 14 October The Press Association. Retrieved 18 November ABC News. Spice Girls add new London dates. Archived from the original on 30 May Retrieved 15 December Spice Girls front Tesco advertising campaign. The Daily Telegraph. Yahoo News. Retrieved 5 December Retrieved 2 February Retrieved 22 May Retrieved 23 May Retrieved 22 February Archived from the original on 23 October Retrieved 25 June Archived from the original on 14 January Retrieved 8 July Retrieved 16 August Digital Spy. Retrieved 29 November Retrieved 29 June The Spice Girls agree to get back together for reunion in Turkish. Retrieved 27 July The Telegraph. Retrieved 31 August Retrieved 5 November Spice Girls officially announce reunion tour for '. 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Leicester Mercury. Guinness World Records. Vid Chart? Archived from the original on 12 December Time Warner Paperbacks. The Debrief. Retrieved 2 December Fusion Media Group. Archived from the original on 12 March La Vanguardia. Retrieved 15 March Cube Magazine. Retrieved 5 March TV Guide. Retrieved 5 May Yahoo TV. TV Spots and Commercial. Archived from the original on 13 January Retrieved 1 July TV Spots and Commercials. TV Spots. Jack in the Box Commercials Archive. Archived from the original on 3 January — via HighBeam Research. Archived from the original on 29 March Archived from the original on 15 May Retrieved 2 March Voice of America. The Washington Post. Daily Mirror. Liverpool Daily Post. Retrieved 14 April Archived from the original on 23 March Retrieved 20 March Londonderry Sentinel. Archived from the original on 7 April Liverpool Echo. Blackpool Gazette. The magic of girl power. Cyprus Mail. Mental Floss. Spice Girls. Spice Spiceworld Forever. Greatest Hits. Live in Istanbul Live at Wembley Stadium. Girl Power! Spice World Giving You Everything. Book Category. Emma Bunton. Live in Concert Free Me Tour Melanie C. Spice Girls Red Girl Records. Victoria Beckham. Mel B. Hot L. State of Mind. Geri Halliwell. Billboard Year-End number one albums. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. In other projects Wikimedia Commons Wikiquote. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Problems playing this file? See media help. Wikiquote has quotations related to: Spice Girls. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Spice Girls.

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