Spanking Herself

Spanking Herself


Spanking Herself
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Lucas Orlin Ebert, 28, was sentenced to 17 years and two months in prison on Monday, Jan. 7, 2019.
A 28-year-old man who invited a 9-year-old girl and her family to live with him and then recorded himself spanking her bare buttocks was sentenced to 17 years in prison Monday.
It was the latest in Lucas Orlin Ebert’s series of convictions for a string of crimes that included posing as an OHSU doctor and writing bad checks.
The young girl reported that Ebert also kissed her on the lips, pressed his body up against her from behind and tried to force his way into the bathroom while she was showering, according to a probable cause affidavit.
The girl, her siblings and her mother moved in with Ebert after the girl’s father was sentenced to 30 days in jail in May 2017, investigators say. The girl’s mother told police that Ebert had met and become best friends with the girl’s father several months earlier, was an uncle-like presence in the girl’s life and seemed to have endless finances to help the family out.
Ebert’s defense attorney, Drake Durham, said state law gave the prosecution too much leverage to negotiate a hefty sentence. The law requires a mandatory minimum 25 years in prison for Ebert’s two videos of the spankings, Durham said. That act is defined under state law as “using a child in a display of sexually explicit conduct” -- essentially, child pornography because of the nudity involved.
“Seventeen years is pretty harsh for the conduct,” Durham said. “People who killed other people serve sometimes less than that. Strangers who rape and hold knives and guns to people’s throats sometimes get less than 17 years. So 17 years for spanking a girl’s bottom seems completely unjustified.”
But Durham said the sentence is eight years shorter than the sentence his client faced, so Ebert agreed to the plea deal.
Brent Weisberg, a spokesman for the Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office, said his office believes Ebert’s sentence is “appropriate” and holds him accountable for his crimes against the child, which include “invading her privacy, touching multiple intimate parts of her body and causing her to have contact with his genitals for the purpose of arousing and gratifying his sexual desires.”
Added Weisberg: “That victimization could last a lifetime and demands accountability."
Ebert pleaded guilty to one count of using a child in a display of sexually explicit conduct, four counts of first-degree sexual abuse and one count of second-degree invasion of personal privacy.
In a second case, Ebert pleaded guilty to first-degree aggravated theft and other crimes for running financial scams that included conning three people into paying him large amounts of cash for work promised though his unlicensed construction business. He failed to do the work. Ebert must pay back $60,000 to three people, including a senior citizen who he called more than 1,800 times while in jail over 11 months.
Although Ebert was ordered to pay back that elderly victim only $10,000, a detective who investigated the case believed Ebert stole about $175,000 from her, according to the district attorney’s office.
A plea agreement says Ebert is receiving about three years of his 17-year prison sentence for this second case.
Ebert previously spent time in prison on a three-year sentence in 2011 for an assortment of crimes that included posing as a surgery resident at Oregon Health & Science University and convincing a patient to stop taking her medications.
Although he was ordered to pay just $18,000 in restitution in the 2011 case, authorities in three counties suspected Ebert was responsible for swindling victims, including his grandma, out of more than $100,000 while pretending to be a porn producer, Microsoft employee, doctor and credit counselor.
In 2013, Ebert was sentenced to prison for 13 months for writing bad checks a few years earlier.
Ebert stayed out of serious trouble until May 2017, when the 9-year-old girl’s mother reported Ebert’s abuse of her daughter.
The girl’s mother told investigators that looking back, she could see how Ebert was grooming her daughter by spending $200 in clothes for her while buying her siblings only one toy, insisting the girl sleep in bed with him and slapping the girl’s bottom as she walked by.
The girl told investigators that she felt gross when Ebert kissed her or pressed against her. She said he was “powerful,” “scary,” rich and could kick her and her family out onto the street and make sure they never found a home again, according to the affidavit.
“In his lifetime, (Ebert) has left a depressingly long string of victims in his wake,” said Chuck Mickley, the deputy district attorney who prosecuted this most recent case.
Mickley said Ebert’s troubles with the law stretch back into his teen years, and he “has victimized and financially devastated friends, family, strangers, customers and businesses."
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Being your own disciplinarian is no easy task! It requires determination, willpower, and honesty to successfully and fairly evaluate your behavior and, when necessary, determine and administer an effective punishment. This quiz can help you keep track of and rate your behavior and inspire you to set new goals and standards for yourself.
The goal of this quiz is to help people exploring self-spanking with the hopes of genuine self-improvement. Therefore, the quiz will reward you for answers that indicate you have sought help to improve your behavior in certain area. Remember, discipline is not just punishment; it is also learning what and how you can do better in the future. It is important not only to administer the spanks you have earned, but to complete the other tasks so that you are left not just with a sore bottom, but a clean conscience and a positive attitude moving forward.
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These posts are all about spanking. Spanking is something we do quite a bit and really enjoy and this is a collection of real life play, informational pieces and fiction – it’s all about the spanking.
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