Spanking Nurse

Spanking Nurse


Spanking Nurse

Nurse Susan, fictional story by Randy. For adults only. Pure fiction.
Do not read if under 18.

Susan Rennie was the nurse at the small, Christian elementary school I attended
outside Macon, Georgia in the 1950s. As she was the unmarried sister of the principal,
Mr. Joshua Rennie, and the person responsible for disciplining unruly students,
Nurse Susan was
much feared by the students. It was perfectly all right to be sent to her office
for a scraped knee or a sore stomach since she had a wonderfully caring way
with any sick charges. But woe to the student whose teacher sent them to Nurse
Susan with a pink slip.

Each homeroom teacher had a pad of pink slips in their desk. This pad
appeared whenever a student was disrespectful, used foul language, lied, fought
with other students, tormented a weaker kid, threw spitballs, or violated some
other school rule. The
offence was hastily scribbled on the slip, folded over, and given to the
offender with the instruction, "Please see Nurse Susan at the next study
period". With two 40 minute study periods in the school day - one at 10:30 and
the other at 2:20 - one didn't have long to wait.

Most time, when one arrived at Nurse Susan's office with a pink slip, one
was alone. That was the way it was on my first visit, not long after
transferring in to Baptist Day School at the fourth grade. I had been caught
swearing on the playground which was a serious offence back then, especially at that age. Since it was not a
class period, I was taken inside to my homeroom teacher who quickly filled out
a pink slip and told me to see Nurse Susan.

I had heard enough stories to be fearful and repent my action at the first sight
of that pink pad, but my homeroom teacher brushed off my excuses and promises of
good behavior. So off I trudged to Nurse Susan's office.

It was located at the
far end of the two story building, far from the classrooms down near the administrative
offices. To get there, one walked down a corridor past the other classrooms,
through a double door, and down another hallway past three administrative
offices, the teacher's lodge, and the principal's office. Since the doors to these offices were open to
the hall at all times, the five female administrators and secretaries all
looked up and smiled as me as I did my best to hide the pink slip in my right

Nurse Susan's office was the only one with a closed door. I knocked and
stood there, praying I could get in quickly and escape the gaze of the two
whispering secretaries in the office just across the hall. Nurse Susan called
"Come in" and I quickly opened the door and stepped inside. She was sitting
at a desk, filling out some papers when I closed the door behind me. With a
quick glance in my direction and at the pink slip in my hand, she said,
"Have a seat, young man. I'll be with you in a minute."

The minute ticked by on the large, electric clock humming on the wall, and
another minute after that, and still another. It took her five minutes to
finish whatever she was doing. Finally, she put the folder away, pushed her
rolling chair out from
her desk and swivelled in my direction.

"All right, child. What have you done today? Please give me your slip."

I handed it to her, my throat suddenly dry as a bone, and stood there as
she read it.

"Randy Sutter. You're new this year, aren't you?"

"Yes, ma'am," I replied, suddenly conscious of her white, starched nurse's
uniform and her big black shoes.

"Hmmm. We'll have to start a file for you. Hold on a minute."

She opened a desk drawer, pulled out a manilla folder, wrote my name on the
tab sticking up, and wrote something down on the bottom of the pink slip before
dropping it inside the folder. She then stood up, held out her hand, and said,
"Come with me, child."

"Wha ... where are we going?" I asked as I held out my hand reluctantly?

"Into my inner office, young man. Come along now."

She led me around a partition past two small beds through a door into a
small, rear office with a desk, an examining table, and a sink. Locking the
door behind her with a key produced from a side pocket, she sat down on a chair
and pulled me forward
until I was standing directly in front of her. After smoothing her dress on her
lap, she took hold of my chin and made me look right in her eye.

"You know why you have been sent here, young man, don't you?"

"Fo... for swearing, ma'am," I stammered.

"Yes, for using the Lord's name in vain, Randy. And also to be punished so
you learn not to do that again. I am in charge of punishing naughty children at
Baptist Day and I'm going to punish you right now so you learn swearing is not
permitted. Now
stand still. This is your first trip here but it probably won't be your last
according to what your mother tells me."

At the mention of my mother, my heart started pounding even faster as I
wondered what she had said. Taking my wrists in one hand behind my back, Nurse
Susan reached with the other hand and undid my belt and the snap on my school
pants. When I immediately protested loudly, she said,
"If you put up a fight, young man, it will be much worse for you and all
the secretaries will hear across the hall."

"What are you doing," I protested, lowering my voice to an angry, fearful

"What do you think I'm doing, child?" With a quick tug, she lowered my
pants down to my knees and added,
"I'm going to give you what every naughty child with a foul mouth gets at
Baptist Day, a good spanking."

At that, I lost all control and started struggling as hard as I could, all
to no avail as she tipped me over her large lap and pulled me forward. With my
feet no longer touching the ground, it was impossible to get any leverage to
escape her lap. An
with my wrists still held tightly behind me, I could not even reach back to
protect myself. Acutely conscious of making too much noise, I begged and
threatened and promised all sorts of things in a loud whisper in an attempt to
save myself at the last minute.

"You can fuss all you want, child, but every bad boy who comes to my office
with a pink slip has a spanking coming and a spanking is what you're going to
get. For being so insubordinate, you've earned yourself extra time over my
knee. You mother suggested it might take a number of visits to my office before you learned to obey a
new set of rules and regulations and it looks like she was right."

As she spoke, she tugged my cotton underpants down to my tangled pants and
brought her right hand down a second later with a very loud smack.

"Nooooo! Not on the bare! Nooooo! You can't do that. Stop that! I"ll tell
my mother on you!"

"Your mother is in full agreement with our disciplinary policies at
Baptist Day, Randy. She has already signed a consent form allowing me to punish
you whenever you break one of our rules. Since Principal Rennie is a firm
believer in the benefits of
traditional discipline for naughty school children, you will be punished just
like every other bad boy or girl here ... with a spanking on your naughty bare

By then, I was too busy responding to the rapid barrage of stinging spanks
to be able to discuss school policies with Nurse Susan. She spanked with the
measured gusto I knew from my mother and was clearly skilled in reducing her
charges to tears and
genuine repentance. With my bare bottom arched high over her right knee and my
face down near the tiled floor, I felt more like a second grader than a big boy
in fourth grade. And by the end of two or three minutes, I was starting to
sound like one. Ignoring my pleas for mercy, Nurse Susan paused to readjust me on her lap and tighten
her grip before continuing.

"Since this is your first spanking from me, Randy, I want to make sure it
is sufficiently memorable so I don't see you again in the near future. A
spanking which serves as a warning rather than a punishment is a waste of time
and needs to be repeated
far too often. Since this is your first offense, I will not be giving you a
taste of my paddle. But make no mistake. I will not be so generous the second
time around. If you are caught swearing again, you will be spanked, stood in
the corner for a while
and then paddled. I have lots of experience dealing with naughty boys like you
who are too big for their britches."

As my spanking continued, the fire in my bottom eventually went beyond
anything I could endure and I completely broke down, crying and promising to be
good and carrying on like a big crybaby. None of this made any difference to
Nurse Susan. She kept
spanking me with her big, right hand, with an almost machine-like precision,
alternating from one cheek to the other and finding what seemed to be an
inexhaustible series of tender places on my bottom. The spanks echoed
loudly along with my cries, as I had long forgotten the secretaries across the hall and in the other nearby
offices. All I knew was that I was a bad boy receiving a time-honored

When my spanking finally ended some ten minutes after it began, I was a
very contrite and obedient schoolboy and allowed myself to be led to a corner,
still crying, while Nurse Susan went back into her outer office. She sat down
at her desk and wrote a short letter on a piece of school stationery which she put into an
envelope, sealed, and addressed. She then wrote some notes on another piece of
blank paper and put it into the manilla folder marked with my name before
filing it among similar folders in her filing cabinet. She then came back into the inner office and brought
me over to her chair where she sat down, pulling up my clothes. After going over
my misbehavior and my punishment and reminding me that the same thing would
happen every time I
got a pink slip, she gave me a hug, told me all was forgiven, and made me
promise to be good in the future. On my way out, she handed me the envelope and
told me to deliver it to my mother and return it the next day with her
signature, in another sealed

That night, and on all furture nights after I returned with a letter to my
mother from Nurse Susan, I received a second spanking at bedtime. Nurse Susan
seemed to know something about this the next day given the remarks she made
when I returned the
signed letter. Though that was my first trip to Nurse Susan's office, it was not
my last. As much as I tried to avoid any more pink slips, I managed to earn a
pink slip once a month or so. Since my mother often told me how glad she was to
have me in a school with real discipline, I eventually wondered if she had asked my homeroom
teacher, Mrs. Klonders, to be extra vigilant in my case. It seemed like I was
getting more pink slips than the other trouble makers in the class.

When the school year ended, mother announced that my grades were not good
enough in English and that I was going to be tutored in composition, reading,
and vocabulary that summer.

On Friday afternoon two weeks into summer vacation my mother dropped
me off at a small,
primly kept house for what was
to become a regular, weekly afternoon of tutoring. You an imagine my surprise when Nurse Susan opened the front
door, still dressed in her crisp white uniform, and smiled at the shock on my
face. I had to sit
in her parlor for more than a half hour while my mother discussed my poor work
habits and need for greater motivation with Nurse Susan with frequent asides
about how my behavior at school was improving thanks to her help.

"Susan, when Randy fails to complete his homework properly or doesn't pay
attention, I want you to give him the same kind of old fashioned reminder you
give naughty boys at school."

Randy turned beet red as Nurse Susan smiled warmly at him and said:
"Don't worry, June. I won't hesitate to apply an old fashion remedy if I
see incomplete homework or daydreaming. I know how to get a lazy schoolboy's
attention if he gets distracted."

Classic Mother And Daughter Spanking Pics

By Richard Windsor, on August 25th, 2011
I’m going to be working my tail off this weekend preparing my sites for when I am at the Shadowlane party next week, so to start with I will give you six classic Mother spanking Daughter spanking pics that I have posted throughout my sites over time.
Hey! I have a dress almost exactly like the one the mother is wearing in the 4th pic!
I luv these style of pix, and these are all spanktastic selections. Favest is prob. top right, which I think is nu-west.
Richard very nice pics ,mummy knows best and her daughter is otk ,best ,tim.
Best Friend’s Dad M/F *NEW* 6-27-22

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Stories from days past, you can find masterposts for series here about older stories, you can also post your favorite older stories here as well, be sure to credit the author.
Erica wrote:
Embarrassing School Panties! by Erica

Anyone here remember their annual school physicals? To this day, I still cringe at the memory for various reasons. In my home country, we used to have at least one every year (two if you count the sports check up). Ours could be really embarrassing, because they were usually unannounced and we often had to take our medical in the same room as the boys.

It always started out the same way. First, we were ushered in two lines into the change room, where two nurses got us ready for our medicals; girls on the right side and boys on the left. This was where things started to get kinda weird. The boys only had to remove their shirts and singlets, but we had to strip all the way down to our panties. I'm not exactly sure why this was, but I clearly recall the nurse telling us to take off our vests along with everything else. Looking back, I think there must have been an unofficial policy to examine the girls more closely.

There was no partition in the room at that time, so the boys got to see us undressing on the other side of the room. After we'd taken everything off, we had to fold our clothes in a neat piles and leave them on the wall side bench. It's hard to describe how embarrassing it was, standing there in nothing but our undies, waiting for the doctor to call us into the clinic. All of my friends agreed it wasn't fair that the boys got to keep their most of their clothes on, while we had to mill about in our panty-pants.

When the Doctor was ready to see us, the boys sat down on the left side while the girls were told to line up and wait their turn. The "clinic" was at the far end of the change room, a brightly lit space with a table, some chairs and a set of scales. There was also a folding screen next to the doctor's chair, in case anyone needed a more "thorough" examination.

Like most of my friends, I was blushing to my hairline and trying to hide my underpants by crossing my hands in front. A couple of girls picked up their vests and tried to hold them around their waists, but the nurse told them to stop being silly, and made them wait with their undies on open display.

By now, you're probably wondering what kind of panties we were wearing. Back in those days, thongs and g-strings were banned by order of the school board, so most of us were wearing plain cotton full briefs. The majority wore pastel-colored knickers with elastic waistbands, while a few of the "cool" girls had floral prints with a little pink bow at the front. I was wearing white cotton pants, the kind that come all the way up to the belly button (yeah, if I'd known the medical was that day, I would've worn something different). One of my friends, Katrina, had on a pair of bright red nylon briefs that shimmered under the lights every time she moved. Naturally, she stood out amongst the crowd, and was the subject of schoolyard discussion for the next few days.

Over the next fifteen minutes or so, the Doctor called us up to his table one by one. When my turn came, I walked up to the scales in my snowy white panties, feeling every eye in the room on me. My tummy was fluttering with butterflies, and for a while I felt like I was watching myself from a different perspective (this used to happen to me a lot when I was young). Stepping up onto the scales, I held my arms up in the air while one nurse weighed me and the other took my measurements. My heart was literally pounding against my chest, because my entire body seemed to be completely on view, as if I was stark naked. I wasn't really, of course, but that was how it felt.

After the nurses had finished with me, the Doctor asked me my name, then checked it off on his medical form. I instinctively went to cross my hands in front again, but he told me to hold them by my side while he checked my breathing (it's odd how a stethoscope always feels cold, no matter how many bodies it touches).

He asked me numerous questions during the examination, mainly about my family and general health, instructing me to turn round while he examined my spine. I practically fainted on the spot, knowing that I'd be facing my entire class at that second. It's strange: I suspected that worse was yet to come, but seeing everybody staring at me in my fresh white knickers was embarrassing beyond all description.

For some reason, my examination went on much longer than anyone else's. Completing the preliminary physical, the Doctor got me to perform some flexibility exercises. I must have been blushing from heel to crown by that time, knowing that my panties had been viewed from every possible angle. When he instructed me to spread my feet as wide as possible and place my palms flat on the floor, my pristine white bottom went on display to the whole wide world. Treacherous giggles bubbled up from the girls' side of the room, even Katrina of the Red Pants was snickering to herself.

When he finally finished (after what felt like half a million years) the Doctor made another note in his report and sent me back to the girls' line. Walking across the room in my bare knickers, that strange, disembodied sensation swept over me again, twice as strong as before. My belly seemed to be melting with warm, liquid heat. It seemed so terribly unfair; none of my friends had spent so much time in their panties, parading about before half the grade.

I brushed shoulders with Katrina at the half-way mark; it was her turn with the Doctor, and she looked even more reluctant than I'd been ten minutes before. Her bottom jostled along in tight little circles, highlighted by her glimmering scarlet panty-pants. I wondered how long she'd be under the stethoscope, breathing a sigh of relief that my ordeal was over.

Well, not exactly. For some inexplicable reason, we weren't allowed to get get dressed again until the last girl had been examined. There were at seven more girls to go, meaning that the free show would continue for at least the next twenty minutes (if not more).
Mark4 wrote:
Physical, boy's view by Mark4

I had a similar experience in sixth grade. Girls in their underwear on one side and boys in their underwear on the other all waiting for the school nurses. The girls seemed to be so embarrassed to be seen almost completely undressed like that. Most wore cotton white panties but some had on some smaller and tighter nylon panties. You could tell that most of the girls were not very developed up top yet, even with their hands and arms crossed tightly over their chests. But at least three or four of the girls had begun to grow and even with their arms crossed on top, you could see some cl
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