Spanking Husband

Spanking Husband


Spanking Husband

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47 minutes ago, Spankingmyhuby said:

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Spankingmyhuby ,
April 10, 2021 in Relationships

I have to agree with Ms. L here. There are times when poor behavior away from home warrants a spanking. Yes, proper discretion should be exercised, but waiting until you get home may not be in the best interests of the DD relationship.  In my former relationship, I was spanked in view of the general public, but must point out, that was many years ago...before every man, woman and child had a cell phone and felt compelled to document and report.  In this current relationship, I may still be disciplined away from home but in a much more semi private manner.  I have been taken aside or out of the room and spanked...on the bare if at all possible.  I get spanked again when arriving home, but that initial punishment was warranted, needed and properly delivered with discretion. 

Guess mine must be the unicorn he actually does a good job at it. Of course knowing he will be having an appointment if he doesn’t might help as well. 

I understand now where you are coming from. Myself and my husband had a agreement before we were married that I would decide when he is spanked. So I know most of the time he does not want a spankin

I think more marriages would work out better if husbands were spanked.

We all get in trouble at times, and have been told off within earshot of others. I know I have and have seen many others told off the same way. The added embarrassment of having everyone who can hear it happening find out a spanking will follow happens also. When growing up, my mother often told me to behave or I'd get a spanking. My dad would also be open about telling someone that I'd be getting a good spanking when I got home. These days my wife has the duty of warming my backside and often warns me discretely about my fate when we are out and about, but there have been times when anger had not held this discretion at bay and had her openly telling me that she'd paddle my bottom hard when we got home. Once while doing this an older lady nearby gave her approval by telling my wife to "spank his bum till he can't sit down". I went bright red as she replied, "I plan to".....

We all get in trouble at times, and have been told off within earshot of others. I know I have and have seen many others told off the same way. The added embarrassment of having everyone who can hear it happening find out a spanking will follow happens also. When growing up, my mother often told me to behave or I'd get a spanking. My dad would also be open about telling someone that I'd be getting a good spanking when I got home. These days my wife has the duty of warming my backside and often warns me discretely about my fate when we are out and about, but there have been times when anger had not held this discretion at bay and had her openly telling me that she'd paddle my bottom hard when we got home. Once while doing this an older lady nearby gave her approval by telling my wife to "spank his bum till he can't sit down". I went bright red as she replied, "I plan to".....

Sounds like your wife has you wrapped around her little finger like I do my husband. If you husband's can't act properly in public or at home then you can expect our undivided attention through warming your backsides . I am glad to hear another husband is getting spankings when you don't act your age.  Ms L

Sounds like your wife has you wrapped around her little finger like I do my husband. If you husband's can't act properly in public or at home then you can expect our undivided attention through warming your backsides . I am glad to hear another husband is getting spankings when you don't act your age.  Ms L

Yes Mrs L. My wife is the boss and my world. 

Yes Mrs L. My wife is the boss and my world. 

I am very glad to hear that. We would have less divorces if the wives were running the household like your wife and I. Does your wife give you a weekly maintenance spanking? I hope so. Ms L.

No, but I think she should. Does it help your hubby?

No, but I think she should. Does it help your hubby?

Yes most definitely . Maintenance spankings for us is a bonding session. We talk about how his behaviour was for past week and what I expect from him this week. It also reastablishes who is in charge for the marriage. I spank him over my knee with my hand from anywhere between 15-20 minutes. It is very maternal for me and quite juvenile for him . I only add a implement to his maintenance spanking if he has not followed one of my rules or goals in our marriage. The punishment spanking I gave my husband this week is completely separate from the weekly maintenance spankings I give him on Sunday. I highly recommend your wife start giving you a maintenance spanking each week. I think it would bring you even closer as a couple and it is a good opportunity for your wife to put you in your place each week.    Ms L.

Yes most definitely . Maintenance spankings for us is a bonding session. We talk about how his behaviour was for past week and what I expect from him this week. It also reastablishes who is in charge for the marriage. I spank him over my knee with my hand from anywhere between 15-20 minutes. It is very maternal for me and quite juvenile for him . I only add a implement to his maintenance spanking if he has not followed one of my rules or goals in our marriage. The punishment spanking I gave my husband this week is completely separate from the weekly maintenance spankings I give him on Sunday. I highly recommend your wife start giving you a maintenance spanking each week. I think it would bring you even closer as a couple and it is a good opportunity for your wife to put you in your place each week.    Ms L.

Again I find myself in agreement with Ms. L. Maintenance spankings have become the backbone of our 24/7, FLR with DD household.  Maintenance spankings are a great method for dominant women to keep their husbands, bf's or life partners in check between justly earned discipline sessions.  We found it difficult to make a specific day for maintenance due to our busy lives so maintenance spankings are scheduled randomly by the tossing of a single die. We then add '1' to the number rolled which give us the number of days until the next spanking.  It insures they are never on consecutive days or ever more than 7 days apart.  Regular maintenance has greatly improved my behavior and made me a better partner for my Dominant Mistress/Life Partner.

... I doubt it's a very large number relative to the demand or the market for disciplinarians wouldn't be anywhere near as strong as it is. As far as women unilaterally imposing spanking on their errant husbands, I don't think that happens very often at all. And that's probably a good thing.

It's good to see so many women who spank their husbands on this site, and to know that it's not extremely unusual for a husband to get spanked by his wife. But only spankos post here. The true answer to the question of whether more women spank their mates than we think depends on if it happens when neither of them is a spanko… My wife is not a spanko, and feels the spankings she gives me are private. She discovered that a good spanking is an easy and effective way to punish me when I deserve it. Since all relationships have friction and frustration, and often one person has a personality trait that causes a lot of it (self-centered, thoughtless, lazy, impulsive, etc), and the idea of marital discipline by spanking is widely known, I find it hard to believe there aren't a lot of couples who discover the benefits of the more responsible person giving a good spanking to the other as needed, even if neither of them is a true spanko. So spanking wives and spanked husbands who post on sites like this could just be the tip of the iceberg...

Scolding in public happens frequently in my world, and it probably isn't DD couples. I'm not saying it's ideal, but it is real, and I have been scolded in public though not threatened with a spanking. I have never seen and adult/adult spanking in public in many decades of being a spanko with my eyes and ears out for such things. I think in most cases the police would be called, so it's very inadvisable.

I agree, I have seen wives scolding husbands, husbands scolding wives, and couples quarreling in public. It's generally not pleasant for everyone else, and doubt people other than some spankos would want to see it turn into a spanking in front of them. But these aren't DD couples. My wife has only to give me a stern look, and maybe say something like "You're going to be very sorry you did/said that" or "Just wait until we get home" and we both know she's going to spank me and I immediately shape up, without disturbing those around us. Sometimes she will say "You are going to be spanked!" or "I'm going to paddle your bare bottom!" in public, but quietly enough that others don't hear. 

It's good to see so many women who spank their husbands on this site, and to know that it's not extremely unusual for a husband to get spanked by his wife. But only spankos post here. The true answer to the question of whether more women spank their mates than we think depends on if it happens when neither of them is a spanko… My wife is not a spanko, and feels the spankings she gives me are private. She discovered that a good spanking is an easy and effective way to punish me when I deserve it. Since all relationships have friction and frustration, and often one person has a personality trait that causes a lot of it (self-centered, thoughtless, lazy, impulsive, etc), and the idea of marital discipline by spanking is widely known, I find it hard to believe there aren't a lot of couples who discover the benefits of the more responsible person giving a good spanking to the other as needed, even if neither of them is a true spanko. So spanking wives and spanked husbands who post on sites like this could just be the tip of the iceberg...

When I met my husband almost 20 years ago I had very little experience in spanking and was not a spanko. Once l found out that he was into spanking , I shared his interest and we both agreed that i would be the HOH and dominant partner in our marriage. I personally don't believe that most women are spankos and the ones who are spanking were introduced by the man in her life about this subject. I believe you are right their are more boys who are being disciplined by their female partners, most men are not going to admit that they are receiving spankings . Ms L

I certainly wouldn't tell anyone that my wife spanks me except among spankos, and have been extremely embarrassed the few times it has been clear that someone heard me getting spanked! 

I certainly wouldn't tell anyone that my wife spanks me except among spankos, and have been extremely embarrassed the few times it has been clear that someone heard me getting spanked! 

Agreed. Spankings are something I know I need, but I don’t really want the whole world knowing about it. ?‍♂️

I certainly wouldn't tell anyone that my wife spanks me except among spankos, and have been extremely embarrassed the few times it has been clear that someone heard me getting spanked! 

My husband is a little more than embarrassed when one of my girlfriends has seen him getting a spanking over my knee. It has happened little more than my husband wants to remember over our years of marriage. Ms L

My husband is a little more than embarrassed when one of my girlfriends has seen him getting a spanking over my knee. It has happened little more than my husband wants to remember over our years of marriage. Ms L

I just have to ask, Ms. L. What were the circumstances of your favorite such ( ? l ? ) occasion? It appears that you have several from which to choose! 

I just have to ask, Ms. L. What were the circumstances of your favorite such ( ? l ? ) occasion? It appears that you have several from which to choose! 

Yes I do have several and most involved my best girlfriend who is very dominant and taught me how to be the ruler of my marriage. For my husband 49 birthday my girlfriend and her daughter came to celebrate his birthday and he got more than he bargained for. He got a regular hand spanking from my girlfriend daughter for misbehaving and 49 swats over my girlfriend and my knee with jokari paddles simultaneously. But their have been many since then when my husband has had to face the music. I plan on writing what happened today under writings concerning my husband conduct for the past week. Ms L 

Yes I do have several and most involved my best girlfriend who is very dominant and taught me how to be the ruler of my marriage. For my husband 49 birthday my girlfriend and her daughter came to celebrate his birthday and he got more than he bargained for. He got a regular hand spanking from my girlfriend daughter for misbehaving and 49 swats over my girlfriend and my knee with jokari paddles simultaneously. But their have been many since then when my husband has had to face the music. I plan on writing what happened today under writings concerning my husband conduct for the past week. Ms L 

Thank you for sharing these remarkable experiences, Ms. L. I’ll look forward to reading more from you. I always do.

Thank you for sharing these remarkable experiences, Ms. L. I’ll look forward to reading more from you. I always do.

It sounds like your wife did not need a tutor like I had with my best girlfriend. I met my girlfriend when we worked together and she also worked as a part-time Dom. My husband is quite intimidated when she comes to visit. Thank your Gary.             Ms L

It sounds like your wife did not need a tutor like I had with my best girlfriend. I met my girlfriend when we worked together and she also worked as a part-time Dom. My husband is quite intimidated when she comes to visit. Thank your Gary.             Ms L

Have you described how she tutored you in taking control and spanking him? It seems like a very interesting story. Did you always know that your friend was a Dom?

Have you described how she tutored you in taking control and spanking him? It seems like a very interesting story. Did you always know that your friend was a Dom?

I think that would be a good subject that I could write about under writings . I plan on writing on topics of spanking and control of my husband in the future. I am not the greatest writer in the world but before I got my own membership to SN I wrote about a spanking I gave him Spanking My Husband under writings you might find enjoyable. I found out about my girlfriend being a dominant in about a month because we worked close together.  To describe her training would take a lengthy written post. But I will do that. I plan on writing about our little discussion and disciplinary session we had today about him not calling me and coming home late this week. Ms L

I'm looking forward to reading about it. I expect that you have a lot that you can write about too.

I'm looking forward to reading about it. I expect that you have a lot that you can write about too.

Thank you I do have many experiences regarding the controlling and discipline of my husband I can write about. I am pleased that their are other women in this forum who give their boys discipline. I hope ever male and female spankee SN Members meet a long term partner to give them the discipline they need.  Ms L.

I think that would be a good subject that I could write about under writings . I plan on writing on topics of spanking and control of my husband in the future. I am not the greatest writer in the world but before I got my own membership to SN I wrote about a spanking I gave him Spanking My Husband under writings you might find enjoyable. I found out about my girlfriend being a dominant in about a month because we worked close together.  To describe her training would take a lengthy written post. But I will do that. I plan on writing about our little discussion and disciplinary session we had today about him not calling me and coming home late this week. Ms L

I will read it with much interest, Ms L. Being tardy and negligent about calling home has gotten me turned over my wife’s knee numerous times over the years. Those are the occasions when I finally show up and find her holding her hairbrush. “Bring a chair ? into the living room and take your pants down” sets the tone for these disciplinary sessions. I get what I deserve.

Have you ever considered combining all these experiences together in one book? Like a book of essays, I imagine this would sell a number of copies both in and outside of the adult spanking world. 

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Guess mine must be the unicorn he actually does a good job at it. Of course knowing he will be having an appointment if he doesn’t might help as well. 

I understand now where you are coming from. Myself and my husband had a agreement before we were married that I would decide when he is spanked. So I know most of the time he does not want a spankin

I think more marriages would work out better if husbands were spanked.

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