Spanking Older Girls

Spanking Older Girls


Spanking Older Girls
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Here are three letters to the Editor written by young women over a fifty year period about when is a girl too old to be spanked.

Letter Number 1 was written on April 1, 1898 by a young woman who had recently turned seventeen to the Editor of the NY Evening Journal...

To the Editor: I am a young girl just turned seventeen years, an orphan, and I have live with my aunt who has taken care of me since I was seven years old. She is just as good as can be, and loves me dearly, I know, but is awful strict, and spanks me very often when I don't do just as she says, and though I try real hard to please her, I get spanked two or three times some days, except Sundays. She just catches me anywhere and pulls me over her knee and slaps me good with anything that comes handy. Now I tell her it is not right to spank such a big girl, but she says I will never be too big for her to spank when I don't do as she says. Won't some of your readers write a letter with real good reasons why she ought to stop spanking me, so that when I see it, I can show it to her, so she will stop?--A GOOD GIRL

Letter number 2 was written June 5, 1928 to the New York Daily Mirror by a twenty year old office girl.

Editor Daily Mirror:

I would like to get the opinion of some readers on this question: Has a mother a right to spank a daughter who has passed her twentieth year? I was twenty last December and since that time she has turned me over her lap three times and spanked me soundly with a hairbrush. Though I realize she chastises me for my own good, and despite the awful sting of the hairbrush on my anatomy, I love her most dearly but still I think twenty should be beyond the spanking age. I wonder if there are other girls my age who still receive spankings from their parents. May G.

The third letter in this triology was written by a bobby-soxer to the American Weekly twenty years after the second letter and almost a half century after the first, but the question is still the same.

In March, 1947, Nancy Pearce wrote to Ursula Trow, Editor of the Teen Temptest" column of American Weekly the following..."I am a so called bobby-soxer of 15 years, and I have a very old fashioned mother. I came home rather late from a dance the other night. She made me lie across her lap and then she spanked me very hard with a hairbrush".

"I sometimes wonder if I am the only girl in the country as old as I am who gets spanked like a kid".
This one was published in the Detroit Free Press in July of 1971, in an advice column by a Dr. Loriene Chase:

"Dear Dr. Chase,

"I would be too embarrassed to have a verbal discussion of my problem, but I know I have been in need of help for years.

"I am a woman, 30 years of age. I have had a couple of serious love affairs: At ages 19 and 21. No one was hurt, they just faded away.

"My problem is my mother. I live with her and she is a very strong, very attractive, very young-looking woman of 48. She fights old age with a passion, seems to think I am still a teen or sub-teen because she doesn't look old enough to have a 30-year-old daughter.

"Dr. Chase, the reason I cannot face a verbal discussion is because my mother still turns me over her lap and spanks me on my bare bottom.

"I left home once and she threatened to come to my place of employment and cause a scene. Once when I went to a girlfriend's home to stay she came after me, dragged me home in front of her whole family and spanked me so hard I was sore for a week.

"I never know what will make her angry next, and when she does, over I go. I am afraid to leave, she is too strong for me, so what do I do?"

(Dr. Chase, appropriately enough, advised her to get counseling and get the hell out of there.)

A fake? Not necessarily. About seven years earlier, a young woman signing herself "B.J." had written twice to a Free Press advice column about being dominated by her mother; she gave their ages as 23 and 41 and stressed how charismatic her mother was. After the first letter, B.J. apparently showed the columnist's answer to her mother, which made her very angry. (There are two major papers in Detroit, the Free Press and the News, so someone whose mother read the News could write to the Free Press and at least hope that she wouldn't see it.) B.J. recalled that her mother had given her a spanking at age 18, and that had kept her in line ever since. (The columinst basically said to get out of there, but the column was discontinued before we could get more of the saga.)

Then in the mid 70's, a column in the News carried a series of letters about domineering mothers and ways of dealing with them. (The column in question, "Dear Jane Lee," was a treasure trove from our point of view.) One woman wrote in that the only effective response is to run, as she had, and she said, almost as an afterthought, that her mother had spanked her up to the age of 30. Two more women wrote in about how they, too, had been spanked into their 30's by their mothers, and how they had dealt with it. The reason I don't dismiss those letters is that they were about strategies for getting out, which is not exactly what fetishists write about.

So there's some more.


When I wrote the post, I had been disapointed that I didn't have a more-recent mainstream newspaper letter to include.

Thanks for the sequel and the interesting slant it gave the subject of mothers spanking older girls.

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You know what happens next young lady!
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The predominate theme of this site is spanking and submissive women. This blog is intended for adults 18 years and older. The purpose of this site is to promote criticism, comment, teaching, scholarship, and research.
All of these young ladies are receiving a well deserved spanking. They can be found on real life spanking . I think some of them thought that a spanking would be easy. I’m sure by now that they are all regretting that decision.
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I had long assumed my life partner would share my kink. At 17, I met my first boyfriend while living abroad. He was 24 and so comfortable with his sexual identity that on our second date he asked whether I had “ever received a severe spanking.”
I need to see more in order to decide if it’s realistic or not good for the handicapped lady who is disabled
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