Sperm Dripping

Sperm Dripping


Sperm Dripping

SPERM DRIPPING OUT OF THE VAGINA CAUSES AND REMEDY (Anatomically,Naturally And Pathologically Analyzed) Many women complain about sperm leakages or sperm pouring out of their vagina after sexual intercourse, attributing it as the cause of their infertility. The cervix is an anatomical extension of the vagina and the uterus that permits flow of fluids to and fro the uterus. Hence it mustn't be completely closed as well as the vagina orifice. Secondly, what your husband ejaculates is semen made up of: Ā¶ Sperm cells that fertilize your egg to bring pregnancy. Ā¶Prostate fluid Ā¶Seminal fluid Ā¶Cowper's fluid Ā¶Bulbourethral fluid. All those fluids only serve to lubricate a mobile pathway for the former (The sperm). For some women, when your husband ejaculate into you, not all the Fluid will remain inside, Some quantity of the Fluid will always drip out of Your Vagina after the act and that doesn't mean you won't take in. What is dripping out is much of the glandular exudates forming the Fluid with a little or no sperm at all in it. In other word, the Fluid can run out like ocean. As far as the sperm cells are intact in you, your pregnancy is sure. But where it rushed out with the Fluid, it becomes a big problem. This anomaly is quite common, especially in amongst women all over. The leakage or reflux of sperm from the vagina does not exactly cause infertility, although to a greater extent it can lower a coupleā€™s chances of conception, given that to actually conceive a healthy baby, a woman will need a healthy sperm cell and an optimal vaginal health condition for this purpose to be accomplished. Ideally, the sperm is structurally divided into the following parts: 1. The head (fusion with the ovum) 2. The body (provides energy) 3. The tail (for movement) Thus, to ensure fertilization; altogether the above mentioned structural parts of the spermatozoa ought to be functionally normal, otherwise becomes a case of male infertility or subfertility. On the other hand, a woman too has a similar role to play especially as it concerns the leakage of sperm out from the vagina after sexual intercourse. Studies have revealed that women with a Medical history of PELVIC INFECTIONS will induce the immune system to release sperm antibodies within the vaginal tract, and so when the male partner ejaculates semen (in which we have the sperm cells) into the vagina, these antibodies would inadvertently attack the ā€œheadā€ of the sperms thereby weakening its viability and capacity to impregnate the cervical mucus, lowering the chances of fertilization, and the rest of the ejaculate pours would pour forth, out of the vagina. CAUSES OF SPERM LEAKAGE ~ A couple with primary or secondary infertility suffering from sperm leakage issues after sexual intercourse may have other factors hindering their efforts at trying to conceive. So, itā€™s important you consider the following factors that could debar you from conceiving and maximize your efforts: Ā¶ BACTERIAL INFECTIONS ~ A woman with a history of genital diseases like I hinted earlier could have some antibodies lurking inside her vagina. These antibodies mistakenly could attack the male sperm cells inadvertently, and in the process harming the sperm. Ā¶DIETARY CHOICE ~ A woman with thick cervical mucus can also suffer from the leakage of sperm from the vagina due to overindulgence in foods with excess glucose content. The reason behind this is that foods with high glycemic index increases the acidic pH level of the vagina and thickens the cervical (vaginal) fluid, whereas the sperm will require an optimal alkaline environment, and as a result this repels the male sperm leading to sperm leakages. Ā¶RETROVERTED WOMB ~ Women with tilted (or malpositioned) uterus have been found to suffer from sperm leakages from the vagina. This is because the normal uterus is in a anteverted anatomical position and more favourable for normal sperm movement into the womb, as against a retroverted womb that impedes the male sperm cells present in the semen from moving towards the womb. Ā¶MULTIPLE SURGICAL ABORTION. ~ For women Who has in one way or the other involved in multiple surgical abortion {D&C}, the story may be different. The QUANTITY of Fluid oozing out of them will be alarming! Perhaps pregnancy may not be possible all through life for them not until medical intervention is sought for. Even though pregnancy occur by mistake, the cervix will be so weak to hold it, thus, miscarriage upon miscarriage would always be found in their dictionary. 4 WAYS TO NATURALLY PREVENT SPERM LEAKAGE ~ 1. IDEAL SEX POSITION For a woman with a retroverted uterus, the best position to adopt is the rear position or doggy style this helps to increase your chances of conception. 2. HAVING ORGASM Orgasm is a period of intense sexual climax in a woman, accompanied with spasm of the pelvic muscles which helps to pull sperm into the womb. Reaching orgasm and ejaculating concomitantly increases a coupleā€™s chances of conception, even if sperm leakages still do occur. 3. TIMING SEX To ensure adequate sperm enters into the uterus, and to minimize sperm leakages during sexual intercourse, the female partner should place a pillow behind her waist and then remain on her back for at least 20 ā€“ 30 minutes, without first dashing off to the bathroom for a wash! 4. MALE FACTOR To further enhance the influx of sperm into the uterus the male partner will need to deepen his penetrations, especially at the peak of sexual climax. This will ensure that sperm is ejaculated strategically around the gateway into the womb, increasing his chances of fertilization.. Good news our pure natural Ayuverdic remedy from India ļæ½ļæ½. Will take care of this case normalize the hormones and improve the womans egg and help for faster pregnancy. To get a treatment with our products For the woman And the man call or WhatsApp me on +2348086969372
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Nicole Harris is the Editor at Parents. She joined the team in 2018 as a Staff Writer and was promoted to SEO Editor in 2021. She now covers everything from children's health to parenting trends. Nicole's writing has appeared in Martha Stewart Weddings, Good Housekeeping, The Knot, BobVila.com, and other publications. A graduate of Syracuse University, Nicole currently lives in New Jersey with her husband.

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If you're trying to get pregnant , you might start viewing penis-in-vagina sex in an entirely different light. For instance, you might start timing sex to increase your chances of conceiving and trying different positions that are prime for baby-making.

You might also notice that when you're having TTC sex, sometimes a small amount of semen (and by extension, sperm) may leak out of your vagina after your partner ejaculates. This can be discouraging when the goal is conception since you're left to wonder: "How is sperm supposed to fertilize my eggs if it's not making it there?"

In actuality, though, it's completely normal for some sperm to leak out of the vagina after sex that ends in your partner ejaculating into your vagina, says Michele Hakakha, M.D., FACOG, an OB-GYN in Beverly Hills and author of Expecting 411 . And good news: It doesn't affect your chances of getting pregnant.

To understand how that can be, it helps to get a basic run-down of how conception works. "Semen (the stuff that comes out of the penis with ejaculation) is made up of a lot of different things," explains Dr. Hakakha. "One of its components is sperm."

Healthy ejaculate contains anywhere from 39 to 928 million sperm, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) . And just one sperm is needed to fertilize your egg for conception to occur. So, in reality, while you may notice what appears to be quite a lot of sperm leaking out of the vagina after penis-in-vagina sex, sperm is just one component of that fluidā€”and there's likely plenty of it to reach an egg if that is your goal.

Ejaculate often leaks out of the vagina out after baby-making sex, and while there is not much you can do to prevent this from happening, that's OK. In fact, some amount of leakage could be a good sign, since it could indicate that there's a healthy amount of sperm that could result in pregnancy.

If you're still uneasy about the amount of semen you find leaking out after sex, it can be helpful to think about the journey sperm takes after ejaculationā€”and how little actually ends up where it needs to go to successfully conceive ( assuming the timing is right , of course).

Some semen will inevitably leak out of the vagina upon standing or changing positions thanks to gravity. But some of the sperm will remain in the back of the vagina (the posterior fornix) and an even smaller amount will make its way up through the cervix, into the uterus, and down the fallopian tubes. Sperm travels quickly, so it begins trekking to the fallopian tubes within minutes. "It's here, in the fallopian tubes, that the sperm and egg meet," says Dr. Hakakha.

The bottom line is that it's perfectly normal if some amount of semen (and sperm) leaks from the vagina after penis-in-vagina sex. And you don't need to worry about trying to "keep" it inside either. "You don't need to lie in bed with your legs up after intercourse to get pregnant," says Dr. Hakakha. "The fact that semen is leaking out afterward doesn't decrease your chances of conceiving ."

A pregnancy could result if the right circumstances are in placeā€”for instance, timing sex with ovulation to ensure an egg will be ready to be fertilizedā€”but keep in mind that conception often takes time: Research shows that only about 30% of people trying to get pregnant will conceive the first month they try. But that same research shows that the rate increases to 75% within six months and 90% after a year.

If you're under 35 and you've been trying to conceive for one year with no results, experts recommend visiting a fertility specialist for a workup. If you're over 35 years old, the time frame decreases to six months.

Have other questions like this?Ā Sign up for ObieĀ and get personalized answers about your fertility without having to search.
Sperm or ejaculate leakage from the vaginaĀ after sexĀ is normal and is expected.Ā SpermĀ leakage can actually be a good thing because it means there is enough of the ejaculate. After semen is released into the vagina, sperm immediately separates from the remaining ejaculate and sperms begin moving into the cervix and up into the uterus for fertilization in the fallopian tubes. Sperm moves into the tubes within minutes after ejaculation in the vagina.
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Once the ejaculate is inside the vagina, vaginal secretions start destroying much of the remainingĀ sperm . When they move into the cervix and uterus, they are protected from the hostile vaginal acidic secretions.
It is normal after ejaculation for much of the ejaculate to leak out of the vagina.
Most women observe some leakage of semen after having had sex. They are concerned that sperm may leak and that there may not be enough sperm left for fertilization. To understand this issue more, it's essential to know exactly what the ejaculate is composed of. Less than 10% of the ejaculate are actual spermatozoa.Ā The ejaculate consists of a mixture of four components:
No. Some women notice some discharge immediately after sex and think it's the cause of infertility. The fluid coming out of the vagina after his orgasm is merely a portion of the ejaculate.
Less than 5-10% of the ejaculate is actually sperm ā€” over 90% is made up of other fluids. Leakage of the ejaculate from the vagina is highly unlikely to prevent you from getting pregnant. In fact, it's totally normal for some ejaculate to leak out after intercourse .
If he ejaculates deeply inside you, then you can be sure that no matter how much of the ejaculate leaks out afterward, enough sperm will reach the cervical mucus. If you stay on your back for the suggested 15-20 minutes after intercourse, with hips slightly elevated, this leakage of the ejaculate is usually not a cause of infertility.
In the end, don't worry too much and consider the fact that it is probably a good sign of health that some ejaculate leaks out because it may mean that he is depositing his semen normally in your vagina and that there is enough of it.
For more tips to overcome fertility roadblocks andĀ get pregnant faster,Ā take ourĀ Fertility CourseĀ via email!Ā 
Dr. Amos Grunebaum, MD, FACOG is a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and among the world's leading authorities on fertility and pregnancy.Ā ReadĀ Dr. Amos' full bio , the book about him " Lessons in Survival: All About Amos ," and aĀ fictionalized account of his father's lifeĀ in the novel, " Through Walter's Lens ."
In addition to his current work, Dr. Amos is using his vast experience to launch Obie, a science-based app that offers personalized fertility advice. Learn more about ObieĀ here.
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