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Subject: First bare bottom spanking

Date Posted: 09:36:55 08/28/14 Thu

Age of first bare bottom spanking and way in which it was carried out

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]

Re: First bare bottom spanking -- Gary Steven, 11:58:34 08/29/14 Fri

Re: First bare bottom spanking -- Cameron, 13:40:29 08/31/14 Sun

Re: First bare bottom spanking -- AgustΠ½ (spanked), 14:16:33 08/31/14 Sun

Re: First bare bottom spanking -- JJ, 02:55:48 09/18/14 Thu

Re: First bare bottom spanking -- Rainman, 18:13:55 09/23/14 Tue

Re: First bare bottom spanking -- tammy, 16:50:58 10/05/14 Sun

Re: First bare bottom spanking -- Derek, 05:44:12 10/06/14 Mon

Re: First bare bottom spanking -- Colin, 06:08:58 10/10/14 Fri

Re: First bare bottom spanking -- JoeR, 09:55:00 01/27/15 Tue

Re: First bare bottom spanking -- BD, 18:43:44 02/12/15 Thu

Re: First bare bottom spanking -- Corey, 19:09:06 03/22/15 Sun

Re: First bare bottom spanking -- JackP, 11:57:09 03/23/15 Mon

Re: First bare bottom spanking -- Stephen C, 08:13:28 09/06/15 Sun

Re: First bare bottom spanking -- Richard/Tx , 13:55:54 09/07/15 Mon

Re: First bare bottom spanking -- Miguel, 08:12:15 06/23/16 Thu

Re: First bare bottom spanking -- D.J. , 01:41:28 11/26/18 Mon

Re: First bare bottom spanking -- Lisa, 10:52:42 07/03/16 Sun

Re: First bare bottom spanking -- Ryan, 00:08:49 07/26/16 Tue

Re: First bare bottom spanking -- William, 06:13:44 09/05/16 Mon

Re: First bare bottom spanking -- Scott, 12:15:19 09/04/16 Sun

Re: First bare bottom spanking -- Simon, 08:13:53 09/07/16 Wed

Re: First bare bottom spanking -- JackP to Simon, 14:09:09 09/07/16 Wed

Re: First bare bottom spanking -- Zach, 09:27:48 10/01/16 Sat

Re: First bare bottom spanking -- Keith , 20:27:08 11/23/16 Wed

Re: First bare bottom spanking -- Bobbie, 11:22:45 04/18/17 Tue

Re: First bare bottom spanking -- Lori, 16:29:53 06/27/17 Tue

Re: First bare bottom spanking -- Derek , 05:39:39 07/01/17 Sat

Re: First bare bottom spanking -- Rebecca, 09:44:05 06/25/20 Thu

Re: First bare bottom spanking -- Pamela (, 13:32:06 02/19/18 Mon

Re: First bare bottom spanking -- Em, 13:44:22 04/05/18 Thu

Re: First bare bottom spanking -- Jeremiah, 14:54:37 04/05/18 Thu

Re: First bare bottom spanking -- Sam, 07:51:54 05/12/18 Sat

Re: First bare bottom spanking -- Ian M (UK), 08:59:45 05/17/18 Thu

Re: First bare bottom spanking -- Cathy, 17:20:06 10/21/18 Sun

Re: First bare bottom spanking -- Tamsin, 09:48:06 11/08/18 Thu

Re: First bare bottom spanking -- Ray, 16:24:53 11/17/18 Sat

Re: First bare bottom spanking -- D.J , 01:39:28 11/26/18 Mon

Re: First bare bottom spanking -- Kayla, 22:05:56 11/29/18 Thu

Re: First bare bottom spanking -- Ed, 18:42:56 03/23/19 Sat

Re: First bare bottom spanking -- Adam, 17:57:43 06/28/20 Sun

Re: First bare bottom spanking -- Anne, 14:22:48 10/25/20 Sun

Subject: Mouth Washed Out / Spanked

Date Posted: 15:03:20 11/09/18 Fri

I remember, at age ten, calling my older sister a bitch. And she was. She was thirteen and a real pain in the ass. She was always telling me what to wear, what to say, what to do, and on and on. She was my constant critic. At one point, when I had reached my breaking point, I called her a bitch. And my mother heard me. Because she was in the hall. Or somewhere within hearing range.

The next thing I knew, my mother stormed into the room, grabbed my arm, and propelled me into the bathroom. She started the water in the sink, pulled OFF my panties (I was wearing a skirt), and was yelling at me. The next thing I knew, a washcloth lathered with soap was swirling in my mouth while my mother was scolding me about un-lady like language. It tasted horrible. But my mother paid no attention to my excuses...not that she could understand them. She was too occupied with washing my mouth out with that soap-filled washcloth.

Once we were done with that part of the punishment, she took me into her room and reemed me out. She told me that such language would not be tolerated and made me take off the rest of my clothes while she was scolding me. She lectured me for what had to be at least ten minutes while I stood in front of her .

She then took my arm and laid me over her lap. She spanked me for what seemed a long while and then she let me get up. But instead of my spanking being over, she had gone to fetch a hairbrush. She then proceeded to take me back over her lap and spanked me long and hard with that damn hairbrush. When she was done, she told me that she was going to tell my daddy what I had said and that he would deal with me later. I then was sent straight to my bed. No pajamas. Straight to bed.

When Daddy got home, my mother told him what I had done. He came into my room, got me out of bed, and spoke very sternly to me. I had a much closer relationship with him then I did with my mother, so I said very little. I was very much his little girl, and I hated his being upset with me. He then put me over his knee, spanked me with his hand, and then put me on my feet. He stood up, took off his belt, and told me to bend over and touch my toes. He had never spanked me with his belt before. I dutifully bent over and he gave me ten licks with his belt -- one for each year -- and I had to count. He then told me to get into my bed and that we'd talk later.

I remember feeling really sad because I loved my dad so much. The spanking and the belting hurt, but not as much as my knowing that I had hurt him. I never wanted him to feel disappointed in me and I remember crying into my pillow that night, not because of the pain I felt in my bottom, but because of the pain I felt in thinking that my dad was disappointed in me.

I don't know why daughters feel differently towards their dads then their moms. My mother spanked me a lot, and we argued a lot. My dad, however, was and will always be my hero. Having him spank me always hurt more -- because the pain was not just outside, but inside as well.

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Re: Mouth Washed Out / Spanked -- Gary Steven, 09:15:50 12/03/18 Mon

Re: Mouth Washed Out / Spanked -- Jamie to Lilly, 08:37:19 12/14/18 Fri

Re: Mouth Washed Out / Spanked -- Rebecca, 17:55:16 11/06/19 Wed

Re: Mouth Washed Out / Spanked -- Adam, 15:51:54 02/22/20 Sat

Subject: Spankings at school and notes sent home

Date Posted: 20:29:43 06/14/19 Fri

Did your school communicate with parents about paddlings?

Was there a note sent home after the paddling?

Did they ever send a note home requesting for parental consent before paddling was administered, when you turn in the note signed by parents the next day at school and get spanked after that?

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Re: Spankings at school and notes sent home -- DaveH, 09:20:01 06/15/19 Sat

Re: Spankings at school and notes sent home -- Jimmy J., 12:29:03 01/11/20 Sat

Re: Spankings at school and notes sent home -- Jamis, 06:03:12 06/16/19 Sun

Re: Spankings at school and notes sent home -- Gary Steven, 10:52:46 06/16/19 Sun

Re: Spankings at school and notes sent home -- Rebecca, 19:04:09 06/16/19 Sun

Re: Spankings at school and notes sent home -- John, 08:08:12 06/18/19 Tue

Re: Spankings at school and notes sent home -- Gary Steven, 13:50:01 06/25/19 Tue

Coaches -- John for Gary, 15:48:19 06/27/19 Thu

Re: Coaches -- Gary Steven, 11:26:22 06/28/19 Fri

Re: Coaches -- Gary Steven, 08:47:52 12/14/19 Sat

Re: Spankings at school and notes sent home -- Juan, 17:30:52 06/16/19 Sun

Re: Spankings at school and notes sent home -- John, 08:12:44 06/18/19 Tue

Re: Spankings at school and notes sent home -- Juan, 07:10:25 06/20/19 Thu

For Juan -- John, 16:50:35 06/23/19 Sun

Re: For Juan -- Juan, 12:19:17 06/25/19 Tue

Tardies -- John for Juan, 15:49:35 06/27/19 Thu

Re: Spankings at school and notes sent home -- Kevin, 19:25:07 06/16/19 Sun

Re: Spankings at school and notes sent home -- John, 08:06:50 06/18/19 Tue

Re: Spankings at school and notes sent home -- Kevin, 18:32:08 06/18/19 Tue

Re: Spankings at school and notes sent home -- Rick, 13:00:08 12/26/19 Thu

Re: Spankings at school and notes sent home -- Rick, 09:21:00 12/13/19 Fri

Re: Spankings at school and notes sent home -- Rick, 16:38:08 01/02/20 Thu

Re: Spankings at school and notes sent home -- Steve, 05:33:31 01/05/20 Sun

Re: Spankings at school and notes sent home -- Rebecca, 09:15:38 07/13/20 Mon

Re: Spankings at school and notes sent home -- Jimbo, 12:21:33 07/18/20 Sat

Re: Spankings at school and notes sent home -- Kimmy, 05:49:52 12/20/20 Sun

Re: Spankings at school and notes sent home -- Hammer, 16:16:55 08/01/20 Sat

Re: Spankings at school and notes sent home -- Rebecca, 08:31:48 08/07/20 Fri

Re: Spankings at school and notes sent home -- Allen Brown, 14:21:27 12/13/20 Sun

Re: Spankings at school and notes sent home -- Jimmy J., 13:28:07 02/06/21 Sat

Date Posted: 11:13:26 06/05/14 Thu

Would tears bring an abrupt end to the spanking or would it let the parent know the medicine was working? I always found it difficult with my twins to keep up the punishment once the tears had started. Although on a couple of occasions that I can remember the spanking continued for some time after the tears.

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Re: Tears -- Rob, 10:01:04 06/06/14 Fri

Re: Tears -- Colin, 07:49:57 02/08/16 Mon

Re: Tears -- JoeR, 11:09:24 06/06/14 Fri

Re: Tears -- JackP, 14:17:57 06/06/14 Fri

Re: Tears -- Joel, 07:39:55 06/07/14 Sat

Re: Tears -- Claire, 10:51:58 06/07/14 Sat

Re: Tears -- Andrew, 07:37:43 11/05/14 Wed

Re: Tears -- Gary Steven, 08:55:23 02/08/16 Mon

Re: Tears -- Trey, 20:05:05 01/28/17 Sat

Re: Tears -- Gary Steven, 08:30:27 11/16/18 Fri

Re: Tears -- John, 08:10:24 11/26/18 Mon

Re: Tears -- Gary Steven, 08:46:25 11/27/18 Tue

Re: Tears -- John, 15:35:59 11/29/18 Thu

Re: Tears -- Gary Steven, 10:28:01 12/01/18 Sat

Re: Tears -- John, 15:49:32 12/02/18 Sun

Re: Tears -- Gary Steven, 08:44:32 12/03/18 Mon

Re: Tears -- Gary Steven, 08:50:47 12/03/18 Mon

Re: Tears -- Cordelia , 02:48:05 06/08/14 Sun

Re: Tears -- Claire, 09:11:39 06/08/14 Sun

Re: Tears -- Jenny, 21:04:11 07/01/14 Tue

Re: Tears -- DJ63, 07:17:03 11/02/14 Sun

Re: Tears -- 2old4that, 15:57:52 07/03/14 Thu

Re: Tears -- Rainman, 12:16:18 09/07/14 Sun

Re: Tears -- Derek, 05:48:26 09/15/14 Mon

Re: Tears -- Jim H, 18:05:56 09/21/14 Sun

Re: Tears -- Mike, 10:42:40 09/29/14 Mon

Re: Tears -- JoeR, 15:57:15 10/01/14 Wed

Re: Tears -- Mike, 11:57:36 10/02/14 Thu

Re: Tears -- JoeR, 09:54:43 10/04/14 Sat

Re: Tears -- Mike, 20:07:15 10/05/14 Sun

Re: Tears -- JoeR, 09:42:44 10/07/14 Tue

Re: Tears -- Alan to JoeR, 07:24:05 10/03/14 Fri

Re: Tears -- JoeR, 10:05:28 10/04/14 Sat

Re: Tears -- CC, 20:00:07 10/06/14 Mon

Re: Tears -- Emily, 18:04:22 10/14/14 Tue

Re: Tears -- Lucia, 07:00:56 12/28/14 Sun

Re: Tears -- Jenny, 15:59:25 06/09/15 Tue

Re: Tears -- Paul (Happy), 13:01:03 07/17/15 Fri

Re: Tears -- John, 12:10:19 07/24/15 Fri

Re: Tears -- Lisa, 10:34:53 05/28/16 Sat

Re: Tears -- Alan, 10:26:17 06/20/16 Mon

Re: Tears -- Rebecca, 12:41:15 08/06/16 Sat

Re: Tears -- Rebecca, 15:13:31 09/15/16 Thu

Re: Tears -- Janelle, 13:34:05 09/12/16 Mon

Re: Tears -- Jamis to janelle, 05:39:02 11/20/16 Sun

Re: Tears -- Alice , 16:41:10 10/28/16 Fri

Re: Tears -- Em, 13:53:30 02/18/17 Sat

Re: Tears -- Bobbie, 13:10:06 04/12/17 Wed

Re: Tears -- Em, 21:10:49 03/21/17 Tue

Re: Tears -- Anthony, 05:54:58 03/25/17 Sat

Re: Tears -- Jimi, 13:13:24 09/02/17 Sat

Re: Tears -- Jamie k (Jamie K), 14:09:37 07/21/18 Sat

Re: Tears -- Jimmy J., 15:59:09 10/17/18 Wed

Re: Tears -- Ed, 18:55:39 03/23/19 Sat

Re: Tears -- Adam, 18:09:24 05/10/19 Fri

Re: Tears -- Richard (TX ), 10:34:56 10/30/19 Wed

Re: Tears -- Rebecca, 10:05:17 07/17/20 Fri

Re: Tears -- Kimberly, 05:01:47 03/07/21 Sun

Date Posted: 20:30:43 01/15/19 Tue

One time when I was 7 years old, got spanked on saturday morning before cartoons I was supposed to wake my little sister up for new cartoons as we had agreed, but instead I was so excited and forgot and went to bother my mom in her bed instead. I was warned many times to stop, but my dad had enough and led me to my room put me on his lap and turned me over . I got spanked 5 times on right cheek.which stung like the dickens! After dad said " now let that be a lesson to you!"

I remember trying so hard to grip my butt tightly thinking the harder I hold on my dad won't be able to take my hand away and had have to give up.
Boy was I ever wrong, as soon as my hand slipped away the sharp sting of my dad's other hand soon followed! afterwards when me and my sister are watching cartoons, she asks me " Hey Aaron how come you didn't wake me up like we agreed?"
my mother said" jeez didn't his yelling and screaming wake you up?" my sister asked why was he yelling and screaming?"
my mother told her"Because he got a spanking." my sisters reply was simply "OH" does anyone remember being spanked as a kid similar to this?

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Re: spanked on cartoon day -- Gary Steven, 20:18:34 03/12/19 Tue

Re: spanked on cartoon day -- Rebecca, 12:44:47 06/23/20 Tue

Re: spanked on cartoon day -- Adam, 19:19:28 07/05/20 Sun

Subject: Most Embarrasing Spanking

Date Posted: 07:39:09 11/30/15 Mon

What was it...what caused it...I was 11 and was spanked in front of(actually they walked in on me getting spanked) by my mother....But by far the most ever embarrassing story was when I was 17 and brought my boyfriend at the time home for a family dinner and all of the family stories came out...My mother told him amongst other at that time that she realized I was too old to be spanked when I stopped crying when she would spank me...I remember wanting to crawl up and hide as she told this to my boyfriend at the time who just sat there with a kinda half smile on his face lol...

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Re: Most Embarrasing Spanking -- Derek, 05:54:37 12/01/15 Tue

Re: Brought up in a Dinner table -- Johan, 13:23:26 12/04/15 Fri

Re: Brought up in a Dinner table -- Paul, 20:31:32 12/22/17 Fri

Re: Brought up in a Dinner table -- Johan, 04:02:43 12/24/17 Sun

Re: Most Embarrasing Spanking -- Shyemz., 14:04:44 12/12/15 Sat

Re: Most Embarrasing Spanking -- Rebecca, 12:31:06 10/14/16 Fri

Re: Most Embarrasing Spanking -- Stephen , 15:33:33 10/16/16 Sun

Re: Most Embarrasing Spanking -- Lisa, 12:28:03 10/22/16 Sat

Re: Most Embarrasing Spanking -- Em, 20:36:44 03/21/17 Tue

Re: Most Embarrasing Spanking -- Bobbie, 10:02:01 04/18/17 Tue

Re: Most Embarrasing Spanking -- Bernardo, 04:02:38 08/18/17 Fri

Re: Most Embarrasing Spanking -- Jimi, 05:28:09 09/02/17 Sat

Re: Most Embarrasing Spanking -- Dan , 17:07:24 10/02/17 Mon

Re: Most Embarrasing Spanking -- Steve, 16:35:30 10/12/17 Thu

Re: Most Embarrasing Spanking -- Dan for Steve , 17:54:20 10/21/17 Sat

Re: Most Embarrasing Spanking -- dan, 05:02:35 08/30/18 Thu

Re: Most Embarrasing Spanking -- Gina , 08:52:56 10/05/17 Thu

Re: Most Embarrasing Spanking -- Jimi, 04:47:05 10/21/17 Sat

Re: Most Embarrasing Spanking -- Jimmy J, 14:14:34 01/13/18 Sat

Re: Most Embarrasing Spanking -- Gary Steven, 11:34:28 01/14/18 Sun

Re: Most Embarrasing Spanking -- Jimmy J., 13:13:39 01/28/18 Sun

Re: Most Embarrasing Spanking -- Gary Steven, 21:08:04 02/26/20 Wed

Re: Most Embarrasing Spanking -- Christy, 19:14:15 09/07/18 Fri

Re: Most Embarrasing Spanking -- Jamie K to Christy, 09:54:32 09/15/18 Sat

Re: Most Embarrasing Spanking -- Derek, 18:40:47 09/22/18 Sat

Re: Most Embarrasing Spanking -- Janelle, 10:02:26 10/09/18 Tue

Re: Most Embarrasing Spanking -- Adam, 17:53:33 06/29/19 Sat

Re: Most Embarrasing Spanking -- Alan, 12:55:26 06/30/19 Sun

Re: Most Embarrasing Spanking -- Ralph, 11:44:30 02/21/20 Fri

Re: Most Embarrasing Spanking -- Gary Steven, 21:19:13 02/26/20 Wed

Re: Most Embarrasing Spanking -- peterk50, 11:09:04 10/14/20 Wed

Subject: How many belt licks or paddle spanks?

Date Posted: 21:19:39 05/12/15 Tue

For those who were spanked bare bottom with belt or paddle or hairbrush, how many licks or spanks did you typically get and what was the hardest spanking you ever got?

The question is specifically about spankings with an implement on the bare, rather than hand spankings.

As a kid I was spanked with belt from age 11 usually by dad although sometimes my mom and once by my uncle. Save an occasional swat on the shorts, all "formal" spankings in our house were either briefs of bare and a typical spanking was about 15 to 25 licks depending on the age and misbehavior.

The hardest spanking I got was about 35-40 licks with belt on the bare bottom at age 14 for shoplifting.

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Re: How many belt licks or paddle spanks? -- Gary Steven, 09:43:04 05/30/15 Sat

Re: How many belt licks or paddle spanks? -- TR , 08:05:09 05/24/17 Wed

Re: How many belt licks or paddle spanks? -- Johan, 04:09:19 05/31/15 Sun

Re: How many belt licks or paddle spanks? -- Mike, 20:22:59 05/31/15 Sun

Re: How many belt licks or paddle spanks? -- Rebecca, 22:58:44 05/31/15 Sun

Re: How many belt licks or paddle spanks? -- Craig, 11:52:02 06/03/15 Wed

Re: How many belt licks or paddle spanks? -- Joel, 10:51:35 06/04/15 Thu

Re: How many belt licks or paddle spanks? -- Kevin, 19:22:28 06/16/15 Tue

Re: How many belt licks or paddle spanks? -- Quinn, 11:41:05 06/04/15 Thu

Re: How many belt licks or paddle spanks? -- Zach, 17:13:51 06/07/15 Sun

Re: How many belt licks or paddle spanks? -- Cynthia, 11:21:20 06/09/15 Tue

Re: How many belt licks or paddle spanks? -- Don_W, 12:54:49 06/29/15 Mon

Re: How many belt licks or paddle spanks? -- Alan to Don_W, 09:37:16 06/30/15 Tue

Re: How many belt licks or paddle spanks? -- Don_W, 15:05:07 07/01/15 Wed

Re: How many belt licks or paddle spanks? -- Jimmy J. , 12:58:28 02/27/16 Sat

Re: How many belt licks or paddle spanks? -- Johan (to Jimmy J.), 10:38:16 05/01/16 Sun

Re: How many belt licks or paddle spanks? -- Alan to Jimmy J, 06:07:23 05
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