Special thanks

Special thanks


It is the first time I compile roms and I can get to try so many. I have always been using only those that were already compiled, and that is why, I have decided to compile all those that I can. I would like to try all possible and share my work with everyone.

* Professional tester: It is the person who is responsible for testing all roms, reporting errors, sending captures and everything in the shortest possible time.

As I said before I am new to all this. I've always been a tester and I've loved trying new roms but I've never done mine. It has been a step that I must thank all of them:

- Prique: He was the first person who told me: you can do it on your pc and from that moment on he does not stop giving his help and his time. One of the best people I've met for these chats.

- Daniml3: He is always helping, discovering new things to share It is not just a name. He is a restless person and he always tries to improve. Thank you for your patience and for sharing your knowledge.

- Facoco: He has the most powerful computer I could see in photos, he is a reserved person but he always has time to help you. Thank you very much for your time and don't let that pc stop compiling.

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