Sperm Ocean

Sperm Ocean


Sperm Ocean
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Biggest Ocean Carnivore: Sperm Whale
Physeter macrocephalus
Just like you and me, the sperm whale is born without teeth. They drink milk from their mother's mammary glands, just like baby people do. They finally grow teeth in their massive jaws when reaching sexual maturity. Sperm whales have strong conical (cone-shaped) teeth on their lower jaw and only remnants of teeth in the upper jaw. The largest teeth are 11 inches long! That's about as long as an adult human's forearm. Can you imagine? One tooth from the mouth of this massive creature is as big as your arm. Do you think he could eat you? It's not likely you'll find yourself being eaten by a sperm whale, they don't eat people. Their favorite food is giant and colossal squid.

Listen to the song of the sperm whale
It takes a lot of food to keep a big sperm whale happy - about a ton of food a day. Scientists have measured them diving down as deep as 3,000 meters and holding their breath for two hours to go after the squid that they love to eat so much. They also feed on other creatures, such as octopus and fish. But sperm whales have been the stuff of legends because of their massive size and predatory nature and because of the telltale markings left on their bodies by the giant squid they stalk and hunt in the great ocean depths. Scientists have recovered huge beaks from the stomachs of sperm whales that came from colossal squid that were bigger than any specimen ever captured by humans, dead or alive. These discoveries beg the question, " Just how big can a colossal squid get?"
This great ocean carnivore has been known to eat another great ocean carnivore - the great white shark ! So the sperm whale really is the baddest of them all!

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A massive, grey whale with a square head and a sharp set of conical teeth.
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“These massive mammals have square heads with long lower jaws and a bumpy dorsal fin. They can be seen diving in the depths of the Abyss year-round.

Although they don’t have teeth on their upper jaws, they have cone-shaped ones on their lower jaws. However, the squids and other creatures the whales feed on are usually eaten whole. The teeth are mainly used for fights between males and for bringing food to hungry calves.

Females take good care of their young, but when they dive in search of food, the calves remain close to the surface. To prevent anything from happening to them, females in the pod take turns diving so some can stay and protect the young. If a predator attacks, the calf retreats to the center of the group. This posture is known as the marguerite formation because of the way it resembles the marguerite chrysanthemum.”

"Its square head takes up almost one third of its body length and there are rows of large conical teeth in its lower jaw. The teeth in its upper jaw never erupt. As it eats its prey, usually squid , whole it needs no teeth to feed.

Their teeth may instead be used for fighting between males or bringing food back to calves."

"Calves live with their mothers, but they cannot dive as far, so when the mother goes down to find food, the calf stays at the surface. Females and calves live together in pods and females stagger their dives so that calves are not left alone and exposed to danger.

If an orca or other predator targets a calf, the females will close ranks and surround the calf to protect it.

This is sometimes called the 'marguerite formation' after the flower it resembles."

One can be seen in the Abyss and responds positively to the sea whistle. During the spring and fall and at night, it sometimes emerges from the Abyss and patrols the Deep Valley area, occasionally crossing paths with the Humpback Whale . 

One can be seen circling around the  Zahhab Region's   Open Sea  (replacing  its albino cousin , who is found there by day), and over the Twin Crevasses  at night. If it is the player's first time over the Crevasses at night, then a short cutscene will occur and show the whale emerging from one of the crevasses.

When the player first enters the depths during the main story, they encounter one in the  Northern Crevasse  and must lure it to scare away a giant squid. Afterwards the Sperm Whale can either be seen battling the Giant Squid  (which can be focused on), or swimming separately from it.

In addition, during the final part of the "Help Me!" quest, five of this species can be seen in the western Zahhab Region about to beach themselves, and must be pulsed before they do so.

It swims slowly, sometimes next to a Giant Squid , its natural prey. Its trivia is obtained by calling it with the Sea Whistle .

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