Spanking History

Spanking History


Spanking History

Fetish and Kink


February 8, 2021

February 11, 2021


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Spanking is almost as old as time itself. Whether for punishment, pleasure, or perhaps some other dubious purpose (and there are a few of those), spanking is ingrained in human culture probably more than any other fetish.
Depending on your age, your first encounter with spanking was probably in the form of punishment. But in its earliest practice in Ancient Greece, it may surprise you to learn that spanking was considered a fertility treatment. Pagan Priests would spank childless adult women to “increase” chances of pregnancy. Whether the practice was effective is somewhat debatable however. In other faiths like Catholicism, spanking was administered to remove the sins of the individual being spanked. I guess they figured they’d spank the sins out of you?, Like I said, dubious purposes indeed.
Our interest though, lies within the practice of erotic spanking. It’s really quite hard to say how long humans have been spanking and whipping each other to get off, but we do know an early instance of erotic spanking or flagellation in history is depicted in the Etruscan Tomb Of The Whipping.
The tomb dates back to the fifth century B.C. and is located near Tarquinia, Italy. It depicts two men in the act of flogging a woman in an erotic context, with one of the men apparently receiving fellatio from the woman at the same time. So we know from that depiction alone that spanking for pleasure is at least 2500 years old. 
Zoom forward a couple of thousand years and we come to the Victorians. Now, they were a kinky bunch! You could always trust people in Victorian times to take something a bit saucy and run with it. Erotic flagellation, which had become known as “the English Vice,” was high on their list of pornographic priorities. Much of Victorian pornography was in the form of photographs, literature and engravings feature spankings and flagellation. Short stories like “The Whippingham Papers,” “Exhibition Of Female Flagellants” and the pornographic comic opera “Lady Bumtickler’s Revels” were all extremely popular depictions of various forms of spanking back in the day.
The invention of the photograph in the mid-19th century acted like jet fuel to the proliferation of porn. People could now see things they’d probably never seen before. Naturally, people were intrigued, and of course titillated, so they began to try these things for themselves and spanking became a more and more popular fetish activity. Just google search ‘Vintage Spanking’ and thousands of black and white images will appear before your eyes, many dating back to the late Victorian era. 
As kinky as they were however, the Victorians tended to keep their vices hidden behind closed doors, and spanking remained a niche pass time. While the Victorians were getting kinky about it, spanking and caning was still a favoured punishment in British schools and continued to be so throughout the twentieth century. I remember my father telling me stories of how he came home from school with blood in his underpants on more than one occasion, following unpleasant encounters with the HeadMaster. They really were that brutal, (though he did say he always deserved it).
It was only as recent as the mid 1980s that caning was outlawed completely in state funded schools, and later still in private schools.
Recently though, spanking has become almost mainstream in sexual culture. Nowadays you can tell somebody that you’re into spanking and they may even think you’re a bit vanilla (depending on the company you keep). That’s probably due to a couple of reasons.
First, the internet has gone a long way to removing the taboo factor from a lot of sexual and fetish activities. Much like the effect of photography in the late 1800s — and with platforms like Loyalfans — these things are just easier to find now. Sometimes you don’t even have to be looking for them!
Secondly, the stigma once attached to anything fetish related is not as bad as it once was. Love it or hate it (many fetish lifestylers remain unimpressed), but books and movies like the Fifty Shades franchise have brought practices that were once considered taboo into our homes and living rooms, removing the mystique, and heightening people’s curiosity in the process. Hence a surge in popularity and a big step towards the mainstream, which is a very positive thing.
Sexual freedom is something to be celebrated and the more people consensually doing the things they once considered forbidden or taboo, the better. But striking people with a bare hand or paddle, a whip, or a cane is an activity that has risk to it. Like all BDSM play, make sure you keep things SSC: Safe, Sane, and Consensual. Make sure you have a safe word in place if you need to stop. Most of all, take it slow and try and lose any inhibitions you may have as you learn what the Etruscans knew 2500 years ago. Spanking is really awesome!

To celebrate the Spanking Spectacular in Tatler October, we bring you history's great spankers...
The Goddess Isis She started it. The root of all spanking was actually a sacred duty. Egyptian slaves had their buttocks whipped in temples to honour Isis, the goddess of motherhood and fertility. The Greeks and Romans adopted the habit and held their own spanking parties to promote fertility. Catherine de' Medici Catherine had a phalanx of serving girls whom she would order to be stripped naked and thrashed in front of her - she declared this was 'for their sport'. Jean-Jacques Rousseau In between writing political tracts, the 18th-century philosopher found time to become an erotic trailblazer, documenting a love of spanking in his autobiography, The Confessions. The fascination started back in his schooldays, apparently. Ian Fleming Fleming's spanking fetish was revealed in his wife Ann's letters. She was pretty into it too: 'I long to be whipped by you,' she once wrote. Bond's creator lived (and, it appears, loved) as hard as his fictional hero. Jack Nicholson 'Heeeeeeeere's Johnny!' Just imagine hearing that from a man bearing down on you with a paddle. Famously dubbed 'Spanking Jack' (a sobriquet that caught on in Hollywood) by a Playboy Playmate he thwacked with a ping-pong bat.
Sir Mick Jagger He may not have quite mastered the technique. In Mick's Girls , a 2004 documentary, sex therapist Natasha Terry - who had a fling with him in 1999 - said she had been reduced to giggles by his penchant for spanking. IF YOU LIKED THIS, YOU'LL LOVE: Giles Coren on Spanking A Beginner's Guide to Spanking Gallery: Scene-stealing nipples Gallery: A kissing gallery Bystander: Tonteria's Do Not Disturb launch night
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Cobbled this post from a few things I had on file, some which I have posted before.
Spanking in the mainstream cinema is as old as the movie industry itself. Putting a pretty girl across a guy’s knee was a code for sex even on the Victorian stage, where in British pantomimes girls dressed as boys and no production of Aladdin was complete without a thigh slap or a good sound spanking across widow Twanky’s knee on the seat of some very tight tights.
There is an insight into some of the reasoning and pitfalls of theatrical spanking in this excerpt with Johnny D (a presumed movie producer) talking to Sally-Anne in a 1960s teen magazine. I only have a page so the preamble and context as well as the end are missing, if anyone has it or knows where it’s from let us know.
Sally-Anne: What about girls in the movies, they aren’t all famous. Did anyone you work with as an extra or bit-parter ever end up a star?
Johnny D: Oh sure, you would be surprised. Most actresses did some heavy time while they fought tooth and nail for a line. You would be surprised what some of them would do. The cutting room floor is littered with the indiscretions of some of the greats.
JD: You know, lots of nudity and such, but it wasn’t all that salacious. I remember a big star had two lines in a B-flick and we had to do about 30 takes. This actress had to take a spanking from the male lead (laughs), every time something went wrong.
SA: Thirty takes! Was this a real spanking? I mean could she even sit down afterwards?
JD: A real spanking sure, leastways it was by the time we did 30 takes (laughs).
SA: Are you saying that only bit-part players get spanked in movies? I mean recently they have had McKlintock! and Blue Hawaii.
JD: Well I heard that neither of those scenes were played for laughs (laughs) but usually you have a body double, like one of these budding actresses we are talking about.
SA: So why aren’t there more spankings in movies, I mean like there used to be, if the main actress doesn’t have to do it herself?
JD: (laughing) So many questions about spanking.
SA: (laughs) I guess it is what people want to hear about, But seriously I was using this as an example since you brought it up.
JD: Well like I was saying, scenes go wrong and you can end up with an actress with some real bruising. If it is a star we are talking about then that can cause problems. Also between the censor and this whole women’s lib thing it is getting hard to shoot.
SA: I understand the feminist point, but what do you mean the censor?
JD: Well it’s a sex thing. In the old days directors had the hero spank a girl instead of, you know, kissing her and stuff, but people get wise to it. You know, audiences are lot less innocent than they used to be.
To continue the Hollywood theme here is a re-post.
The picture top above is an often seen alleged publicity still of 20-year-old actress and singer, Ann-Margaret being spanked. However, thanks to TipTopper we can now reveal the back story was far from a prank for poor Miss Margaret.
Back in 1962, when she was 21-year-old, she revealed in a radio interview feature, Ask the Stars , that one of the reasons she was allowed to pursue a career as a performer from just 19, was because she was under the guidance of her uncle, ‘a kind but old-fashioned gentleman.’
She was asked about the spanking photo, which she claimed was a “real enough,” albeit mitigated on account of the camera and subsequently exploited as publicity still.
She admitted that she was indeed on the receiving end of many spankings from her uncle.
“The spankings were always the same. When uncle caught me erring on the wrong side of reasonable behaviour he would tell me point blank that I had earned a spanking. I was in no position to argue because he was right at least 99% of the time.”
“Then he would place me firmly over his knee, flip the back of my skirt up, lower my panties and spank my behind until it was bright red. This took about five minutes and included a couple of breaks for lecturing and to make sure that I understood exactly why I was being spanked.”
Ann-Margaret said she could never have been described as Miss Perfect and the spankings had brought her “down to Earth.”
During the interview she refused to be drawn as to when she would be spanked again.
I was always of the opinion that hollywood movie spanking were being acted out rather than the real thing. always over the clothes no bare bottom spanking. even then I am sure the censor was on the look out. but your story reveals that some girls were spanked for real by family as by that uncle. Not many revealed in public that they were spanked or bragged about it. I guess spanking/paddling is an American way going bace the generations. thanks for the story. I must admit I always liked when the guys pulled the pretty girls across their knee. Your stories sure keep the memory of those spanking years very much to the forefront. memories of a sore bottom.
Of course they were acted out – they were movies – notable exceptions are McKlintock! (in which JW played a trick on MOH) and apparently Blue Hawaii (which looks fake in the movie) but Jenny Maxwell complained ruefully she couldn’t sit down the next day for the horse riding scene.
But I suspect when you have a ‘disposable actress’ it is cheaper to do a quick and dirty spanking for real – after all only two or three swats will be seen on screen. No problem – all a laugh – but what if you have to do lots of takes.
I read of a movie where a man had to cross the street for a three second cut away. It took 186 takes! Probably atypical and it was only a street scene. But Imagine a spanking scene that took 50 or even just 30 (as mentioned in the interview)?
I remember reading that article on Ann Margaret way back when. It appeared in either Life or Look magazine.
It wasn’t in Life – although the picture was used there. Ask the Stars might have been a feature in Look – you are right. I have it somewhere. TipTopper sent it in years ago.
I like the replies of everyone and liked the pictures too.Well doneDJ. If only someone could come do that to me where I live in Worcester that would be great.
You must do something to earn it, Deborah, the girls here often slapped,
kicked or even shot at the males before they were spanked.
Dont know how many hours i have used to search for “Spanking in the movies” – sure wish we had more of those these days
I did too back in the day when there wasn’t much to find – the band width was too slow for movies back then and the picture sections were usually publicity stills.
Oh yeah. Searching for spankings in movies and old TV shows on a newly acquired mobile device is how I discovered Chross’s wonderful blog. Which eventually led me to A Voice in the Corner, my very favorite, and many other great spanking blogs. I had no idea that such a community of spanko’s existed or that I was one!
Oh wow. Thank you both. You’re so nice! *blushing*
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This blog is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented here are intended for adults. Nothing here should be interpreted as advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.
All characters appearing in short stories on this blog are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
This blog aims to explore themes of erotic discipline, female submission and spanking. It features stories, anecdotes and observations by DJB and others.
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Weird History: Judge sentences boys to public spanking
Weird History: Judge sentences boys to public spanking
WATCH: Students surprise crossing guard for 50 years on the job
Roosevelt Elementary School students in Pennsauken walk en masse to thank Laura Mason, a crossing guard who helped kids cross the street for 50 years.
No-nonsense South Jersey municipal judges administered law as they saw fit during the 1950s and '60s.
In April 1963, for example, an Atlantic City judge sentenced three teenage boys to a public spanking after they admitted to larceny and receiving stolen goods.
The Vineland Times Journal reported the boys bent over a desk as "each father moved up behind his son and the smack of open hand against rump resounded through the courtroom."
Of course, not everyone suffered such levels of indignity during that era of high conservatism.
Such was the case of a 20-year-old Franklinville man summoned to court in 1959 for necking with his girlfriend while driving.
"All I could see was the back of a lady's head," said the serving official. "As the car came closer I saw an arm around the driver's neck."
After a spirited defense, the reckless driving charge was dismissed. The man was found to be an innocent victim of his passenger's "irresistible impulse."
It seems she just couldn't keep from planting one on her blond-haired beau after he said "something cute" while driving.
Perhaps South Jersey wasn't the place for nurturing young love in those days.
Two years after the kissing couple caper, Municipal Court Judge Daniel J. Grasso cracked down on teens using the Vineland Acme and Kress parking lots for after-hour rendezvous.
"These parking lots were never intended to be a dating center," he scolded.
Tales of passion aside, another report, published in 1960, told of a Vineland judge ordering one young defendant to get a haircut, and another to shave off his goatee.
"You're not trying to be one of those beatnik fellows, are you?" the judge asked.
"Whiskers" was sentenced to a six-month curfew for stealing an automobile part from a local junkyard. He was also ordered not to associate with friends who might be a bad influence on him.
Curiously, the 11 p.m. curfew was suspended on nights when the defendant attended drive-in movies.
Perhaps the judge didn't consult local listings before reaching that decision.
Among the many flicks shown at Vineland's Delsea Drive-In during 1960 were, "Cover Girl Killers," "Female and the Flesh," "The Wicked Go To Hell," "Teenage Zombie," "Bewildered Youth," "Party Girl," "The Lovers" and "The Devil Strikes at Night."

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