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Spanking Groups
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Diva49Princess51 ( ) writes: > My husband thought Tristan should have gotten his pants taken off too and had > to walk around without them. I didn't enforce it because we were on the way > home anyway. My husband is adamant about "naughty bottoms" being seen when the > kids are naughty and as soon as we got home, he took Tristan's pants off too. > It is common in our house to have three naked bottoms walking around, but in > public, do you think it is appropriate to have nude bottoms and little penises > showing? I don't want to bring it up to my husband because he is adament about > it.
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> Hello.... I was wondering what you all think about bare bottom spankings?
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On Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 4:44:04 AM UTC, Diva49Princess51 wrote:

> Hello.... I was wondering what you all think about bare bottom spankings?

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> In any case, speaking personally, I firmly believe that bare hand
> on bare bottom is the way to go.

Yesterday we were at Walmart. Lauran (2 1/2) kicked me while I was changing her diaper in the bathroom. She got her bare bottom spanked and she got the point to behave and I put her pants back on. But when we got back out into the store and my husband found out she had been spanked, he said she was a bad girl and took her pants off and made her sit in the cart with no pants on, just her shirt. He Joey (3 1/2) threw a tantrum in the toy isle. My husband pulled down his pants and spanked his bare bottom and then proceeded to carry him around with no pants on and when someone asked, he said that Joey was a naughty boy and needed a spanking and that he thought everyone should see his naughty bottom. I didn't think this was appropriate for our 5 year old, Tristan, who got his pants pulled down to his undies and spanked, in the parking lot when he tried to run off, but he didn't think it was a "real" punishment. So by the time we got home, Lauran and Joey had no pants on and Tristan has just undies on.
My husband thought Tristan should have gotten his pants taken off too and had to walk around without them. I didn't enforce it because we were on the way home anyway. My husband is adamant about "naughty bottoms" being seen when the kids are naughty and as soon as we got home, he took Tristan's pants off too. It is common in our house to have three naked bottoms walking around, but in public, do you think it is appropriate to have nude bottoms and little penises showing? I don't want to bring it up to my husband because he is adament about it.
My opinion: That's not a proper way to treat children, especially in public.
Just because your husband is "adamant" is not a good reason not to discuss something with him. Decision-making should involve both people, in a balanced way, and with both peoples' opinions having been heard, listened to and understood. IMO. -- Cathy Woodgold TISSATAAFL Ottawa, Ontario, Canada "1. What's happening right now? -- Starvation of 3 to 4 million people." (Noam Chomsky transcript, Oct 18, 2001)
Sorry I don't agree with this either, a smack on the bottom maybe, but defiantly not pulling the pants down in public then spanking and 'keeping' the pants down, its degrading! Put a stop to it! Its really bad!
Either this whole thing is a big sick joke (I hope it is ),
or you and your husband are the dopiest people I have read about in a long time.
If all this is true what are you doing on the toy isle at Walmart and what are you doing at McDonalds?
I found that a good way to control my children was to threaten to put them to bed early if their misbehavior continued. No kid wants to go to bed early, and if you actually do it a few times they'll start to know you mean business.
I am the mom of 2 children (a 7-year-old girl, and a 4-year-old boy), and I have become firmly convinced of the value of bare bottom spankings. Let me begin by saying that, when I became a parent, I was open to all reasonable options in all areas of child-raising. In the area of discipline and punishment, I would say that I had some bias toward the non-spanking side, but I certainly did not rule out the possibility of spanking a child of mine.
Given my initial anti-spanking bias, I originally went without spanking. As time passed, however, I became increasingly dissatisfied with the results I was getting. Therefore, I started spanking, but only through outer clothing, and occasionally underpants. When I still was not getting the results I sought, I began spanking on the bare bottom. For whatever reason, I immediately began seeing a marked improvement in the child's behavior. Maybe it was the added sting felt on a bare bottom. Maybe it was the added ritual of baring the bottom. Maybe it was the embarrassment of being spanked on the bare bottom. Maybe it was the fact that the child was more impressed by the seriousness of the situation if the bottom was bared. Maybe it was something else. I honestly don't know. What I do know is that the child's behavior was distinctly improved following a spanking on the bare bottom.
I also know a few other things. For example, my children VERY seldom repeat misbehavior for which they have been spanked on the bare bottom. In other words, the spankings have improved their behavior both in general, and also in specific situations. I also know that the spankings have not caused my children to become more violent or aggressive. Not only does my daughter get good grades in school, but her teacher also has commented upon how well she gets along with her classmates. Also, my son gets along very well with his playmates, as evidenced by the fact that other parents encourage their children to play with him, and even invite him into their homes on frequent occasions.
In other words, it has been my experience that bare bottom spankings have been effective, and have not produced any undesirable side effects. Please understand that I am speaking only about my personal situation. I do not seek to persuade non-spanking parents to begin spanking. If non-spankers are happy with the child-raising results they are achieving, then I would say that they should continue doing whatever they have been doing. However, if non-spanking parents are less than satisfied with the behavior of their children, then it seems to me that they should at least consider spanking as an option.
In any case, speaking personally, I firmly believe that bare hand on bare bottom is the way to go.
I don't think that sheer force is a solution in and of itself.
Otherwise, any tyrant, any dictaor, from Stalin's KGB, to the CPS gestapo, would inevitably work every single time.
I think what works is being responsible, being firm, yet loving, using words not just force. Showing your love and care by example as well as instruction.
And, in my own view, a little religion doesnt hurt anything ....
Your bare-bottom spanking may have quelled a certain behaviour. Would you also agree that a smack across the temple or a beating about the ears would give your children an aversion to the behaviour to which the beating is related? You have included the likelihood of embarassment and increased pain as deterrents - but your child is associating these things with the act they just committed, and there is no good reason they would not repeat the act if they thought they could get away with it, for example when you are not around.
Surely you have seen this: the parent spanks the child for a given behaviour. The minute the parent is out of earshot or eyesight, the child again initiates the behaviour they just got hit for. They have not associated this behaviour with anything negative except the spanking. If the threat of spanking is distant, the behaviour gets repeated as often as the child thinks they can get away with it. They have not learned a value lesson, a lesson that they can keep in their brain that tells them they should not do this behaviour because it is, simply, wrong. It is wrong because it hurts someone, or deprives someone of something they deserve or is theirs, or breaks one of the rules or laws of society. It is only this latter kind of self-discipline that is truly lasting.
I found it interesting that you initially spanked through clothes, but upped the ante when you "became increasingly dissatisfied with the results" you were getting. What happens now if the current bare-bottom spanking no longer satisfies you? do you increase the strength with which you hit? Do you use a utensil to assist with increasing the pain? And how far are you willing to go with this spiral of violent punishment?
> Thank you for the good report. But remember, you initially had a > reluctance to spank, which perhaps means that your spankings were more > considered, more solemn, maybe, and you took your responsibility with > more thought. You might have been more serious and more caring, which, > if your children perceived that, they may have been more likely to > respond positively.
If you beat your children as punishment, is it effective as long as you are caring, solemn and considerate? Is it all right as long as you took the responsibility with more thought?
> > I don't think that sheer force is a solution in and of itself.
I quite agree, as do millions of others.
> Otherwise, any tyrant, any dictaor, from Stalin's KGB, to the CPS > gestapo, would inevitably work every single time. > > I think what works is being responsible, being firm, yet loving, using > words not just force. Showing your love and care by example as well as > instruction. > > ALSO, practice the golden rule.
I was always taught the golden rule is: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
> > And, in my own view, a little religion doesnt hurt anything ....
> In any case, speaking personally, I firmly believe that bare hand > on bare bottom is the way to go.
With such great results using bare hand on bare bottom, why not go for even better results with bare bottom and implements such as paddles, hairbrushes, whips, and belts? If you are only looking for short term compliance in your presence, and do not care about long-term results for your children, I'll bet you could get an even better result. Fear and pain is a great behavioral modifier, as long as you do not care what your children are learning, and do not care about the adults they will eventually will become.
Isn't it sad that you have no better and effective ways to parent that hitting and hurting your children in the name of discipline?
You have five messages responding to your marvelously effective method of hitting your children in the name of discipline. You have five messages discussing certain aspects of your "bare hand to bare bottom" that increases the sting and is more effective.
Are you not brave enough to answer the challenges in these posts? Or did you just post to let us know that hitting and hurting your children is what you consider good and effective parenting?
Right! After all, there is also the electric shock approach! The parent can set the voltage levels to inflict the precise amount of anguish desired. Let's take the guesswork out of hurting children, eh?
It is interesting that you started out as a non-spanker. I grew up in the 50's & 60's and when I got them, they were rare but bare! I can still remember almost every one of them. They sure got my attention, and I never did whatever it was that caused the spanking again. They were all well deserved, received from ages 5-10, and were very, very effective. In fact, I should have gotten more of them that I did.
It's not only the pain that does the job, it's also the ritual. It's really embarrassing for a boy to be spanked by mom (as I was) or a girl to be spanked by her dad. And, you never know when that hand is gonna stop beating your butt! You have absolutely no control whatsoever. I really hated that, so much so that I fought them early on. This usually resulted in being spanked even longer and harder until I finally learned to submit completely. I guess another advantage in spanking bare is that the spanker can see what effect he or she is having right away. All they have to do is see how red their kids' butt is, and they'll know when to stop, without causing any permanent damage. This has to be an individual decision. When I have kids, I won't spank as a first resort, only for something really serious. I think if you're going to do it, they have to know why, so they can't be too young. About age 5 is right. Then, they know what can happen, and you can stop earlier (as my mom did with me.) It may not be politically correct in today's world, but if you're gonna do it, you might as well do it bare, with plenty of comfort afterwards. No implements, hands only, and no corner time! That's really cruel. HAPPY HOLLIDAYS!` .
No, this is what happenned to adults in courts and in dealing with police. Are you arguing that parents should give the same "protection" to their children??? Logic and the anti-spanking zealotS, are they mutually exclusive? ;-)
This person gives no harp proof on any thing he says.
But I will add my own facts from my own life.
1) I was never spanked for a bad report card and to this day (Im 37) no of any child that has. (But I will say I don't dough it has happened).
2) Yes I was spanked as a child, and for it, I do not rape, do drugs, drink and drive, shoot people, or blame the world for my own problems.
Why? Because if I had done any one of those things My Father would have busted my ass, and because of that fear, I have stayed out of trouble, and a wonderful family and a great job.
3) Children who are spanked will grow to be spouse abuse ( looking at my wife) Hummmmmm, I don't see and marks on her, maybe because that statement is a lie...

MLA Style Citation:

Anderson, Davina "Where to Find Spanking Partners."
Where to Find Spanking Partners .
11 May. 2010
15 Oct. 2022 <­to-­Find-­Spanking-­Partners&id=4273283 >.

APA Style Citation:

Anderson, D. (2010, May 11). Where to Find Spanking Partners .
Retrieved October 15, 2022, from­to-­Find-­Spanking-­Partners&id=4273283

Chicago Style Citation:

Anderson, Davina "Where to Find Spanking Partners." Where to Find Spanking Partners .­to-­Find-­Spanking-­Partners&id=4273283

Davina Anderson  |  

Submitted On May 11, 2010

My friends often ask me about where to find spanking partners. There is actually a rather clever little method.
You might think you would need to join a fetish dating site to find like-minded lovers. Although this is not strictly wrong, there is a far better route to take. You see, the trouble with fetish dating services is they charge a lot of money - in my experience, anyway. They also tend to have very few members, which can be a real problem if, like me, you live outside of a major town or city.
The solution - with a twist, though - is a general dating community; one with a big list of members.
What you need to do is join a well-known dating service that has several million members. There are at least ten sites like this available to us. Once you have created your profile - just like you would make a Facebook or myself profile - you can do a search - and this is where to find spanking partners very easily.
The benefit of choose a big general dating community, compared to a niche spanking personals site, is you get access to millions of people, you can usually join without spending any money, and you can put in clever searches to find people with a spanking fetish.
So when you do your search for local people, simply add the criteria that you only want to see results of people who like spanking. Some dating services will actually have a box you can tick of people who like this fetish; others will have a keyword field where you can type in words that are found on profiles, giving you a list of local people who have written that word or phrase.
In this way you will almost always get yourself a big list of local people who share your love to spank or to get spanked.
If you want to know where to find spanking partners, I recommend here -------> Find Spanking Partners [].
You can do everything I suggested in my article and this dating community is one of the biggest in the world.
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