Spanking Stories Boys

Spanking Stories Boys


Spanking Stories Boys




F/M -
M/f -
F/mf -
M/m -
F/m -
MF/m -
MF/f -
M/F -
F/f -
MF/mf -
X/mf -
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Mrs Wilkins (parts VII, VIII and IX)

Mrs. McConnal (parts I, II, III, IV and V)

Mrs. McConnal (parts VI, VII, VIII and IX)

Mrs. McConnal (parts X, XI and XII)

Mrs. McConnal (parts XIII, XIV, XV, XVI and XVII)

Mrs. McConnal (parts XVIII, XIX, XX and XXI)

Mrs. McConnal (parts XXII, XXIII and XXIV)

Mrs. McConnal (parts XXV, XXVI, XXVII and XXVIII)

Mrs. McConnal (parts XXIX, XXX, XXXI, XXXII and XXXIII)

Mrs. McConnal (parts XXXIV, XXXV and XXXVI)

Mrs. McConnal (parts XXXVII, XXXVIII and XXXIX)

Maternal Matrimony (parts I, II, III and IV)

Maternal Matrimony (parts V, VI and VII)

Ocean (parts I, II, III, IV, V and Epilogue)

The Guest House (parts III, IV and V)

Innocentata (parts I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII and VIII)

Dog Sitting (parts I, II, III, IV and V)

Robin's Camp (parts I, II, III, IV and V)

Lisa in New Zealand (parts I, II, III and IV)

Lisa in New Zealand (parts V, VI, VII and VIII)

Lisa in New Zealand (parts IX, X and XI)

Returning (parts I, II, III and IV)

Sylvia's Mother (parts II, III and IV)

Sylvia's Mother (parts V, VI and VII)

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On Spanking »

Why I Bare the Boys

Topic: Why I Bare the Boys (Read 7384 times)


Hero Member

Posts: 3779
Location: Bransom, TX

« on: November 09, 2017, 04:30:55 pm »
I was requested to address this topic. I believe the actual question is why I handle the actual baring. Let me start by saying that, while I do bare completely, removing pants and shorts, I have not always done that. That started about 10 years ago. I don't remember ever having a problem with Steve or Corey or Tommy having their pants slide down during a spanking. I would take their pants and briefs down t their knees, and they'd stay there. As the 90s went on, boys pants grew looser (and their short trousers grew longer). When I was raising Barry, Johnny and Josh, and Bryce, we started having problems with their pants and briefs sliding down and getting tangled up. That would have been about 12 years ago or so... not long after Bryce moved in with us. Beyond the tangling, I had several times when boys were getting up, rubbing and crying, and they tripped over their pants. Within the next year or two, someone told me that their son had tripped over his pants after a spanking, fell against a coffee table, and broke his nose. Considering I'd already seen the boys tripping, that was enough to convince me to start removing pants and shorts for spankings. I also don't always remove a boys clothes for him either, but let's come back to that. When my mom spanked me, back when I was under 10, she made me take down my own pants (and sometimes briefs). Later both my dad and Ralph did that. I honestly hated it. To be even more honest, when I started spanking my little brothers, they fussed and argued about taking their pants down, just like I had. I did it for them. I liked it. The twin facts that I like to do it, and that it gets things done without so much whining and complaining (and wasted time) would probably be enough for me to have stayed with it. However, I also think it's actually easier on the kids. As I said, I hated being made to bare myself. As a matter of fact, the person who asked me this question stated in his contact to me that, " I would be crying by the time I finally took my underwear off, (I was always very sensitive) so stripping myself was difficult. It made the fact that I was going to be whipped, REAL. " Let's take a second to differentiate here, since I don't always undress the boy myself. In my home, we're pretty casual about clothing. We've lived in this home for over 17 years now, and there has never really been a girl who lived here regularly or long-term (my sister, Amanda, had a room at our previous house, between here and me being married to Cathy, but by the time we moved in here, she was in her upper teens (she's barely younger than Steve, about the same age as Mikell), and spending nights and weekends with her big brother wasn't really a thing anymore). While a female might put a fox in the hen house, most of my boys and a lot of our more regular visitors are somewhat comfortable with nudity and their bodies. With the younger boys, they're not worried about me seeing their body (which I probably just saw in the bathtub last night), they're worried about how much worse the spanking is going to hurt with no protection. It's different with older boys. Let's be honest, most of Curtis' shoes are either slipons or have velcro fasteners. He can tie his own shoes, but it's still hard for him to get a good knot, and his absolute favorite, blue light up shoes, only came with ties. So I often get to tie them for him, when we're going someplace he can wear them. In the same way, he likes me to help him get his pajamas on after his bath, and I sometimes help him finish dressing if we're starting to run close on time. Also, I help him get undressed for his bath in the evening. Connor sometimes gets some of that treatment, but not nearly as much as Curtis. Why? Because he's more coordinated than Curtis is, and is better able to do it himself. Doing things for themselves is one of the ways boys (any people, I suppose) measure maturity. Having things done for you can be nice, both for the help, and because sometimes it's nice to regress a bit and be pampered. Still, as boys get older, they become older and more physically mature, their dignity becomes more important to them, and being undressed like a little child goes from being a comfort to being an affront. That doesn't even consider that boys are becoming sexual (or aware of their sexuality) at about that same time, which can make the idea of being undressed even more stressful. Because of that, once boys reach middle school level, I start giving some consideration to allowing them to undress themselves. Usually if a boy of around 12 or older asks, I'll give him the chance. With a boy who's definitely growing up, or who seems very uncomfortable or shy, I may very well give them the chance without them asking. Then again, if I do give them the option, I expect them to do it without arguing or delay. As boys get older, especially once they're old enough to be offered paddle swats or restrictions, I pretty much allow them to do it themselves, and they pretty much know to get it done. Yet, there's still another exception. When an older boy has been acting in an especially immature way - whether through one especially bad incident or a recurring problem - I will let them know how disappointed I am with them and why, and then I'll spank them just like a much younger boy, including undressing them myself (but with an age appropriate implement, of course). This was not a consideration when I started doing this, but I think there is a certain amount of truth to it. The simple fact is that, when a kid gets in trouble, he's rebelling against his authority figure. When that authority figure steps in and the kid has to allow himself to be prepared for his consequences - he's having to submit himself to that authority figure again. I didn't think of it for years, and I doubt even an older kid would think of it, but I think there is a certain amount of truth to that. So yeah - while this probably rambles a bit (it's taken me over 24 hours, in several sittings, to write it), I think it pretty well deals with my thoughts on the issue.


Hero Member

Posts: 2029

« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2017, 03:05:21 am »


Hero Member

Posts: 3779
Location: Bransom, TX

« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2017, 04:23:10 am »
Thank you, Zyngaru. I had actually come back this morning to break it down a bit, only to find you'd already done it for me. As for taking some time to do it, you are partially correct. In large part, having some crazy weather these days, and having daylights savings time only recently end also has me sleeping more than usual, and despite Daniel's help at the store, I'm actually finding myself just as busy as ever (though a large part of that new business is very enjoyable - like the volunteer work at BCA). When the question was asked, I was also asked how I do it. While that's been described in many of my stories, I don't see any reason not to give it a quick break down again. Let's assume a boy dressed for cooler weather, but who's been inside for a while - socks, long pants, normal underwear, a polo and an undershirt. He was wearing a hoody and shoes, but those have already been removed before he got in trouble. Depending on how the polo fits, and whether it's tucked in, I may start on his pants. Let's say he's untucked it, and it's pretty long. If I can tell he also has an undershirt, then I will probably have him raise his hands and remove the polo shirt. Then he will have to hold the t-shirt up, well above his natural waist (possibly all the way under his arms, which does more to keep his hands out of the way than anything). With clear access to his pants, I will undo the belt first, if he's wearing one. I will then go to the zipper. Using my left hand, I will spread the fly to expose the zipper, then use my right hand to take it down. Then I will undo the button (which can be stubborn when the zipper's still done). Then the pants will be lowered to the boys knees. If I'm preparing two boys, I will actually probably stop when the fly is spread, then bring the other boy to the same point, before coming back, and taking each boy to here. Once the pants are at or below the knees, I will have to change position a bit (and with younger/shorter boys, I will often sit them in my lap at this point). Pants go the rest of the way down. This can be difficult even for older, better coordinated boys, so I often suggest they put their hands on my shoulders to help balance. When pants are off, they have to stand again, lifting shirt. Their underwear come off much more easily. Drawing this out can be hard on the boys - making them wait longer for what they know is coming. I usually give the pants a quick, casual fold. You might make sure you know where you're going to put things before you start. Finally, I prefer to have the lecture done before we reach this point. However, I might question them a bit while this is happening. "Do you understand why?" types of questions seem to work well, or even letting them know how serious you find this and why. On the other hand, you don't want to give them an opening to turn this into an(other) argument.


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« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2017, 01:22:43 pm »
Very interesting Jack, thanks for sharing. 


Hero Member

Posts: 2029

« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2017, 01:58:01 pm »


Hero Member

Posts: 3779
Location: Bransom, TX

« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2017, 03:09:10 pm »
I'm not sure where you're from, Z, but a lot of times, I encourage the boys to wear a light tee even during the summer. We know a lot more about the risks of skin cancer than we did even in my youth. However, the boys do still spend a lot of time in just their trunks during the summer. We have central air here, and we have good insulation, but I don't keep it real hot. Since the boys prefer it warmer than I do, they will often wear pajamas or lounge pants and a tee, to stay warm to their comfort level.


Hero Member

Posts: 2029

« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2017, 03:37:16 pm »

« Last Edit: November 12, 2017, 11:56:26 am by David M. Katz »

David M. Katz

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Posts: 2151
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« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2017, 11:59:24 pm »
Jack, have you ever had a boy who absolutely wanted to bare himself?

« Last Edit: November 12, 2017, 11:51:15 am by David M. Katz »

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« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2017, 06:23:33 am »

David M. Katz

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Posts: 2151
Location: Middle of Tennessee

« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2017, 11:53:53 am »
The discussion regarding shirtless boys has been moved to a separate thread in "Free Discussion" in order to keep this thread on topic and to allow further discussion of shirtlessness.

« Last Edit: November 12, 2017, 12:04:06 pm by David M. Katz »

Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult.

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On Spanking »

Why I Bare the Boys

As a boy I went to a Catholic school. It was shortly after World
War II. In those days Catholic schools were notorious for their strict
discipline, and for the liberal use of the cane, ruler or slipper
to keep unruly pupils in line.
However the Catholic school that
I went to was different. The Head Master of the school had been imprisoned
in a Nazi concentration camp during the war for being a member of
the resistance, and several times he was severely beaten. That is
why he did not allow corporal punishment in his school.
When one
misbehaved one had to write lines or was kept after school. In serious
cases a telephone call to the pupil's home brought an angry parent
to school and very soon one could hear the sounds of a spanking being
administered in the headmasters office, and the screams of the victim
of parental wrath.
Franciscan Fathers ran the parish church under
which the school resorted. Once a week, on Friday afternoon, a priest
came to the school to instruct us in religion. The one that taught
us was a sour elderly priest with a sharp sarcastic tongue, with which
he managed very well to keep order in class. One day he retired, and
was replaced by a very young priest, Father Francis. Father Francis
had curly brown hair, blushing red cheeks, beautiful big brown eyes,
with long eyelashes. He was young, and pretty, and he had no clue
how to keep order in class. Immediately the religion lessons on Friday
afternoons deteriorated into an occasion for merriment and disorderly
conduct for us boys.
On the second Friday that he came to teach
us Father Francis became so frustrated that he grabbed Billy Potter,
one of the worst troublemakers, and shouted: "I am going to spank
you!" He put his left foot on a school bench, hoisted the boy over
his knee and held him in place with his left hand. Franciscan monks
wear dark brown habits with a thick white rope around their waist.
Both ends of the rope have knots tied in them. This rope is a "flagellation
cord", which is meant to be used by the monks to flagellate themselves
as a penance for their sins.
Father Francis took the end piece of
the rope in his right hand and started to whip Billy Potter's bottom
with it. The class, not being used to seeing spankings in school thought
it hilarious and after the third stroke started to count aloud with
every stroke delivered: "FOUR! FIVE! SIX! SEVEN! EIGHT! NINE! TEN!
ELEVEN! TWELVE!" After the 12th stroke a very flustered, red-faced
Father Francis stopped spanking Billy and put him back on his feet.
A still grinning Billy Potter, demonstratively rubbing his bottom,
went back to his seat.
The following Friday afternoons I noticed
that boys who had formerly been misbehaving badly had become very
quiet. At that time I did not know the reason why.
One Friday during
religion lesson I was throwing paper aeroplanes high through the classroom
while Father Francis had his back to the class while writing on the
blackboard. When he suddenly turned around I was caught.
"Come here
Anthony", Father Francis said.
Before I knew what happened I was
balancing in the air face down across Father Francis' left knee, and
I felt the tip of the flagellation cord "caressing" my bottom. I got
the usual 12 strokes while the class was counting out loud, but it
really did not hurt much as a pair of shorts I was wearing, made of
thick tweed material, protected my buttocks.
The next day, Saturday,
school finished at noon, and just when I was about to go home, a boy
gave me the message that the German teacher, Mr Wolfsrath, wanted
to see me. I wondered why.
Mr Wolfsrath, the German teacher, was
only recently employed at our school. He was a figure who possessed
a natural authority. Mr Wolfsrath was in his early 40-ties, handsome,
very masculine with a bald patch on top of his head. From that bald
patch he got the nickname: "Das kahle Wunder", which means something
like: "The bald-headed Terror." He was feared, and admired.
I remember
one of his first speeches to the class. He said: "Boys, the Head Master
has banned corporal punishment from this school. However, it is a
fact that the conscience of a boy is situated in his buttocks, and
that it takes a cane to activate it." He further said: "As I cannot
punish you with the cane, a 1000 lines is the minimum punishment I
Soon after Mr Wolfsrath joined our school he became very
friendly with Father Francis. He more or less took Father Francis
under his wing.
That Saturday afternoon when I went to see Mr Wolfsrath
after school he told me: "You have behaved very badly during Father
Francis' lesson yesterday. I think we should have a talk about that.
Please come to my house on Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. You can
go now."
The next Wednesday afternoon
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