Spell Of Latin Real

Spell Of Latin Real


Spell Of Latin Real
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Ancient and powerful magic
Cover all topics from love to health or wealth
Effective for banishing evil spirits

Require correct pronunciation
May need to do some memorizing and studying

Amelie Rose Estrela is an experienced psychic and recently published, esteemed lead author for the Psychic Guild since 2003.
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Last updated October 2, 2019
Amelie Estrela

Latin spells evoke memories of ancient times as well as the ancient powers. When you cast a spell using the Latin tongue, you also tap into generations of witchcraft power. There are many kinds of Latin spells. You can cast Latin spells for protection, love, money or binding and banishment.
The common denominator is that these spells invoke the ancient powers using the incantations in their original form. So, if you want a really powerful spell, cast a Latin spell that invokes the magic from the rituals for the ancient gods.
The following spellcasters specialize in Latin Spells and come from reputable websites with solid reviews. Select one of them below and enjoy a special discount.
Head to one of our recommended sites below to learn more Latin Spells:
Magic, or “magica” in Latin, is the practice of channeling the power of intention and supernatural forces to affect change in the real world. These forces exist in another dimension beyond the physical five senses and can be invoked in many different ways.
Some magical practices incorporate the use of the elements – water, air, fire, and earth, as well as the energies of the sun and the moon. Other practices go further to incorporate astrology and the energies in the expansive celestial bodies and their paths through our skies. Yet other magic practices incorporate the use of physical items, from crystals and gems to herbs and even blood. But these are all simply tools used to enhance the actual practice – the power lies with the person casting the spell.
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Latin spells, in particular, are very powerful. By evoking the power of the ancient gods through the use of this ancient tongue, any intention you send into the world will be magnified. This is because the words themselves carry a great history.
Latin is a classical language that was derived from the Etruscan and Greek alphabets, which in turn were derived from the Phoenician alphabet. Latin was spoken in the ancient city of Rome and eventually became the dominant language throughout the western Roman Empire. The greater Roman geographical area was referred to as “Latium.”
The practice of witchcraft was widespread during the Roman Empire, and the power of witches to influence or threaten those in power was taken very seriously. In ancient Rome, black magic was considered a capital offense and being burned alive at the stake was a commonly practiced punishment.
So, if spells from these ancient times survived all of these thousands of years, they must have been very well protected and handed down through generations with great care. This kind of generational power imbues Latin spells with their force.
There are many different kinds of Latin spells, from white magic to black magic spells, the common denominator is that the spells are simply pronounced in their original form. Just as there are English language spells for just about anything, there are also Latin spells for protection and Latin spells for love. There are also Latin spells for banishment and for money. Because witchcraft is such an ancient practice, there are many old compendiums and collections of Latin spells and literature on witchcraft and the occult – all written in their orignal Latin tongue.
For example, the Ars Notoria, is a part of the grimoire the Lesser Keys of Solomon, or the Clavicula Salomonis Regis. A grimoire is simply a collection of occult knowledge which, with serious studying, will grant the reader the ability to cast spells, create talisman, invoke spirits, invoke or banish demons, and perform all kinds of divination. The Lesser Keys of Solomon dates back to the 13th century and contains texts, prayers, orations and magical words that are as old as the 1200s and focus mainly on demonology. The five books contained within the Lesser Keys of Solomon are the Ars Goetia , the Ars Theurgia-Goetia , the Ars Paulina, the Ars Almadel, and the Ars Notoria.
The Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, or the False Heirarchy of Demons is another ancient manuscript from the 16th century that names sixty-nine demons. It was written by Johann Weyer, a Dutch doctor well-versed in Latin, who in the end, spent his career defending those accused of witchcraft.
The first thing to understand is the difference between white magic and black magic . As you read previously, black magic was punishable by death in Ancient Rome. Why? Let’s look at the definitions of each to illuminate.
White magic is any magical practice that harms nothing or no one. That means magical spells can be used to attract love into your life, or fortune or health, though not at the expense of anyone else. So, a love spell cannot name an individual, because that would be hampering their free will to love whomever they choose.
Additionally, a spell to bring fortune can attract money into your life, but it cannot specify that you receive that promotion or job offer over someone else. That person may have been more qualified and may have brought exactly what that company needed, and the manipulation of the business’ and that person’s fate is considered to be negative.
In terms of health, white magic can attract health and vibrancy into your life in general terms, but you cannot, for example, cast a spell to receive that organ transplant over someone else, or it would no longer be considered white magic.
Black magic, on the other hand, seeks to accomplish what it wants without the regard for the wellbeing of others. Rather, it places the selfish desires of the individual over the benefit of the greater good. Therefore, black magic is much more direct and powerful, however, every black magic practitioner knows that with this power comes great responsibility.
The consequences of black magic are also powerful and must be studied, taken into consideration, and at times even protected against. Black magic spells also include powerful spells that do control the free will of others, but at times perhaps for the greater good. For example, a black magic spell to banish someone who is causing great harm to a community falls into the black magic category but may benefit the many.
The pronunciation of Latin spells is very important. In order to really invoke the energies of the ancients, the spell casting must be authentic. Here are some general rules:
Here is a great list of common Latin words and phrases that you will come across in Latin spells from Love Magic Works.
Fortuna, Prosperitas et Abundantia Habeo Omnia.
This ancient spell will attract the person you most desire into your life. You can increase the potency of the spell by performing it on the waxing or full moon. Use crystals such as rose quartz and herbs such as rose and patchouli to enhance your spell. You can also light red and pink candles to focus your intention.
Concentrate on the person you wish to draw into your life and then imagine them being drawn to you like a powerful magnetic pull. Feel the deepest love and passion in your heart as you visualize this.
“I nunc amit me te amare simul, me ex caritate quoque sicerit”
This spell declares your love for the person and that you shall be forever united. Be certain about your choice! Should you change your mind later, it will be very difficult, if not impossible, to break the spell.
This spell will ward off negative energies, negative people or any dark magic that may be directed at you. This spell can be performed at the full moon to make it powerful, however, if the central intention is to repel negative energy by banishing someone or something from your life, you should cast the spell on the waning or new moon.
Incorporate black tourmaline or black obsidian into your spell in order to protect you from negative energies. Use herbs such as basil and bay leaf to protect you spiritually and physically. Light black candles to ward off evil spirits.
Cleanse your space and yourself, including any and all tools that you will be using. Use copal, sage and/or salt for this. You can wash crystals and gems in salt water, you can smudge all supplies with the smoke from the sage or copal.
“Qui affecto protego, mixtisque iubas serpentibus et posteris meis stirpiqu”
A spiritual shield will be created around you to protect you from further negative intrusions.
This powerful exorcism spell from Wiccan Spells will banish demons and negativity by tapping into the ancient power of the gods. It is long and detailed and therefore invokes a special kind of force. This kind of exorcism is often used in Christianity, for it is pure in form. It originates from the ancient Pagan exorcism rites.
In order for it to be most powerful, you should memorize the incantation. It is long and difficult, but in order to banish powerful demons, one must be completely focused and cannot be distracted by trying to remember words or mispronunciations. You must complete the incantation at all costs, no matter what obstacles may present themselves. Dark spirits know when they are being banished and will resist by any means possible.
Choose the waning or dark moon for this banishment. Burn black candles and use the power of black obsidian and jet in your spell casting. Use protective herbs such as garlic and sage. Burn cleansing and banishing resins such as copal and frankincense.
Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos,
Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia.
Humiliter majestati gloriae tuae supplicamus
Ut ab omni infernalium spirituum potestate,
Omnis fallaciae, libera nos, dominates.
Exorcizamus you omnis immundus spiritus
Omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio,
Infernalis adversarii, omnis legio,
Omnis and congregatio secta diabolica.
Ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos, dominates,
Ut coven tuam secura tibi libertate servire facias,
Te rogamus, audi nos! Ut inimicos sanctae circulae humiliare digneris,
Cernunnos ipse truderit virtutem plebi Suae,
Aradia ipse fortitudinem plebi Suae.
Want to try out some Latin spells but not finding exactly what you need? Reach out to a professional spell caster to cast the spell for you! At AskNow spiritualist October Storm specializes in demonic exorcisms, which typically use Latin spells for the greatest effectiveness.
Latin spells are powerful, but sometimes it is most effective to have them cast by a professional with a lot of experience. Luckily, professional spell casters are pretty easy to find these days, so long as you work with a reputable site. Give these Latin spells a try and comment back. And if you decide to go with a professional, let us know all about your experience!
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This Latin Summoning Spell summons the monsters of the Underworld and the Devils
The invocation: I invoke you, ye one! Regal and majestic! Glorious splendour! Mighty arch-daimon! Denizen of chaos and Erebus, and of the unfathomable abyss! Haunter of sky-depths! Murk enwrapped, scanning mystery, and protector of cults! Flame-fanning terror darter! Heart-crushing despot! Satanachia of daimons! Invincible Lucifer!
The prayer deus meus in te speravi conlitebor tibi domine in toto corde meo quem ad modum cervus ad fantes aquarum. Ouver! Chameron! Aliseon! Mandousin! Premy! Oriet! Mayorus! Esmony! Estiot! Dumosson! Danochar! Casmiel! Sadirno! Eparinesant! domine meus Lucifer!
The conjuration: I conjure thee spirit to come and show thyself in comely and fair shape without deformity or guile from Casmiel’s title! By the name of Lucifer! By the dread day of judgement! By the omen! From the sea of glass! By those beasts having eyes behind and before, and having one hundred hands!
The pact renonce à tous les biens tant spirituels que corporels qui me pourraient conferez de la part de Dieu! De la vierge Marie! Et de tous les, oui, les saincts du Paradis! Pareillement de mon patron saint Jean Baptiste! Saint Paul! Saint Pierre! Et Saint François! Et de me donner de corps aaaaaaaaaaaa Lucifer!
Rituel: Astrachios asach abedumar silet scigin lord of all, Lucifer, whose glance searchest the abyss, give me the ability to conceive in my mind, and the capability! Oh Lucifer! I give unto thee my soul! My inward parts! My desires! And my entire being! Sweet lord Lucifer!
The Vision: I ravished each hour and am the daughter of fortitude. The heavens address me! They covet and desire me with appetite! I am shadowed with the sexy circle of stone, and encovered with the warning clouds that were crimson! I am deflowered and a virgin! Behold! I’ll bring forth children oh my husband!
Be careful with this Latin Summoning Spell, it is not for the new initiate or the weak.
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Practical magic

Ancient magic spells – The best of the rituals

- Many people find it scary for having to go to the forest at night;

- Many people who do not find it scary initially get scared later when they go to the forest, when the spirits they are calling up scary them on purpose to test their commitment;

- This magic is very difficult to break, so the target will never leave you alone;

- This spell must not be cast in case of any mental disorders;

- The spell will be broken if the objects are found by any third party;

- This spell must not be cast by people with weak energy;

- This spell does not work for people whose parents were brought together by a love spell.

Let me warn you that many real ancient magic spells look quite exotic, so casting them may be quite challenging for people living in big cities. However, my readers often ask me how to cast an ancient spell for love. This is what I, spellcaster Maxim, will tell you about today.

Let us start with the simplest (according to many people) ritual. Sneak inside the house of the person you love and steal seven things or items of clothing. Do not steal anything valuable to avoid raising suspicion. For example, you can take a pair of socks, a cigarette butt, some food leftovers, or used tissues. Do not steal everything in one day but take a few items at a time to make it less obvious that things go missing.

When you have all the seven objects, wait for a new moon. In the evening go to a forest. As a source of light, use candles rather than a flashlight. Find an old tree and dig a hole next to it with a sharp knife. Put the objects into it along with seven objects belonging to you. To continue this extraordinary spell belonging to ancient love spells, say,

“We’re together not thanks to people, not thanks to the law, not thanks to church. We’re together thanks to nature. May your feelings for me be stronger than for anyone else and may they last until your last breath.”

Bury the objects and walk away immediately. In about five to nine days meet the person you love. Under the influence of magic, he will develop some feelings for you too. Like I said, this is a very powerful ritual. I just did not mention there are some things which make it difficult to perform:

Other ancient love spells and rituals are not less dangerous and complicated. Many of them were cast at cemeteries. The goal was to find a wandering spirit – a ghost which for some reason does not want to or cannot leave our reality. This ghost was enslaved and commanded to take possession of the target’s mind and make the target “love”. I used quotes for a reason. I strongly believe that the word “love” as it is generally understood may not be applied to this type of ancient love spell. It is madness rather than love, because people are enslaved and no longer able to control their feelings and thoughts.

Before casting any love spells, find an article on my website titled “ spellcaster Maxim who knows how to cast ancient love spells ”

Unfortunately, many of ancient love spells do not work in the modern world. There are many reasons for it, but I will tell you about the major ones hoping you will understand the algorithm why some love spells work and others fail, and apply it to other rituals.

They cannot help anyone because people no longer pray to and worship ancient gods. As result, these gods have either sunk into oblivion, moved to o
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