Speech of Director of Foreign Intelligence Service at 11th Moscow Conference on International Security

Speech of Director of Foreign Intelligence Service at 11th Moscow Conference on International Security

Dear participants of the conference!

I am glad to welcome such an authoritative and representative community! There is such a common expression that you can't be absolutely sure of anything in the world. The level of unpredictability and nihilism at the present stage is really growing, especially considering how aggressively the fundamental norms of human morality and international law, religious truths are being destroyed. However, I am absolutely sure that the current crisis period will be replaced by the time of the triumph of a new, more justify and democratic world order. The best proof of this is today's Forum, which has brought together representatives of truly sovereign countries, who are ready to resolutely defend national interests and identity in the face of a global liberal-totalitarian dictatorship. Free, brave and visionary people are here today - in the Patriot Park.

My conviction in the triumph of multipolarity is based not only on the dedication of Russia and its like-minded people, but also on data on the deep crisis of the unipolar order, led by the United States. Perhaps the main problem of Washington is its rapidly growing detachment from reality. The American elite has long lived in a rainbow world known to it alone, where the United States continues to rule the planet completely, and is an indisputable military, economic and spiritual authority and has the exclusive right to supervise and punish. And the reality is that they have long since turned into a ‘hollow hegemony’, which stubbornly tries to force others to do what it does not believe in and does not correspond to at all. Hypocrisy and cynicism are incompatible with leadership, and even more with messianism.

Judge for yourself. In order to influence geopolitical competitors, the United States, which considers itself the standard of the rule of law, actively resorts to such an illegal tool as sanctions. I would like to emphasise the colonial nature of the sanctions policy of the United States and its satellites. Sanctions are, in fact, the appropriation of power over what does not belong to you. By introducing them, the West makes it clear to the other side: ‘Everything that you consider your own - resources, goods, technologies, communications, is actually mine; no one can buy or sell anything without my permission’.

Corruption charges are often used as a basis for imposing sanctions. The Biden administration has taken the fight against this evil to the global level, we can say, made it its flag. At the same time, new information is almost constantly surfacing that some American legislator or official has been caught using official powers for personal enrichment. The facts of blatant corruption in the family of the US president himself have become a ‘byword’. They have repeatedly become the subject of proceedings by the competent American authorities, but under pressure from the White House, investigations invariably end in zilch.

The bias of Western, if I may say so, justice is well known. The so-called International Criminal Court has long turned into a cudgel for punishing leaders objectionable to the ‘collective West’, mainly African leaders. Today, this fictitious judicial body, in which - let me remind you - more than a third of the UN member states and half of the world's population do not participate, is trying to take a swing at our country. The ICC is so distraught that it calls the rescue of children from the conflict zone a ‘crime’. At the same time, the ICC does not notice the child victims of the Ukronazist bombing of Donbass. From 2014 until the start of the special military operation in the Donetsk People's Republic alone, according to official data, 4,374 people were killed, including 91 children. And not a single Western structure reacted to this!

The US does not recognize the jurisdiction of the ICC, because - quite rightly - it believes that this would limit its sovereignty. Nevertheless, the Biden administration welcomed the accusations, made by the Hague platform against Moscow. But if the White House is so worried about the fate of street children, then why shouldn't it turn its eyes towards the US-Mexican border?! There, as a result of the migration crisis, 85 thousand children are missing - listen to this figure! What can I say here: ‘Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who change darkness into light, and light into darkness’.

A similar situation is developing with the notorious ‘freedom of speech’. Washington and its satellites are frankly infuriated by the struggle of sovereign countries with anti-state and society-corrupting propaganda, usually paid for by American foundations or their European branches. However, at home, Americans and Europeans are firmly suppressing the spread of any alternative points of view that undermine the prevailing narrative. They turn off and put under sanctions, not only having large-scale audience RT and Sputnik media, but even small media resources that oppose Western officialdom. In a number of the most rabid Russophobic countries, responsibility for viewing illegal content has already been introduced. In other words, the creators and advocates of Radio Liberty have reached the point of banning decoders and satellite dishes. Sic tran-sit gloria mundi - this is how worldly glory passes!

The West positions itself as a champion of religious freedom, or rather permissiveness. In Europe and the USA, almost everything is allowed: cutting down crosses, burning the Koran, and fall into blasphemy. What is really impossible is to defend your faith, to take it seriously. The logic of the globalists is clear: in the era of the collapse of old ideologies and the struggle for a new world order, traditional religions are a source of strength and sovereignty of people, countries and peoples, which means they must be eliminated.

We are now witnessing the manifestation of this approach in Ukraine, where the canonical Orthodox Church is literally being physically destroyed. The West, through the hands of the Kiev ‘junta’, makes it clear that there are no ‘red lines’ in this matter for it. The most authentic execution lists are compiled, and people get into them for not wanting to betray the true faith in favor of heretics. A similar aggressive policy of the United States has been carried out for decades in Latin America, Africa and Asia, brutally cracking down on everyone who dared to speak out against American neo-imperialism.

Man is created in the image and likeness of God, and Westerners seek to replace him with transgender people, biomechanoids and artificial intelligence. EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Joseph Borrel, speaking at the opening of the European Diplomatic Academy, compared Europe to a garden, and the rest of the world to a jungle. I would like to open the eyes of the chief European diplomat: a mentally and physically healthy person is really scared to come to Europe - so many different kinds of perversions have multiplied there. Nature itself is already crying out against this evil: fires are spreading across the European continent, America is being hit by hurricanes and tornadoes.

Borrel's statement is a perfect illustration of the deep-rooted racist, neocolonial approaches in the Euro-Atlantic elite. Recently, European and American leaders have sought to create the illusion among the former colonies that a dark page of history has been turned. There are even calls for partial recognition of the crimes of the colonial past. However, deeds speak better than any words. The US and the EU are actively developing the institution of secondary sanctions as a tool for external policy management of third countries, especially those that prefer partnership with Moscow and Beijing depending on the West. Washington and European capitals are stepping up the promotion of the so-called green agenda in the Asia-Pacific region, Africa and Latin America, actually meaning to slow down the industrialization of non-Western states. The practice of imposing trade agreements on partners that guarantee Americans and Europeans privileged access to the world's mineral reserves is widely used.

The double standards of the USA and the EU in humanitarian policy have become an obvious manifestation of neocolonialism and racism. Washington, London and the city of Brussels demonstrate extraordinary generosity towards Ukrainian refugees and turn a blind eye to real humanitarian disasters in Yemen, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan and Palestine. I am not talking about the ongoing direct occupation of a number of territories, such as New Caledonia and the Chagos Archipelago.

Not so long ago, an extremely interesting historical document came into my hands, the content of which, however, is directly related to the current moment. Without going into details, I will say that this is a speech by the head of the American military mission in China, Major General David Barr, in 1948. It fully reflects Washington's geopolitical strategy to achieve domination over the world as a result of a planetary conflict. The inevitability of a collision between the United States and the Soviet Union is postulated, which is declared, literally, ‘the enemy of peace and the destroyer of humanism’. The war, as emphasised, will not end until the entire Soviet territory is occupied. The states of Western Europe are called ‘poor sheep’, which ‘need to be fattened to cause a greater appetite in a hungry polar bear’, with which the American general associates our country. In turn, the task of containing the USSR in the Far East, I quote, ‘must be carried out with the blood of Asians’ in order ‘not to shed the blood of the American nation’.

In the 75 years that have passed since that moment, the geopolitical strategy of the United States, as we see, has not changed much. And the best proof of this is the Ukrainian conflict. However, the environment in which foreign policy players achieve their goals has changed dramatically. The world is no longer unipolar or bipolar, it has become much more complex. We can say that this is no longer a smooth American lawn, but a lush garden in which a hundred flowers bloom. In all regions of the world, there is an increase in national consciousness, a desire to strengthen regional integration, based primarily on one's own strength. Ideologists of globalism call what is happening an uprising of ‘ghost empires’. A rather apt remark - with the only caveat that there is nothing ‘ghostly’ in these processes. Westerners do not imagine them, they actually happen.

The formation of a multipolar world order is especially noticeable in the Eurasian space. An important quality of such structures as the SCO, the EAEU, the CSTO and the CIS, which fundamentally distinguishes them from Western military-political and economic blocs, is non-targeting against third countries and aiming at the establishment of a just world order based on respect for sovereignty and international law.

The role of the African Union is increasing as a global institution capable of resolving crises in Africa in the future without outside help in order to achieve political independence for the continent. In the Western Hemisphere, which Americans have always considered their ‘backyard’, a request for independent integration structures is also being formed. One of them is the Community of Latin American and Caribbean Countries, or CELAC, which does not involve the participation of the United States and Canada.

The Non-Aligned Movement has good prospects. It is developing towards becoming a full-fledged international organisation that can become a platform for promoting the interests of developing countries on the world stage and protecting them from external pressure.

Such a structure as BRICS has great potential in terms of forming a fair and democratic architecture of international relations. I think it is no accident that this abbreviation in English is heard as the word ‘bricks’. Genesis literally winks at the Anglo-Saxons. These are, indeed, the bricks in the foundation of a truly free and equal world, and new ‘bricks’ or poles will soon be added to them. The building of multipolarity will grow and strengthen, protecting the rights of peoples to sovereignty and identity, developing the real economy. And no Beast in the world will be able to destroy this building. 

Thank you for your attention!

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