Spanking Stories Daddy

Spanking Stories Daddy


Spanking Stories Daddy

















































































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1977 and earlier

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Well, what would I REALLY like? Let me open way up and tell
you about me and what I really want.
Sitting at breakfast one day,
Id like a Dad to quiz me about some misbehaviour, in my mind this
is about a traffic violation or being caught doing something I am
expressly forbidden to do. Maybe one of the more serious rules he
would have posted on his fridge for me?
After much wriggling and
trying to avoid the carefully planned questions Dad is using, I break
and sobbing I confess to him all that happened.
Instead of the expected
lecture - he remains quiet and still and simply gazes at me for a
few minutes. I try to avoid his direct gaze but I cant. I feel the
blood rush to my face as it turns red.
After what seems like hours
but in reality is only a minute or two - he tells me how upset and
disappointed he is in me. I sob again, this time louder, and he comes
to me and takes me in his arms. He holds me there and hugs me tightly,
I start to feel secure and quiet down. After a few minutes of comforting
I fee his hand gently patting my bottom as he tells me that I must
be punished. His hand on my bottom tell me all I need to know. Sure
it feels good but I know its not there for my comfort this time and
I know Im in for it now! I hoarsely acknowledge his comment and hug
him even tighter and as tightly as I possibly can while his hands
are touching me in preparation. Its as if I am shaking.
he lets me go and tells me to finish my breakfast, I don't feel like
eating now and play with my food, until he asks me if I would prefer
a sore bottom to eating my breakfast?
For sure, I dont. I reply
'no' but I slowly finish up anyway.
After breakfast, he sends me
to my room, where I am ordered to stay until he comes to get me. I
stay there lonely and wondering for over an hour. Eventually he enters
and sits on the edge of the bed. He motions me over, and I think to
myself, here it begins a spanking for sure.
But he doesn't, instead
he takes me and sits me on his lap, then he starts to talk softly
about the disappointment and lack of self discipline. Then he drops
the bomb shell, I am going to punish you and It will be a very long
and hard spanking, but not now, I am genuinely angry with you and
I will not spank you while I am. I also want you to think long and
hard about what you have done and about the spanking you have coming
to you. This is Monday morning, so your spanking will take place this
Friday after dinner.
Friday after dinner???? I could not believe
what he was saying to me – surely he couldn't be serious, he's going
to make me wait 4 days before punishing me. My mind was in a whirl
and I barley heard the rest of his comments until the word grounding
and corner time hit my ears. I had further punishments, I was grounded
from 6PM onwards for the rest of the week, I was also to do one hour
of corner time each evening before bed and bedtime was set at 10.30PM.
I was ready to go off on one of my usual sulks and start to protest
loudly, until I saw the look of determination on his face this time.
This was a real dad and he knows me too well. I quickly discarded
that plan and answered in my most childish voice 'yes sir'.
week passed so very slowly, I hated being made to go to bed like a
little boy, just as much as spending an hour in the corner, and Dad
in his infinite wisdom had decided that to enforce the action, corner
time was to be done with my jeans and boxers at my ankles, to remind
me and make me think of my pending spanking. There is just something
about standing like that with my bare buns showing around his house.
I hate it! I hate it! I hate it!
Friday crept
round an so did dinner, I was very quiet and exceptionally well mannered
that night. I could see him occasionally smile at me and I knew that
my bare bottom was about to pay a heavy price for my stupid and irresponsible
behaviour. After dinner, I just sat, no knowing what to do. Dad simply
filled a glass up with some wine (without offering me any), and slowly
drank it while he let him meal settle.
I was beside myself with
anxiety, he was making me wait and drawing out the whole thing, I
knew he was, but I knew there was nothing I could do about it.
the words came at last, and I am not sure if the were dreaded or more
welcomed - Its time for your punishment, son. You know you need it
don't you son? I hated acknowledging he was right. He told me to come
over to him and he proceeded to hug me tightly and again pat my bottom
ever do gently. He told me that this was going to be the hardest spanking
of my life and that he was giving me it, because I both deserved it
and because be cared about me and loved me.
He let go of me, swatted
by butt and told me to go and shower and change into a clean pair
of boxers and to come back down wearing only the boxers and nothing
else. Well my whole body was shaking as I took that shower and my
mind was going at 100 miles an hour as I anticipated my fate as I
toweled off and slipped into a pair of my favorite white boxers.
returned downstairs, but not slowly, much more quickly as if I wanted
this - was I mad ? Well Dad was waiting for me, he was sitting in
his spanking chair, a straight backed chair, he used for such occasions.
I entered the room and he quietly told me to and collect my paddle.
I went to the kitchen and there it was hanging up for all to see -
my paddle and with my name on it too, my face flushed again as I took
it down from its place, and walked back with it to Dad.
I handed
it over to Dad, who smacked it against the palm of his hand a couple
of times, before reaching for my arm and guiding me over his knees.
He was in no hurry and took his time. I have been over dads lap before
and was no stranger to it being the platform that my spankings were
given on. I tried to make myself as comfortable as I could, but this
was different, Dad laid me further over his knees and I was hanging
right down, he made me put my elbows on the floor and I could feel
my feet rise up and off the floor. There now he said, just as a bad
little boy should be - over my knees, but well up and your legs free
to kick in the air.
I trembled, as I felt him slowly pull down my
shorts and he pulled them all the way off and tossed they aside. My
ass and buns were bare now over his lap and even though he had seen
my bare many times before, this time it somehow felt different. I
would give him my ass, anything he wanted, but I just didnt want this
spanking! But with the man who is my dad, well, I knew I didnt have
a choice and trying to talk him out of it would get me no where and,
on the other hand, could anger him. So, I jerked slightly when I felt
his hand on my bare buns as he laid his palm there now. It seemed
like it remained there forever. And then suddenly and without warning,
the I heard the first slap and new it had begun. He slapped my ass
Hand spankings from Dad were no trivial matter, and the heat
soon built up till I was wriggling about on his lap so some very young
kind. To be honest, thats how I felt. I was spanked for what seemed
like hours, but was in reality perhaps 30 minutes or so, but my butt
was on fire and I was getting ready to sob. I couldnt help it. After
a particularly hard slap to my lower butt and a loud yelp from me,
he stopped.
This was by no means a reprieve and I knew it, he was
just pausing to pick up the paddle, my spanking was just about to
start. I felt it as he placed in on my butt, as if he was sizing up
the target. Then I heard it as it landed with a loud smack on my already
red bottom, a second later I heard myself yelp, I couldn't have stopped
myself if I had wanted to!
The paddling continued at the same pace
and had made me yelp each time, when it contact my lower butt, I really
howled and after less that 20 minutes I was sobbing and crying loudly
over dads knees. I could feel the tears running down my face, but
Dad just kept going he said nothing - I was simply being spanked,
I had been a bad boy, and Dad was correcting me, that was all. The
paddle continued to fall on my butt and I continued to sob, eventually
I cant remember when I just broke down their over Dads lap, as if
in one log continual sob.
There was a slight pause, and I only just
noticed it. Then I felt Dad grip my waist tightly and for the first
time he spoke, 'okay son, lets get this finished up' I cannot describe
how rapid the paddle fell on my butt all I can remember was it was
like it was never away from making contact from my rear, My sobbing
had turned back to yells and I was pleading for him to stop with all
my heart, but the paddle kept coming. I don't know how long, but I
was suddenly aware that the paddling had stopped. I was still laying
over dads lap, sobbing. I must have lay there for a good five minutes,
and I felt Dad rubbing my back and my buns. It was such a good feeling,
I was still sobbing though.
Dad stood me up and my legs almost collapsed,
he grabbed me and I piled into his arms, hugging him as just wanting
to be held. He held me tightly and wiped away the tears from my face.
He raised my tear streaked face up in both his hands and looked at
me. Then he kissed me. Some time passed and we just stayed locked
together, eventually when I had visibly calmed down, though was sniffling
loudly, he guided me to the dreaded corner, I was totally naked, my
shorts had disappeared, and I didn't care where they had gone to.
Shorts no longer mattered. I stood in the corner nose to the wall.
I didn't move and inch, just stayed there sniffling. I wasn't allowed
to touch my butt. I didnt dare try either because I knew he was in
the room watching my obedience.
After maybe half an hour, Dad took
me by the arm again, he took me up to my bedroom. He spun me round,
and again I flew into his arms, burying my face in his chest. He spoke
quietly now and told me how proud he was of me, for taking my spanking
so well. He put me back in the corner. I didnt know why? I stood there
naked. Dad disappeared and was turning out all the lights in the house
and checking to be sure the doors were shut tightly and locked. Soon
after that he came back and turned me around in the corner I did not
dare to move from. He let me put my head on his chest and his hands
pulled me tightly around his body. I felt so good being held by him
like that even though my bottom hurt like hell. Tenderly he swooped
me up into his big arms and he carried me to the bed. He put me down
in it and looked down at me. I looked up and saw his big eyes. He
is my dad. But now it was time for me to rest. He laid me on the bed,
on my stomach and rubbed cream on my very hot buns and then he took
me back into his arms again. I lay there, in his arms, with his arms
around me, and while before I was wondering how on earth I would sleep
with my bottom burning like it was on fire, now with him holding me,
I felt wonder and secure. I had been disobedient and I had been spanked
and paddled hard for it too, but in his arms I felt complete acceptance.
But I drifted off, and soon the pain subsided as I fell into a sleep
with him. I knew he loved and cared for me. I had found my dad for
sure. I felt his hand where I wanted it, no, needed it, to be.
lay there in his arms all night long, his boy with a well spanked
bottom. When I woke up, he was still holding me, but I was also sharply
reminded of my recent spanking as the fiery throb in my butt woke
up and made itself known! He patted my buns and somehow the spanking
of last night seemed less painful as I hugged him back this morning.
shared some coffee with me being cuddled in an oversized bathrobe
he put on me. It made no difference that I had nothing on under it.
still after a lot of hugging and time in Dad arms, Dad spoke to me
and told me of some changes. He had not liked spanking me that way,
but it was clear from my recent behaviour that I had been in need
of a long overdue and hard spanking. From now on I would get spanked
each day, to make sure I remembered and if I went back to my old ways,
I would get the same spanking I had just gotten, only it would be
longer and harder.
I just accepted this decision gratefully and
went and sat on his lap and hugged him. After all, he cares for me
and loves me, and I knew that even if my bare bottom was on fire.
That will never change, nor will my Dad. Most importantly I will never
change either. I have found what I have been searching for. That night
everything changed for me. I cannot tell you he hasnt spanked and
paddled me since that night because he has. I can tell you I have
never regretted my decision to commit myself to this one man who is
now my Dad.
And yea, even though
I began by saying this was just my dream like and what I really wanted
to find, I will admit that I actually found it and my dad for real.
Wish me luck. I know how fortunate I am now.

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Although I got my bottom tanned by Mom growing up, Dad wasn’t above giving me corporal punishment himself. For this job, he kept an old leather tool belt, which was a couple of inches wide and had all its pockets removed.
I am the oldest of four, with a sister two years younger and brothers five and eight years younger. By the time the older of the two boys was born, Mom had stepped aside from her classroom teacher career and was a full-time stay-at-home mother. I would estimate that 90 per cent of our spankings at home came from her.
The overwhelming majority of spankings from Mom even went unreported to Dad and he never knew that most of them had even happened. There was never a ‘wait until your father gets home’ with mom – she took care of business and we all carried on afterwards, and it might never even be on his radar.
Now, Dad did spank, though his tended to be much more impromptu and for ‘line of sight’ type of things, like ‘screwing around’ with his power tools (the older boy), breaking the neighbours’ lawn mower (the younger boy) or running down the battery of his truck by playing with the electric seats (my sister).
On occasion, though, Mom might feel an incident was serious enough that he needed to know about it too. An encounter with Dad was the nuclear option in our house, and on those times when Mom had informed him of some particularly egregious thing we had done, it was after she had already taken us across her knee for a dose of paddle or hairbrush to our bare bottoms. Now, we would be faced with his wrath as well as hers – and his wrath was definitely to be avoided.
Dad’s old leather tool belt was one his own father had worn – and had used to discipline my father and his siblings. It was permanently creased over, firm but supple, and in his hands a truly fearsome implement. He never used it in anger, but it was clear when he did he was not happy with our actions and we definitely would feel the effects for a couple of days afterwards.
He had far less procedure than mom. No corner time before and very rarely after. Most times, he’d go get the strap then have you drop your pants and grab your knees right in the kitchen. As my sister and I got older, he afforded us a bit more modesty and would take us downstairs to the basement rec room or sometimes in warmer weather, out to the de
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