SparkOS 13.10 Custom Source CL 📜:

SparkOS 13.10 Custom Source CL 📜:

- Update security patch to November 2023
- Fix play integrity again
- Added Spark Package installer 
- Added a toggle to force LTE_CA
- Revamped about phone section
- Font size in 5% steps from 80% to 130% 
- Improve system font overriding method
- Link smallest width options in display settings
- Added lottie animation for most of the settings 
- make kernel info clickable in about phone 
- Allow limiting AOD & ambient display refresh rate via overlay
- Disable fading marquee
- introduce Statusbar brightness control
- Allow to always show the time in media player
- spoof com.pubg.imobile back to as OnePlus 8 PRO [unlocks 90fps]
- spoof Fortnite to OnePlus 9R
- Seekbar for left, right & top status bar paddings 
- Color coded battery indication 
- Introduce preferred network tile
- Less boring headsup enhancements and fixes
- Optimize notification scaling/rendering
- Fix qs app notification size
- Add haptic feedback to actions to seekbar preference
- Added Fingerprint authentication vibration
- weather: fix showing as sunny weather at night 
- Allow Scaling max opacity for recent menu to 100 in launcher 
- add toggle for linking notification and ringer volume
- Make storage and battery progressbar like OOS13
- Optimize blur and update blur value
- fix code for powermenu blur [advance powermenu was not blurred] 
- Put bare minimum metadata in screenshots
- display: Handle zero auto brightness adjustment
- GameManagerService: Set device_config property on behalf of GameSpace
- Force fullscreen for Google Dialer
- Fix Reticker not appearing for some app
- Fix GMS drain triggered by an outdated ROM build date
- Redesign the switch widget
- Update fingerprints to November 2023 release
- unlink in-call pick and end vibration from system vibration
- fix popup-panel color for wifi and bluetooth slice
- update legacy oos and oxygen/color-os settings ui styles
- Update usercard for oxygen/color-os and legacy settings-ui styles
- increase search bar Text size in settings page 
- Fix issue where settings icon in launcher was not following monnet color [Thanks to @alboook]
- allow to set min chroma value for monet to 0
- Audio improvements
- increase max text size for lockscreen small & large clock value

HotFix Source CL (December 03, 2023)

- config: speed up tooltip animations 
- Default Enable always show the time in media player
- Add option to Hide ADB and developer setting enable status
- update game prop spoofing 
- Fix Media session in qs having issue when always show time in media
  option is disbaled [Thanks to @bakkaq]
- Fix LDAC not working 
- move window ignore secure feature to fireworks
- Fix about phone crash in landscape mode
- revert Redesign switch widget from spark laucnher
- Fixed Play Integrity [Thanks to chiteroman](well it will be failing anytime soon Blame Google)

Custom Spark Source by @darkphnx

Credits 🤝:

- sparkOS and @spkal :)
- risingOs and GhostOS :)

Notes 📝:

This is not the official version or official release official spark version was 13.9 as per as pushed source on github and public release was 13.8
this is custom version so do not spam in "spark global rom support group" spam in respective "device support group"

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