Spanking Machine Stories

Spanking Machine Stories


Spanking Machine Stories
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*** This is a fictional story about a 10 year old elementary girl named Kelly getting spanked at her school ***
I GOT INTO trouble at school for hitting a boy today. I got sent to the office but nothing happen to him. Its just so freaking unfair! Down the hall I go to the principals office. The principal talks for a while and has a really sad but stern look about her. Finally she says “Its time Kelly.” “Time?” “Time for what?” “The little room Kelly” says Ms Ellskins the school principal. I’ve heard of The Spanking Machine before but never actually seen it. The few kids I talk to have told me its the most awful punishment you can get. But I’ve heard so many different things about it I didn’t know what to believe. In fact I really didn’t think it was true to be honest. But from what I also heard its suppose to be high tech and punish a child the most safe and correct way there is yet render a painful experience which boast that the child will learn to see the error of there ways.
“THE SOONER YOU go in that room the sooner you’ll come out” says Ms Ellskins. “So lets get it over with and maybe next time you’ll think twice about hitting people, cutting class, or being disrespectfull.” “Aw blow on it” I say under my breath.
“Into the room right NOW YOUNG LADY!”
“OK OK OK!” I say as I walk into the room…
“OH MY GOD!” You gotta be shiting me!
This has got to be the wierdest and most crazy looking contraption I have ever seen in my life!
Well part of it looks like a control box of some sort. It looks to have a small computer screen. Then some big mechanical arms coming from a big round drum type thing. At the bottom appears to be a platform with um a sand pit? Then there’s a round wheel like thing with four belts hanging from it. That must be the part that spanks you!
Suddenly lights on the control panel light up and some motors turn on. The Spanking Machine comes to life! I stand there and stare.
A mechanical robotic voice says. I comply.
“REMOVE YOUR SHOES AND SOCKS” What? Thats crazy! I pull off my sneakers and my pink socks.
“STEP INTO THE SAND PIT” I step onto the platform and place my feet in the sand pit as told. “KELLY JAMES CORRECT?” Yes I say.
At this point Im becoming really weary. More then weary Im getting scared. I lower my pants.
Oh how awful embarrassing! Can this thing see my privates? I take down my panties.
I bend over and grab two rubber handles. There is a molded platform that supports my arms and its really not too uncomfortable. All the sudden something under the sand grabs my ankles and locks my feet in place. Now I’m more then scared. Im terrorfied! I look up and see the computer monitor and it shows info about me. My name, age, weight, and something that says “spanking preference #2 set by parent” What?
Suddenly I see mechanical arms begin to move around. Some going behind me. Next… I feel a play of air against my butt cheeks. It must be that wheel thing with the belts on it.
Yes that’s it! Its coming to get me! I lower my head and begin to cry.
I begin to cry out loud! I cry and cry just like over mommy’s lap. Only this is worse cause I always know about when mommy will stop. This wierd thing I don’t know.
I feel the grip on my ankles loosen and all the sand drains away. Next I see the mechanical arms move back to there starting position.
I Put my shoes back on as fast as I can. I go running out the door. I hear the Spanking Machine say “THANK YOU HAVE A NICE DAY” Yeah right. I run home as fast as I can.
Cute story, sis. Hopefully, Mama and Dada don’t get any ideas and put this machine in our house or your school.
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I randomly ran across this in a photo on FetLife some time a couple of weeks ago and impulse purchased one, they’re available from .
This post will cover a first impression and some basic testing that I’ve done so far.
Out of the box there are some disappointments, the mounting hardware is definitely NOT stainless steel as claimed on their website. The upright is clearly a die-cast zinc alloy (much of the gravity of the package comes from this part), the arm is zinc plated steel, and the bracket is cast aluminium. Nothing actually *wrong* with those material choices, but I object to them claiming otherwise. The deathdapter it came with was wrong, it had a US plug on it not an Australian plug, not really a big deal because I’ll probably just replace the whole power supply in any case. The power adapter itself is a little chintzy, feels flimsy on the outside, the internals look OK-ish but I’ve not done a megger test on it yet. The main body of the machine is all plastic.
The design is rock simple, basically you have a torsion spring wound in the top section which the “actuator” is attached to, in the bottom there is a gearmotor which drives a dog which engages with the actuator end of the spring to draw it back, the “power” control, basically adjusts a slot which causes the actuator end of the spring to slip down over the tip of the dog releasing the spring tension and driving the actuator forwards.
It seems that the “new” version (website indicates that the “new version is 30% more powerful”), may be of a different design to the one featured in the SPKM-MAK-3 video on their website (presumably the “original”). From what I can tell from the video it looks like the original actively drove the actuator, because after each stroke it seems to “hunt” for it’s zero (this is visible by the slow motion forward movement after each stroke prior to drawing back for the next), I may be wrong though as I’ve not taken video of the unit I have so I can’t tell for sure that it’s not just an artifact in the video.
The upshots of the rock simple design are; it’s unlikely to have a mechanical failure (unless you break the spring, though there might also be some risk of “wearing out” the power control), and that makes it an awesome candidate for modifications. More on that later.
Given its size it’s pretty punchy, not quite what I was hoping for (I was really looking for something that could deliver on “six of the best” with a cane), but with the right choice of implement and orientation it does the job pretty effectively.
Paddles and such seem work best with the actuator arm operating in a horizontal plane (machine upright or upside down), canes and similar seem to work best with the arm operating vertically, (i.e. such that the cane is coming downwards). To my surprise the most “punchy” implements I tried with it were a ~4mm plastic coated fibreglass garden stake type thing which I think was bought from Daiso, a stock standard 30cm wooden ruler (the hole in the end of the wooden ruler for hanging it adds significant extra effect) and a riding crop. In a nutshell, if you want a severe session, plan to go long rather than hard.
The mounting is not as solid as I’d like, but given the objectives of the device manufacturer that’s not terribly surprising. This will also be something I will be looking at improving (and adding some features around) in the future (pile of parts en route from Banggood currently).
Does the job pretty well, though you need to be a bit careful with your choice of implement. A little on the expensive side. I’d provisionally recommend it so long as you’re not looking for heavy hitting. I may buy a second unit in future so I can use them “in stereo”, though then I’ll have to start buying duplicates of all my implements…
Such a funny machine .
I read that it is a kneading machine ?
Now I am curious , what was this machine supposed to be kneading ? Food ?
Is it written in the manual maybe what kind of machine this originally is ? ?
The machine is most definitely NOT intended for kneading. Weeeell, I suppose it’s *kinda* like kneeding…
It was designed and conceived for the purposes of delivering spankings, the branding and so forth is intended purely to obfuscate that purpose in order to avoid issues shipping it into, shall we say “more conservative” markets. The original version of this review did explicitly call it a “Spanking Machine” but at the manufacturer’s request I dropped that out of the review title due to concerns about impacts on shipping into those markets.
Looking for info on KER K-3000, I discovered your excellent review. I can support your good points as well as the bad ones. Yes, it could well use mor than the 30% more power, but if you go over the full 5 minutes of the timer, you will feel it, especially with hard material as a wooden paddle.
I have kept to the 100g rule for weight. But that does not really slow the machine and the impact is still acceptable.
The mounting device for toys is clearly improvable: It could be more rugged (My next walk to the hardware store will be for a bag of replacement screws). However a drastic disadvantage are the flat plates for mounting round toys. I am going to replace the movable plate by something like you use for fixxing all kind of pipes to the wall, i.e. some kind of shell. Otherwise, your cane will start hitting your bottom and the next thing you will feel is a hit into the hollows of your knees.
By the way, I have a switchable on off extension cord right at my hands; just for emegencies like sticks flying through the room.
I have the machine mounted to one wooden post of a 4 posert bed. That opens a lot of options to point the spanker in direction to the bed and also into the room for vertical “work”. The clamp which included is rather restrictive.
All in all: a nice toy and amusing spanking option.
Yeah, 100% agreed on the “mounting device for toys”. I’ve not had a great deal of free time (as evidenced by the lack of updates to this site ) but I’m planning to design some 3D printable end-effector clamps to better hold awkward shaped items. They’ll be published on Thingiverse once I get to a design I’m happy with.
So stuck at home thanks to lockdown & no doubt more to come where can I order one
Found this as I started looking for KER-3000. I got one of these machines, and the black mounting part for connecting the rod to the machine body has broken. It broke right where the screw goes through, to hold the rod in. No biggie I thought, design a new more beefy and print it… But after taking it off, I see that nothing is actually symmetric. The 6 small screws are self tapping into the plastic, and they are all at different heights and positions from the body, so it is a real pain in the butt (pun absolutely intended) to measure.
Intriguingly, there is a kitchen machine (by Braun) model number K3000 (full name: Multiquick 7 kitchen machine K 3000).
And it does, of course, come with a kneading attachment.
And did you ever publish your 3D printable end-effector clamps design on Thingiverse?
You might have noticed a lack of updates on this site
The past few years have been pretty crazy busy, but once I actually get my 3D printer reassembled this is one of the projects on my “get back to it” list.
I am the owner of two machines, one has not survived (spring broke); the other one is about to give up because the “half moon” connecting the machine with its mounting arm is too weak to sustain the backslash when releasing the business end. It is a preprogramed breaking piece. I have replaced at least a dozen of them. The point is not getting the replacements from Juan, but the progressing weakening of the screw threads on the machine housing due to the frequent replacement of the half moons. I have contacted Juan and he knows about the problem. The hafl moons will have to be replaced by something mor stout made of metal. Otherwise I am quite satisfied. Especially the good support by Juan Angel.
A tip for self-tappers in plastic, when you are putting them back in turn them backwards until you feel them drop into the thread then tighten them, that way you’re not cutting new threads every time you put them back in.
I have never heard that you can get a screww in by turning it backwards!? But its worth a try!
Thanks and best regards
I just received mine. I’m pretty sure I can make a mold of that plastic clamp. I guess it’s time to fire up my hobby foundry and cast one out of aluminum.
Unfortunately my foundry is *somewhere* under the pile of stuff in the garage still to be sorted from the move but I’d be interested to hear how it goes for you.
Nice to hear from you. Juan Angel has sent 2 NEW Half Moon couplers. They look and feel different, however they are made from plastic again. Juan thinks they will not break, but it would be great to get them made from metal.
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This spanking slot-machine lets you decide how many smacks you will receive during your upcoming spanking; based on a bit of luck of course.
Let the person who will spank you decide how many times you must pull the lever (for example, the amount of coins in a swear-jar).
Each winning combination increases the amount of smacks you will receive.
Getting three of the same symbol will also add something extra to your spanking.
The more coins, the more chance you have at winning a punishment.
Press the button to pull the lever and see the machine in action.
Your spanking tally will be automatically updated and you can pull the lever again.
Keep going until you run out of coins.
30 smacks - your bottom must be bared
45 smacks - the last 10 smacks with a spanking implement
50 smacks - the last half your total amount of smacks with a spanking implement
55 smacks - your hands will be tied
You will receive 0 smacks during your spanking

The utilitarian philosopher Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) was one of the first writers to contemplate the possibility that corporal punishment might be administered by machine rather than by a human being. In The Rationale of Punishment he wrote:
"Of all these different modes of punishment, whipping is the most frequently in use; but in whipping not even the qualities of the instrument are ascertained by written law: while the quantity of force to be employed in its application is altogether intrusted to the caprice of the executioner. He may make the punishment as trifling or as severe as he pleases. He may derive from this power a source of revenue, so that the offender will be punished, not in proportion to his offence, but to his poverty. If he has been unfortunate, and not able to secure his plunder, or honest, and has voluntarily given it up, and thus has nothing left to make a sop for Cerberus, he suffers the rigour -- perhaps more than the rigour -- of the law. Good fortune and perseverance, in dishonesty, would have enabled him to buy indulgence.
"The following contrivance would, in a measure, obviate this inconvenience:-- A machine might be made, which should put in motion certain elastic rods of cane or whalebone, the number and size of which might be determined by the law: the body of the delinquent might be subjected to the strokes of these rods, and the force and rapidity with which they should be applied, might be prescribed by the Judge: thus everything which is arbitrary might be removed. A public officer, of more responsible character than the common executioner, might preside over the infliction of the punishment; and when there were many delinquents to be punished, his time might be saved, and the terror of the scene heightened, without increasing the actual suffering, by increasing the number of the machines, and subjecting all the offenders to punishment at the same time."
It is quite remarkable how popular this idea has proved among humorists, cartoonists and apparently some perfectly serious designers and inventors. Although few such machines have actually been built, the notion has recurred frequently over the centuries in a variety of media. Here are several examples of how it has been imagined. They are presented in roughly chronological order.

This caning machine appeared in a Russian book and looks as if it might be of Russian origin. Note the queue of offenders awaiting punishment. Each in turn is held down on a bench, over a cushion which raises up his bared buttocks. This design, which looks quite practicable, may be from the 19th century. (Russia had judicial whipping for peasants until the beginning of the 20th century.)

Here from Germany is a fantasy of automated mass spanking on a truly industrial scale. It comes from Die Körperstrafen bei allen Völkern ("Corporal punishment amongst all peoples"), by Dr Richard Wrede (1898), who attributes it to a magazine, "Fliegenden Blättern", of 1856. It does not look to me as if it could have worked very effectively.
Another 19th-century example of mass-production punishment, source unknown.

Twin cartoons from Cole's Funny Picture Book No 1 , published in Melbourne by E.W. Cole. These came with a long humorous text, full of surreal fantasy, the gist of which is that the first "Patent Whipping Machine for Flogging Naughty Boys in School", operated by hand, proved ineffective, whereas its steam-powered replacement produced the desired tearful response on the part of the culprits. (Thanks to Glen Ralph of the Wilmar Library for discovering the origin of this; his detailed research is written up in Notes and Curieux No 6 , Wilmar Library, Lockleys, Sep 2003.)

In this ingenious but surely rather impractical German design, the culprits are carried round and round the contraption for repeated doses of pain from the whizzing wheel of canes. The drawing appeared in Hansen, Stock und Peitsche im 19. Jahrhundert ("The cane and the whip in the 19th century"), Dresden, 1899.

This cartoon by P.V. Bradshaw from the Boys Own Paper in 1902 imagines a machine, the "Automatic Castigator", whose main purpose seems to be to save the lazy headmaster the trouble of getting up out of his chair. The inset drawing warns of the danger of getting caught up in it himself: "Awful result of a new headmaster examining the machine and touching a wrong button". The controls include "Regulator for intensity of strokes". This machine also talks: "I'm sorry to see you here again so soon, my boy. Much as it will pain me, and you, I shall have no alternative but to administer a thrashing..."

Frame from a comic strip, "Little Nemo in Slumberland", by Winsor McCay, in the New York Herald , 7 February 1909. The story is set in a school, where the principal has installed the new "Patent Automatic Corrector, Electric Manipulator and Spanking Administrator".
"The Mother's Kitchen Help and Ready Reckoner", including a machine labelled "Chastiser".

Here is one of many British boys' school stories in which a CP machine appears, this time wielding birches, probably from the interwar period.

Another illustration from an English boys' school story. Not having the story itself to hand, I am not sure who the sinister hooded figures are supposed to be. Note the transition from birch in the previous example to cane here.
Unlike many of the machines
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