Spanking Mmsa

Spanking Mmsa


Spanking Mmsa

It was Father Brown's first year as principal of St. Stephens Catholic
Boys School. He had always believed that boys needed structure and
discipline in their lives, and he had taken it upon himself to revise
the school's discipline policy - one that included corporal
punishment. In the past teachers all had the right to discipline
students with a paddle, in the normal public school fashion. Father
Brown didn't like this at all, thinking it was too lenient. It was now
understood that all corporal punishment would be administered by
himself in his office, using the punishments he himself had added to
the revised discipline code. For boys in grades 3 through 7 the
punishment was an old-fashioned, pants-down spanking, administered on
the bare buttocks with the open hand. For boys in grades 8 - 10 the
punishment was either a pants-down spanking as listed above or a more
severe spanking with a heavy, wooden paddle, also administered on the
bare buttocks.
Father Brown was rather sadistic, and it was
obvious that he enjoyed punishing the boys when needed. He put these
punishments to use from day one, and each and everyday at least one
boy could be seen leaving his office with red, puffy eyes while
rubbing his warm seat.
Brian Alcott was a 14-year-old freshman at
the school. Despite the fact that he was very popular, he was always
well behaved. Father Brown had noticed this particular boy's buttocks,
well-formed as it filled his grey, cotton trousers. He knew that one
day, if it was the last thing he did, he would spank that gorgeous
The day finally came after Brian had been caught smoking
in the bathroom. It was nothing unusual for boys to smoke in the
bathroom. It happened all the time, and they always got away with
it. However, this was Brian's very first time, and he was caught. He
was immediately sent to Father Brown's office, to be dealt with in the
school's new manner.
Father Brown's office was very secluded and
the at the end of a long, narrow hallway. There was a bench outside
the office where he sat down next to small 4th grade boy. No one ever
talked about what occurred in Father Brown's office, and therefore
Brian could hardly realize what would happen in there.
The office
door suddenly opened. "Daniel, come in," a stern voice said. The
little, 4th grade boy nervously got up and went into the office to
receive his fate. The door then closed. Brian continued to sit on the
bench, thinking about what he had gotten himself into. It was his
very first offense, and he had gotten caught. Hundreds of boys smoked
in there everyday and weren't caught. His thoughts were suddenly
broken by the sound of loud, sharp smacks and then a boy's loud
crying. He could hear Daniel being spanked from behind the closed door
very clearly.
Brian seemed to sit there for quite some time, even
after the spanking had ceased. The door suddenly opened, and the
teary-eyed Daniel excited, fastening his trousers.
"Come in," he
was sternly told, and he got up and entered the office. He noticed
Brother Murphy was also present. Father Brown went over to the desk,
opened a drawer, and took out a thick, heavy, wooden paddle with holes
drilled in it. It was a very intimidating instrument.
"So, it
appears that you enjoy smoking," Father Brown said, holding the paddle
in his hands. "Well, the fanny of your's is going to be smoking when I
get done with it. Drop your pants and bend over!"
Brian hesitated
and then began to slowly unfasten his pants. He pulled them down to
his knees and then did the same with his underwear. Both Father Brown
and Brother Murphy saw it - the longest penis on a 14-year-old boy
they had ever seen, and perhaps on any aged boy. Brother Murphy gasped
when he saw it. Brian then bent over the desk into the required
paddling position.
Brian's penis and balls could be seen hanging
down between his legs. His bottom stuck out for punishment, well
spread so that his hole was visible. Father Brown stood behind him,
examining his buttocks with his eyes. This was too good of an
opportunity to pass up.
He went over and sat down on a
couch. "Since this is your first offense I am going to let you off by
just giving you a spanking with my hand. Come here," he said.
Brian shuffled over to the priest and was compelled over his lap.
Father Brown could feel the boy's large _c_o_c_k_ and balls resting
upon his knee. His buttocks were very smooth and pale, looking very
unspanked. This was going to be a spanking both would not forget.
Brian's balls were visible between his legs and Father Brown grabbed
them firmly, giving his testicles a hard sqeeze. Brian began to become
erect as the priest touched his sensitive part. Father Brown's hand
finally descended rapidly on Brian's bare bottom. The boy jumped from
the shock. It hurt more than he had expected. That was only the
beginning of a long, severe spanking, which soon had him bawling like
a baby. As he squirmed on the priest's knee he only got harder and
harder. The spanking finally ended when his buttocks were deeply
Brian was laid back on the couch and Brother Murphy was
called over. He inserted a well-lubricated finger up Brian's anus and
began to massage his prostrate as Father Brown took the large penis in
his hand. He firmly stroked it. Bryan had gotten so worked up during
the spanking that it didn't take long for him to reach the max. He had
the longest orgasm either of them had ever seen as sperm shot from his
penis in an uncontrolled manner. Father Brown's hands were covered
with the boy's sticky load. Both of the men delicately cleaned Brian's
genital area and then left the office, leaving Brian there on the
couch alone.

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I’ll always remember the last spanking I got while living at home – it was exactly three days before I left home for college!
A couple of weeks earlier, my mom had told me to go through my closet and box up all the old clothes I wasn’t taking with me. She reminded me about this several times over a couple of weeks but I kept putting it off.
Three days before I was leaving, Mom said she wanted the task done by the time she got home from work that day. I started sorting my clothes as requested – but then a friend called and asked me if I wanted to go to the pool. No prizes for guessing what I chose.
Mom was already home by the time I got back, and she was not happy at all. To cut long story short, we got into a huge argument, I smarted off and told her to get off my back. Then I stormed off to my room.
As I was changing out of my wet swim clothes, Mom came in with the family paddle in her hand. I started arguing again, but Mom said I was acting like a child and needed a spanking.
I suppose I could have resisted more, but in the end I thought it best to just bend over and take my licks. Mom usually didn’t spank me naked but since I was already undressed, she did.
I think she knew that this would be the last time she spanked me, so she put a little extra oomph into every spank and gave me significantly more swats than she usually did during my childhood.
In fact, she walloped me so well, I actually cried – something I never usually did during a spanking, even when I was a little boy.
All Maman stories are copyright, unauthorised reproduction may lead to legal action.
Maman is an adult website containing recollections of corporal punishment experienced during the contributors' childhoods. By proceeding, you are asserting that you are over the age of majority for the country in which you reside, and you further agree to the use of cookies on this website. Note that although this website contains only legal content, Maman is nevertheless a fetish site and should be considered Not Safe For Work (NSFW). Maman does not advocate corporal punishment for today's children. If you are a minor or likely to be upset by the subject matter, please do not proceed any further. 

Suppositories and Spankings: A Mother's Love
My earliest
recollection of what my mother did to me was when I was six years
old. I'll share both that story and six years later when, at 12, it
was the final time.
I was very small for my age and my mother was
quite concerned about this. We lived in the Pacific Northwest. She was
so concerned that she was dragging me to doctors all over the west
coast. In the absence of any real father (although he was around), she
was playing both mother and father. In other words, all decisions
about the childrearing of me and my older brother rested with her.

At the age of six she decided to drag me to California to see a
doctor there. After meeting the doctor mother was told to undress me
which she did down to my underpants. After the usual type of exam, I
was told that they wanted me to both pee into a bottle and to have a
bowel movement. Under the watchful eyes of both my mother and a
strange nurse staring at me, I could do neither. After awhile of no
success I was redressed and as we were leaving the nurse slipped
something into mother's hands. We went back to the hotel.
I got
a lecture about how if I did not do as the doctor told me I would get
a spanking (I had only been spanked once before by my father). She
said she was going to order room service in order to help me have a BM
and if that did not produce the desired results that the nurse had
given her some medicine for me. I was not thrilled by any of this.
She suggested that I lie down on the bed and watch tv until the room
service had come.
About half an hour after we had finished our
hamburgers mother called me into the bathroom. On the counter was the
same bottle that they had had at the hospital for me to pee into.

"Now, young man, you are going to pee into the bottle now and then you
are going to have a bowel movement."
"Well, you are just going to make yourself go."
She kneeled
down next to me and undid my shorts (it was late summer) and lowered
them to the ground. She then moved behind me and pulled my Fruit of
the Loom underwear down to my knees. Taking the jar, she undid the
lid and placed it in front of my penis.
I could not as even at six I could only go in private.
Growing impatient, she pulled back the foreskin
of my penis in the hopes of stimulating a stream. Still nothing.

"You are doing this on purpose," she barked, "just to annoy me."

Without any warning, she flipped the toilet seat closed, put the
bottle aside and flung me over her knees. The spanking seemed to last
forever as I cried and begged her to stop. Finally she did, setting me
back on the floor.
"Now maybe you'll coorperate," she said.

I said that I could probably do it if she left me alone. Doubt crossed
her face but she handed me the bottle and left the room. In a few
minutes I came out, my pants back up, and handed her the filled bottle
of my urine.
"There was no point," she said, "pulling your pants
up as you still have to do a BM."
Taking my hand she dragged me
back into the bathroom, pulling down my pants and underwear and
sitting me on the toilet. I hated this. For five minutes she then
stood there, ordering me to have a BM. Of course the longer she stood
there the less likely I was to go. Frustrated, she marched out of the
room returning with the little package the nurse had given her.

"These are suppositories," she said, opening the box and laying them
by the sink. "They go up your bottom to make you have a bowel
movement. You are going to have one now because I am tired of you
dawdling. And for dawdling when we get done with this you are going to
have another well deserved spanking."
I hardly thought it was
well deserved. She explained to me that I had to be naked for the
suppository and began to unbutton my shirt while I was still sitting
on the toilet. My shirt off, she ordered me to raise my arms in the
air and she pulled my tee-shirt off. Given how hot it was this
actually did not feel bad. Little did I know what was to come. She
proceeded to untie my little tennis shoes and take them and my socks
off. She then pulled the little blue shorts which were at my knees off
and finally my underpants. Of course I had been naked in front of
mother before but for some reason this felt different.
"Stand up
and face the bathtub," she ordered.
"Now spread your
legs as far apart as possible, put your hands on the rim of the tub
and bend over."
Fearful of the whipping I was yet to get (I had
never seen her this annoyed), I quickly obeyed, saying nothing.
felt her spread my buttocks wide apart with her left hand. With her
right hand, and without warning, she suddenly applied some cold jelly
to the outside of my anus. In a moment she had some more of this jelly
on her finger and was putting it up inside of me.
"You have to be
lubricated well," she said, "for the suppository to slip up easily and
the bowel movement to come out easily."
She then took her long
finger out of my rectum.
"I'm now going to push the suppository
high up inside of you."
Suddenly I felt this little thing at my
anus and then it and her long finger were going up inside of me. Not
convinced it was high enough up, she seemed to endlessly push it
higher and higher. Finally she took her finger out of me. I was told
to lie on the bed until she told me that it was time to sit on the
At first I felt nothing. After about 15 minutes I sort of
had to go and have 30 minutes I had to go real bad.
"You will
keep the suppository in for a whole hour."
Finally after the hour
was up she allowed me to run to the toilet after which I got the much
promised bare bottom spanking. Crying, I was put into bed still naked.

If this had been an isolated situation it would have been bad but
not real bad. However, my mother believed that because I was small I
would, for awhile, need "help" with my BM's. So from the age of that
first experience at six until I was ten I would get a supposity twice
a week. Any efforts to not comply would result in the customary bare
bottom spanking by mother and the threat of her allowing my dad to do
For some reason during the age of eleven she got off the
suppository kick. The following year, at age 12 and in the sixth
grade, I woke up one morning with the feeling of having to go to the
bathroom. Pulling my pjs down, I sat but nothing came. My worst fear
(remembering four years of weekly suppositories) was that I was
Trying to pretend that this wasn't it, I got dressed
and came downstairs for breakfast. I didn't really feel like eating
and mother saw this. I forced myself into a few bites. Being warned to
get ready for the school bus, I ran upstairs and once more tried the
toilet. Still the feeling of having to go but nothing coming. Sitting
there I rationalized that, now being 12 years old, if I told her I
thought I needed a suppository she would let me do it
myself. Afterall, I was just starting to sprout hair under my arms and
around my penis. I certainly did not want my mother to see me
naked. (She had not since the last suppository almost 2 years
Forcing up my courage to deal with her, I pulled up my
pants and went downstairs.
"Where are your school books? The bus
will be here any minute. Your brother is ready to go. I swear, why are
you always dawdling?"
I sort of glanced over at my brother, not
wanting to talk about my problem at all but certainly not in front of
him as well.
"Stop this
nonesense," she said, tension growing in her voice. As for me, I was
feeling pretty bad in my stomach area.
Suddenly I blurted out,
"Fine. I don't feel well. I've got a stomachache. I think I'm
constipated and I think I need one of those _d_a_m_n_
suppositories. Alright."
This stopped her cold. I looked over at
my brother who thought the idea of me being really constipated was
pretty funny.
"Enough laughing," she told my brother. "You go
outside and catch the bus. Your brother is going to stay home from
school. As my brother walked toward the door, I was told to go back
upstairs and put my pajamas back on. She was running to the store.

Upstairs I stripped naked and then put on my pajamas. Just the
bottoms as the house was pretty warm. I then laid down and thought
about putting the suppository in myself. I was, afterall, 12 years
old. Not a little kid anymore.
Pretty soon mom came in with the
box of suppositories.
"Ok. Pull down your pajamas," she said.

"Mom, I think I'm old
enough to do this myself."
"Nonesense," she said, taking the
little white bullet out of its wrapper. "You can't get it high enough
up inside you. Now get the pajamas down. Reluctantly I pulled them
down, trying to turn quickly on my side so she would not see my
penis. Upon her orders, I raised my knees towards my chest. As she had
so many times before, she spread my buttocks and quickly shoved the
suppository high into my rectum. Then the phone rang.
"You lie
still," she said (as if I had never been through this before), and she
went to answer the phone just outside my room.
It was my 6th grade teacher. God, I thought, what was she going to
tell her.
"Yes, well I kept him home from school today. He's
constipated and pretty uptight. Yes, I've given him a rectal
God, I thought to myself, why was she telling her
this about me. I felt humiliated.
"I'm also going to give him a
good, sound spanking as he told me about this like just before he was
supposed to get on the bus. What? Do you think I should? Well you are
the teacher. Thank you for calling, Mrs. Davidson."
I wanted to
kill her when she came back in the room but I said nothing, knowing
that would only make the whipping worse.
"That was
Mrs. Davidson. She had an idea to help you to relax. Lie on your

"Because I need to do something with your penis."
I was confused
and I did not like this at all. Before I could say anything else, she
was turning me onto my back and taking my pajama bottoms from around
my ankles. I was, once again, totally naked for my mother's
inspection. She then took my penis in her hand and starting rubbing it
while talking to me about hormones, puberty, masturbation. It was a
strange sensation to have her rubbing my penis while the other side of
me was feeling like I had to go to the bathroom as the suppository was
melting up inside of me.
Looking at my now erect penis I could
see some liquid forming on the tip. Suddenly I felt this urge which I
had never felt before. I tried hard to contain but mother, moving her
hand now faster over my penis, told me not to and suddenly some white
stuff came shooting out of my penis. For a moment I felt relaxed and
then suddenly I felt the urge to go to the bathroom. I ran to the
toilet. She fo
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