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Remembering childhood spankings

Topic: Remembering childhood spankings (Read 2801 times)


Hero Member

Posts: 2083

« on: November 01, 2017, 11:53:23 am »
I am asking this question for this reason. When reading online stories, there are those that begin, "This is a true story from my boyhood." I take these with a lot of skepticism. I am skeptical because of my own experience in remembering my boyhood spankings. I can only remember one spanking I received as a boy. It was an "Unjust" whipping. I can remember every detail of that whipping. I can remember how I felt. How my dad acted and how mad he was at me. I can remember the clothes I was wearing that day and in what order I took each article of clothing off for my whipping. I can remember my dad's belt. I remember how it felt. I remember crying into my pillow. I remember how wet my pillow was. I remember clutching the bed for support. I remember this whipping in minute detail. But that is the only spanking I remember in detail. I do not remember any of my Just spankings. I know I got them. I got them from dad and mom, and from teachers and lifeguards and friends parents and babysitters. They happened. I know they happened, yet I don't remember the details of any of them. So my question to you is simple. Do you remember your "Just" spankings in detail. Detail enough to use the header: "This is a true story." Don't write them out if you remember them. Save them for stories. I am just interested in knowing if you can or cannot remember them. If you can, then I need to re-evaluate my skeptical approach to stories labeled, "This is a true story." Thank you for taking the poll and commenting.


Hero Member

Posts: 3783
Location: Bransom, TX

« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2017, 03:43:36 pm »
I am going to answer your reason first, and I will do it bluntly: your opinion doesn't matter, so why worry about it? As for me, I don't think I recall anything from my childhood with the detail you describe. That doesn't mean I couldn't tell you a true story from them. For that matter, I admit that basically none of my stories are 'true' to the point that they are a completely accurate record of what happened. What I write is meant to be entertainment first and foremost.  If the truth is entertaining enough, I'll use that. If I feel like it needs something else, that's what I'll do. For that matter, how many of us can accurately describe a conversation from just yesterday? There was no camera or tape recorder there, and we have no way to view the past, so a person only has their own belief as to whether they remember everything or not.


Hero Member

Posts: 1556
Location: Western High Desert, U.S.A.

« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2017, 04:13:43 pm »
I remember one unjust spanking better than any of the ones I deserved. That isn't to say I remember it well in all the details, just better. The only other occasion I remember as well is one in which Dad convinced me I deserved a whipping and then didn't do it.
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2017, 05:56:30 pm »
I just remember one occasion in vague details when my old man just snapped and used an antenna chord on me. Bad thing, he appologised twenty times or more, but honestly I can't blame hime retrospectively.


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Posts: 2083

« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2017, 06:41:15 pm »


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« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2017, 09:03:49 pm »
I can remember allot but the one that stands out the most is the one I recall as the worst.... I can remember just about everything of that but for me I think it's more because I I know messed up epically and I know I felt horrible so I think that's why I can remember so clearly..... I also can remember one so clearly on one that I didn't earn and was set up for .... I always thought it was because I felt so much anger and hurt and that's why I clearly remember every detail... Hugs kal


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Location: Bransom, TX

« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2017, 05:06:36 am »


Hero Member

Posts: 3783
Location: Bransom, TX

« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2017, 04:35:00 am »
Let me start by publicly apologizing for my badly chosen phrasing in my first response. While I hope that everyone understood that I meant his opinion didn't effect the reality, or lack thereof, of the story, it's not what I actually said, and I should have been much more careful. As most of you can probably understand, this is a situation with which I've had to deal many times over the last few years. To be honest, I've become rather blasé about it, but you might be surprised by how many people seem to want to write and let me know how they don't believe me. I really don't care, but I do grow tired of having to deal with the issue. Having said that, I've given though to the original question, and I just don't think there's a way to tell. I remember one time, when I was probably 7, that I was spanked in front of a cousin. I don't 'remember' the incident at all, but my cousin reminded me about it when we were older. I do remember one when I was 8, when Mom was making me pull my pants down. I think I've mentioned that she had three ways of spanking - pants down a bit, so she spanked on my briefs, pants down a lot, which meant she was going to get my legs, and bare. I'm not sure there was a ton of difference in the last two - probably more psychological than anything. Having to expose my legs for that evil, wicked, plastic flyswatter - that was horrifying. I have no idea what I did, but I remember begging her not to make me do that (I think that memory is also a lot of the reason I lower the boys pants for them, especially when they're younger). I don't remember what I'd done to incur that. In my case, I don't have many hyper-realistic memories, but I do have a lot of fragments. The things I remember best are more like photos or maybe short videos. In my case, because of the way my mom moved around with us, i'm able to match things up so they fit together into a cohesive story, but it's sometimes more like solving a jigsaw than remembering things. Yeah, I definitely think there are people who just make stuff up and say it's true. On the other hand, it's hard to understand how some people will act.


Hero Member

Posts: 2083

« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2017, 10:40:40 am »
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2017, 11:08:27 pm »
In my case I definitely remember a lot of my childhood spankings. Maybe because I'm young (20) and the last was a few years ago (at 15). But the strange thing is that most of my childhood memories are spankings, and I think I have a memory problem (don't remember almost anything before I was 6-7 years old, just some spankings and a very few scenes enjoying with friends or family ) and I've guessed that maybe it was caused by some kind of psychological trauma (as a way to block some traumatic whippings I received when I was a little boy (4-6) ). I started to felt something with spankings around 8 yo and so I have many vivid memories of spankings especially since I was 9 up to 13. Definitely I took my own experience as major inspiration for my stories. But it's also truth that when receiving spankings is a regular experience you don't remember each one in all detail. For sure I remember some of them such accurately that I could be able to recreate them on a story, but when you write a story you should be able to have control on it, and on a real spanking you never have the control, so you adjust the details to fit with the story you are willing to create. Just my experience and opinion


Hero Member

Posts: 3783
Location: Bransom, TX

« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2017, 04:22:17 am »


Hero Member

Posts: 2083

« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2017, 06:59:06 am »


Hero Member

Posts: 1556
Location: Western High Desert, U.S.A.

« Reply #12 on: November 07, 2017, 09:59:52 am »

« Last Edit: November 07, 2017, 10:07:00 pm by Adric »

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Remembering childhood spankings

Quote:May I ask where you originally found this at? I got this from MR. poll. it is a place where you can do polls. Polls on EVERYTHING. and I ran accross this one. and I will post some of the comments here , and you can see. Some on here are non Godly though.
Quote: I am 20. My husband is 35. He whips me when I do something I shouldn’t. He uses a strap 2 and a half inches wide, a paddle, a switch, or a belt. He makes me remove my clothes and either lay across the bed, or he puts me over his lap. I am whipped until I am crying very hard. He often leaves marks, welts and bruises. I know I deserve the whippings he gives me. I just wish he would not whip me so hard. Quote:I’m sorry, Melissa, but if you know you deserve the whippings, they need to be severe in order to break you of your naughtiness habit. I’m glad that at least some of your punishments are administered across your husband’s lap. That’s precisely where a naughty girl deserves to be put when her bottom requires disciplinary attention.==========
Quote: Posted by melissa on 2001-06-06 14:59:12 I don’t consider what my husband does as abuse. I was raised in a home where the husband was the head of the house. What Dad said went. He spanked my Mom for her misbeahvior. When my brothers, sister, and I dosobeyed, he spanked us with his strap or a switch. My husband just spanked me last night with a strap because I came home later than I told him I was. He spanked my bare bottom until I could not sit. I promised him I would never do it again. I can’t sit today because of the bruises and welts. I guess if it is ok with me I should not worry about what other people think.
Quote: I am 40 years old and married to a wonderful man who I love and respect. He is never unfair to me when it comes to my punishments and I don’t blame him for the times he has corrected me. Once was for bounced checks. Once was for driving home so loaded I couldn’t walk and once was for comming home 3 hours late and not calling. Let me say that there was a 24 hour waiting period each time because he never spanks me in anger. Each spanking was consentual. I was spanked unil I cried. Once with the yard stick, once with the belt and once with the plastic spoon. I have to be completely naked as to be vulnerable and accepting. I am put in the corner afterwards to think about what got me there and I am always forgiven. I am not spanked over every little thing and he never yells or calls me names. I am quite content in my marriage and my life and I am glad I am married to a man who is able to protect me, even if it’s from myself!!!!
Here are a few. Now let me say there were a few against this too. They said it was abuse, and these women were being treated as children, or unfairly etc. Some people said these women had self esteem issues etc. The majority of the poll was for it though. This got me thinking. So I posted this.
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I found this while going through my morning emails from CafeMom and I had to share. It just gave me a huge headache and I am not sure how to feel about this. I know that I am against a husband spanking his wife but I know that there are some people who don’t see a problem with it but I just can’t believe what I was reading. Do these women have self esteem issues? Are they taking the bible out of context? Is someone misleading them? See these are things we always have to worry about because these days and in the past, powerful people have misused their powers and lead many of there believers to death. Read these post below and tell me what you think please share with me.
Nickida is a first-generation Trinidadian American wife and mother of four. She enjoys sharing recipes from her childhood growing up in Trinidad with her readers. Nickida has a son with Autism and shares posts around traveling with a child with special needs to help other families like her own. She loves television, movies and is a true 80's baby.
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Today we told you about Lukas Williams, the five-year-old child whose parents are suing a Tennessee school district over an over-zealous spanking he received at school.
But while the ethics of spanking children is a debated topic in 2013, it hasn’t always been this way. In fact, if you go back to the 1950’s, the question wasn’t whether spanking children is acceptable. It was whether spanking women was acceptable.
The “History in Pictures” twitter handle recently uncovered a gem from a 1950’s edition of the New York Daily Mirror.
In the paper, four men were asked one simple question: “If a woman needs it, should she be spanked?”
No, this isn’t a joke. And “yes” is how each respondent answered.
“Why not,” said Brooklyn resident Miguel Matos. “If they don’t know how to be treated by the time they’re adults, they should be treated like children and spanked.”
“Yes, when they deserve it,” he said. “As a barber I’ve got a lot of faith in the hairbrush.”
“You bet,” a Brooklyn parking lot attendant answered. “It teaches them who’s boss. A lot of women forget this is a man’s world and a lot of men who stepped down as boss of a family wish they hadn’t.”
Even toy factory owners, like William Davis, thought women should be spanked.
“Yes. Most of them have it coming to them anyway,” he said . “If they don’t it will remind them how well off they are. I subscribe to the theory that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
Thank you for your theory Mr. Davis. Now please resume your spanking.
It’s easy to forget how much the western world has changed in the last half-century. Of course we still have much to do, but could you imagine what would happen if a media outlet posted a survey about the legitimacy of spanking adult women today?
For more “oh-my-god-how-was-that-okay” moments, check out this photo album of 30 cringe-worthy vintage ads from past decades. 

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