Spanking Pantyhose

Spanking Pantyhose


Spanking Pantyhose

EXPERIENCE > Beauty > My Pantyhose Experience

by exfesties

June 25, 2020
Dear acquaintances, these are three encounters from three different womenfolk this 2020.
At the onset, including gauzy breeches in my dressing was merely to keep the legs unexposed and concealed. It was also to avoid numerous stares from prying eyes when attending church.
I always was of the thought that black hosieries were better suited for the cheesy and tramontane type. Adding a knee-skirt whenever I had my hose on would do the trick, I opined.
The leotards I owned back then barely fitted the way I needed them to. They were excessively thick. The only reprieve for me was the au naturel hose, which unlike the tricots, didn’t sag.
I really loved wearing tricots through my teenage years forasmuch as they matched any outfits I decided to put on.
As I gradually developed the habit of putting on my hosiery, I couldn’t help but notice the occasional glances from all and sundry on the walkways, it was usually from a lot of blokes and a few of the ladies.
Oft, people would ask about the pantyhose designs I usually put on and detailed descriptions on the sources or brands I happened to get them from.
Time and again, they would pour on me compliments especially in regard to my pegs. As time went by, I started to realize these clothing were real turn-ons for most guys; they weren’t any longer serving as sheer socks that I was used to covering with skirts whenever I headed out.
Over the years, I got to see more and more businesswomen confidently strutting the streets clad in various designs of hoses, fashionably accompanying the wears with heels and skirts.
Something that caught my eye amidst all this observation was the fact that these outfits perfectly matched all their elements of dressing. That’s when the true realization of how unique a pantyhose could be dawned on me.
Sometimes, I’m more vigilant and aware of the attention I get from other people who take notice of my attire and legs. I like it sometimes.
Contrastingly, other days I tend to be forgetful of my choice of cladding and fail to get past the incessant stares. I become increasingly secure and hurry to get over the darting glances in the streets.
Intermittently, I wear unmitigated hoses that are shrouded under buskins or denims. I do this to clear any scanty outlines as well as constrict the blabbered areas in my clothing. Needless to say, they do a good job keeping the silhouettes away.
There are times that I usually get myself garbed in purely a pair of hoses and shorts. This used to go on perfectly for a while until the day I realized sketcher shoes were doing me and my hosiery no good.
They tattered the hosiery on any occasion I chose to clad in sneakers, and this didn’t go too well with me.
To prevent any unwanted damages from interfering with the pantyhose structure, consider putting them on with protective socks that won’t show past the shoes.
Trust me, keeping my hosiery stiffly knitted and intact for as long as I’ve been doing has taken a lot of effort and remarkable practice. Keeping the hose in good shape isn’t a one time affair you’ll get past and forget all about it thereafter.
I sometimes try to avoid sticking my skirts in between seatbelts, just to keep the tights in perfect shape for the next wear.
In case you are interested in keeping your tights in their right shape, you need to incorporate cautionary practices into your day to day routines until it’s become part and parcel of everything you do.
Contrary to common belief, modern sheer hoses aren’t as abrasive and loose-fitting as the old designs.
Anyone who veneered in the conventional models back in the days is of a completely different tale. It’s unforgettable how the hoses were nothing but sweaty confines you’d be forced to tuck hard every time they would slip, making it harder to ever consider putting them back on.
However, modern brands are totally different. They are perfectly fitting and have completely different feels to them. It’s no longer the sweaty strenuous hoses but an all new trendy stylish conduit collection.
It’s taken quite an endless run of trial-and-error series to know exactly which brands I prefer as well as the perfectly fitting sizes.
The instance I chose to widen my nylon cluster, I started by purchasing three different brands from the most popular manufacturers. These were no-nonsense, Leggs and Hanes.
I purchased a variety of sizes and was able to know precisely what I fancied and disproved in each.
In case you are new to gauzy hosiery designs, I highly recommend going for a slightly larger size than the one your measurements state. I discovered that it’s actually harder and uncomfortable to walk in a smaller hose.
It’s equally inevitable that the hose may easily get ruined as a result of constant overstretching. It’s also advisable that you initiate massive acquisitions by purchasing in large quantities in the event that you have a reliable means to complete the transactions.
It’s usually cheaper this way. Similarly, bulky purchases are sold and delivered in soft pouches. This is safer and better compared to a sole cardboard package.
In the latter, the board may tamper with the fabric of the hose as you get it out, ruining it in the process.
Gauzy tights add glorious finishing touches to outfits. If cared for properly, they can last over and over.
Personally, I’ve noticed that thinner fabrics are more sensitive and get torn fast. Regardless, I’ve attracted a lot of attention and been complimented a lot with the deniers.
Being of Asian decent, I scarcely find the need to wax or shave because there isn’t much hair growth on the legs. Contrastingly, the hair is thinner and finer.
Most of the people who shower me with compliments state that my furs appear more titillating and seductive beneath the thinly lined deniers, particularly in the transparent hoses.
I also put on turbid opaque deniers once in a while. The people who notice how different I look with either wear state that the thinner deniers suit me better because of my legs’ unique shape and color.
This feels almost as though you have nothing on but a sleek and exquisite covering from the foot all the way to your waist. It’s quite hard to decipher the right words for the feeling.
Is it soft, touchy, dainty, oily, or unruffled?
In a nutshell, it’s comfortable and feels great.
The fabric used is sleek and you’ll enjoy moving around with the hosiery accentuating every motion of your feet and legs.
Flats and heels are complimentary shoe-wear. Adding a pantyhose to the picture spawns a feminine accent that makes the overall wear a combo that’s fascinating and forever appealing.
While deeply indulged in work, there are times I tend to overlook everything but work, save for instances where it comes to my notice that the outfit I have on is close to malfunctioning. That’s exactly when the unexplainable sensations kick in, with gradualism.
On the other hand, when on errands or in circumstances where the dressing code isn’t relevantly applicable, I happen to enjoy miniature thrills and short excitements, like feeling the hose is sleek and bare underneath.
It’s unexplainable but it happens, and yes…I love it. I just can’t explain how. I still can’t make up the right words for this enjoyable feeling.
A number of women dislike the nylon designs. Most of them argue that they are extremely thick and abhor the feeling of being in them. Much to their disappointment, I can’t help but feel sorry for them. I base this entirely on opinion, nothing else.
However, in case you haven’t tried out any hosiery designs in the past and are keen on starting a new trend, I strongly advise you to welcome the idea of getting one with open arms.
To me and many others who enjoy dressing in these light accessories, we know too well of not only the convenience of garbing in them but also the comfort and freeness that comes with the same.
The hosiery is a special kind of wear that serves it’s purpose in different ways. Here are some of the wide range of applications I’ve found to be perfectly suited for the habiliment:
Cladding in a hosiery when heading for an interview creates the impression that you care to look decent, especially when the skirt you have on reaches slightly above the knees.
It seems more modest to add a pair of tights to your wear before making it to church. It’s also one way to abate the measure of skin being bare and visible.
Because of their close proximity to the skin, nylon tights manage to trap your body’s heat and keep you warm in the process.
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On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are beguiledand demoralized charms.


28404 visited this page.
       Glad that you
stopped in to see my pictures. The following pages contain pictures that
were taken while the spanking was being administered. I love having
pictures that rekindle the memories of my bad habits and help me to grow
into a better person
       Dressing as
Terri, allows me to let my softer and more feminine side show through.
It allows me to see my naughty deeds and it allows me to express my sorrow in
the ways that I have acted. Being Terri let me over come that macho
guy feeling. Being submissive lets me submit myself into the hands
of my spanker, for a very well
deserved bare bottom spanking. Spanking me soundly will teach me a
very good lesson. The stern scolding of my misdeeds and the constant slaps of you
hand, paddle, or hairbrush will turn my bottom a bright red. But don't
stop, don't let my pleading fool you into stopping! I need to be spanked
till I am having a very good sobbing
cry. Only then will I have learned my lesson.
     I have recently met
a very nice and good disciplinarian. To see our spankings and contract
go to my Behavior Page .
    Place me OTK (over-your-knee), lift
my skirt, pull down my pantyhose and panties and blister my bare bottom well. 
Give me the spanking I so richly deserve. " Give me the spanking of my

See the Isle of Man Logo on the uniform. this is the famous Manx Birch and the man who would wield it on your bare bottom with little mercy.
Two inmates in a French Prison being checked by the doctor before receiving a twenty four stroke caning each.
A girl gets the paddle at a rodeo….not seriously I think.
A girl at an English College in the 1970’s getting put in her place by her friends who caught her stealing from their purses.
A Spanish maid getting punished for dropping the food..
I was told by the German Lady who sent me this, that her Grandma took in in a Frankfurt Park just before the war.
1950’s America, and a girl being spanked all the way home from school, and hearing the famous words… “Just wait ’til I get you home!”
1930’s Holiday fun…for some anyway! She is smiling, so probably it is…just a fun holiday snap.
We have all seen the bratty, rude girl at the bus stop. it is a mock up from a shoot. I was told who by, but have since lost it!
Girls who fraternised with the enemy were paraded naked and then spanked, after the war in many Euripean countries. Better than hair cutting and tar and feathering I think
This is a mock up, but very well done. By Italian Spanking Art I think.
What a great idea, a game show that not just rewards the winners, but spanks the losers!
Happy Birthday to you…SMACK! Happy Birthday to you….SMACK! birthday spankings seem fun, until you reach 35 and Mummy has a score to settle!
This is a real school caning, the family who sent the photo in asked that faces and names were not to be given.
Film Star or not, a naughty young woman got spanked by her Daddy!
Old School Discipline – 1905 up on the rostrum before the class. open back knickers added to the humiliation.
London, 1960’s and a protester is hauled away by the police for a very public spanking….because the photo went around the world!
The house leader in a 1930’s finishing school for young ladies has the privilidge of being able to spank her house members when needed and voted for.
A bratty teenager is spanked by Grandad at a family party for not respecting her elders!
Miss Mildred Richards, Justice Witkower1922, Chicago
Grandma and younger brother watching a stroppy teenage big sister get a spanking in the local park
Outside the Moulin Rouge, a dancer who let the can can show down gets a public spanking in the street outside, next to the artistes entrance. I bet she has a Moulin ROUGE bottom!
A young girl in a Middle Eastern country has brought the family name into disrepute. They drive to a car park, and tie her in her lifted burka to thrash her bare bottom.
Girls being made to carry their own punishment implements into the town square. Puritanical England 1668
One of the most common fantasies of you spankees. I have even been asked to set this up for some of my customers! I did too, see ‘public punishments 1 and 2. A spanking in class before others.
A naughty maid caught stealing gets a bare bottom thrashing before dismissal.
Another schoolgirl gets her bottom bared before the others!
Up on stage for this public thrashing.
A sloppy waitress gets a spanking before the customers.
I wonder what she did to deserve being dragged out before a baying crowd for a bare bottom spanking?
Special occurrences sometimes recorded for us…
Before we start, judicial canes were long and thick. As shown here…
A lot of judicial birches were long with the birch twigs untied at the end, (a little like the Manx Birch, but that had thicker twigs, see below)…Those used in the home or school were usually, but not always shorter as this photo of public school birches show…
Although not public, witnesses were present at birchings and some police officers trained in their use..
Note the judicial cane as shown above resting on the table here…
This waitress is rather forgetful and has had a very bad day, finally she tries the patience of the cafe manager too much, by taking the wrong drinks to the wrong table, just as she is de-corking a bottle! She turns her around, bottle between her legs and spanks the girl! See how the passing girl customer is laughing at her predicament, and everyone turning around to see! “Can you not get anything tight you stupid girl? Bend over!”
“Next time it will be on your bare bottom, so you had better Buck your ideas up young lady!”
‘Owwww, ooooh stop stop, everyone is looking at me, stop owwwww, yes , I will, just …owwwww!….stop pleeeease!”
Here is some nice artwork depicting public punishments/spankings…
Here are a few newspaper clippings of spankings, I have put them all in here, but not all are public. My favourite one to start is though…
I am greatly enjoying your website. I personally enjoy seeing photographs and illustrations of girls and women being publicly punished. I have seen any number of girls of different ages being punished publicly in the past at school, church, in the market, in the park, in car parks, and right on the sidewalk, but not for a long time. Nowadays, most of the girls punished publicly, mostly by their frazzled mothers, are little girls, and if older, are more than likely being given traditional birthday spankings, or boyfriend spanks on their girlfriends jeans clad or skirted bottom. I grew up in the 1950’s and 1960’s in The South, when spanking girls at school and home was very common. I often saw the stripes of a recent switching on the calves of young and older girls, alike. I really do miss those days, but the memories still linger.
I do believe that if public strapping, or paddling of delinquent youth, pilloried as in one of your drawings, was to be reintroduced into law here in America, we would have far less juvenile crime. The offenders buttocks would not even need to be exposed to the crowds that would gather. Only their head, hands, and thighs and calves need be exposed. A “modesty shield” such as those on the front of many secretary desks, would effectively hide the privates of either sex. The area where the public whippings would be administered would only need to have a wooden or metal barrier installed directly behind the raised punishment platform, to deter onlookers from behind. The citizens who would gather to see the sentences carried out would hear the loud piercing cracks of thick, oiled leather or aged solid oak striking bare flesh, over and over, and over. They would personally witness the pleas, begging, loud cries, yelling and screaming from the mouths of those being soundly paddled or strapped the requisite number of strokes. The crowd would see the suffering grimaces of judicially prescribed pain on the delinquents faces, their faces turn red, their noses drip involuntarily, the tears stream down their cheeks and drip onto the platform, their hair become matted and brows sweat, and likely they would see knees buckle and the young offender’s legs having to be strapped to stanchions to support them till their whipping has been completed. Both young males and females would be eligible for a sentence of public corporal punishment. Vandalism is vandalism, and girls bottoms are no less suited for strong medicine than are boys.
This return to an older form of justice, seen by men and women, and particularly by children at the impressionable ages when lessons in the consequences of bad behaviour can be inculcated in them, would serve to keep neighborhoods safer, parents jobs easier, and with less teenage rebellion, and would help to encourage young offenders to resolve to walk the straight and narrow path. After all, soundly applied corporal punishment would be an experience few teens would likely want to have revisited on their bared behinds.
That is a very well written comment. Thank you very much for taking the time out to post it.
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