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Not to be confused with Punishment, "discipline" comes from the Latin word disciplina which means 'instruction'. A disciplinary spanking is meant to provide instruction for future behavior, as opposed to providing a consequence for past behavior.
Not to be confused with Discipline, "punishment" comes from the Latin word punire which means 'penalty'. A punishment spanking is meant to provide a consequence for past behavior, as opposed to instruction for future behavior.

A spanking given to introduce the spanker and/or spankee to each other's methods.

Bedtime Spankings
A spanking given before bed each night.
Wake-up Spankings
A spanking given at the beginning of the day.

Not to be confused with Therapeutic, a calming spanking seeks to return an overly-emotional person's emotional state back to baseline.
Also known as "stress relief", and not to be confused with Calming, a therapeutic spanking seeks to help someone release emotions that are being unhealthily built up.

A portmanteau of "bliss" and "discipline".
A portmanteau of "fun" and "punishment".

This site is meant for anyone who has been having fantasies or obsessions about spanking but don't know what, if anything, to ever do about it. It is also meant as a resource for friends of spankos, so that they may better understand what their friend or partner is going through and what they may do about it.
Spanking is something that some people in the world are involuntarily obsessed with. This obsession doesn't make a person weird or unhealthy, nor does it mean they are seeking unsafe outlets for an underlying psychological condition. Spanking, when practiced correctly in a willing and consensual environment, is a rewarding activity that has brought a lot of fulfillment to those who are wired to want and/or need it.
On the left are the navigation links to the different areas of this site. "The Basics" is the longest section and covers such concepts as the different roles a spanko can have in a spanking relationship, responsibilities of a spanker and spankee, different types of spanking, and also spanking positions and implements. "F.A.Q.s" will cover the questions that people who are new to spanking as a "thing" can often ask. The "Glossary" section will define words you're likely to see used by other spankos which are not intuitively defined.
Since the age of people who visit this site won't be determined, this site intentionally omits any pictures, videos, explicit descriptions of adult content as well as any external links to any site which might contain those things.
This site will NOT discuss anything related to children in any way. I'd say "look elsewhere", but I don't want you doing that either. If you're looking for spanking content related to kids, go sit in a corner and feel ashamed of yourself; it's a much better use of your time.
The "Roles", "Responsibilities", "Types of Spankings", "Spanking Positions", and "Implements" sections can be collapsed by clicking on their respective headers.
Spanking is an act which uses pain, applied exclusively to the recipient's bottom, as a tool for producing an intended effect. That effect can either be remorse over unwanted behavior, release of unwanted emotions, mutual enjoyment, or any other number of things which will be discussed below.
An important thing to always keep in mind is that spanking is a tool , not a solution. It cannot be applied as a cure-all for what ails a relationship or a person's behavior. The atmosphere of the spanking, the trust between the spanker and spankee, the rationale behind the spanking - all of these things collectively result in the effectiveness of a spanking. Do not use it as a solution; treat it as a tool that must be used in conjunction with other tools.
A spanko is anyone who is fascinated by the act (or even mention) of spanking. This fascination can extend to related activities such as lecturing, corner time, stern looks, etc. Spankos can sometimes clarify their interest by identifying as a "spanko purist" and/or "hard-wired spanko" (see the glossary for definition of those terms).
Caveat: Remember that a person can claim any one of these roles whether or not they have any knowledge of or experience with it. Finding and engaging a spanking partner of any kind always carries risk with it, whether injurious risk (physical and/or emotional) or anticlimactic risk (you didn't get what you wanted). Be responsible in selecting one.
In addition to performing your own responsibilities, it is advisable that you also take appropriate measures to ensure that your partner is fulfilling theirs.
As a spanko, you have two, basic responsibilities: your safety and your fulfillment.
"Limits" are what you're unwilling to do. "Limitations" are what you're unable to do. Recognize the difference. Sometimes you may be willing to do something your body or emotions cannot handle. Sometimes, you may be convinced to do something you're unwilling to do by being told you are technically capable of it. Don't do either.
It's important to remember that a limit and/or limitation does not need to be persistent in order to be valid. For example: while the majority of your limits and limitations are likely going to be more or less permanent, an hour-long objection to punitive spankings is no less valid than a life-long aversion to the use of a particular implement. Even if a limit apparently only applies to a particular day, hour, or even moment, it still needs to be treated exactly the same as any other. It's also important to remember that you may have different limits and limitations based on the context of who's spanking you, what's being used, or even what kind of spanking it's meant to be. Don't be surprised if you can take an hour-long beating with a cane when it's for fun but also can't handle more than a few strokes if it's for punishment. There are no rules for how (internally) accepting or resistant you should be to any part of this.
Whether your limits and limitations are physical or psychological, you must communicate those which are applicable to your partner before they can become an issue. While it can be difficult to be that vulnerable in revealing those to someone, this is why it's important: If you do not clearly and explicitly communicate a limit or limitation to a partner, you are claiming all responsibility (and simultaneously absolving your partner from any responsibility) for any damage done to you as a result of that limit or limitation being crossed. Even if you find that to be an acceptable risk, you also must remember that any damage to you will be putting your well-intentioned partner through a very bad time as a result of any hurt being caused. If you have any personal limit or limitation which might be put at risk during any portion of a scene, your partner needs to be informed of it and you will also need to re-acquire their consent to playing with you before a scene may begin.
Remember that, along with keeping yourself safe, you also have responsibilities with keeping your interests fulfilled. You and only you are responsible (every time) for your partner knowing when you might want or need there to be a spanking. You and only you are responsible for telling your partner when a spanking has gone beyond what you can bear. While you might be blessed with a partner who's particularly adept at detecting these things, especially after being with you a while, these responsibilities never shift from you over to them, nor should they ever be expected to. Pay attention to yourself; make sure your partner knows what's going on inside your head.
If someone wants to convince you that your limits or limitations are invalid, go ahead and hear them out, if you want. It's healthy to periodically get external perspective and experience applied to your journey. If someone tries to overrule or override your stated limits and limitations, however, fight them on it. Tooth and nail, if you have to. Even if they are technically correct, the fact that you still believe that it's a limit or limitation means your brain and body won't be receptive to the act, and it can only result in a negative experience for you.
Note: Remember that every spanking must be a cooperative (and complementary) effort if it's going to be both healthy and constructive. Both of you have to be in the right mindset for the kind of spanking you want to give.
Note 2: This is not a complete list, nor is there any existing consensus on the validity or definition of these terms.
The "Emphasis" column rates how much each quality is emphasized by the position; it does not rate whether or not the quality exists or to what extent it can be flexibly changed.
"Control" refers to how much control the spanker can conceivably exert over the spankee while using that position, not how much control it gives or requires of the spankee.
Never use an implement that has been damaged in any way.
First, it is important to know the materials from which an implement can be made.
When spanking, be mindful of the heaviness and hardness of your implement. Heavy and / or hard implements should never be used on an area of the body close to bone.
Spankings are noticeably noisy and aren't difficult to overhear by neighbors or passers-by, so use discretion. The terms here are relative to a firm hand-spanking.
The position has the spankee bend over (whether freely or over something supportive) at their waist. If the spanker desires contact, they can either place their hand on the base of the spankee's back, shoulders, or (being very careful) head/neck, or wrap their non-spanking arm around the spankee's waist.
Closeness (Depends on amount of contact) Control (Depends on amount of contact) Embarrassment (β˜…β˜†β˜†) Vulnerability (β˜…β˜…β˜†)
This is a more vulnerable version of the "Bending over" position. The spankee is bent over an object (usually with their head pointed towards the ground) and with their feet unable to reach the ground, taking away their center of gravity. The more elevated the spankee's bottom is in contrast with the rest of their body, the more amplified is the perception of vulnerability.
Closeness (Depends on amount of contact) Control (Depends on amount of contact) Embarrassment (β˜…β˜†β˜†) Vulnerability (β˜…β˜…β˜…)
The spankee lays on their back with their legs held upwards. Either the spankee or spanker can assume responsibility for keeping the spankee's legs lifted.
Closeness (β˜…β˜†β˜†) Control (β˜…β˜†β˜†) Embarrassment (β˜…β˜…β˜…) Vulnerability (β˜…β˜…β˜†)
The spankee places their hands and knees on a comfortable surface with their spine kept more-or-less straight and parallel to that surface.
Closeness (β˜†β˜†β˜†) Control (β˜†β˜†β˜†) Embarrassment (β˜…β˜…β˜†) Vulnerability (β˜…β˜…β˜†)
The spankee elevates their bottom by resting on their knees while keeping their elbows or head on whatever surface they're atop.
Closeness (β˜†β˜†β˜†) Control (β˜†β˜†β˜†) Embarrassment (β˜…β˜…β˜†) Vulnerability (β˜…β˜…β˜…)
This is the classic spanking position. The spanker is seated and the spankee is placed over their lap. This puts the spankee in a very natural position for the spanker to spank.
Closeness (β˜…β˜…β˜…) Control (β˜…β˜†β˜†) Embarrassment (β˜…β˜†β˜†) Vulnerability (β˜…β˜†β˜†)
This is a more vulnerable version of the OTK position, for the spankee. Instead of being balanced over the spanker's lap, the spankee is instead pushed forward so that their elbows or even face are directly on the ground. This takes away their center of gravity during the spanking, rendering them less able to do anything but accept the spanking.
Closeness (β˜…β˜…β˜…) Control (β˜…β˜…β˜†) Embarrassment (β˜…β˜…β˜†) Vulnerability (β˜…β˜…β˜†)
This is a more controlled version of the previous position. Instead of laying freely over the spanker's lap, the spanker positions the spankee over only one of their legs and uses their other leg to pin down the spankee's legs.
Closeness (β˜…β˜…β˜…) Control (β˜…β˜…β˜…) Embarrassment (β˜…β˜…β˜†) Vulnerability (β˜…β˜…β˜…)
This position has the spanker seated on furniture which has enough space for the spankee to lay horizontally over their lap.
Closeness (β˜…β˜…β˜…) Control (β˜…β˜†β˜†) Embarrassment (β˜†β˜†β˜†) Vulnerability (β˜†β˜†β˜†)
This position is about as flexible as the "Bending Over" position, but is generally less strenuous for the spankee as it doesn't require anything of them to maintain. The spankee simply lays down on a comfortable surface with an (optional) object placed under their hips to elevate their bottom.
Closeness (β˜†β˜†β˜†) Control (β˜†β˜†β˜†) Embarrassment (β˜†β˜†β˜†) Vulnerability (β˜†β˜†β˜†)
The spankee either stands freely or leans, upright, against a vertical object. The spankee's bottom may or may not be pushed out to provide a better target.
Closeness (β˜†β˜†β˜†) Control (β˜†β˜†β˜†) Embarrassment (β˜…β˜†β˜†) Vulnerability (β˜…β˜†β˜†)
Facing away from the spanker, the spankee straddles the spanker's waist with their legs. The spankee can either elevate the upper part of their body to stay level with their bottom, or can lower their head/shoulders to keep their bottom elevated relative to their upper body.
Closeness (β˜…β˜…β˜…) Control (β˜…β˜…β˜†) Embarrassment (β˜…β˜…β˜…) Vulnerability (β˜…β˜…β˜…)
Lower two-thirds of bottom / Sit Spots
Lower two-thirds of bottom / Sit Spots
Lower two-thirds of bottom / Sit Spots / Thighs
Lower two-thirds of bottom / Sit Spots
Stingy and/or Thuddy (depending on material)
Lower two-thirds of bottom / Sit Spots / Thighs
Entire bottom (depending on material) / Sit Spots / Thighs
Entire bottom (depending on material) / Sit Spots / Thighs


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I like to be spanked and can't seem to find people to spank me. I feel I need to be spanked at least 3 to 4 times a week to erase my guilts and to cleanse my soul so to speak. Would love to find people in my county or even my town to keep my backside properly spanked. I would even like to find groups who practice spanking on a regular basis. Even though I experience so much pain through the practice of getting spanked I still can't keep myself from wanting it

I also need a bare bottom spanking, I live in Swansea by the way. Bob

I would love to spank you, although I am not really into pain of any kind, for me it would be to see your naked butt, I love butts.

Yeah me too i always have these feelings of being spanked... I just love it n can't get enough of it

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Spanking Catalog is a hand picked list of the best spanking sites on the internet. I have scoured the internet for the most complete list of great spanking sites so you do not have to. If you think we have missed a great site that needs to be on the list make sure to let us know.
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