Spanking Tights

Spanking Tights


Spanking Tights
Have you ever been spanked over someone’s lap?
Author has 51 answers and 559.9K answer views · 1 y ·
As an adult, have you been spanked by someone other than your husband?
Have you been spanked in the private area as a punishment? What happened?
Has your boss ever spanked you at work? If so, what did you do?
Do you have any pictures of when you were spanked while you were younger?
Knows Spanish · Author has 1K answers and 13.7M answer views · 1 y ·
As an adult, have you been spanked by someone other than your husband?
Have you been spanked in the private area as a punishment? What happened?
Has your boss ever spanked you at work? If so, what did you do?
Do you have any pictures of when you were spanked while you were younger?
Have you ever witnessed someone get a bare bottom spanking?
Have you ever been part of a public spanking? What was it like?
What was the worst thing you have been spanked with on your bare bottom?
Have you ever been spanked as a punishment? How did it feel physically and emotionally before and after getting the spanking? Feel free to tell the story
Has your time at home resulted in more spankings?
Have you been spanked or give spankings to a bare bottom?
Did you ever get spanked until you couldn’t sit or walk?
What was your most humiliating spanking as an adult?
Who spanks her partner for punishment?
As an adult, have you been spanked by someone other than your husband?
Have you been spanked in the private area as a punishment? What happened?
Has your boss ever spanked you at work? If so, what did you do?
Do you have any pictures of when you were spanked while you were younger?
Have you ever witnessed someone get a bare bottom spanking?
Have you ever been part of a public spanking? What was it like?
What was the worst thing you have been spanked with on your bare bottom?
Have you ever been spanked as a punishment? How did it feel physically and emotionally before and after getting the spanking? Feel free to tell the story
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Yes. Until 16 only over my mothers lap. After 16 I was maturing and a taller girl so they laid my body across both my parents’s laps.
My mother received my waist and bare bottom and would administer the spanking.
My father would receive my bare stomach and wrap his arms around to secure it from squirming.
Sometimes I could feel his hand brushing underneath by my bellybutton! I felt so so embarrassed and uncomfortable when he did that! I felt butterflies in my tummy when his hand was “managing” my tummy’s behavior! He loved to “feel” my tummy going up and down with fear as I panic!
Yes. Until 16 only over my mothers lap. After 16 I was maturing and a taller girl so they laid my body across both my parents’s laps.
My mother received my waist and bare bottom and would administer the spanking.
My father would receive my bare stomach and wrap his arms around to secure it from squirming.
Sometimes I could feel his hand brushing underneath by my bellybutton! I felt so so embarrassed and uncomfortable when he did that! I felt butterflies in my tummy when his hand was “managing” my tummy’s behavior! He loved to “feel” my tummy going up and down with fear as I panic!
They always spanked me in the kitchen at dinner time so my brothers would see my punishment.
I always felt very embarrassed but would try to focus on improving my behavior rather than my smooth bare skin squirming and sliding all over their laps!!!
Oh yes, many times! For the first 12 years of my life, rarely did a month go by that I didn’t go over my mom’s or on occasion my dad’s lap for a spanking (and usually more than once a month)! For the first 12 years, they just used their hands to spank me on my bare butt, but that was usually enough to make me very sore!
When I was very young, my mom would just spank me wherever we were, usually in the middle of the living room though. As I got older, my spankings migrated to more private places, usually my bedroom, but the doors were frequently left open so it wasn’t THAT private either. If we
Oh yes, many times! For the first 12 years of my life, rarely did a month go by that I didn’t go over my mom’s or on occasion my dad’s lap for a spanking (and usually more than once a month)! For the first 12 years, they just used their hands to spank me on my bare butt, but that was usually enough to make me very sore!
When I was very young, my mom would just spank me wherever we were, usually in the middle of the living room though. As I got older, my spankings migrated to more private places, usually my bedroom, but the doors were frequently left open so it wasn’t THAT private either. If we weren’t at home and I was bad, I got taken to a public restroom where mom closed the stall door and spanked me, but it was kind of awkward having those slits in the doors because I worried other women or girls might look through and see my bare bottom getting spanked! I tried to keep my head from going down too far down to avoid making eye contact with anyone or looking under a stall by accident.
I remember my mom also spanked me over her knee once at a camp site, but fortunately I don’t think anyone outside of my immediate family saw that, we had our own camp site far away from anyone else’s, and another time 2 of my brothers and I misbehaved together in a park near some woods, and dad walked us into the woods, and each of us had to take turns “standing guard” to keep other people from walking into the woods to see our sibling getting spanked… until it was our turn to go back and get spanked. Fortunately no one tried to walk past us, because I’m not even sure what we were supposed to say if anyone approached!
When I turned 13, spankings were usually bending over the bed or other furniture instead of over a parent’s lap. Also they weren’t hand spankings anymore. They did start to become a bit less frequent though.

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The most embarrassing corporal punishment I ever got was when I was 11. My mother was just starting to prepare me for my spanking, which had been coming both for sassing her and for playing ball in the house which resulted in a broken window.
When it came to administering the spanking, Mom always took my pants down herself. She said naughty boys were not allowed to do it. Anyway, just as her fingers were starting to unzip my short pants, the door bell rang.
My mother looked up. “That must be the babysitter – don’t you dare move!” I was so embarrassed when she returned with Sarah, my babysitter. Sarah was only four years older then me and I had a huge crush on her. She was wearing a pencil skirt, stockings and high heel pumps. She looked at me and smiled. 
To my utter shame, my mother told her: “Bobby has been a very naughty boy and I was just about to administer his spanking when you arrived. I didn’t realise how late it was, and I won’t have time to whip him. Would you do me a favour and administer it for me?” Sarah looked at me and smiled, then said: “I would be happy to.” Mom told her to pull my pants and underwear down and spank me over her lap, then she left.
When my mother had gone, Sarah looked at me and said knowingly: “I think this spanking will do you a lot more good with me giving it to you. I know you have a crush on me!”
She sat down on the straight-backed chair previously occupied by my mother and called me over, then her fingers slowly finished unzipping my pants. Sarah took down my underpants and looked down – she smiled as she gazed at my growing erection. My embarrassment was complete. Then it was over her lap for my spanking. I felt her stocking-clad thighs under me and rubbed myself against them.
Sarah raised her hand and began to spank me slowly, pausing between spanks to let each one sink in. The fire built up steadily in my bare bottom but at the same time, I also felt something else as my penis rubbed up and down against her stockings as I wriggled. With hindsight, I was on the point of coming. However, just before I did, Sarah stood me up, told me to pull up my pants and go to my room until I could be a good boy.
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Maman is an adult website containing recollections of corporal punishment experienced during the contributors' childhoods. By proceeding, you are asserting that you are over the age of majority for the country in which you reside, and you further agree to the use of cookies on this website. Note that although this website contains only legal content, Maman is nevertheless a fetish site and should be considered Not Safe For Work (NSFW). Maman does not advocate corporal punishment for today's children. If you are a minor or likely to be upset by the subject matter, please do not proceed any further. 

Click here to explore the Dana’s new interactive store and filmography. There are now 150 titles, with several more coming soon.
The old store will remain in place, but this one is easier and much more fun to use. You can sort the films in various ways and many have previews and their own dedicated pages.

Dana and Sarah team up with one of the all-time goddesses of the British spanking scene, the great Amelia Jane Rutherford. Her acting, facial expressions and instantly recognizable, sculpted posterior are all on display in this exquisitely edited film. As our scene begins, the shock of seeing Dana’s hairbrush cracking down across her friend Sarah’s backside has transformed Amelia from a sexy, cheeky, rebellious young woman to a frightened little girl, desperately trying to find her tongue and please the no-nonsense disciplinarian as she calmly and repeatedly prompts her to ask for a bare bottomed hairbrush spanking.

Detention Discipline is based on the time-honored trope of the teacher being spanked for failing to properly spank her charge. Sarah’s plays it perfectly, showing a wicked streak as she lands crisp stinging paddle strokes on her obnoxious student’s behind, and then turning on a dime to prim, proper, and mortified when the headmistress informs her of her fate.
This was the debut of Jordana Leigh, now well know to fans through her work in Strictmoor Academy Year 1 and others. At the time, she was using the stage name Scarlett Summers. Watch this space for two more trailers from films featuring this trio of actresses: Lesbian Lovers Spanked, and Little Red Bottom-Hood. The full films are already available for download in the Clip Store .
Detention Discipline  is now available as a downloadable MP4. And remember, if you’ve ever bought a physical DVD from, you’re entitled to a free download link for the same film when it becomes available as an MP4.
BEHIND THE CAMERA WITH DANA: “This was filmed at Sarah’s house in CT in her basement before she had her studio built in the back. I was staying with her for 10 days or so, seeing clients and shooting videos. We also filmed Lesbian Lovers that day. This was the first time I met Jordana, and she was a sweet, tiny girl–very likeable with a nice round bottom, but was more of a vanilla model and had never done a spanking shoot before. Oh boy.  I must say she is a real trooper and took what I was giving without saying ‘cut’. When she said ‘ow!’ it was quite real. Her body language was also very real and she was in agony and complete surprise because she now knew that being a spanking model means you get spanked not just posed for a still shot. Of course when it came to Sarah, Jordana’s teacher, I was harder on her for Jordana’s benefit and relief. The climax to this day was after I gave Jordana her first paddling and I did paddle her hard, when we cut, Sarah realized we had run out of battery and the paddling scene had to be shot again. The long on poor little Jordana’s face made me burst into laughter and I immediately put her over my knee and put lotion on her to get her ready for the 2nd take. I felt so bad but it had to be done just the same just as hard. We waited until she got her courage up and hit record. The result you see is her 2nd paddling on that video shoot.”  

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