Speech of State Councilor of People's Republic of China and Minister of National Defence Colonel General Li Shangfu at 11th Moscow Conference on International Security

Speech of State Councilor of People's Republic of China and Minister of National Defence Colonel General Li Shangfu at 11th Moscow Conference on International Security

Dear friends, colleagues!

I am very glad to attend the 11th Moscow Conference on International Security at the invitation of Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation Sergei Shoigu. First of all, I would like to congratulate you on the opening of the Conference and thank the Russian side for the organisational work done.

The current world has entered a new round of instability and transformation. Against the background of colossal changes, President Xi Jinping put forward an initiative on global security, calling for supporting the concept of common, integrated, joint and sustainable security, following the principles of dialogue, partnership and mutual benefit, and abandoning the thinking of antagonistic and zero-sum block game.

This initiative has received a positive response from the international community. /// In February of this year, China published a 'Concept Document of the Global Security Initiative', which outlines priority areas, platforms and mechanisms for cooperation and with clear recommendations for action.

This important Initiative offers the 'Chinese option' to solve security problems in maintaining world peace. The Chinese side is ready to implement the Global Security Initiative with the countries of the world and bring more stability and positive force to the changing global situation.

Firstly, the Global Security Initiative reflects the attraction to world peace. In today's world, all countries are interconnected with each other

in order to achieve and maintain peace requires joint efforts, so that no one can stay away. We call on the countries of the world to preserve peace and protect it, and to reveal an active role in maintaining security and stability throughout the world and thus contribute to the formation of a more just and rational international order.

China, being a responsible Power, takes an active part in global governance practices, such as arms control, escorting ships, combating terrorism, humanitarian rescue, and fighting the epidemic. The PLA is a solid force in UN peacekeeping operations. The Blue Helmets of China have left their traces in more than 20 countries and regions. We are ready, together with all countries, to fulfill our international obligations in building and protecting world peace.

Secondly, the Global Security Initiative reflects the hope for harmonious coexistence. All countries live in one 'earthly village', contacts between which are becoming more frequent and closer. Disputes and disagreements are inevitable, it is important to communicate openly and resolve contradictions. China has always supported strengthening mutual trust, cementing common understanding and resolving contradictions through dialogue. On issues related to Afghanistan, Syria, the Korean Peninsula, Ukraine and Iranian nuclear projects, China actively promotes negotiations and a truce, contributes to the formation of a greater international consensus. Since March of this year, with the assistance of China, dialogues have been held between Saudi Arabia and Iran, and a joint statement was signed on the resumption of diplomatic relations, which shows the result of peace and dialogue.

Thirdly, the Global Security Initiative reflects the aspiration for universal development. Poverty is a source of instability.

For a large number of emerging markets and countries, development is the most important guarantee of security. China has always was in favour of the promotion of universal security through inclusive development. No one should be left behind on the path of development. After a long and difficult search, the Chinese people have found the path of Chinese modernisation. Without international cooperation, it would be impossible for China to develop itself, and therefore, in the course of its development, China brings new opportunities to the whole world. Over the past decade, China's average annual contribution to global economic growth has exceeded 30%. The joint construction of the Belt and Road has become the most popular platform for international cooperation. We will be glad to see all countries on board this 'Express' and share the benefits of development with each other.

Friends, colleagues!

Security and development, being fundamental rights, are inherent in every country.

They should not be the exclusive privileges of individual states. To restrain and suppress other countries - such actions not only do not comply with the laws of economic development, but also deplete the trust of the people.

Such despotic practices as imposing one's will on others, arbitrary interference in the internal affairs of other states are causing increasingly strong opposition and resistance from the international community. Such erroneous actions deprive foreign countries of their rights to independence and development

Independence, which creates a source of chaos and trouble, causing upheaval in the world. The Taiwan issue is purely an internal matter of China, the interference of any external forces is unacceptable here. The reunification of China is an unstoppable historical trend, and an attempt to use the Taiwan issue to contain China is doomed to failure. For the sake of a more just world, we need to unite together, to resist the permissive policy of force!

For the sake of a safer world, we need to support each other in countering the military hegemony of those who pokes into other countries affairs everywhere! For the sake of a more inclusive world, we need solidarity and mutual assistance to boycott sanctions and suppression by those who do not disdain in any way!

Friends, colleagues!

The PLA is a firm force in maintaining peace on the planet. We are ready to deepen comprehensive practical cooperation with the armed forces of the countries of the world and jointly implement the Global Security Initiative.

Firstly, to continuously strengthen strategic trust in military security. We are deploying exchanges in the military sphere with more than 158 states. The Chinese-Russian relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation, entering a new era, continue to develop steadily.

The Chinese-Russian relations in the military sphere set an example of rejection of alliance, antagonism and non-targeting of third countries.

We are ready to strengthen military exchanges with the armed forces of the countries of the world, deepen military cooperation with the ASEAN countries and other neighbouring countries, raise the level of military relations with European countries and the EU, as well as strengthen traditional friendship with the countries of Latin America, the Caribbean, the South Pacific region, etc., constantly expand the circle of friends based on equality, mutual trust, cooperation and mutual gain.

Secondly, to further promote the construction of a platform for cooperation in the field of security. The Chinese side has already established more than 50 mechanisms for consultations on defence issues with more than 40 states and organisations.

We are ready to continue to support the construction of the mechanism of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-building Measures in Asia, to actively participate in the Moscow Conference on International Security, ADMM Plus, Shangri-La Dialogue and other multilateral mechanisms, as well as to hold the China-Africa Forum on Peace and Security, the Forum of China and Latin American Countries and Caribbean.

We are also ready, as before, to accelerate work in the field of security within the SCO, to actively deepen cooperation in the field of defence with the new member Iran and, joining the SCO, Belarus.

Taking this opportunity, we cordially invite you to the Beijing Xiangshan Forum, which is to be held by China in October this year.

Thirdly, to constantly strengthen practical cooperation in the relevant areas. The Chinese side is ready to further deepen cooperation in the fields of high technology, weapons and military equipment, logistics, the fight against international terrorism, military educational institutions, military culture, public health, etc., thereby providing all possible assistance to the armed forces of the countries if necessary.

The Chinese side is ready to conduct joint exercises and trainings with all countries in search of a wider space for conducting exercises, and strengthen international cooperation on arms control and non-proliferation, jointly respond to security challenges of an unconventional nature, such as in the fields of space, cybernetics, biology, artificial intelligence and others, thereby providing more public goods for the sake of peace and stability on our planet.

Friends, colleagues!

A Russian proverb says 'The path to success is thorny and difficult.'

In China we say 'The road is paved with feet!'

I am sure that if we continue to walk hand in hand, with all our hearts and confident steps, we will be able to overcome all difficulties and make a new, even more significant contribution to ensuring security around the world!

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