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14 Disturbing Videos Found On The Deep Web

Zack Stevens
Nov 14, 2017

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The Internet is a large place and is home to a lot of content. Did you know that the Internet that everyone uses on a day to day basis is only a small slice of the world wide web? While many use the typical Internet for many things, a lot of other people use the dark web to fuel their morbid practices. The dark web, otherwise known as the deep web, is home to services that you’d never believe are allowed on the Internet. That’s why they’re on the deep web.
The dark web is often compared to the wild west era of the United States. There is little law in the way of the deep web, which is why it is dangerous to surf it. If you don’t take the proper precautions, you can invite strangers into your computer, information, and life. There have been stories of people using the deep web who’ve had their credit card information stolen, and even receiving strange phone calls hours after using the dark web.
The contents of the deep web can contain anything that is available on the normal Internet. However, the content on the deep web is a little different. It contains marketplaces that sell weaponry, and much more darker things that are being sold over the Internet. The deep web also features a video feature, and these videos can be very disturbing. Anything from gory videos to strange videos with no real meaning behind them. These videos can be very messed up, especially since there are no guidelines to the deep web…
This one has made its rounds across the Internet. However, it started as a video uploaded on the deep web. It showcases a man whose face is censored sitting at a table in a white room. The man is eating a bowl of soup, when a strange figure walks in wearing a disturbing mask, and gloves. Soon after another figure walks in, and joins the two. The two mystery men start to comfort the man as he eats the soup.
The man eating the soup begins to sob, but is forced to continue eating the soup. The video ends shortly after this, and there was no context further than what was shown. There are theories that the man eating the soup is a hostage of the two men wearing the masks. Others have said this is a twisted art project, and this theory is backed up by the fact the masks used in the video are characters that have been on TV in the past. Nothing official has come out about the video, and we’re all left wondering what happened to the soup man.

There isn’t much known about this video, only that it came from the dark web. It’s said that this woman in South America was hired to be a full time house keeper for someone. However, the man paying her had more sinister ideas in place for her. The man supposedly had a deep web page, and set up a webcam to film her 24/7 without her knowledge. The man would perform unspeakable acts to her on the live stream.
She finally managed to lock herself into the room, away from the despicable man. She became frantic, because her supply of food and water was running low. The woman got desperate and wrote a message on a sheet of cardboard. It said she had no water left, and food for two more days. She also wrote that if anyone who could see this to come save her. Soon after this, the blockade she made topples over, and the video cuts out…

There are different backstories to this video, but it’s known to have originated on the dark web. It shows what appears to be a restaurant. A man walks over to a woman and pours scalding oil on her. The man is then surrounded by an angry mob, as he tries to beat the woman more. It’s not known why the man did this, but the stories people claim are true seem like a stretch.
The first one is that she is a co-worker of his, and he found out she ate the other half of a hot dog he was saving. It seems a bit extreme, right? Another more plausible, but extreme, theory is the woman was a customer who was treating the man poorly. The man was fed up with the way he was being treated, and he took matters into his own hands. No matter the case, the woman was badly injured, and the man was rightfully punished.

This video is a compilation of several different disturbing clips. It starts with a quick clip of a clown holding up a knife. It then cuts to a man standing on a set of stairs wearing a white mask. That clip was confirmed to have been recycled from another deep web video. The video’s title is love.avi which doesn’t explain why this video exists.
A few more clips play throughout the video with no real explanation. The video ends, and you feel like you were cheated minutes of your life. The video still offers a disturbing mood, as creepy music accompanies the footage. The lack of knowledge behind the video offers a certain creep factor to it as well. Some may see this as an art project, but it still raises too many questions to be dismissed.

This video is surveillance footage of a woman drowning in a river after not watching where she was going. The video showcases the dangers of paying too much attention to your cellphone. Most people get away with doing this every day, but this woman did not.
She fell in, and the footage shows her struggling for a few minutes before disappearing. It’s said her body was discovered the next morning after her husband found her shoe in the river. The river seems to be deep since the woman couldn’t get her footing to get out of the water, and it seems some better safety precautions should be taken against people falling in.

This video comes from clips from a film made in the ’30s called Babes in Toyland . People took the clips from this already disturbing film and made it worse. The way the mouse moves is disturbing in and of itself, and the producers of the film said they put a real life monkey in the suit.
The edited deep web version of the video gets even more disturbing, mainly in the sound department. The sound begins to play out of sync, and becomes distorted. Soon viewers hear the sound of a baby crying in the background. The footage wasn’t left untouched either. There are some edits present, and it makes for a more finicky experience. Having the backstory to the origin of the video makes it less creepy, but not by much.

This video surfaced on the deep web, and was titled “Grave Robbing for Morons,” and is the creepiest tutorial video ever made. When you picture grave robbers, you think of old men who are desperate enough to dig up bodies. However, this video features a few teenagers, and instead of going for the body’s riches, they go for their bones.
Many people say that the video is fake, because of the numerous times the people in the video got things wrong. The video was part of a larger DVD set, but it’s still unknown if the video is fake or not. The props, and the actors in it really sell it if it is fake, but nobody can know for sure…

The existence of this video has never been officially confirmed, but a few Youtubers have claimed to have seen it. A mother and her child can be seen sitting on a table when suddenly a car arrives. One man pushes the mother down, and the other takes the baby. The video cuts to black, and we’re now transported to a forest.
The woman is seen being tied to a tree screaming to let her and her baby go. The men reveal a wood chipper. I will stop here to preserve the pure mind of the readers, but let’s just say the video takes a darker turn. Several people describe the video similarly, but until an actual link to the video is provided, it’s most likely fake. The story doesn’t line up with why the experience would’ve been filmed. Let’s hope this video is fake, and nothing ever surfaces from it.

This video has a simple, but terrifying plot. A little girl is seen coloring on the floor next to her bed. She hears a strange sound, stops coloring and looks up. She then returns to coloring, before nightmares ensue. A huge claw/hand can be seen creeping out from under her bed, and it grabs the girl. The hand goes under the bed as fast as it could, and the girl is gone in seconds. A small noise is heard as if the girl was eaten.
The video turned out to be fake, and the little girl in the video was interviewed about it. The little girl has a Youtube channel, and this was an art project. This makes the video a little less terrifying, but it still serves as nightmare fuel, especially if you just stumble onto the video.

This video surfaced through the deep web and features a man who is suffering. He is hooked up to some harness, and someone is attempting to communicate with the man. It’s obvious the man has a disease, as the camera pans down to his foot, which looks infected. The man is suspended in the air with a strange harness that looks painful. His hands and legs are in harnesses, almost as if to keep him from using them.
This video was actually of a cerebral palsy victim. This is a way of treating the disease in less developed countries. The man is being treated the best he can be while his family saves up for proper medical attention. This was set up so he wouldn’t be able to scratch himself or cause other bodily harm to himself. While it’s not officially from the deep web, initial viewing of it may make people think otherwise.

You don’t have to be an avid user of the deep web to know how creepy dolls are. This video from the deep web will make them even creepier. The video is set up like a commercial from the ’70s for a laughing doll, only the doll is laughing a little too much… During the commercial, the kids can be seen whipping their head around as if they’d seen a ghost behind them. This strange behavior is just the start.
There is a narrator that keeps the video light in nature, but even he turns demonic after a while. A few minutes in the video, everyone is laughing, and it gets out of control. The kids are laughing hysterically, the doll is rocking back and forth laughing, and even the narrator is laughing. The laughing sounds as if the doll has mind control, and it’s making the kids laugh against their will.

This strange video comes from an unknown source, and is truly disturbing. The video features another doll (told you dolls were creepy). Except this time, the doll isn’t smiling. The doll has a fragmented face. It looks like an old porcelain doll was dropped and glued back together. The way the doll moves is very unnatural, and the face almost follows the camera.
To make matters worse, the doll is holding bones. It’s unknown if these are real bones or they came with the doll. Either way, they’re creepy. The creepiest part of the video has to be how lifelike the doll’s eyes are. You can almost fall into a trance, as creepy music plays in the background. This is possibly the worse staring contest in history.

This video begins light-hearted enough, but ends rather strangely. While no killer dolls are present in this, or flashy images, this one’s creep factor lies in its mystery. A boat full of people was getting ready to be sent down the river, when it diverged paths and fell off a small waterfall. Everyone was okay, and onlookers helped the best they could.
One man decided to dive in, and help the people who were too shocked to move. Everyone in the boat crash made it out alive, except the man who went in to help was nowhere to be found. There was too much commotion, and nobody remembers where they saw him last. He went missing after that day. Extensive searches were conducted in the area, but no body ever showed up. What happened to him?

The deep web can be home to some gruesome material; that includes people accidentally being hit by trains. Most of these stories are claimed to be faked, but some have videos to back them up with. There are two videos in particular that come up when you search the deep web for train accidents.
One video features a woman waiting on the train to pass her by, but before it does, she steps in front of it, and is hit by the train. This one looks to be fake, as if a placeholder was used for the woman. It’s worth noting that both of the videos use night vision, which may be a sign of them being fake. The second one (and more terrifying one) features a woman who doesn’t realize a train is about to hit her. Right as the train hits her, you can see her attempt to step back, but sadly it’s too late. Whether this one is real or not is still a mystery…
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Edited by Andy Kryza Thursday 30 June 2022
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We rank cinema’s best sex scenes, from steamy silent films to Hollywood’s lustiest comedies and beyond
When it comes to sex, the movie are currently going through a bit of a dry spell. It feels like it’s been a long while since we’ve seen a hot, steamy, taboo-shattering roll in the hay – or hot tub, or midsize sedan, or literal bay of hale – in a major studio film, at least not one that truly shocks the zeitgeist and gets audiences talking. Is it because of society’s general rightward shift recently? Or did filmmakers start listening to those misguided social media debates about the merits of the sex scene?
In any case, it’s far past time the movies got back to getting it on – and here are 101 examples why. Sure, in some cases, sex scenes can seem pointless. In the best examples of cinematic boffing, though, sex tells stories. It develops characters. Sometimes it’s a punchline, sometimes it’s terrifying. Sometimes, yes, it’s simply meant to arouse – but titillation has value, too.
Pour yourself some wine and slip into something a little more comfortable. Here are the 101 best sex scenes of all-time.
Written by Dave Calhoun, Joshua Rothkopf, Cath Clarke, David Ehrlich, Phil de Semlyen, Daniel Walber, Trevor Johnston, Andy Kryza, Daniel Walber and Matthew Singer
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Director: Nicolas Roeg Bedfellows: Julie Christie, Donald Sutherland
The film Working with a Daphne du Maurier short story, Roeg gives us Laura (Christie) and John (Sutherland), a married couple who travel from Britain to Venice for his job after losing their young daughter in a drowning accident.
The sex scene It’s a simple predinner sex scene in a hotel room, but the way Roeg shoots and edits it, and the manner in which the actors perform it, makes it extremely powerful.
Why is it so groundbreaking? It just feels so real. It’s also a rare sex scene that chimes in perfect harmony with the film around it. Their sex feels like both an expression of grief and a welcome respite from it. Most of all, the actors just look like they know what they’re doing. No wonder they’ve been denying the sex was real ever since.
Director: Ingmar Bergman Bedfellows: Bibi Andersson, Liv Ullmann
The film After the catatonic breakdown of stage star Elisabet (Ullmann), she and nurse Alma (Andersson) enter into a fluid, mesmerizing power struggle, also a meeting of the minds.
The sex scene In a semidarkened room, Alma relates a tale of sex on the beach with her girlfriend and a pair of underage boys, an incident with dire consequences.
Why is it so groundbreaking? A classic sex scene with no actual sex in it? That's expert-level, folks. It helps to be Ingmar Bergman, the master director who could wring a heartbreaking monologue out of a shoe. Andersson's matter-of-fact relation of graphic acts makes the scene unbearably hot. The moment was often cut from prints by concerned censors. Famously, Roger Ebert wrote, ‘The imagery of this monologue is so powerful that I have heard people describe the scene as if they actually saw it in the film.’
Director: Ang Lee Tentfellows: Heath Ledger, Jake Gyllenhaal
The film Based on Annie Proulx’s story about the love affair between two cowboys, Ang Lee’s beautiful, swooning film starred Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger as range hands who fall in love. 
The sex scene It gets mighty cold up there in the hills of Wyoming. After a night drinking whiskey, the ranchers huddle up for warmth, and then…
Why is it so groundbreaking? Ang Lee put gay sex in the mainstream. Conservatives accused the film of promoting a gay agenda, but don’t they always? Brokeback Mountain picked up three Oscars from eight nominations in 2006, but not Best Picture (which went to Crash ). Some critics, including Roger Ebert, believed homophobia factored in the voting.
Director: William Heise Bedfellows: May Irwin, John Rice
The film At just 18 seconds long, ‘The Kiss’ (sometimes known as ‘The May Irwin Kiss’) is one of the earliest films to be shown to the public. Directed by William Heise for Thomas Edison, it recreates a kiss from a popular musical of the time, The Widow Jones .
The sex scene To be honest, it’s barely a kiss; there’s definitely no tongues or bodily fluids exchanged as actor John Rice tweezes his moustache in preparation before he goes in for what is more of a peck. 
Why is it so groundbreaking? Off
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