Spanking Wife Ass

Spanking Wife Ass


Spanking Wife Ass

September 30, 2022 September 29, 2022

September 16, 2022 September 14, 2022

feminist alert, dw, I'm not mean. says:

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Your guide to the marital discipline of wives and other advice in heading your home.
I regularly hear from readers, and likewise from married men and women about maintenance spanking, with opinions both for and against. I’ve put out an article uniquely on this topic before, and I want to address a few related points. Maintenance rubs a lot of people the wrong way, but is also a common practice, Continue reading “There’s That Maintenance Thing”
Spanking is not the only thing that needs to be firm when guiding your wife. Spanking is the first thing people think of, and it is the act that mostly makes up the punishment, but a husband’s guidance, both during a punishment and in daily instruction, needs to be both firm and clear. A weak Continue reading “Managing Your Discipline Session”
This is a testimony from one of our female Indian readers about upbringing and marriage in traditional Indian, and Hindu families. Her husband has also helped me a great deal in understanding how marriage and family works there. This experience does not reflect every family in India, where in certain places western values have taken Continue reading “Traditional Marriage and Wife Spanking in India”
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I am sooooo happy I found this blog and it’s still active! What an amazing resource as a submissive wife! My husband is new to HoH roles but I continue to encourage and ask, honor and submit to him in his learning. He showed me he is the exact man God made for me during and after my first punishment back in July. I am so blessed and this blog will further allow us to grow in our disciplined life. Thank you!!
Welcome to the site, Lovenkink. I am very happy to be able to provide the articles, and hope that it blesses you in your marriage. I’m sure you will experience the rewards of discipline. Feel free to comment on any of the articles, or to write me at my e-mail.
Good evening. I call from Italy, I’m Lorenzo 58. I’m very sorry about my poor english language, but I read this forum with a special interest. So I try to explane my tough and uor (my and mine wife) experience. I (we) think tha a woman is on th same plane of a man, but she can’t be a realized woman whitout roules, correction, discipline, punishment. I read a lot of papers in this (and in others) bog, and I agree whit the basic idea that woman need, deeply in her soul and DNA, this way of life. We don’t live the complete CDD (we married 30 years ago) but usyally I spank her, I use the belt or the core cane, just on the bare bottom and often ’til the tars. Our chiise, since the firt time of our marriage, is that the pnishment can happen only after a long dialogue. I think that she need to comprehend why she needs (or deserve) the punishment. I observed that using this metod the effectiveness od the beating is complete and become a growth for both. I used still the nudity as discipline and punishment (for example no panties whit skirt). I ask a thik: I use the enema as disicpline and punishment instrument: both psicolocically and corporally we discovered that enema is a perfect metod to punish and to cleann her soul. I ask, if I can: nobody else uses enemas in domestic discipline? Thank very mouch
Thank you for your comment, Lorenzo. I am very happy to hear from a reader in Italy. Nearly any woman, from cultures all across the world, can appreciate and grow from getting spanked by her husband. It does suit her soul. That’s a very good point about a wife needing to understand the punishment she has coming.
While I endorse and teach marital spanking, I do not find enemas appropriate for a punishment. I find anything related to the bowels too biological, as well as unpleasant, and it doesn’t seem much like a punishment. You will find there are a few couples who use such practices, but I don’t believe it is that common.
Hi there. We do use enemas for the same reason you mention.
I am 22 and I just got married, When we were dating my husband told me that once we get married we will practice DD. Coming from a Christian family I was familiar with the concept.
I must say that I totally accept DD but I think that my husband is abusing this tool.
I am very humble, polite and submissive. I accept my husband’s rule over me without questioning it. However, my husband sometimes punishes me with no reason at all. He just feels that I deserve to be punished and he sends me to our room for corner time. I have to stand in the corner, facing the wall. I stand there all alone and I must be silent while he is watching tv. Sometimes it could last for an hour. The other day I told him that I didn’t accept this punishment since I feel degraded and humiliated. I told him that I’m not a little girl and he should respect my feelings. He then slapped my face and spanked my tush very hard. I was shocked. After the punishment I cried secretly for several days.
What should I do? I love him but I feel his behavior is way too abusive.
Hello Karin, Thank you for writing me. I’m glad you can understand the value of discipline, and accepted it in your marriage. If you’d like to discuss it in some detail, feel free to write me at my e-mail, or you can have your husband contact me as well.
It is not unheard of for a husband to sometimes misuse discipline. It is fairly subjective decide exactly what is out of bounds, and everyone is going to make a mistake sometimes. A punishment ought to have a reason, and even discipline as a form of training ought to come in only where there are real problems to work on.
I would not be resistant or argumentative with your husband, but there’s nothing wrong simply with expressing that you think you were punished for no reason, and asking him to be clearer if you do something wrong. Otherwise, that could leave you with little idea of what his rules are, and when you are doing a good job or not. Perhaps he saw something that you did not, and that’s why he decided to put you in the corner. I would stay away from telling him that you do not “accept” it, since as his wife you need to accept it, even if you believe he made a poor judgment call.
It is best for a man to have another man for guidance. That way he can get a good idea of how discipline works, and hear advice on how to use if better. That includes hearing if he is using discipline wrongly. A wife should know that her good behavior will not lead her into trouble, but only her bad behavior.
Hello sir,
I really want to thank you for the smart and informative answer.
My husband controls almost every aspect of my life. He teaches me how to dress, how to manage the household, how to take care of the accounts, what to cook, how much and when to clean the house, etc.
The agreement between us is that I am responsible for all household chores such as cleaning, cooking, paying bills and arranging the house and he is responsible for the income of the house.
The choice to be the little woman in the house is a choice that I am at peace with and I have no second thoughts about my role in this life and my husband’s role as the head of the house.
I am rarely punished for neglecting my duties at home. I know that my husband is very pleased with the way in which I take my tasks seriously and the way in which I fulfill them. I clean the house every day. I do laundry, tidy the house and cook delicious and nutritious meals for him.
Sometimes I can be negligent in one task or another or an order that I didn’t understand properly and then I am severely punished with the cane. I don’t complain about it because I understand that I disappointed my husband (which is the head of our little kingdom) and I deserve to be punished. The punishment is very severe. I writhe in pain when the cane cuts into my flesh, but I neither cry nor moan, but accept the pain with resignation and submission.
Where do I identify the problem? In places where, in his understanding, I behaved in a way that is not in accordance with his wishes and which I do not fully understand. For example, when my husband is busy doing something like working, reading, or watching TV, I have to ask permission before I address him but sometimes I just ask him a simple and direct question without asking permission to speak and he will respond by slapping me in the face. If for example I don’t sit properly (back straight, shoulders back, buttocks touching the back of the chair, either crossed legs or crossed at the ankles) I get spanked on my legs, thighs and bottom).
If I say a word he doesn’t like I’m likely to get slapped on the mouth. I might be sent to corner time just because he feels that I’m not calm, or that I was talking loudly. He will tell me: “you act like a little girl and therefore you should stand in the corner and then get spanked on your bare bottom”.
I think that by now you get the picture.
I appreciate that my husband teaches me how to sit and how to speak but I need more guidance before I get punished.
Hello Karin, Thank you for making things clearer. I believe the extent to which your husband goes is beyond the norm in domestic discipline. Having authority does not demand regulating or punishing everything, as I have said. Marriage is not totalitarian.
Naturally, if you spoke with vulgar language, or blasphemy, it would be reasonable to punish you. However, punishing a mere inappropriate word, is very harsh. It really sets a standard that is virtually impossible to meet. His concern for your body does not need to extend to exact sitting position. Certainly, you should respect his desire, but making a simple mistake in posture is not serious to warrant serious punishment. The cane is a very harsh instrument, and being harsh, is appropriately reserved for the serious infractions.
I believe it would help if he had guidance from other men, who focus their leadership on larger matters, and punish for larger matters. Smaller guidance needs are better handled with words. I also find smacking in the face to be unsafe. I know many men try and do it safely, but the face and head are easily injured, and striking at the face implies more of an attack than a punishment. I hope that your husband is open minded towards altering his methods.
You clearly have a lot of self discipline, and a good attitude as a wife. I believe your husband is trying to do what is best, but misses the mark regarding being punitive with so many matters. I hope you can have an honest, loving conversation about it with him. If not, I’d be happy to speak with him myself.
We also have a rule in my house that I am to ask permission before speaking if it will interrupt something my husband is doing, such as watching TV, etc. This rule makes sense to me because it is simply showing him respect, but the rule is not designed to humiliate me or to simply control me for the sake of controlling me. I agree with Aron that your description sounds like your husband is taking things too far. It is good for a wife to be willing to put up with a harsh husband, but at the same time, Jesus did give the entire church instructions on how to deal with people who are sinning against other people. It does sound to me like your husband may be doing this to you. In Matthew 18 it talks about how to approach someone who is sinning in the body of Christ, and that is your take one or two trusted other people to talk to them. In this situation it is not gossip to talk to somebody about something going wrong, in fact Christ commands us to go talk to somebody else when we are being harmed by a brother or sister even if that person is a spouse it should not make a difference. I don’t know if Aaron would agree but you will find the instructions written in Matthew 18 about how to take one or two other people to talk to someone who is not living the right way before the Lord. Just be careful and pick some brothers who do not think it is wrong to spank a wife, or they will judge your husband just for spanking you instead of for spanking you wrongly.
I would not agree with Heather’s assessment. While I find the situation overly harsh, I don’t see anything I could clearly define as sin, although in some areas where we cross over into it is subjective. Considering this is a private marital matter and one many people don’t approve of, I would not bring anyone you know into the situation unless you know for a fact it is sin. The first biblical approach is to speak one on one anyway. If you’d like to speak with someone, or have him speak with someone to receive guidance, I’d use private contacts online. Give it some thought.
I’m need my husbands correction but he refuses, what should I do?
Hello J, Thank you for your question. I have several articles on introducing the idea of spanking to your husband that might be helpful to you. It’s not a rare situation that a wife wants to be corrected, but her husband either doesn’t know about it, or is not interested.
First try introducing the idea to him, and let him know your needs. Explain why you think it would be helpful, but turn it over to his consideration and decision. You might want to leave him with some good reading material on the subject. Most important is that he gets a clear view of what headship is, and what goes along with it. Once he can see his role and your role underneath him, correction fits more easily into the picture.
If he isn’t interested, there’s not too much you can do, other than being patient. Know that it takes time for a man to reconfigure how he sees things, and what you suggest may go against the bulk of his training and worldview. Certain things need to come into focus, and they take time. Just wait, and in the meantime, do your best to show him your submission to him in all things. Learn to be soft and gentle, and to follow his lead. Let him know you belong to him, and your body is his to enjoy as he pleases. Sometimes seeing you in submission will help him get a view of his own leadership, and how he can be your head. Your example itself can be a good tool to introduce it to him.
My husband doesn’t want to discipline me either.
In some ways that is more painful than a spanking. So it is something to train myself to submit to his desires to not spank. I do pray the Lord convinces him at some point to spank me. That’s a scary prayer to pray!
Hello NotSpanked, Thank you for your comment. I am sorry to hear you aren’t being corrected as you need, but submission often involves submitting to things you are unhappy with, including his choice not to use spanking. Work on becoming the soft, submissive, and feminine woman that you should be for him, even without the discipline. That will be valuable to him, and he will treasure it.
Give it time as well. I really can take men years to digest the purpose of discipline, as well as see its helpfulness. Plus they have mental obstacles to get over, such as the fear of hurting a woman, which this society has drummed into everyone. It is certainly worth praying for, though I understand your fear also. It can be hard to face a spanking once you have to face one.
If you haven’t read it already, here is one article dealing with common male obstacles to accepting spanking their wives:
I’ve a question. I’m blind. My partner is also blind. How can he give me a spanking?
Hello Paula, Thank you for writing. I have not considered that question before, and I think it’s good you bring it up. To begin with, as far as afflictions such as blindness, I know that despite any hardship from the condition, the Lord purposes it for His glory. Your struggling with blindness, and living in it, can refine you, and can uplift the name of Jesus.
I do not believe that blindness would prevent anyone from spanking, or being spanked. It does present some challenges as far as safety is concerned. The first, is the ability to hit the mark, rather than striking somewhere that could cause damage. The second is witnessing how the spanking is affecting the woman, which allows a husband to see if he’s being thorough enough, or perhaps risking real damage.
I believe both of these obstacles can be overcome. It seems the safest way to spank, for those who cannot see, or see clearly, is over the knee. That way your man, who I hope is your husband, can know exactly where your bottom is, and even feel it resting on his legs. It is close to him and easily struck, even letting him know if he is spanking towards the top or bottom of it.
The second obstacle, for those who have never spanked before may be more difficult. How is he to know how the spanking is affecting your bottom? How can he tell if he is being harsh enough or too harsh? For me, having given many spankings before, with a variety of instruments, and having seen the results, I wouldn’t have a trouble gauging if a spanking were thorough without my eyes, although the eyes help. I know about the hardness to strike, and how long most of my spankings are. I also can tell by my wife’s reactions, in her squeals and in her tone of voice. I could give a safe and thorough spanking without my sight. I believe anyone could do the same, gauging by the same factors.
If a man is new to spanking, it may be more challenging, however. I’d advise, if he’s willing to try, to simply experiment, and use his judgment as to what is hard enough, and what brings the right reaction from you. He may find he can spank you many times, and provide appropriate discipline, with little risk at all. If he’s new, perhaps err on the side of caution the first few times, but once he sees he can spank you soundly without injuring you, he will develop an understanding of what delivering a sound spanking feels like. Then he can repeat it, and provide you the correction you need.
I’d be interest in hearing if you try spanking, and what works out for you. Blindness does not need to prevent you from so many things, including spanking. If you need a spanking, blind or not, you should get it.
I hope that offers you some guidance. Take care.
Thanks for the good answer. Yes, he is my husband. We are from Poland and we are learning English. I am writing because my husband does not know the language yet. Yes, the over-the-knee position is probably for the best. What tool do you recommend in our case? Will something beyond hand be available to us?
Hi Paula, That’s great. I enjoy hearing from our readers in Poland. Very glad you are considering spanking in your marriage, and I definitely believe you can make it work.
To start out with, the easiest and safest would be hand spanking. That will give him a good feel for it. After that, I would recommend a good sized wooden hairbrush, or a smaller wooden paddle for over the knee spankings. Hairbrushes often have shorter handles though, so there’s always a risk, seeing or not, that it can slip out if a man’s hand during the spanking. That’s nearly impossible with a paddle, which usually have longer handles.
You could also try a firmer loopy johnny, some of which are nearly a foot long, not including the handle. If it is the firm kind, it will swing only a little, then b
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