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Amora Keysha Maurani gadis cantik yang di kenal dengan sebutan perusuh yang menyukai dan selalu mengutaraka...







Hey, I'm guessing I don't need to explain this but. I love wedgies!! Ive been a wedgie masochist all my life. And now that I'm in college, with no jo...




"I'm in love with you."
How many times would I have to think about this, how many times, before she could hear it, feel it, see it in my eyes?
"I'm i...

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Ok well this story is true and I will update when I get in trouble and get spank or other punishment I get ok... More
Ok well this story is true and I will update when I get in trouble and get spank or other punishment I get ok so plz read
Oh god she is going to kill me 40 mins later
School just ended I walked out the school to go hang with my homies when Megan grab me by my arm and got me in her moms car Megan mom.Ummm hi Mis Kenny David.Hi David Megan looks at me and says you are coming to my house today baby Ok I said looking scared as hell we get to her house 5 mins away and I walk in and go upstairs in Megan's room and stand in the corner Megan's walk in and say good boy I didn't have to tell you now get over here". Ohh shit lord plz help me. over my bed" I do what u am tolled now she says pants down David.What hell no Megan.What did you just say to me young man God she loved doing this to me. I wish I could spank her. next thing I know SMACK SMACK SMACK don't SMACK SMACK ever SMACK SWEAR SMACK SMACK SMACK EVER SMACK DO SMACK UNDERSTAND SMACK yes. I cry outage pull my boxers down and buckles here belt Megan.this is for swear again and trying to hang out with Kelly instead of me you will get 15 SMACK SMACK SMACK CRACK WHIP CRACK SMACK CRACK SMACK WHIP last 5 baby SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK CRACK I was crying like a 5 year old it hurt so bad she hug me and kissed my head and told me it all forgiven and not to do it again Megan. Your lucky you where crying so bad u was going to put soap in your mouth and spank you and if you drop it I would add 5 more David. thanks for not 5 mins later I fall asleep

From relationship goals to sex advice: if it's about sex or relationships, share it here.




I didn’t know where else to turn for this but I need to share because it totally surprised me, it’s not like him (or maybe it is?) and I just need to know if any of y’alls SO’s are like that and idk, I’m just torn because part of me really liked it and another part of me thinks it’s really weird. When I say he spanked me, I don’t mean he smacked my ass while having sex a few times, I mean he spanked me, like a punishment spanked. Hard.
We have been together just shy of a year but have known each other for 10 years. We have a crazy comfort level lol which is nice, but lately, there has been a side to him that I have never seen. He is more dominant and aggressive. Not in a mean way, idk how to really explain it. Anyway, we were in our room and I was putting away clothes and he came in and we were playing around and I got a slight attitude because I am just moody today and he told me to “drop my attitude” and me being me I was like “Or f*****g what?” And he said “If you don’t adjust it, I will do it for you, it’s unnecessary” now, mind you, he always says things like that and I always reply the same way which is I laugh and made a smart ass comment like “Yeah, okay, whatever you say” and he laughs and says “Yeah, I got nothing” and we move on, HOWEVER, this time he informed me that he was warning me and I just rolled my eyes and said “Yeah, I hear you, you should really work on your intimidation skills” and he was like “Oh yeah? You are about to regret that comment” and before I could get through another eye roll, he walked over to me, grabbed my arm, walked/pulled me over to our bed, with his other hand he yanked my pajama pants down, he sat down and told me to step closer to him, I didn’t, not even thinking his hand was still on my arm, and after 2 seconds he was like “Okay, we’ll do it my way then” and he yanked me towards him and then you guys, he yanked me down and bent me over his lap and he proceeded to spank me. Hard. And the whole time he asked me if I was going to lose my attitude. Did I like him having to spank me. Do I understand why he is. Blah blah blah.
My ass hurt so bad after and when he was done, he held me and laid me down and told me he loved me and rubbed my ass for a while after.
The whole experience was confusing and weird and embarrassing but it also turned me on in a way and a small part of me is hoping that he maintains this attitude and dominance because I kind of really liked him putting me over his knee and punishing me.
Im so confused, should I be seriously weirded out by it and even more so because i liked it? Do I say something to him?
So many feelings that I don’t know how to sort.

You know what happens next young lady!
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The predominate theme of this site is spanking and submissive women. This blog is intended for adults 18 years and older. The purpose of this site is to promote criticism, comment, teaching, scholarship, and research.
All of these young ladies are receiving a well deserved spanking. They can be found on real life spanking . I think some of them thought that a spanking would be easy. I’m sure by now that they are all regretting that decision.
Before and after her spanking. June 11, 2022 With 3 comments
An East European spanking. June 14, 2022 Similar post
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I had long assumed my life partner would share my kink. At 17, I met my first boyfriend while living abroad. He was 24 and so comfortable with his sexual identity that on our second date he asked whether I had “ever received a severe spanking.”
I need to see more in order to decide if it’s realistic or not good for the handicapped lady who is disabled
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