Spanking Machine Punishment

Spanking Machine Punishment


Spanking Machine Punishment
The Library of Spanking Fiction: Wellred Weekly

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Alex couldn't explain her actions of late. She had a very good job as a secretary/assistant with a local private college, her bills were being paid on a regular basis, but her feelings were not of a 42-year-old woman with a steady boyfriend. They were that of a much younger person, perhaps about twelve, who vaguely knew that she had erred on several occasions, but had not been caught or disciplined for them. Now her feelings were finally catching up with her.
Her boyfriend, Kevin, was very sweet, and was into adult spanking, as she was, but try as she might, she couldn't quite get the idea across to him that what she needed, what she deserved, was to be lectured sternly to, pulled over his knee, her bottom bared, and a serious disciplinary spanking administered, with either his very strong left hand or his favorite paddle. She felt that she needed to be punished, and seriously, or her actions would continue. Kevin had the tendency to stop at her first plea, and rub the sting out of her bottom. She needed a no-nonsense corporal punishment session.
Late at night, Alex found herself fantasizing about the spanking machine that she had built a couple of years before, and with the help of her then-boyfriend, Robert, had patented after demonstrating it during the Christmas season at the local mall, down the hall and around the corner from the Santa display. After the Christmas season wound down, Robert and Alex had broken off the relationship, and the machine, now unused, went into hibernation at the local storage facility. Alex would often drive past that facility, several miles out of her way home from work, and wondering if she had the nerve to put the machine back into use.
The first weekend of spring, with Alex's regular workout and errands done, Alex once again thought of getting that very sound spanking from the machine. Drawing a deep breath and snatching her car keys from the pegboard just inside the front door, she headed for the storage locker. For a fleeting moment, Alex actually thought of shutting the large steel rolldoor behind her at the storage locker, setting up the machine and being spanked there, but decided against it. Quickly checking to make sure all of the parts, especially the lecture tapes, were in the large box along with the machine, she squeezed it into the trunk of her Toyota sedan, locked the storage door, and left for home. She now knew that once she got home, there would be no turning back. She was due for, and was going to get, just what she deserved; a serious, disciplinary spanking for her misdeeds. She would once again be transformed into a younger person, over the machine's "lap", kicking and pleading for the spanking to end.
Inside the door of her spacious, for-once-clean apartment, Alex turned on a classical music CD to alleviate some of the noise that would occur. Fortunately for her, the neighbor downstairs was gone on business quite a bit, and this was one of those times. Setting up the machine was no problem; Alex had done it several times, the machine was up and ready in ten minutes. Checking to make sure all screws and bolts were still tight, she then selected a lecture tape. It was, as usual, a female lecture tape, so it would be as if an older woman was going to spank her. Alex tried to never use the same tape very often, that way it would simulate a real discipline session with a different lecture.
Knowing that she would be "occupied" for quite some time, Alex used the bathroom, and drank some cold water. Nervous now, she approached the machine, and pushed in the button to start the lecture. The "head" of the machine turned to look at Alex, the "left hand" took her wrist, and told her to pull down her jeans. When Alex tried to tug her hand away, the grip tightened and the command was repeated. She was to pull down her jeans immediately, she was told. If she had to have it done for her, the spanking would be worse, and she was in enough trouble already. Imagine, she was told, a grown woman acting like a 12-year-old. Well, if she was going to act like a 12-year-old, she was going to be spanked like one. Alex slowly unsnapped and unzipped her jeans, and then tugged them down to her knees. She was then pulled over the lap of the robot, and the "left hand" came down to rest on her lower back, holding her in place. Did she know why she was being spanked, she was asked, in a sharp tone? "Yes ma'am", Alex replied quietly. "For being a brat, ma'am" was the nervous answer. Her tone of voice even sounded like that of a young girl, over her mother's lap for a sound spanking.
Alex felt her panties being pulled down, and struggled against the hand holding her down. For her troubles, she got a sharp smack on each cheek. The robot told her that 12-year-olds' were spanked on the bare bottom, and that was what she would be getting. Holding her down firmly now, the right hand was raised, and the punishment began. Methodically and solidly, the punishing hand descended on Alex's bottom now. She squirmed frantically, and started kicking, pleading for the spanking to stop, but to no avail. Pleading seemed to increase the intensity and frequency of the spanks, and she knew that she was in for a good, hard, spanking that wouldn't stop till the lecture tape did. She was right.
Finally, with Alex sobbing limply over the robot's lap, she was told to stand up, and to go get the hairbrush. No amount of handspanking would correct this problem, the robot told her. Perhaps a good dose of the solid wooden hairbrush would serve as a reminder of proper behavior. When she tried to remonstrate against doing what she was told, once again she was yanked over the lap and got ten solid spanks on each cheek. Now, would she do what she was told? She would, slowly rose, and brought the hairbrush to the robot.
Still crying, Alex was pulled over the lap again, and her bottom solidly reddened with the back of the wooden hairbrush. She truly FELT like a 12-year-old, bare bottomed over a lap, getting the spanking she so deserved. Finally, when she felt she could take no more, the hairbrush was dropped on the floor, and Alex was told to stand up. She did, crying very hard, trying to rub the horrible sting out, and was told to march over to the corner. Alex was to stand in the corner, jeans and panties still down to her knees, for twenty minutes, to reflect on what she had gotten.
To her credit, Alex did, and a few days later, cleaned out her storage locker and returned the keys. She had a feeling she'd have a use for the spanking machine very soon again. She was right.<<
Hand Over the Chocolate and nobody gets hurt.
An' when did she need it next? An' is it patented an' in production? An' what are the other lecture tapes like?
Tasha -- Some things only she knows
Thanks! the creative juices ran wild yesterday, and I just had to let it flow.....
You are an extremely naughty young lady. Surely you know that commercial ads such as the one you posted about a spanking machine are forbidden by the Charter.
Then you proceed to add blasphemy to the long list of crimes by implying that TOPS are redundant as they can be replaced by a mere machine no matter how cleverly crafted.
Valid return address is (Posting address is for the spammers)
>Chorus, > >You are an extremely naughty young lady<<
Am not. But I'm glad you liked the story!
You could set it for twelve strokes of the cane of a level of sevarity that each will leave a nice welt. You lock your self in and you get one right in the center of your cheeks one a half-inch above the first and the next a half-inch below until they where all given out. Twelve perfectly placed stripes. As close to perfect as a machine can do.
Spanking machines- Yupper a good story

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I randomly ran across this in a photo on FetLife some time a couple of weeks ago and impulse purchased one, they’re available from .
This post will cover a first impression and some basic testing that I’ve done so far.
Out of the box there are some disappointments, the mounting hardware is definitely NOT stainless steel as claimed on their website. The upright is clearly a die-cast zinc alloy (much of the gravity of the package comes from this part), the arm is zinc plated steel, and the bracket is cast aluminium. Nothing actually *wrong* with those material choices, but I object to them claiming otherwise. The deathdapter it came with was wrong, it had a US plug on it not an Australian plug, not really a big deal because I’ll probably just replace the whole power supply in any case. The power adapter itself is a little chintzy, feels flimsy on the outside, the internals look OK-ish but I’ve not done a megger test on it yet. The main body of the machine is all plastic.
The design is rock simple, basically you have a torsion spring wound in the top section which the “actuator” is attached to, in the bottom there is a gearmotor which drives a dog which engages with the actuator end of the spring to draw it back, the “power” control, basically adjusts a slot which causes the actuator end of the spring to slip down over the tip of the dog releasing the spring tension and driving the actuator forwards.
It seems that the “new” version (website indicates that the “new version is 30% more powerful”), may be of a different design to the one featured in the SPKM-MAK-3 video on their website (presumably the “original”). From what I can tell from the video it looks like the original actively drove the actuator, because after each stroke it seems to “hunt” for it’s zero (this is visible by the slow motion forward movement after each stroke prior to drawing back for the next), I may be wrong though as I’ve not taken video of the unit I have so I can’t tell for sure that it’s not just an artifact in the video.
The upshots of the rock simple design are; it’s unlikely to have a mechanical failure (unless you break the spring, though there might also be some risk of “wearing out” the power control), and that makes it an awesome candidate for modifications. More on that later.
Given its size it’s pretty punchy, not quite what I was hoping for (I was really looking for something that could deliver on “six of the best” with a cane), but with the right choice of implement and orientation it does the job pretty effectively.
Paddles and such seem work best with the actuator arm operating in a horizontal plane (machine upright or upside down), canes and similar seem to work best with the arm operating vertically, (i.e. such that the cane is coming downwards). To my surprise the most “punchy” implements I tried with it were a ~4mm plastic coated fibreglass garden stake type thing which I think was bought from Daiso, a stock standard 30cm wooden ruler (the hole in the end of the wooden ruler for hanging it adds significant extra effect) and a riding crop. In a nutshell, if you want a severe session, plan to go long rather than hard.
The mounting is not as solid as I’d like, but given the objectives of the device manufacturer that’s not terribly surprising. This will also be something I will be looking at improving (and adding some features around) in the future (pile of parts en route from Banggood currently).
Does the job pretty well, though you need to be a bit careful with your choice of implement. A little on the expensive side. I’d provisionally recommend it so long as you’re not looking for heavy hitting. I may buy a second unit in future so I can use them “in stereo”, though then I’ll have to start buying duplicates of all my implements…
Such a funny machine .
I read that it is a kneading machine ?
Now I am curious , what was this machine supposed to be kneading ? Food ?
Is it written in the manual maybe what kind of machine this originally is ? ?
The machine is most definitely NOT intended for kneading. Weeeell, I suppose it’s *kinda* like kneeding…
It was designed and conceived for the purposes of delivering spankings, the branding and so forth is intended purely to obfuscate that purpose in order to avoid issues shipping it into, shall we say “more conservative” markets. The original version of this review did explicitly call it a “Spanking Machine” but at the manufacturer’s request I dropped that out of the review title due to concerns about impacts on shipping into those markets.
Looking for info on KER K-3000, I discovered your excellent review. I can support your good points as well as the bad ones. Yes, it could well use mor than the 30% more power, but if you go over the full 5 minutes of the timer, you will feel it, especially with hard material as a wooden paddle.
I have kept to the 100g rule for weight. But that does not really slow the machine and the impact is still acceptable.
The mounting device for toys is clearly improvable: It could be more rugged (My next walk to the hardware store will be for a bag of replacement screws). However a drastic disadvantage are the flat plates for mounting round toys. I am going to replace the movable plate by something like you use for fixxing all kind of pipes to the wall, i.e. some kind of shell. Otherwise, your cane will start hitting your bottom and the next thing you will feel is a hit into the hollows of your knees.
By the way, I have a switchable on off extension cord right at my hands; just for emegencies like sticks flying through the room.
I have the machine mounted to one wooden post of a 4 posert bed. That opens a lot of options to point the spanker in direction to the bed and also into the room for vertical “work”. The clamp which included is rather restrictive.
All in all: a nice toy and amusing spanking option.
Yeah, 100% agreed on the “mounting device for toys”. I’ve not had a great deal of free time (as evidenced by the lack of updates to this site ) but I’m planning to design some 3D printable end-effector clamps to better hold awkward shaped items. They’ll be published on Thingiverse once I get to a design I’m happy with.
So stuck at home thanks to lockdown & no doubt more to come where can I order one
Found this as I started looking for KER-3000. I got one of these machines, and the black mounting part for connecting the rod to the machine body has broken. It broke right where the screw goes through, to hold the rod in. No biggie I thought, design a new more beefy and print it… But after taking it off, I see that nothing is actually symmetric. The 6 small screws are self tapping into the plastic, and they are all at different heights and positions from the body, so it is a real pain in the butt (pun absolutely intended) to measure.
Intriguingly, there is a kitchen machine (by Braun) model number K3000 (full name: Multiquick 7 kitchen machine K 3000).
And it does, of course, come with a kneading attachment.
And did you ever publish your 3D printable end-effector clamps design on Thingiverse?
You might have noticed a lack of updates on this site
The past few years have been pretty crazy busy, but once I actually get my 3D printer reassembled this is one of the projects on my “get back to it” list.
I am the owner of two machines, one has not survived (spring broke); the other one is about to give up because the “half moon” connecting the machine with its mounting arm is too weak to sustain the backslash when releasing the business end. It is a preprogramed breaking piece. I have replaced at least a dozen of them. The point is not getting the replacements from Juan, but the progressing weakening of the screw threads on the machine housing due to the frequent replacement of the half moons. I have contacted Juan and he knows about the problem. The hafl moons will have to be replaced by something mor stout made of metal. Otherwise I am quite satisfied. Especially the good support by Juan Angel.
A tip for self-tappers in plastic, when you are putting them back in turn them backwards until you feel them drop into the thread then tighten them, that way you’re not cutting new threads every time you put them back in.
I have never heard that you can get a screww in by turning it backwards!? But its worth a try!
Thanks and best regards
I just received mine. I’m pretty sure I can make a mold of that plastic clamp. I guess it’s time to fire up my hobby foundry and cast one out of aluminum.
Unfortunately my foundry is *somewhere* under the pile of stuff in the garage still to be sorted from the move but I’d be interested to hear how it goes for you.
Nice to hear from you. Juan Angel has sent 2 NEW Half Moon couplers. They look and feel different, however they are made from plastic again. Juan thinks they will not break, but it would be great to get them made from metal.
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Story: Timmy's Unpleasant Encounter of the Mechanical Kind (spank, nc, severe, machine/b)
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On Sun, 12 Dec 1999 12:58:01 -0800 (PST), Nialos Leaning
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