Speak “What Is Good for Building Up” Others

Speak “What Is Good for Building Up” Others




I embarrassed my wife tonight. I knew when it happened, and I didn’t want to talk about it. But I knew in my heart that Yoomi was right. I had become unkind. There were lots of examples. I’d complained about the way one brother conducted meetings for field service. I was jealous of a ministerial servant who received new privileges. And I was pretty blunt about how frustrated I got with Yoomi’s parents. I thought I’d gotten rid of my old personality, but it still lurked inside of me. Some of my friends were OK with and even encouraged these bad qualities. The change was so gradual that I didn’t even realize how far I’d fallen.

What do you think I need to do to change?
How about we search for “good for building up” from the ONLINE LIBRARY?
Sounds good. Let’s take a look.

We considered Ephesians 4:29, which says:

“Let a rotten word not come out of your mouth, “but only what is good for building up . . . , to impart what is beneficial to the hearers.”

I was struck by this powerful word picture. Rotten words are as disgusting as rotten food. I didn’t want the things coming out of my mouth to disgust my wife or anyone else. But to change, I needed a plan. Now I really try to think before I speak. And I have a goal to give someone real commendation at every meeting. I have a goal for my conversations too. I want to keep them wholesome, true, and kind. It’s amazing how speaking kindly to others can make you feel so good inside. I shouldn’t be surprised, because it’s just another way of showing God’s love.

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