Sperm Inflation

Sperm Inflation


Sperm Inflation
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Normally you jerk off everyday but you've always wanted to give No Nut November a try so come the first of November you'll stop jerking off. You hope this won't make the month feel too long.

Day 1
When your usual JO time rolls around you play video games which feels weird since masterbating has become so intergrated into your daily routine, so much so that if you're at home at that time you just automatically become horny. But today you're able to distract yourself with video games.

Day 4
You've noticed that your underwear have felt a little bit tighter on your "area" and you've been staying horny longer after "that time" comes. So to count
(Warning, this story contains futa and cum inflation) This is just another rp I adapted into a story. I gave it a quick proofread to try to correct the tenses and adapted it a little to be a better story, so let me know what you think. --------------------- Ashley stares out the plane window, a hand cupped under her chin to rest her head on as she gazes blankly at slight sprinkle of rain outside. The sun is setting quickly, and it’s barely visible behind the clouds anyway; only the distant streetlights suggest any landscape beyond the runway. After what felt like an eternity, they finally take off up and into the night sky. Ashley buckles down and prepares for a boring several hours, keeping her gaze outside the window to feel less cooped up. Liss, Ashley’s… “friend”... Liss, stares lazily at whatever movie was playing on her screen, trying to stay awake long enough for their meal to be served. Liss glances over to Ashley occasionally, wondering how she isn’t bored to death just
Previously on Centaurus: Fey is finally able to empty her swollen melon-sized balls into an unknowing and innocent catgirl. Said Catgirl being forcibly upgraded from a size queen to a size empress.

Chapter 10:

A beam of light slowly crawled over Fey’s face. She desperately held onto sleep as the light sunk beams of wakefulness through her eyelids. The more she tried to remain asleep the more her own thoughts woke her however. With a groan she gave up and opened her eyes. The sun won, as always.

She blinked the crusty sleep from her eyelids and blearily squinted around. She was in the common room they had rented at the Slime’s B
Previously on Centaurus: The band complete their goblin slaying job and return to town. On the way there they find a bedraggled Kayla and Lily and after some discussion they are made apprentice adventurers to the band.

Now, Chapter 13:

Ellaria stepped into the Adventurers Guild and paused. An awful lot of people were looking at her, in fact, every adventurer who happened to be in the guild seemed to be looking her way. She narrowed her eyes.

“What are you looking at? Never seen an elf before?”

The adventurers hesitantly turned back to their drinks.

“Hmpph.” She strode toward the main desk but paused partway. Glanc
Previously on Centaurus: Ellaria brings a Dryad Soulomancer over to diagnose Fey. The Dryad wants to see an example and suddenly gives Vivi an aphrodisiac. Chaos ensues and one very cum filled fox girl.


“Holy fuck that's a lot of cum, you were really backed up huh,” said Flora.
“This! This is incredible! The amount of concentrated life stuffed into your friend, she is practically glowing!” said Solomon, her eyes locked onto the obscene mass that was Vivi.
“Tell me dryad, does this help in any way with telling what exactly is happening to Fey?” said Ellaria, looking up from where she was perched on th
Previously on Centaurus: Ellaria takes Fey to see a lady of the night in the hopes of draining her. They find their way into The Madame’s where Ellaria left Fey with a Catkin called Abby and went off with a drake to find her own relief.

-Chapter 9: The sloppy gaping ruination of a horny cat girl. (This is THE chapter my next CG/image sequence will be based on)

The heavy door slammed shut behind Fey, kicked closed by her back hooves.

Abby was ahead of her, her bare feet padding across the carpet, her eye catching hips swinging back and forth.

It took a moment for Fey to really pay attention to the room. Large, rich, and warm, with ma
Previously on Centaurus: The band, low on funds, decide to take a goblin hunting job. During the job Vivi in a fit of anger with Flora unleashes a number of slime monsters on her genitals. This ends with an evolved slime monster hiding out inside of Flora.

Fey’s legs wobbled as she gradually heaved herself up onto her hooves, the ground was soggy with her own juices and squished wetly underfoot. The slime monster had done a number on her and her pussy still trembled with the aftershocks, clenching at the air as her clit throbbed and pulsed.

“G-gods, I’ve never felt anything like that in me- like being milked and rutted for
Author’s note: CG set 2 is coming along nicely now, took a little longer to get the base set up than normal as I built out the environment in 3D to be accurate. This has my biggest cumflation scene I've ever done so I wanted to avoid any problems at the bigger cum belly size.

I’m doing a big focus on picture in picture stuff with this CG set, it will have a lot of: Xray penetrations, close up exterior shots of penetration, xray internal cum filling, xray of panties stretched over tip of dick, xray of cervix penetration. And then later an animation of loads of sperm inseminating the eggs possibly with an egg splitting animation an
The band spilled back out into the street as an angry guild mage slammed the front door.

“Well, it seems like you gotta stay as a sexy stallion sexy sex god. I’m sorry Fey, I’m devastated, just devastated,” said Flora with a level of smug sarcasm that could humble kings.

“No, she doesn't. That idiot mage gave us a clue, the soul. If nothing he had could see the problem then the problem is obviously coming from somewhere out of physical view.”

“Oh come on Ella, this is a lost cause, better she just learns to live with it.”

“What if it hurts her Flora, look at her.”

The centaur
Previously on Centaurus: The Soulomancer that Ellaria hired to diagnose Fey discovers that Fey’s soul is very very large and has been filled with something mysterious. While The band mull over their next move Fey has become distressed by her balls which have become even more swollen and desperate for release. Ellaria comes up with a solution for emptying Fey properly.

-Chapter 8:

“She's saying she's going to find you a whore to fuck full of cum,” slurred Flora, still delirious with pleasure.

“Crude. But in essence, yes. You have obviously failed to sexually satisfy her Flora, it’s time we found an expert.̶
“This is getting kind of-- okay, extremely dangerous!” yelped Fey as the enchanted suit of armour angrily stomped toward them.

The suit of armour ignored her words of course and lunged at the four of them in a screech of grinding metal, eager to kill. Its sword slashed out but Vivi’s glowing longsword swung up in a brilliant counter and sliced open the armour’s front revealing the completely empty interior. The enchanted armour clanked and stumbled backwards in time for the dozen weapons telekinetically orbiting Flora’s floating body to zip forward and smash into it, hammers, daggers, and spikes, to crush, slice

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Anonymous 6 years ago

in Fetishes and Sex Toys

updated by PBear 2 years ago •


Basically just making the subjects' belly bulge after they've been filled enough, and maybe make the cum start coming out of the other end if they're full and are still being filled.
All the way through for tail holes sounds possibly hot, either they cough it up, or it gushes out their mouth and/or nose. As for filling the vagina beyond capacity, a belly button suddenly popping up could be a funny indication.
I mean, how else are you going to know the fox is full unless it has a runny nose?
I'm upvoting this response simply because it made me laugh. Though, a part of me.. doesn't disagree with them either. >_>
Would be even better if those effects applied to the player character, too
I am... shocked to see that this is so popular. Interesting.
Shocked/disgusted or just shocked? :V
Probably there are a lot more people into it than you'd think, and they're too embarrassed or something to draw/commission/admit to liking it, so having it in a game with highly customizable characters would be ideal for them
I was personally torn on whether to thumbs up or down because I love cum inflation but I'm not a huge fan of all the way through. Maybe if you include it, offer people the ability to opt out of either or both options? It is a pretty common kink, but I'm sure there are still people who might be squicked by it!
we are furrys, what did you expect? >^.^<
if you are going to implement this (please implement this, it would make this my favorite game), then implement being able to inflate them with other things too, like water, slime, gas, etc.
I would believe that it's so popular because it's another visual indication that a subject has been cum inside of. The current dev builds there isn't really any indication except for some dribbles out of the anus or vagina.. and if your camera isn't in the right place at the right time, you may miss it completely.
Possibility of including cum inflation when subject is swallowing cum too?
The all the way through thing kinda puts me off
I kind of agree with you, but think it should be a selectable option at the start of the game when you're selecting fetishes
Man, I'm just going to bump this idea to make sure it stays fresh, to be completely honest
The infinite cum ring was one of my favourite toys from the first game. Since I'm sure you have body deformation mechanics already for the character customization, this probably wouldn't be too hard to implement.
ima add this to my want list, but as someone already said, i'd like a way to opt out of all the way through. i like the cum to be contained within :P
Could just have a mouth open/closed mechanic, or something of the sort
Holy fuck! I didn't think this would be so popular when I posted this! I also didn't play the original rack, so I didn't know certain "impossible" fetishes like cartoon based inflation, was a thing. The reason why I didn't play the original was because I was probably too young, and I have never heard of it.
Yeah! Like the stuff in Sherly_karu art... okay maybe toned dowe a little
Does wanting the male knotting the female can be considered a fetish?
thanks in advance for the response.
As long as it has the option to turn it off, that is certainly a good idea because the lack of visual indicating that the subject has been cum is really a problem, but I think there's other ways to show it like the cum starting the squirt every where, manly on the body of the subject.
hope we got a option to lick your client's cum off their bodies and they can lick on our body afterwards 
y'all just need some BBC... always works on lesser races like yourselves
Oh shit, even over here you're getting ratio'd.

Written by Joe Cohen, BS | Last updated: March 16, 2020
The testes produce sperm that travels to the seminal vesicle and mixes with semen, creating a fluid men ejaculate (or injaculate) during orgasm.
Injaculation is when you retain semen inside your body upon orgasm. You can learn to do it after some practice.
In my personal experience, ejaculation drains energy and leaves you tired, weaker, and lazier. This might be due to losing nutrients and other semen ingredients.
Your body can absorb amino acids, glucose, and minerals from the gallbladder. Thus, it should be able to absorb the nutrients from semen, too.
No studies have investigated the safety of injaculation. In theory, it may increase anti-sperm antibodies, change the pH of the bladder, and cause perineum damage due to pressure. I haven’t experienced any of these yet.
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As a kid, Joe suffered from inflammation, brain fog, fatigue, digestive problems, mood and other issues that were poorly understood in both conventional and alternative medicine. Frustrated by the lack of good information and tools, Joe decided to embark on a journey of self-experimentation and self-learning to improve his health--something that has since become known as “biohacking”. With thousands of experiments and pubmed articles under his belt, Joe founded SelfHacked, the resource that was missing when he needed it. SelfHacked now gets millions of monthly readers. Joe is a thriving entrepreneur, author and speaker. He is the CEO and founder of SelfDecode. His mission is to help people gain access to the most up-to-date, unbiased, and science-based ways to optimize their health.
Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Selfhacked LLC does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. See additional information .
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What is injaculation? How does it improve inflammation, stress, and brain function? Learn the strange science and how to benefit here.
Very little information exists on the web about injaculation and I feel like it’s something that can have a big impact on men in the long term.
I plan for these two posts to contain all the orgasm, sex and ‘gross’ information, lest this blog devolves into radioactive poison (may be too late for that).
Semen is the liquid stuff that nourishes the sperm. So semen is like the pool and sperm is the swimmer.
Semen is produced in the seminal vesicle and prostate (see the picture above). The prostate produces the milky white stuff, which is 30% of the overall semen.
Sperm is produced in the testes or balls.
Sperm moves to the epididymis (see picture) to mature and then to the vas deferens (see the picture), when it’s ready for ejaculation (or injaculation).
The sperm travels via the vas deferens to the seminal vesicle to combine with semen and it goes out through the urethra (see picture). The semen nourishes the sperm so that it can do its fertilization biznass.
This coming together of the semen and sperm to create a fluid mixture happens at orgasm (blowing your load).
There are masterbators, decentbators, and injaculators, the latter being the most prestigious.
Someone who is skilled in the art of injaculation is called an injaculator. My name is Joe and I am an injaculator. Hence, I’ve built a proud and successful reputation as “The Injaculator”.
Injaculation is a term used to refer to releasing semen inside your body through your bladder instead of outside your penis (ejaculation).
The scientific term is “retrograde ejaculation”. Retrograde ejaculation is most often associated with a health condition, whereby the muscle at the opening of the bladder (bladder neck) is not able to close upon orgasm, which it’s supposed to. In this case, some semen goes into the bladder.
I notice a nice buzz when I injaculate, which is different from an ejaculation. When I ejaculate, I’m tired for much of the day and feel weaker.
With injaculation, I do get tired a bit – and that’s from the act of orgasming, but it’s much less than if I’d ejaculate. I feel a very nice buzz that I wouldn’t have if I ejaculate. I notice a pretty strong anti-depressant and anti-anxiety effect, that I wouldn’t get with ejaculating.
Doing this method will help cure the ejaculation hangover that you experience after orgasm.
The Taoists believed your jazz was a life essence, which they appropriately named Jing (could’ve been a stellar nickname for cum).
In my experience, when I ejaculate often I feel tired, weaker, less driven, lazier and have less energy. It’s kind of draining on me.
I believe this is the case because semen contains quite a few ingredients that help cognitive function and give vitality. See the benefits of semen here .
During the periods in which you aren’t dating, life can get lonely without a companion.
Without injaculation, I’d lose my mind. Injaculation gives me more peace of mind and allows me to pursue my passion by significantly lessening my desire/need for a companion (maybe by 50%).
And I can do it with the peace of mind that I’m not losing nourishing fluids or some essence/vigor from myself.
My libido is generally out of control if I don’t injaculate often, at least every other day.
The semen itself puts me in a better mood and, over the long term, it seems to be healthy for me.
If done in a meditative way, it can be a useful tool to cure premature ejaculation and can help you increase the time until orgasm.
If you’re having sex then it can be used as a form of birth control – one that I wouldn’t solely rely on. But if the girl was taking birth control and I worked my magic then that’s something I would do. I have done this during sexy time. The girl thought I was nuts.
Your gunk from your junk doesn’t fly all over the place during injaculation.
I find that when I injaculate with a girl in mind, I become more attached to her. It could be from the oxytocin causing this attachment behavior. If you’re married and coveting other women, then you should injaculate with your significant other in mind, and this may help.
This method of injaculation is the manual way, which is what I do. This is also the lazy way. This approach doesn’t build sexual stamina.
With the method I use, I cum just as much as I would if I were to completely ejaculate, but I hold a certain spot that doesn’t let it escape. On average, about 15% of it escapes anyway, in my estimation. Sometimes nothing escapes, while other times I botch it up and about 30% escapes.
It involves pressing on an area or “button” called the “perineum”, which blocks the semen from escaping through the penis and is instead redirected into the bladder, which then enters the bloodstream.
As to the location of the spot, it’s midway between the anus (ass crack) and testicles (balls). Look for the small “hump”, which can be pressed.
This no man’s land is known as the perineum and it bulges when you orgasm. I press firmly on this spot with two fingers side by side- the index and middle.
Even if you know the general neighborhood of the spot, there’s a good zip code there that’s ideal. It’s slightly to your (the viewer) left.
Practice makes perfect. It took me about 6 months to perfect the exact spot that needed to be held and the logistics involved, but now I don’t even think about it. It’s like riding a bicycle. A bit annoying to learn, but once yo
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