Spanking My Niece

Spanking My Niece


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Posted by

on 2000-12-14 22:53:28
Posted by

on 2000-12-15 01:11:43
Posted by

on 2000-12-15 02:44:04
Posted by

on 2000-12-15 05:52:24
Posted by

on 2000-12-15 18:52:37
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Last year, due to a tragic car accident killing both of her parents, my 14 year old niece, Ashley came to live with me and Tom, my 11 year old son.
Since then Ashley seems to have settled
and appears to be enjoying her life
again, but in recent months is becoming
more disobedient and badly behaved. Not
having her own parents to discipline
her, she is not accepting my authority
and expects to come and go as she pleases and do what she wants, which,
due to the loss of her parents, I was
willing to give her...up to a point, and that point is well passed!
As I am divorced, Tom has no father around to discpline him and so I've
had, at times had to be very strict with
him, to keep him under control. This
has meant the occasional spanking, which
I know he resents a bit, but it does
the job.
Yesterday, a good deal of money disappeared from my handbag and, due to
a misunderstanding of who was to blame,
I ended up giving my son a hard spanking
on his bare behind (stealing money is
after all serious). Ashley was in the
house at the time and knew that Tom was
being punished, and how.
Without going into unnecessary detail,
I found out later that Tom was not to
blame but Ashley!
I have deeply apologised to Tom for
not trusting him and of course for
punishing him so hard for something he
didn't do. He said he will forgive me
so long as I punish Ashley in the same way, but more severely, not only for stealing but lying and trying to put the blame on him.
I have said I will give it serious thought and punish Ashley when she
returns tommorrow from a school trip.
Should I spank my 14 year old niece on
her bare bottom? Anything less would
seem unjust to Tom.
Please let me know if you think I am doing the right thing and if I am, how
severely do you think I should punish her. I will be punishing her early
evening tommorrow and would appreciate
any guidance and support before then. Thank you.
========== In Reply To ==========
Last year, due to a tragic car accident killing both of her parents, my 14 year old niece, Ashley came to live with me and Tom, my 11 year old son.
Since then Ashley seems to have settled
and appears to be enjoying her life
again, but in recent months is becoming
more disobedient and badly behaved. Not
having her own parents to discipline
her, she is not accepting my authority
and expects to come and go as she pleases and do what she wants, which,
due to the loss of her parents, I was
willing to give her...up to a point, and that point is well passed!
As I am divorced, Tom has no father around to discpline him and so I've
had, at times had to be very strict with
him, to keep him under control. This
has meant the occasional spanking, which
I know he resents a bit, but it does
the job.
Yesterday, a good deal of money disappeared from my handbag and, due to
a misunderstanding of who was to blame,
I ended up giving my son a hard spanking
on his bare behind (stealing money is
after all serious). Ashley was in the
house at the time and knew that Tom was
being punished, and how.
Without going into unnecessary detail,
I found out later that Tom was not to
blame but Ashley!
I have deeply apologised to Tom for
not trusting him and of course for
punishing him so hard for something he
didn't do. He said he will forgive me
so long as I punish Ashley in the same way, but more severely, not only for stealing but lying and trying to put the blame on him.
I have said I will give it serious thought and punish Ashley when she
returns tommorrow from a school trip.
Should I spank my 14 year old niece on
her bare bottom? Anything less would
seem unjust to Tom.
Please let me know if you think I am doing the right thing and if I am, how
severely do you think I should punish her. I will be punishing her early
evening tommorrow and would appreciate
any guidance and support before then. Thank you.
Reply: If you really want your son to know that you're sorry, why not let him spank you? Might I suggest a thick wooden hairbrush. This can be extremely painful even through clothing.
========== In Reply To ==========
Yes, i think if you are the disciplinarian (guardian)in the house then you need to spank her also since you know that she did it and not your son...I think you should spank her the same way bare bottom with the same object or a belt that you used on your son...just make it a little more painful since she is older and she let your son get punished for something he didnt do. Maybe you should let you son help you give her the punishment. Just an Idea...Please let us know what happens. Post a message on here. Thanks..hope i helped a little
========== In Reply To ==========
Yes you should spank your niece hard and bare bottom for tha, but give it to her my painful and maybe use either a thick leather strap or a paddle on her behind and make sure its bare bottom, Make it painful the spanking, she deserves it for sure.Let us know what happens.
Instead of spanking her, try making her do odd jobs around the house until she pays back the money that she stole. Also, you could limit her social activities until all the money is repayed.
Something to consider: did her parents spank her? I know from experience that someone not used to being smacked doesn't react well to it. When I was sixteen, an uncle slapped me for smarting off to my mother, and I was livid. I threatened to hit him back if he ever hit me again. That should definitely weigh into your final decision, although I must urge you not to spank her.
========== In Reply To ==========
Last year, due to a tragic car accident killing both of her parents, my 14 year old niece, Ashley came to live with me and Tom, my 11 year old son.
Since then Ashley seems to have settled
and appears to be enjoying her life
again, but in recent months is becoming
more disobedient and badly behaved. Not
having her own parents to discipline
her, she is not accepting my authority
and expects to come and go as she pleases and do what she wants, which,
due to the loss of her parents, I was
willing to give her...up to a point, and that point is well passed!
As I am divorced, Tom has no father around to discpline him and so I've
had, at times had to be very strict with
him, to keep him under control. This
has meant the occasional spanking, which
I know he resents a bit, but it does
the job.
Yesterday, a good deal of money disappeared from my handbag and, due to
a misunderstanding of who was to blame,
I ended up giving my son a hard spanking
on his bare behind (stealing money is
after all serious). Ashley was in the
house at the time and knew that Tom was
being punished, and how.
Without going into unnecessary detail,
I found out later that Tom was not to
blame but Ashley!
I have deeply apologised to Tom for
not trusting him and of course for
punishing him so hard for something he
didn't do. He said he will forgive me
so long as I punish Ashley in the same way, but more severely, not only for stealing but lying and trying to put the blame on him.
I have said I will give it serious thought and punish Ashley when she
returns tommorrow from a school trip.
Should I spank my 14 year old niece on
her bare bottom? Anything less would
seem unjust to Tom.
Please let me know if you think I am doing the right thing and if I am, how
severely do you think I should punish her. I will be punishing her early
evening tommorrow and would appreciate
any guidance and support before then. Thank you.

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   A few days after my
niece Clara moved in and had settled into
her new room, I began to assign her a few
chores around the house. Among these,
was doing the dinner dishes on alternate
evenings. On her first turn, she and I
did the dishes together, she washing, me
drying. I showed her where to put
everything away, explained why kitchen
scraps went onto the compost pile in the
garden rather than into the trash, and so
forth. She was a pleasant, cheerful
little helper throughout. 

    Indeed, earlier
that afternoon she had vacuumed the entire
house without being asked, and even shamed
me into straightening up my bedroom a bit by
standing in the doorway and crinkling her
nose distastefully at my mess. Hence I
was surprised when, two evenings later,
after we had just finished dinner and I had
reminded her that it was her night to do the
dishes, to hear her whine, "Aw, Uncle Mark,
I don't wanna."
   "It doesn't matter
whether you 'wanna' or not, Clara," I chided
gently, "Dishes don't clean
themselves.  A person has to do
the job for them. And I am afraid
tonight is your turn to be that person."

   She made a face and
looked down at her plate.
   "Do them now,
Clara. Otherwise they will dry out and
be harder to get clean."
   "Ohhh... OK," she
sighed, resignedly.
   "Good girl, I said,
patting her on the shoulder as I walked past
her chair and into the living room. I
settled into the big armchair to read the
newspaper. Clara must have come in and
turned on the TV at some point although I
was too engrossed at the moment to
notice.  After finishing a long
feature article, I looked up from my paper
to see her stretched out on her tummy on the
living room rug in her favorite TV viewing
position: shoes off, chin on fists, legs
from the knees down bent back again over her
thighs, ankles crossed, toes pointing
ceiling ward. I wished I'd had a
camera just then. She looked awfully
cute lying there, her golden brown hair tied
in a white satin bow, dressed in a navy blue
sweater, a blue and white plaid pleated
skirt, and pale blue knee socks.
   I have always adored my
two little nieces. Ever since Clara
and her sister Ginny were very small I was
their doting Uncle Mark, playing with them,
taking them places, buying them gifts, and
generally spoiling them, all to their
considerable delight. Never had I
imagined that I would wind up raising one of
them someday. The auto accident which
killed my sister and brother-in-law came as
a complete thunderbolt, of course, and
having a little girl to raise has certainly
changed my lifestyle. Not that I
object, mind you. The alternative for
Clara would have been an institution or
foster care, and I couldn't allow that. Her
only other available relative, a paternal
grandmother living on a fixed income, could
only manage one of the girls but not both of
them. Clara's sister is quieter and
would be easier for an elderly lady to take
care of, so I agreed to take Clara. 
The formal adoption process continues with
glacial slowness, but eventually the current
arrangement will become official.
   Clara is smart, bright
as a whip, with a sunny disposition. 
Her presence can brighten up any room she
sets her mind to brightening. She is
inquisitive, loves to learn, and is an avid
reader. Her keen little mind is full
of questions about everything, many of which
send me scurrying to the encyclopedia in
refuge from my ignorance. She is very
affectionate and knows how to charm me into
near helplessness when she wants something
from me. She can be moody, though, and
she definitely has a will of her own. 
Put bluntly, she can be a real handful at
times. Of course, I suppose that is
not at all uncommon in a girl her age. 
At any rate, it has taken a major effort on
my part to shift roles from indulgent Uncle
to primary parent figure, with the increased
need for authority which that shift implies.

   "Ummm," she replied
absently, eyes still glued to the TV screen.

   "Did you finish washing
the dishes?"
   I laid my paper
aside. "The dishes are to be done
immediately after supper, Clara. You
know that. I want you to go into the
kitchen and wash them at once."
   She suddenly turned her
gaze from the screen for the first time,
fixing me with her most beguiling pout,
"Please Uncle Mark! Please just let me
finish watching this show! 
Please? Oh ple-e-ease?!"
   "Well..." I paused,
frowning. "Well... all right. 
But after your show ends, no more TV until
you have finished the dishes. Is that
   "Uh huh," she said,
staring at the screen once more.
   I retreated behind my
paper again, a little cross with myself for
my lack of firmness. I have a real
difficulty saying ' no' to her
sometimes, a habit born from years of
avuncular indulgence.
   A good bit of time
passed while I read the rest of the
features, the editorials, the funnies, and
scanned the help-wanteds for a part-time job
to help meet the added expenses of sudden
step parenthood. When I set the paper
down and glanced at my watch I knew that
Clara's show had ended 19 minutes ago and
she hadn't budged from her place.
   "Clara," I said
sharply, determined to assert myself this
time, "turn off the television and do the
dishes at once."
   "In a minute," she said
absently, without looking away from the
`   "No. Not
'in a minute.' Right now!" I
walked over and turned off the TV, provoking
a wail of indignation from my niece. 
"Do as you're told," I commanded, pointing
towards the kitchen.
   "NO FAIR!" cried Clara
sullenly, springing to her feet and
glowering up at me, arms folded across her
   "Clara," I rumbled
ominously, feeling my temper begin to rise,
"Do you want a spanking?" I
waited. I had already spanked her once
before, the first night she moved in. 
So she knew I meant it. Pouting, she
lowered her gaze but said nothing. 
"Answer me!" I snapped. A moment
passed. Then, sulkily, she murmured
the word "no" almost under her breath. 
"Clara, I am not going to ask you
again. You have two choices. You
can do the dishes this instant.  
Or if you prefer, I can take you over my
knee right now and spank you.  
And then you can do the
dishes. Which would you prefer?"
   With a petulant glance
over her shoulder, she stomped off into the
kitchen without a word, slamming the door
behind her. I took a deep breath and
counted to ten. I wish it weren't
necessary to lay down the law that way, but
sometimes I just don't know what else to do
with that child. The clatter of plates
being angrily scraped and stacked into the
sink receded as I mounted the stairs to my
   For a couple of hours,
I sat in front of the computer, trying to
make some headway with the novel, but things
just weren't coming together. The

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