Sperm Fountain Compilation

Sperm Fountain Compilation


Sperm Fountain Compilation
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I may be a little biased as I wrote this book, but I'm incredibly pleased with how it has been received by men and women alike. It was my vision to create something that would challenge the way that we see beauty in todays society, as we...

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Life can be a pretty stressful and uncertain journey even for the most positive people like myself; I’m a single mother to my two young children and have just turned twenty-nine with not so much as a hint of wedding bells on the horizon. We’re repeatedly faced with heartache, bad health and long working hours that undoubtedly take their toll on our bodies and as such supermarkets are packed full of pills, potions and remedies for waking us up and then helping us back to sleep again, numbing us from aches and pains and taking preventative measures towards allergies from our homes and the toxic lifestyles that we lead. But do we really know what goes into the cosmetics, foods and cleaning products that we use everyday and the shockingly negative side effects it has on our health?
Following the birth of my second child I struggled with sleepless nights, low self esteem and a rollercoaster of hormones which had me bursting into tears one moment and then smiling the next. Looking back I always felt better after having sex, or most precisely – having semen, which is possibly down to the fact that semen is natures antidepressant. A study by students at the University of New York found that female students who had intercourse without using a condom i.e. absorbed the semen into their blood stream showed fewer signs of depression than those who had no direct contact with semen.
I’ve been vegetarian since the age of five and turned vegan almost three years ago and pretty soon after I noticed a big drop in my energy levels. I constantly felt tired, could hear my heartbeat in my ear, got out of breath doing simple exercises and felt faint when turning corners too fast for which a blood test diagnosed me as anaemic due to my choice of diet. After much research online I came across semen as a natural supplement to help to target anaemia and depression thanks to its high vitamin and mineral content with a single teaspoon containing over two hundred proteins (our bodies building blocks which strengthen and repair hair, skin, nails, tissue and bones), minerals and vitamin C (essential for supporting the immune system, lowering blood pressure, preventing cancer and strokes and improving skin elasticity), vitamin E, vitamin B12 (combatting tiredness and assisting red blood cells), calcium (for strong teeth and bones as well as heart and muscle function), chlorine, citric acid, fructose, potassium (supporting the heart and kidneys, the nervous system and metabolism), lactic acid, nitrogen, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and zinc (an antioxidant to fight the signs of ageing).
I’m A Vegan Personal Trainer & Nutrition Advisor Using Semen As A Daily Supplement
This year I qualified as a personal trainer and nutrition advisor and now understand the importance of maintaining a healthy balanced lifestyle as I supplement my vegan diet daily with the aim to live longer, feel stronger and take care of my health both now and in the future rather than being skinny and malnourished or yo-yo dieting and putting myself at risk of diabetes, cancer and disease. I’ve found that I’m noticeably more perky and happy when I’ve consumed semen its natural ingredient melatonin is an antidepressant which also helps to induce sleep and relaxation. Perhaps not as well known is that oral sex assists in lowering blood pressure and reduces the risk of prostrate cancer in men with each ejaculation so there are undeniably health benefits for men and women alike in producing and consuming semen. But it’s the taboos of society that I feel are holding people back from trying or even admitting to already drinking semen. Yet we can all do with upping our vitamin intake, reducing the amount of daily stress we put upon ourselves and improving our diet and lifestyle without additional processed foods and pills. When I eat and live well I have far more energy, am more active well into the evening, sleep better, have a more positive mood and outlook throughout my day and fend off and prevent sickness more effectively. I drink a protein shake every morning before going to the gym and thanks to my friend kindly donating his semen to me I now have a naturally healthy dose of natural vitamins and minerals that I can add to it too. My children have had several sickness bugs, coughs and sneezes between them this term just like the hundreds of others at their school because of the changing of the seasons, yet I’ve managed to stay fighting fit throughout which I attribute to my strong immune system.
Being single I haven’t got constant access to semen from a sexual partner but it’s something that I would hope to find one day and could certainly benefit from in a relationship. As my focus is on raising my two children alone I have very little free time to myself and haven’t been on a date in almost a year – which ended up as a great friendship. I’ve made peace with being single now, I’m independent, hard-working and don’t rely on or ask anything of anybody – what will be will be and I’d rather remain single and happy than settle for the wrong relationship for fear of being alone. Currently I already use my friends semen as a facial beauty treatment to soothe my rosacea which is a skin complaint that runs in my family. Before consuming the tubs of semen that he drops off to me a few times a week for my facials I thought I should first check that he was ok with me now drinking it rather than just using it as a face mask. I suppose when you’ve already breeched the subject of using a friends semen as part of a beauty regime then it’s not as surprising to ask their permission to drink it too and thankfully he was fine with it. We’ve been friends for quite a few years now and have never been anything more, there’s no perverseness involved, no unrequited love or sexual interaction whatsoever. It’s a case of putting something to good use that would have otherwise been wasted anyway.
I Am Not Involved In The Ejaculation Process
It’s a shame that we shy away from or are ignorant to natural cosmetics and remedies which I believe is down to the louder, more flashy and attractive commercial rivals taking the limelight with grand marketing budgets and campaigns. Just because something isn’t bright white and in an expensive glossy box doesn’t mean that it’s not just as good, if not better for you, than something designer that you’d boast to your friends about. I’ve found the most genuine, effective and helpful things in life by exploring, researching and speaking to people, not walking down a supermarket aisle and being hit by a wall of mind-numbing advertisements. If you ask anybody over the age of fifty for their health tips and tricks you’ll be amazed at what they’ll recommend, from stock cupboard ingredients to wild plants you can forage or exotic finds from abroad – today we know it as life hacks but not so long ago it was just called life. My nan always put raw egg whites on burns and swore by using vinegar as a way to remove headline, a few pence in basic ingredients for something leading brands charge you several pounds for.
Since word has spread about my penchant for natural products, health and fitness I’ve been called a cross between Jen Selter and Bear Grylls for my bravery I’m not afraid to push my limits and try new things, which is very flattering but at the same time shouldn’t we all be like this anyway? Shouldn’t we all want to step outside of the box, feel good about our bodies, be fit, healthy, live as long as possible and have our own minds? Since when did we stop being human in favour of easily led sheep? I think the birth of social media has undoubtedly made the world more anti-social as we now fear being singled out publicly as different, criticised for our appearance or our actions deemed as uncool or embarrassing. We can either go with the flow to put up and shut up or stand up and be counted, and after 25yrs of been a doormat I decided in 2013 that I could do with stretching my legs for once and now here I am three years on with over two million social media followers. But I’m certainly not against cosmetics, far from it, I do however believe in choice, having healthier options and knowing exactly what goes into the food and products that we consume. We owe it to ourselves to be informed and educated in our decisions because in the not so distant future the actions we take today will have a reaction on our health tomorrow and I plan on being a strong, nimble and positive 99yr old happily bouncing my great great grandchildren on my own knee.
My Friend Kindly Supplies Me With Semen
Health and beauty varies between different cultures and countries around the world; in Thailand women put rings around their necks to stretch them out and make them longer, in Mauritius obesity is a sign of wealth, in New Zealand blue lips and chin tattoos are favoured by the Maori people, in China women bound their feet to make them smaller, in Brazil they celebrate big hips and buttocks, in France some women prefer not to use cosmetics, perfume or hair removal, in South Korea ladies have surgery to make their eyes wide and round and Ethiopia women mutilate their bodies by carving swirls into their skin because they think that it makes them look more attractive. With people prepared to go through such extreme actions in the name of beauty it makes my drinking semen seem respectfully mild in comparison. I would never want to push my faith, beliefs or lifestyle onto others as I will happy sit at a table with somebody of another religion, skin colour, age, gender and culture happily tucking into my raw food outnumbered by carnivores. But if people ask for my advice, my opinion or support I will happily give it to them because we can always better ourselves, improve or education and become more experienced, knowledgable and open to change.
Much like women are encouraged to check their breasts for lumps and attend smear tests the quality of semen can also tell a man a lot about his own health because if there’s a dramatic change in taste, texture or volume it can be an indicator of something sinister that a GP should check out. We should all feel comfortable enough in our own bodies and within a relationship to know when something isn’t right and have the freedom to speak about it to friends, family and health professionals without feeling embarrassed or judged unfairly because of it; after all it’s 2016 not 1816!
Drinking Semen Is A Natural Way To Increase Vitamin Intake And Fend Off Depression And Anaemia
Trying my friends semen for the first time was certainly an eye-opening experience as I’ve only ever consumed semen as an act of love rather than understanding the many health benefits. Individual servings will undoubtedly vary as everybody has their own taste, and diet certainly influences the flavour. Consuming pineapple juice, peppermint, wheatgrass and cinnamon beforehand will make it taste a little more palatable and asparagus should be avoided in the days leading up to ejaculation if you’re put off by bitterness. The semen in this video was about an hour old by the time that I got to drink it and as a result it was kept at room temperature in a bowl but not yet refrigerated. In past relationships I have tasted semen during oral sex for which it delivers warmly to the back of the throat and the taste isn’t always apparent because it almost misses the tongue completely. However my friends semen was surprisingly cool, very salty and glossy as I poured a teaspoon into my mouth to taste it and I was surprised by how salty and strong it was.
Much like I would taste and compare protein shakes when deciding on which one to have for tomorrows breakfast, the teaspoon of my friends semen was cool, savoury, light and left a glossy film on the back of my throat with a slightly musky pang to the aftertaste. I suppose the thought of drinking semen is far worse than the actual taste itself and the health benefits certainly come out on top. Like anything in life the more you experience it the more normal it becomes and I don’t feel embarrassed or sickened by drinking my friends semen at all; I’d be more likely to gag over bodybuilders drinking raw egg whites or sizing up joints of bloodied meat in the butchers for dinner. I’ve welcomed a daily shot of semen into my daily health routine; within a loving relationship and in a not-so-clinical way I think it’s also a mutually beneficial and beautiful moment to share. What are your thoughts?
I’m super excited to be on the cover of Closer magazine this week! Filled with celebrities, fashion, dieting tips and the latest trends I hope that my natural approach to health and fitness will provide food for thought and reach a wider audience than those who already follow me. My aim is to show the world that kindness, positivity and good health is the key to true happiness. Excuse me whilst I do a cartwheel in celebration!
It appears that my semen smoothies have reached almost every corner of the world which is utterly incredible! There are so many news sites, radio stations, tv broadcasts and magazines that it’d take me all day and night to list them all here and I’m sure you’ll agree that when you’ve read one story on it then you already understand my ethos so I’ll try to keep this short and just put up a few. If you think there’s something I should definitely include here then please send me the link and I’ll add it in.
The Lad Bible write: “For most of us, the idea of chugging down our mate’s sperm is nightmare-fuel. Personally, I’d say you’re better off waiting to meet someone you really, really like – and then decide whether or not you’re willing to swallow your pride. Or theirs. Also, when you’re scared of getting the flu, you just have a jab or carry round hand sanitiser, right? Well, Tracy Kiss isn’t your average influenza-dodger. She’s come to the conclusion that drinking ejaculation smoothies keeps her fit and healthy. To be fair, she’s in incredible shape so maybe she knows something we don’t?”
Elite Daily write: “ Sexy Trainer Swears By Drinking Sperm Smoothies To Maintain Her Flawless Bod ” Whoop, I’ll take that! Thank you 🙂 “ In today’s fitness-obsessed world, it feels like we’re always looking for new, alternative sources of protein. Well, a sexy 29-year-old personal trainer may have just discovered the most unique and beneficial product yet. Apparently, personal trainer/author/journalist/model/blogger/TV personality/social influencer Tracy Kiss says the key to her flawless body is her daily “sperm smoothie.”
The Daily Mail write: “ Despite being vegan Tracy says she is prepared to use the byproduct in the pursuit of better health.” Is semen from a man non-vegan? What are your views? It’s not from animals and doesn’t involve suffering.
COED writes: “ What a tough spot for that dude to be in. On one hand, it’s gotta be a pretty cool feeling that a woman thinks your sperm has super powers and is willing to suck it down on the regular. It’s also very nice to have an excuse to constantly jerk off. But on the other hand, it’s gotta be tortuous not getting the real thing from Tracy. You know he’s begging her to cut out the middle man and just blow him. That would be some real farm-to-table type stuff. ”
CRAVE write: “ THIS HOT PERSONAL TRAINER ACTUALLY DRINKS A ‘SPERM SMOOTHIE’ EVERYDAY FOR ‘HEALTH REASONS’ Remember Tracy Kiss? That model who admitted that she enjoys covering her face in semen to keep her skin soft? Well, she’s back, and this time she’s out to admit to the world for some reason th
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