Spanking Public Naked Boy Stories

Spanking Public Naked Boy Stories


While this site is dedicated to providing home for all male spanking art, be it graphic or written. But we neither have the capacity nor the desire to compete with; so we will not. We will encurage you to use their site for stories. But as they do not carry women spanking older males (F/M) and do not encourage women spanking boys (F/m) stories. We will gladly host those stories here.
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Sci-fi, Military, Fanfic, AR, F/b+, Hairbrush
Religious, School, F/b+, Cane, Slipper
Domestic, Role Reversal, Implied, F/m+, f/m+, Hand, Hairbrush, Belt
Domestic, Role Reversal, Implied, F/m+, f/m+, Belt
Public, Tradition, F/mf, F/m, F/f, F/m+, Hand, Hairbrush
School, Domestic, Public, F/mm, F/m, F/f+, F/f, f+/m, F/F, F/mf, FF/F, M/f, M/f+, F/m+, F+/m+, F+/F, M+/F, F/ff, F+/FF F+/FFM, F+/M, F+/FFm+m+,F+/FM Hand, Hairbrush, Ruler, Ping-pong Paddle, Paddle, Bathbrush, Belt, Strap
Domestic, F/m, Hand, Ruler, Ping-pong Paddle, Hairbrush, Belt
Domestic, Commercial, F/m, F/M, Paddle, Hairbrush, Belt
Domestic, Sci-fi, Fanfic, F/b, Hand
Domestic, F/m, F/mm, Hand, Hairbrush, Clothes Brush, Switch, Tawse
Domestic, Commercial, F/m+, Hand, Bathbrush, Hairbrush
Public, Domestic, F/M, Hand, Hairbrush, Slipper
Domestic, F+F+/M+, Cane, Crop, Bathbrush
Public, F+/M, F+F/M, F/M, FF/M, Hand, Paddle, Cane, Hairbrush, Crop, Wooden Spoon, Masterbation, Bondage
F/M, Hairbrush, Razor Strop, Paddle
School, Role-play, F+/M, F/M, Hand, Paddle, Crop, Masterbation
Commercial, FF/M, Hairbrush, Tawse, Paddle, Bondage
Domestic, F/M, FF/M, Hand, Paddle, Hairbrush, Slipper, Wooden Spoon, Cane, Masterbation, Bondage
Public, School, Domestic, M/m+, m+/m+, Hand, Slipper, Cane
Public, Domestic, Camp, F/b, F/g+, F/m+, Hairbrush, Belt, Paddle
Domestic, f+ff+/m, F/fm, Hairbrush, Paddle, Wooden Spoon, Belt, Razor Strop
Domestic, f+/m, f+/f, Hairbrush, Strap
Domestic, F/m+, f+/m+, f+f+/m+, Paddle, Spatula, Belt
Domestic, F/M, Hand, Forced Feminization, Sex
Domestic, F/m, Paddle, Switch, Strap
Domestic, F/m, Razor Strop, Hairbrush
Public, Domestic, F/m+, F/m+m+, Hand, Ruler, Mouthsoaping, Hairbrush, Belt
School, Domestic, Public, F/m, f+/m, Hand, Paddle
Domestic, f+/m, Hairbrush, Diapering
Domestic, Femdom Ff+fg/m, Gand, Hairbrush, Belt

Special occurrences sometimes recorded for us…
Before we start, judicial canes were long and thick. As shown here…
A lot of judicial birches were long with the birch twigs untied at the end, (a little like the Manx Birch, but that had thicker twigs, see below)…Those used in the home or school were usually, but not always shorter as this photo of public school birches show…
Although not public, witnesses were present at birchings and some police officers trained in their use..
See the Isle of Man Logo on the uniform.
this is the famous Manx Birch and the man who would wield it on your bare bottom with little mercy.
Note the judicial cane as shown above resting on the table here…
Two inmates in a French Prison being checked by the doctor before receiving a twenty four stroke caning each.
A girl gets the paddle at a rodeo….not seriously I think.
A girl at an English College in the 1970’s getting put in her place by her friends who caught her stealing from their purses.
A Spanish maid getting punished for dropping the food..
I was told by the German Lady who sent me this, that her Grandma took in in a Frankfurt Park just before the war.
1950’s America, and a girl being spanked all the way home from school, and hearing the famous words…
“Just wait ’til I get you home!”
1930’s Holiday fun…for some anyway! She is smiling, so probably it is…just a fun holiday snap.
We have all seen the bratty, rude girl at the bus stop.
it is a mock up from a shoot. I was told who by, but have since lost it!
Girls who fraternised with the enemy were paraded naked and then spanked, after the war in many Euripean countries. Better than hair cutting and tar and feathering I think
This is a mock up, but very well done. By Italian Spanking Art I think.
What a great idea, a game show that not just rewards the winners, but spanks the losers!
Happy Birthday to you…SMACK!
Happy Birthday to you….SMACK!

birthday spankings seem fun, until you reach 35 and Mummy has a score to settle!
This is a real school caning, the family who sent the photo in asked that faces and names were not to be given.
Film Star or not, a naughty young woman got spanked by her Daddy!
London, 1960’s and a protester is hauled away by the police for a very public spanking….because the photo went around the world!
The house leader in a 1930’s finishing school for young ladies has the privilidge of being able to spank her house members when needed and voted for.
A bratty teenager is spanked by Grandad at a family party for not respecting her elders!
Miss Mildred Richards, Justice Witkower1922, Chicago
Grandma and younger brother watching a stroppy teenage big sister get a spanking in the local park
Outside the Moulin Rouge, a dancer who let the can can show down gets a public spanking in the street outside, next to the artistes entrance.

I bet she has a Moulin ROUGE bottom!
A young girl in a Middle Eastern country has brought the family name into disrepute. They drive to a car park, and tie her in her lifted burka to thrash her bare bottom.
Here is some nice artwork depicting public punishments/spankings…
Girls being made to carry their own punishment implements into the town square. Puritanical England 1668
One of the most common fantasies of you spankees. I have even been asked to set this up for some of my customers! I did too, see ‘public punishments 1 and 2. A spanking in class before others.
A naughty maid caught stealing gets a bare bottom thrashing before dismissal.
Another schoolgirl gets her bottom bared before the others!
Up on stage for this public thrashing.
A sloppy waitress gets a spanking before the customers.
I wonder what she did to deserve being dragged out before a baying crowd for a bare bottom spanking?
Here are a few newspaper clippings of spankings, I have put them all in here, but not all are public. My favourite one to start is though…

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