Spanking Teens Stories

Spanking Teens Stories


Spanking Teens Stories

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Teenage Girls by Grace Brackenridge.

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Preview — Teenage Girls
by Grace Brackenridge

This collection of short stories all focus on the spanking experiences of teenage girls. In many of these stories the girls actually ask to be spanked, especially when a spanking is seen as preferable to being grounded, having extra chores to do, a reduced allowance or other corrective measures. In addition, they sometimes want to be spanked as a means of assuaging guilt o
This collection of short stories all focus on the spanking experiences of teenage girls. In many of these stories the girls actually ask to be spanked, especially when a spanking is seen as preferable to being grounded, having extra chores to do, a reduced allowance or other corrective measures. In addition, they sometimes want to be spanked as a means of assuaging guilt or ensuring that they have firm guidelines and boundaries in place. Occasionally, they romanticise the idea of being spanked or find that it acts as an escape from the stresses of adolescence and helps them to feel like a child again. Many of the stories involve blended families where the stepfather is quite often the one to do the spanking, although sometimes there's a helpful relative on hand or an obliging neighbour. Please note that these are entirely fictional works intended to be thought provoking and the author is strongly opposed to the spanking of children in real life.

March 7th 2018
by LSF Publications

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Some of us were discussing the last spanking we remember receiving and the concensus was that they don't make spankings today like they used to.
Seems like the quality of lots of things has diminished.
Several opinions were stated as facts: Mothers inflict redder spankings than fathers.
A daddy is less likely to hold a grudge. A daddy will finish spanking, then walk straight into the kitchen and dip the ice cream.
The worst punishment is for the mother to say, "Just wait until I tell your daddy about this!" Especially, it was noted, when you know daddy isn't due back for another seven or eight hours.
Teachers should forever have the right to spank the open palm with a 12-inch wooden ruler. Then, if the intended victim balks and repeatedly catches the ruler he or she should be dispatched to the principal's office and whatever happens there is not too much.
I never was the victim of many parental spankings. (Why should I have been, considering a lifetime of excellent deportment?) But I never forgot my last one.
Joe Louis was defending his world heavyweight boxing championship. I forget now against whom. But it was either Mr. Louis' second fight with Billy Conn or his second fight with Max Schmeling.
The fact I do not recall Mr. Louis' opponent is what caused my spanking.
During heavyweight title fights, the only person who was entitled to speak was the radio announcer.
If you were to remain in the house which was the proper location for any red-blooded American to be when Mr. Louis was fighting then you were to sit perfectly still and stare at the radio.
Looking back, this was understandable. After all, radio did not contain any instant replays.
You either heard Mr. Conn's head go kerplop on the canvas or you didn't. Had instant replay been introduced some evening for the first time, I cannot imagine what would have happened when Mr. Conn's noggin' kerplopped seven consecutive times.
"My Gawd! Stop the fight!" we all would have yelled. "Joe's killin' 'em."
At any rate, it was during Mr. Louis' fight that I invented a baseball game that could be played in the living room, where the radio also was.
The game consisted of throwing a tennis ball, fast as possible, at the gas stove, which was located in the fireplace. One could get numerous crazy bounces from that area. if the tennis ball caromed upward and over my own head, it was a homer; under the divan, a triple, etc. you understand the rules now.
Well, several times I was told to halt the baseball game.
I have never forgotten that Billy Conn and I both got a good whipping the same night.

Why Me?! August 23, 2008 By Audrey Fine PUBLISHED: Aug 23, 2008
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There was this one day I had to go to the bathroom, but then a couple of my friends were jump-roping and asked me to join in. Apparently, I was so excited to jump rope that I completely forgot I had to go to the bathroom. While one of my friends was jump roping, she messed up and fell. I started laughing my head off...until I started to feel wet. When it was time to leave, my friend whispered in my ear, "Amanda, not to embarrass you or anything, but you are the 'bottom' area of your jeans..." At once I felt my face turn into a tomato, I ran to the bathroom to find a huge wet spot on my butt! As embarrassing as that is, I had to go the rest of the day with a big spot on my jeans.
My best friends were spending the night at my house, and we were picking out thongs. Well they dared me to go to the grocery store and wear a lime-green polka dotted thong and wear a shirt with a big rip in the middle. I thought it's 2:00 in the morning, and no one's going to be there (cause there open 24/7). When I went there, guess who was there? My ex-boyfriend, my boyfriend and MY DAD! My dad told me to come here, and then he spanked me. He grounded me for 2 months, and I wanted to kill my friends and plus it was in front of my boyfriend!
My friends and I were having a sleepover, were we were working on our Tech video. Halfway through the video we decided to take a break and play "The Slut Game." It's basically were you act like sluts and get in your bra's and thongs and pretend to have sex. I was in a bed pretending to have sex, my friend was in the closet making noises, and my other friends were just lying on the floor having "sex." But we forgot that the video camera was still filming! The day that the Tech video was due, we turned ours in. All of the videos were going to be showed to the whole class. We knew that our video was good, so we even got some of our friends from different classes to persuade their teachers to spare 10 minutes to watch our video. Halfway through out video, it showed us playing the "Slut Game." Everyone was watching us in our bra's and underwear acting like, well, sluts. We were so embarrassed, and to make it all worse we got an F on the project. My friends and I never played that game again!
One night I invited my boyfriend to spend the night while my parents were out of town. Unfortunately, my older brother was staying home with his friends, so my boyfriend and i decided to take it easy. Well it was about 12:00 am and we went out to the kitchen to get something to eat. Everyone was asleep, so we started making out on the couch then moved to a bed. We started to undress and finally we were totally naked and under the covers. We started to have sex (with a condom), and my brother and his friends took pictures of us doing "it." We quit about an hour later and didn't feel like getting dressed so we stayed naked and continued to touch each other. When we woke up, my brother and his friends pulled off the covers and had taped the pictures around us and to make it worse they started to sing, "Sarah had sex, Sarah had sex!"
In the middle of winter someone started a small fire during my gym class. We stood outside in the wind and the cold in our gym uniforms. Of course, the drill lasted about 20 times longer than usual, because we had to wait for the fire department to declare the "all-clear." Meanwhile, we're freezing our butts off. I was spending time flirting with my crush who's in my gym class. Finally we went inside. In English class, I was complaining to a guy friend of mine about how cold it was, and my crush was supporting me. But my friend said that he wasn't cold. I was annoyed, because he was wearing sweatpants and a hoodie. I yelled, "Yeah, well, at least you were wearing clothes!" A bunch of people turned to look at me. I slapped my hands over my mouth and turned red. My guy friend laughed, "What were you two doing out there?
I could have died.
At my school, there is a strict dress-code policy. We have to wear a belt and have our shirts tucked in. Well, one day, it just so happened that a really cute guy forgot to wear a belt, and I had one in my locker. A pink one to be exact. I handed it to him, and he got through the day without a detention (but he got a few odd stares from teachers). However, he forgot to give it to me at the end of the day. The next day he came to school, escorted by his mom, holding my pink belt in her hand. She threw it at me and said, "I never want you to see my son again!" It was in front of the entire middle school. Apparently, she had found the belt in his room and thought we were sleeping together. Let's just say he never borrowed on of my belts again.
Okay, for Christmas someone bought me some really awesome school supplies, including a binder that I really liked. So, I took it to school and showed all my friends.
In my math class I sit right behind my crush, and the school dork sits right behind me. Well, I loved my binder so much that I was determined to make it fit underneath my chair in the little rack -- not a good idea. I tried to force it into the rack, but it wouldn't fit, so I pushed one more time. Suddenly as I was pushing, I farted. I was so embarrassed. My crush was disgusted, but he didn't know it was me...He looked back at me, and I did the one thing I could think of -- I pointed to the dork behind me. I didn't know what to do! Then the teacher said, "Would someone please keep their internal movements to themselves." I turned beat red, but so did the dork behind me! If my binder doesn't fit now, I just put it on the floor.
My most embarrassing moment involves a needle, a hall of lockers and the stare of my stationary grade seven class. On that day, my classmates were getting their Hepatitis B shots. Before I knew it, I was receiving a shot of my own, and in a matter of seconds it was over. I had survived! Though, it wasn't until I stood up, that I began to question my thoughts of surviving. Suddenly it was if the earth flipped upside down. I had become really dizzy and nauseous. As I headed to the drinking fountain for some water to try and settle my dizziness; my world suddenly went black. I had fainted, and somehow managed to crash into the lockers on the other side of the hall. To my surprise, when I finally came to I saw my teacher, the secretary, the principal, the vice-principal, and other teachers (who had come to see what the loud crash was). My teacher was calling my name over and over, as the rest of the staff just hovered over me. My whole class witnessed it, and as I lay on the ground I heard them talking. Some thought I had amnesia, while others thought I had died. It has been three years since that happened, and people still make fun of me because of what happened that day!
I was at a sleepover and we were playing Truth or Dare. My friends dared me to put my thong on my head for a minute. I didn't think it was as amusing as they did, but they got a good laugh out of it. Apparently I forgot to put my underwear back into my bag. When it was time for us to leave the next morning, we all stuffed into the car with my friend's dad and little brother. All of a sudden her mom comes out of the house screaming "Wait!" In her hand was my bright pink thong. She said she found it half stuffed in the couch cushions. To make matters worse, my friend yells out, "That's Kelly's," and the whole neighborhood was out watching. I was SO embarrassed.
One night, I was sleeping over at my friend's house. Her parents were not home, and her older brother who is really mean was supposed to be watching us. Well, to get back at him, I came up with a brilliant plan. When he was in their living room, we snuck into his room. We started putting baby powder on top of his ceiling fan. Next we put deodorant all over his TV screen. Then we sprayed cologne everywhere (which I later found out his dead grandma had given him. I felt bad about that). Then, we put salt in his milk and stole his cds and video games. Well, when he walked in and turned on the light, the fan came on. Powder went every where. He was so mad about the powder, cologne, salt, and deodorant; he didn't even notice we took his cd and games. (Later, we put them back without him knowing.) I don't think I have to tell you how much trouble we were in after he called his parents and my mom. Yeah, I don't think were going to do something like that to him again.
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