Spells R Us Transformation Stories

Spells R Us Transformation Stories


Spells R Us Transformation Stories
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Spells R Us is a Shared Universe Web Original created by Bill Hart in the 1990s. Spells R Us has a pretty decent fan base and many stories have been created, not just from Bill Hart.

The series revolves around ~The Little Shop That Wasn't There Yesterday~ called Spells R Us. The shop is run by the nameless Robe and Hat Wizard known only as "The Old Man". Each story usually starts with The Old Man selling some sort of magical product to a disbelieving customer. As the story progresses, the customer will have either a Gender Bender , Animorphism , age progression , age regression , or some other sort of transformation . The customer is usually left this way for the rest of his/her life.

The series began when two college students, Chris and Terry, needed to get girls for the frat party, or the will be kicked out of the fraternity. Desperate, the boys go to a mysterious shop called Spells R Us. The Old Man gives them the spell and "forgets" to tell the boys that for one night, they (and the other frathouse students) will become girls in body and mind.

So, of course, they mess up the spell.

Now anyone in the house after 7 will turn into the opposite sex . While "Crissy" and "Terri" retain their guy memories, anyone else will act, think, and look like a girl until 2 a.m. (when the spell wears off). This plot was written by Bill Hart, and takes up the storyline of Bill Hart's stories.

However,many fans now write their own stories. Theses stories focus less on the events with Terry and Chris and more with the other vic-*cough*- uh, customers of The Old Man's shop. All of those stories have built some sort of cannon while ignoring Bill Harts saga, this unnofficial cannon sprang many sub-universes, among them Bikini Beach, about a magical Women-only genderrbending water park in California owned by an old gipsy witch (known only as "The Witch" or "The Old Woman"), who is a good friend of the Old Man.

Stories can be found all over the web. Most of them (if not all) can be found at fictionmania.
A small collection can be found at this angelfire page and this archive of TF stories. All three contain Bill Hart's first story: "A Strangeness at The Frat House."

From WikiFur, the furry encyclopedia.

Last modified 15:21, 23 November 2012
About WikiFur

Spells-R-Us (or SRU ) is a shared story universe created by Bill Hart on the TSA-Talk mailing list in 1997. It was spun off of Hart's story A Strangeness at the Frat House .

The stories in the universe revolve mostly around a mall shop, ran by an old man who wears what looks like a bathrobe, which offers magical spells and/or items for sale, and the people who buy such items but end up accruing various, unintended results and consequences.

The universe has also been carved into sub-universes, such as "Animal Crackers" and "People Crackers".

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1666793-The-Gender-Transformation-Mega-Adventure/map/12
You, 18-year-old Elliot Barnes, are an ordinary guy-until one day you're not a guy at all!
Created: April 23rd, 2010 at 12:52 am
Modified: April 15th, 2022 at 11:18 pm
This choice: Go check out 'Spells R Us.' · Go Back...
Corny as the name might be, this 'Spells R Us' is just too quirky to ignore, and you know that if you don't at least go check it out your curiosity is going to eat at you all day. Thus decided, you gingerly push open the old wooden door, eliciting a gentle chime from a quaint brass bell mounted above as you step into the musty shop.

And musty it is. While the place looks to be meticulously well-kept, the low aromas of old books and dried herbs serve as stark counterpoint to the cold, chemical sterility of other retail establishments. Likewise, instead of the widely-spaced, high-ceilinged expanse of other stores, 'Spells R Us' was packed close to bursting with merchandise, and no two items looked to be exactly the same. Tall, heavy bookshelves lined the walls while tables of every height from ankle to shoulder displayed various and exotic wares. Instead of barcodes and sale stickers, each item—if it was marked at all, and not every item was—bore a large, hand lettered cardstock tag attached with a length of yellowed string.

"See anything you like?"

Spinning around, you find yourself face to face with an elderly individual every bit as eccentric as the store. Apart from his already unusual long, untamed beard and flowing silver hair, the man seems to be sporting a clean but obviously well-worn blue bathrobe. You'e not sure how to respond; he sounds like the proprietor, but he looks like a crazy homeless man.

"Um… Do you work here?" you ask.

"Of course I do, Elliot!"

"How do you—"

The man waves his hand dismissively.

"Feel free to browse," he says. "I'm right in the middle of a little project in the back, but I'll be right with you when I've finished. It shouldn't take me more than a couple of minutes."

With that, the unusual old man turned away and strode off between the shelves, eventually exiting through a narrow doorway marked 'Staff Only'.

"Well that was… weird," you mutter. Shaking your head, you sigh and turn your attention back to the merchandise. It really is an eclectic collection, and doesn't seem to be organized in any particular pattern. A hand-carved wooden figurine sits atop a pile of musty books, which in turn rest against a wire-frame bin full of flashy videogames. Elsewhere, other items are displayed just as haphazardly. A fine silver pen, a delicate vial of black powder and a gothic-looking choker all sit proudly on a single table, as if it was only natural that they be displayed together. On still another table, expensive-looking jewelry sits side-by side with an off-brand pack of gum; the effect is bewildering and overwhelming. As you ponder where to start, a devilish thought strikes you—with the doddering owner occupied in back—and no apparent security—it wouldn't be difficult to abscond with some of the merchandise…

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