Spanking Stories Geocities

Spanking Stories Geocities


Spanking Stories Geocities

This is the first of several stories about spankings I received growing
up that were not administered by my parents or teachers.

When I was 12 years old I started a yard service where I cut the grass
for several of my neighbors each week and made extra spending money.
One of my customers was a widowed lady, in her thirties, who taught
at our neighborhood high school.

One week I messed up one of her
flower beds and when I asked to be paid, she asked me about the damage
to the flower bed and I made a smart remark about wanting my money and
didn’t care about her flowers. At this point she told me to come into
the house while she got my payment.

A few minutes later she returned
carrying a large wooden hairbrush, and she told me that the only
I was going to receive was a good old fashioned bare bottom spanking.
She grabbed my hand and, told me that nobody talked to her that way and
that I needed to learn some manners, across her knee. She then picked
up the wooden hairbrush and told me to lower my pants and bend over her
knee to get the spanking I deserved. I argued with her and as a
when I finally ended up over her knee, my pants were at half mast and
she pulled down my underpants and used the big hairbrush on my bare

The first spanking consisted of about 50 hard swats
carefully so that not an inch of my bare behind was left unattended to
and that turned my bottom bright red and had me crying and begging for
her to stop. When she was finished paddling my backside she made me
remove my pants and underpants and stand in a corner where she could
my red and obviously sore behind and everything else.

I spent two
hours in her house that afternoon with my pants and underpants off, and
I received two additional spankings, each one as hard as the first.
I continued to cut this ladies yard every week for the rest of that
summer and for years to come, and found other jobs to do for her during
the winter until I left for college when I turned 18. After each job
when I received my pay, she always found a reason to give me a spanking
with her hair brush, and I looked forward to having my pants removed
my bare bottom spanked more than the money I received for the jobs I

I got this neighbor as my teacher for my Sophomore Algebra class, and
went to her house twice a week for extra tutoring after school. These
math tutoring sessions usually lasted for at least 1 ½ to 2 hours and
always started and ended with a bare bottom spanking, with additional
swats delivered to my bare behind if I missed a question or didn’t work
hard enough. I learned a lot about algebra that semester, with my
pants off, my bare behind red and either at or over her knee. I got
such good grades in Algebra that my parents paid her to provide
sessions once a week for the other math classes I took during my Junior
and Senior year. Little did they suspect that in addition to helping
me in my math, they were giving me the opportunity to receive an extra
spanking(s) from this lady each week. My math grades improved
and they gave most of the credit to this teacher, when it should have
been given to the hairbrush and the impression it made on my behind.

During my four years of college, whenever I was home from school, 60
miles away, visiting my parents, I always visited this teacher to talk
about how college was going and to get a spanking, which she was always
more than ready to give me. I enjoyed these sessions so much that I
came home at least 3 weekends a month to visit my parents, even if just
for a Sunday afternoon. The spankings she gave me during college
varied, I always was told to remove my pants while she got the
hairbrush, then she turned me over her knee, pulled my underpants down
and off then she proceeded to give me 100 hard and very carefully
smacks with the back of that large wooden hairbrush that ensured my
entire behind was bright red and very sore, she didn’t leave an inch of
my bare bottom that had not felt the hairbrush. Afterwards I was
to stand in a corner with my sore red behind showing, and before I left
she generally gave me a second spanking as hard or harder than the
to remember her by.

After college I moved out of state and my parents moved to another
state, so I had no reason to visit my old neighborhood, but I missed
having my behind blistered by this neighbor. When I was 25 I did
return to my home town for a week on business. I stopped to see this
teacher and after we had visited, I asked her to spank me and she
willingly obliged with one of the hardest bare bottom spankings I had
ever received, 200 swats with the hairbrush, followed by time in the
corner with my pant off followed by another 100 swats before I left.
spent 7 days in Chicago during that business trip and visited her every
night for another serious and I mean serious bare bottom spanking.
I have a family of my own now but I still remember what it was like to
have this neighbor blister, and I do mean blister, my bare behind with
her old wooded hairbrush and I often wish that I could visit Chicago
again so that she could give my behind the attention it deserves.

When I was 14 my folks and I went to Alabama in the summer to spend six
weeks at moms sister’s house to take of her daughters while my aunt and
uncle went on a vacation to Europe and I looked forward to the trip,
because my three cousins were about my age and we always had fun
together, except for the spankings they had given me the summer before.

The girls were ages 13, 16 and 17 and we had always gotten along
together, during our short vacations we had spent together.
On the way to Alabama dad explained to me that my uncle did not believe
in having other people spank the girls and that they had other ways to
be disciplined, but dad made it clear that if I misbehaved during my
visit he would not let the presence of the girls keep him from spanking
me when I needed it. I listened to dad but the fact that he had left
his strap on its hook in his bedroom, gave me the impression he was

We had been at their house for about 4 days when dad and I got into an
argument during a trip to the store where I made a scene and talked
to him in front of my cousins and other shoppers. Dad ended the
argument by grabbing my hand turning me around and giving me about 5
good swats to the seat of my pants in the middle of the store, and then
announced in a loud voice that I needed a good spanking, and he would
give me one when we got home. He did not have his strap with him so
when we got home from the store he asked the girls to go outside and
him a few good stout switched that he could use. The girls didn’t
understand what he wanted, and how he intended to use them, so he
explained what size and type of switch he wanted and why, and they went
into the back yard to try and find some. The girls returned in about
10 minutes with some small switches, and in the mean time dad had
stripped me to my underpants. The girls gave dad the switches they
found and giggled at the sight of me standing there almost naked. Dad
took the switches and told the girls that these would not work but that
my behind needed immediate attention, so he turned me over his knee and
removed my underpants and gave me a good spanking with his open hand in
front of the startled, but excited girls.

When he had finished, he told the girls that my behind needed more
attention, but the switches they had gotten would not work. He told me
to go with the girls to help them select 6 good stout switches and to
bring them back to the house so that he could finish my punishment. I
picked up my pants, but dad told me that I didn’t need them and I
go outside just like I was, buck naked.

My aunt lived in a nice
neighborhood with large wooded lots, but had neighbors with a lot of
kids and I argued with dad about going outside without my clothes on
he gave me a second spanking and sent me outside.

We went into the back yard and started to cut some switches out of one
of the trees when several of the neighbor kids noticed that I wasn’t
wearing any pants and that my behind was red and asked what we were
doing. The girls told them that I had just been spanked and that we
were switch hunting so that my dad could finish the job and within a
minutes there were about 10 neighborhood kids helping us hunt.

had the 6 switches, the girls and I went inside and gave them to dad
while the other kids waited outside. Dad picked the three biggest
switches and took me back into the yard, where he bent me across the
picnic table and proceeded to whip my behind, with the switches until
all three of them broke and I was sobbing and begging him to stop. By
this time the crowd of neighborhood kids had grown and there must have
been 25 kids of all ages watching my bare behind being spanked, but it
hurt so much that the embarrassment of a public spanking didn’t even
occur to me.

After the spanking I was sent to my room for the afternoon, and the
girls and several of their friends were sent to collect another 10
switches, which dad told them he would probably need in the upcoming

The next morning when I came down for breakfast dad told me he
had some chores for me, but first he wanted to see the result of
yesterdays spanking and made me lower my pants and bare my behind so
that he and my cousins could see the red welts that covered my behind.

After breakfast I had to take the 13 switches to the garage and clean
them up, by trimming off the small branches and sanding the switches
until they were smooth and ready for their intended use. The girls
helped me to prepare the switches and asked a lot of questions about
it felt to be spanked, and how often I was spanked at home. They
seemed to be amazed when I described the spankings I received with
strap and the fact that I usually got anywhere from 2 to 3 spankings a

Dad used up these 13 switches on my bare behind by the end of the
week and sent the girls and neighborhood kids out to cut 20 more that
the four of us prepared the next morning. By the time we left for
when my aunt and uncle returned, these 20 switches had been used up and
there were only 2 left out of the next batch of 20.
The switches were always in use because I kept getting into trouble
my smart mouth and my cousins and their friends spent a lot of time and
effort setting me up, so that I would get spanked. These girls
got a kick out of seeing dad spanking me and made sure that they always
had a lot of their friends around when they caused trouble that would
get me spanked, so that their friends would get to watch my bare behind
get blistered too. I think that I spent more time during our visit
with my pants down, either being spanked or standing in a corner after
spanking, than I did with them on.

When I was 12 years old I was at a friends house on a Saturday morning
when we decided that we wanted to try smoking, so we went to a
neighborhood store and stole a pack of Luckies and went back to his
garage to give them a try.

We had each smoked one cigarette and were lighting a second when his
mother caught us and made us go into the house. She had me call my
and ask if I could stay for lunch and the afternoon, which mom agreed
to. She then took us both to Steve’s room and she told us how upset she was
to find us smoking and that she was going to have to do something about
it. She had Steve lower his pants and bend over the bed while she
out and got an 18" wooden ruler.

When she came back she pulled down
his underpants and gave him 35 hard swats with the ruler. When she
finished she had him take off his pants and underpants and made him
stand in the corner with his bare red ass showing. She then told me
that it was my turn and to remove my pants and bend over the bed.
she removed my underpants and gave me 35 of the hardest smacks on my
bare behind that I had ever had. I then stood in the corner next to
Steve with only a tee shirt on and my very sore behind, and everything
else showing.

When lunch came she called us into the kitchen to have a hot dog and I
put my pants on and went to get lunch, but was sent back to the bedroom
to remove my pants. We had lunch, but I was embarrassed walking
around naked from the waist down.

When lunch was over she took us back to the bedroom and asked us where
we got the cigarettes, and we were afraid to tell her we stole them so
we said that a friend had given them to us. His mom didn’t believe us
and had Steve bend back over the bed and then gave him 60 swats with
ruler which left him crying like a baby. She then gave me 60 and by
the time she reached 20 I was sobbing and trying anything to avoid the
When she was finished we were made to stand in the corner again.

In about 30 minutes she came back to the bedroom and asked us again
where we got the cigarettes, and this time we told her the truth.
Steve’s mom then told us that she was disappointed in our behavior and
that she now had to punish us for stealing. She had Steve bend back
over the bed and had me sit on the bed to hold his hands, while she
delivered 100 swats to his already sore red behind. As I watched her
deliver these 100 swats, my bottom began hurting just by the thought of
what was to come.
When it was my turn, she delivered 100 swats that I will never forget
long as I live, because it felt as if I was on fire, and I couldn’t

About an hour after the final spanking, she had us get dressed and took
us to the store where we had stolen the cigarettes. We apologized to
the owner and his wife and told them we would never steal again. The
manager wanted to know was going to happen to us, and Steve’s mom had
lower our pants, bend over, and bare our behinds, so that they could
the results of the three spanking we had received. The manager
that Steve’s mom had handled the situation correctly.

The real trick was acting naturally at home that night and for the next
two or three days so that my parents were not aware of the spanking I
had received, and why. It took three days before the marks on my
behind had cleared up, but I could still feel the pain of the spanking
for at least a week.

It seems unusual in today’s society to be spanked by someone other than
your parents, but when I was growing up it was fairly common. I was
spanked by many adults other than my parents, and especially by my
friends parents when we misbehaved around them. But that is another
story or stories.

A lazy girlfriend asks her boyfriend to cane her after failing to take out their trash
A girlfriend clears her conscience bent over her boyfriend's desk before a girls' night out
A disobedient girlfriend bends over her boyfriends knee for the first time

Part 6 of Amy, Christina and Bianca

A girl accepts her boyfriend's belting for deliberate disobedience
A lazy girl finishes a job application bent over her boyfriend's knee

m/f gym shoe over the knee spanking

A young wife repeats her vows under her husband's cane

m/f cane over a table white panties

A girl is caned on her first date for poor etiquette during dinner

Part 1 of Amy, Christina and Bianca

Late on duty, a superyacht stewardess is bent over the chart table for the wooden ruler
A young wife gets a bedtime spanking for bad manners
When her spanking doesn't hurt enough, a dutiful girl asks for the cane
After reading a hidden book, a marketing executive gets hooked on spanking
Discovering a cane in a hotel, a horny girlfriend takes it home to her boyfriend
Itching for it, a willing girlfriend solicits a tough caning from her boyfriend
A girlfriend is grateful when her boyfriend imposes monthly punishment
A brave girlfriend faces strict cane strokes after lying

Part 7 of Amy, Christina and Bianca

A superyacht stewardess is held to account for uniform imperfections
Bad driving manners lands an obedient girl over the hood of her car for a week of caning
A girl is belted on a first date for brattish behavior
A young wife is strapped for her snappish attitude before dinner with her parents
A fashion buyer is punished on her first date for arriving late
A personal assistant comes during her strict office caning
A personal assistant visits her strict disciplinarian and tells her boyfriend
A well-dressed girlfriend visits her disciplinarian after her behavior crosses the line

f/f spanking discipline cane panties

Years after her schoolgirl crime, a principled human rights lawyer get the caning she deserves
A lawyer visits her disciplinarian after masturbating about her girlfriends' punishments
A smart girl is caned over her boyfriend's desk for lying

m/f cane over the desk lace lingerie

A once obedient girl is caned by her best friend's boyfriend for speeding
Two best friends share an unexpected sleepover and their paddled and caned bottoms
Giving unqualified advice about paddling earns a girl four sound swats on her jeans

Part 2 of Amy, Christina and Bianca

A spanked superyacht stewardess confesses further misbehavior
A college girl gets caned and strapped for lying to her parents and her future boss

f/f spanking discipline cane lawyer

An obedient girlfriend bends over the kitchen table for her first ever caning
A girlfriend hosts a successful business dinner after her irritated boyfriend straps her

m/f spanking discipline paddle strap

Three best friends masturbate after sharing their worst punishments
Changing her jeans, a girl exposes her caned bottom to a curious friend
Her date's stern tone makes a discipline-hungry girl horny

Part 4 of Amy, Christina and Bianca

On a private beach, an embarrassed superyacht stewardess reveals her caned bottom to a guest
Blaming her obvious mistake on her boyfriend, a girlfriend must negotiate a hard spanking
A personal trainer is ordered to wear white panties by her new boyfriend
Questioning her strapping, a girlfriend feels the punishment belt on her wet, bare bottom

Part 3 of Amy, Christina and Bianca

A superyacht stewardess is caned in formal uniform for gross misconduct

Part 5 of Amy, Christina and Bianca

Desperate for discipline a uniformed superyacht stewardess wears non-regulation panties
A willful girl receives a sound hand strapping from her older sister
Overstepping, an experienced personal assistant feels the power of her riding crop
Disrespect leads a personal assistant to request six extra strokes of the cane
Backseat driving forces an over-confident girl to touch her toes for the cane
A girl-next-door is caned for dangerous driving and a wanton lie
A gutsy girlfriend asks for the cane before a work party to prove her obedience
Each regretting meaningless sex, two Swiss finishing school girls whip each other
Two disobedient customer service girls take the gym shoe to keep their jobs
College Impregnation
Amature Tranny Tube
Impreg Fetish

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