Spanking Geocities

Spanking Geocities


Spanking Geocities

Disclaimer: As I child growing up in the 1970's, I wasn't a stranger to
over the knee bare-bottom spankings. It's seems to me that in that era most
mothers used it as a way to keep naughty children in line. This however, is a
work of fiction about a stepmother and much older stepsister who find OTK
spankings the best way to deal with a brat.

Johnny didn't move as he waited for his step mother to come to the door. From
the outside he could hear her footsteps as she got closer.
The young eight-year old boy wanted to run, but the police officer had a firm
grip on his shoulder.

"Good morning Ms, I'm Officer Kevin Jarett, are you this young man's mother?"

"Mrs. Thompson, Johnny was caught with a group of boys lighting firecrackers
and setting little fires in the woods," the office said. "Now, no formal
charges have been filed, but the owner has taken out an order to keep the
boys off the property. If they go there again, they will be arrested."

"I understand," she said. "I can assure you he won't get in any more trouble.
Of course he may not be able to sit down for a week, but he won't cause you
any more problems."

The officer tipped his hat and flashed a slight grin.

"That's the way my mother would have handled it too," he said.

"She must have been a smart lady," Jana said. "You have a nice day, and thank
you again."

With that Jana led Johnny into the house and right into the kitchen.
Johnny knew that was bad news.

Jana had been married to Johhny's father for about 2 years and had taken over
much of the disciplining of her young stepson since Johnny's father traveled
the country covering sports for a major magazine.

Jana was 45 years old, but looked 10 years younger. With flowing blond hair
and a body sculputured body from hours spent in the gym, Jana was still
considered to be very hot.

The gym wasn't the only place she got a workout these days. For the last
eight months or so, she had been using spanking as a method to control
Johnny. At first she, hesitated since she wasn't his real mother, but as his
behavior seemed to go down hill, she convinced Johnny's father to let her
give it a try.

Jana had used spanking as a method to punish her own daughter up to the time
she went away to college, and she was well adjusted.

Johnny knew that being led to the kitchen was bad news, since that was the
room Jana used carried out his punishments.

"Young man, I'm very disappointed you," she said. "You know we have to leave for
the airpot to go pick up your sister, and I told you not to get in any

Johnny didn't answer. However, he hated it when Jana called Stephanie his
Although, he liked her well enough, he didn't feel a kinship.

The little pyro thought for a moment since they had to leave for the airport
he was going to be saved by the bell.
However, there was no such luck.

While she was finishing up her lecture, Jana reached down a with a quick tug and
pulled down his loose fitting shorts and underwear.

"Young man step out of those clothes," she ordered.
He did as he was told.

Jana then took a sit in one of the kitchen chairs and ordered Johnny over her
Jana landed several blows to Johnny's red little bottom.

Johnny always cried seconds into his punishment. This time the spanking
stopped fairly quickly.

"Alright, Johnny get dressed. Don't look so happy, young man, we have to get
to the airport to get Stephanie. You are still going to do your corner time
when we get back."

On the way to the airport, Johnny and his stepmother didn't have too much to
say during the 30 minute drive to the airport.
Jana was just excited her daughter was coming home for the summer. Stephanie
had inherited her mother's good looks and was enjoying college to the fullest.
There was a drawback, however, she was going to school six hours away, and
rarely got home.

After parking the car, Jana and Johnny raced toward the gate.

"Since I had to spank that little smart bottom of yours, we are probably
late," Jana said.
Johnny was mortified. Although nobody heard the the remark, the little boy
thought the entire terminal knew his business.

Jana and Johnny arrived at the gate just as the first passengers were getting
Stephanie's seat was somewhere in the middle of the plane and it took her a
few minutes to get off.

Once she arrived at the gate, she raced over to her mother with a big hug.
She even embraced Johnny, and unlike the first few times she tried to hug him
after becoming his stepsister, he didn't pull away.

On the way home, Johnny sat in the back so Stephanie and Jana could talk and
get caught up on how things had been going since she was last home at

About half way home, Johnny began to fidget in the backseat.

"Boy what's a wrong with you ?" Stephanie asked with a smile.

"He probably has a sore little bottom," Jana said. "It got spanked right
before we came to pick you up. Believe it or not, he almost got a arrested
for setting off fireworks and trespassing."

For a moment, the image sent flashbacks through Stephanie's own mind. She
could still see herself bare-bottomed in the kitchen over her mother's knee."

"I'm sorry, sweetie," Stephanie said with a wink.

"Not as sorry has he was," Jana said. "In fact, he still has corner time to
do when we get back home."

"Jana not in front of Janice," he pleaded.

"Oh yes dear. You know the rules, after a spanking you go to the corner no
matter who is in the house," Janice said.

That was enough. Johnny eyes pooled with tears as the thought of being
bare-bottomed in front of his stepsister was too much for his little
eight-year old mind to think about.

But Jana didn't back down. Even after Johnny struggled to help Stephanie
bring in her heavy luggage, get the mail and bring the garbage cans in off
the curb, his stepmother shattered his plans that his good behavior and
attitude would get him off the hook.

"Johnny, I know what you are trying to do, and I am pleased with your good
behavior over the last hour, but it's time to get into the corner. Now, don't
make me spanking you again first."

Johnny knew he was beat, and for the second time that day, Jana grabbed his
shorts and yanked them to the ground.

With a firm hand, she led him into one of the corners of the kitchen.
"Your sister and I are going to make some lunch for us, and when its ready
you may get dressed and join us, but not until."

Stephanie tried not to stare too much at her little stepbrother. However, it
was physically impossible not to get an occassional glance as she reached for
things in the pantry and and fridge to help her mother make lunch.

While Johnny was serving his corner time sentence, Stephanie got permission
from Jana to give Johnny a present.

Johnny was like any little boy, he loved presents. He quickly turned around
forgetting he was pantless.
Stephanie had brought her young stepbrother a T-shirt with her college's name
printed on the front and his name on the back.
As the little boy grabbed the package he realized, he was showing off more
than his bare bottom, and quickly turned back toward the corner.

"Your welcome. Johnny, it's okay. You don't have to be embarrased. I've done
lots of corner time in my day, too."

Finally, Johnny was let out of the corner and allowed to get dressed. It
wasn't the last time, he got spanked that summer.
He even found himself, over Stephanie's knee one time on a night she was baby

That, however, could be a story for another time.

In the mid 50s when I was 12, I was spending a rainey Saturday with
abunch of the neighborhood kids playing Monopoly. There were six or
seven of us (4 girls and 3 boys)playing and after landing on somebodys
hotel and being put out of the second game I lost my temper and got
into an argument with my next door neighbor, Sally, that led to my calling
her a bitch and pushing her down. She started crying and my mom came
after hearing all the comotion to see what was wrong. Sally told her I
had knocked her down, because I was a poor looser.

Mom quited Sally down and then said she would deal with me, and hearing
this the other kids started to leave, but mom stopped them and told
that they should continue playing. Mom then told me to strip to my
underpants because she was going to give me a good spanking. I
protested that she should wait until everybody went home but she told
that I had misbehaved in front of my friends so I would be punished in
front of them.

A few minutes later mom returned to the game room with her wooden
hairbrush, and found me standing there in only my underpants. She
pulled out a chair, sat down and turned me over her knee and then she
pulled my underpants off and began to spank me with the hairbrush.
After I had gotten 15 to 20 sound swats with the hairbrush and had
started to cry mom stopped and had me stand up next to her. She then
had Sally take her place and made me bend over her knee while she gave
Sally the hairbrush and told her to continue my spanking. Sally
got into the program and gave me about 30 really hard swats before mom
thought that I had received enough.

Mom then made me stand in the corner for 30 minutes with my very red
behind showing, before she returned and gave me a second spanking far
harder than the first one.

We continued to play Monopoly for the rest of the afternoon, but I was
playing in my birthday suit with a very red and sore behind.

For the next week mom had Sally come over after school to give me a
spanking, always on my bare behind.

Recently a co-worker who is divorced was complaining about the
of her children, and especially her 11 year old son who seemed to be
talking back most of the time. She knew that my children were all
grown up, so she asked me how I handled my boys at this age. I told
that I believed in spanking and that if my boys had done what she had
described, then they would have had their bare behinds blistered.

She asked me if I would come home with her after work to help her teach
her son a lesson, and I told her that I would be happy to help out.

About 4:30 we left work and I followed her home where her
housekeeper/babysitter had the latest tales of misbehaviour. She
called the children into the den to hear their story and the two girls
ages 7 and 9 told how their brother had been teasing them all afternoon.

When her son, Mark, told her that he could do what he wanted and he did
not have to listen to the sitter, his mom blew her stack and introduced
me. After the introductions she informed Mark that I had come home
with her to give him a good sound spanking. Mark was astounded, and
when I grabbed him and pulled him to a kitchen chair he begin to yell
and cuss me out. I shook him soundly and then turned him over my knee
and gave the seat of his pants about six good swats. I then pulled
shorts down to his knees and asked his oldest sister to take them off.
As she was removing his shorts I pulled down his underpants and had her
take them also. When his bottom was bared I delivered a very sound and
hard spanking that consisted of 50 swats, which turned his bare behind
very bright red and left him crying. When I was finished I made him
stand in the corner for 15 minutes and then I gave him a second
spanking, but this time with a hairbrush of his mom's.

of a good sound bare bottom spanking in front of his sisters seemed to
have the desired effect. He stood in the corner for 30 minutes after
the second spanking with his bright red bottom on display, and his
sisters had fun when they invited a few of their friends over to play
and walked them through the den so that they could get a good peek at

I left that afternoon with a boy who had learned his lesson and two
young girls who did not want to see me again, especially if they were

During the next few weeks I made several trips to this lady's house and
each time her son received a serious spanking, even though it was
apparent that his mom was now spanking him and his sisters herself when
the need arised.

Within about two weeks she asked me home and took me to the house of
of her neighbors where I spanked this womans two twin 13 year old sons
and her 11 year old daughter. The lady had noticed the change in Mark
and had asked his mom what had brought on the change, and she told her
about my spankings.

I now am called by four different parents (single mothers) in her
neighborhood to spank their junior high aged children when they
misbehave, and this means that I administer about one bare bottom
spanking a week.

When I was 13 I had a girl friend and spent a lot of afternoons after
school at her house. One day she and her mom got into a big
about the amount of time we spent together and during this argument her
little sister brought up the fact that she had caught us kissing in her
bedroom on several occasions. Carol told her mom to quit treating her
like a little girl and that she had the right to do whatever she wanted
in her own room.

Carol’s mom really lost her temper and she grabbed Carol and turned her
over her knee, lifted her skirt, pulled down her panties and spanked
bare behind in front of me and her little 9 year old sister.

When she
was finished, Carol called her a bitch and that got her a second
spanking, but this time with a big wooden spoon. I tried to talk her
mother out of this second spanking, because it didn’t seem fair, but
she just pushed me out of the way.

When she was finished really blistering Carol’s behind with the spoon
she told me that I had no right to try and interfere and in fact that
it was partially my fault that Carol had been spanked at all. In fact
she decided that I deserved a little of the same medicine from the
wooden spoon. Carol’s mom took my pants down, turned me over her
and blistered my bare behind with the wooden spoon and then had me
in the corner next to Carol.

It was embarrassing being spanked in
front of Carol and her little sister, but while we were made to stand
in the corner with our red bare bottoms showing, her little sister brought
5 or 6 of her friends into the house to see the result of the spanking.
While they were watching, Carol’s mom came back into the room and gave
us both another spanking with the wooden spoon in front of all of these
little kids.

Carol and I went together for two years, until we turned 15, and
that time her mom would spank our bare behinds whenever she thought we
needed it, no matter who else was in the house at the time. In fact
she spanked my bare behind fairly often, and not always when she was
spanking Carol.

Brian arrived at work late, which was not all that uncommon for him.
Tossing a few Good Mornings and Hey Theres off to fellow workers at Endershot
Foshion, he headed up the stairs to his office. The job was a good one:
personal assistant to Roya Malek, a very attractive sales and customer service

As he stepped off the last of the stairs and headed for the office suite he
worked in, he saw Roya (Ms. Malek) at the end of the hallway in discussion with
a sales rep. Noticing movement, she glanced up at him and frowned once before
returning to her associate.

Inwardly Brian winced. He knew he would have to shape up. He knew it, yes,
but actually doing so was the problem. In previous jobs he had been able to
slide by in certain areas because of tolerant bosses who also did a lot of
frowning but never took action. Ms. Roya Malek, he was coming to believe, was
not such a boss. Although pleased with the quality of his work, which was
generally very good, she had mentioned several times now her displeasure with
tardiness, procrastination, and general untideness. He had only had the job
for a few months and had already received three such warnings and a note in
his file.

He really did want to change, particularly since he needed this job to
support his painting. At 26 now, he figured that he'd better get in line
before he was an unemployed failed painter rather than an employed aspiring

As he strolled past Christy, the 21-year-old blond and beautiful clerk who
assisted them, she smiled only slightly and nervously before scurrying off to
run some errand. As he watched her leave, a nervous flutter hit his stomach
and his attention turned away from Christy's fine posterior and returned to his
lateness. I'm in trouble today and she knows something, he thought. Oh shit.

Sitting down at his desk he felt a slight weakness of knees and dryness of
mouth. Fired? No, he could not be getting fired because he would change, Ms.
Malek, he really would. Please, please, please.

Switching his computer on with slightly sweaty hands, he watched the
startup screens with disinterest. As he was opening his scheduler to see what
he had to do today (and should have done yesterday), the boss-lady herself
walked in.

"Brian," she said with that slight Persian accent which he normally found
so alluring. "We need to talk about some issues. I have to make a phone call
and then I'll call you in so don't go anywhere." With that she strode into her
own office and closed the door.

The fluttering in Brian's stomach suddenly turned into a cold sinking
feeling that settled somewhere between his balls and his behind. Damn. Even
if he got to keep his job, he had the feeling that Judgement Day had arrived
and he would either have to shape up or ship out.

After ten minutes of pretending to review his workload, the intercom on his
phone beeped and Roya summoned him in. Aware that his hands were slightly
trembling, he headed in to find his boss leaning back in her chair looking

"Please have a seat," she said. As he sat, she paused to answer her own
intercom. As she discussed something with a colleague, Brian took in the
situation and it scared him. For one thing, she had him dead to rights and he
knew it. For another, her striking good looks were matched by equally striking
attitudes. The athletic 38 year old divorcee was known to be very nice but
very firm, particularly with men. She often said (according to office rumor)
that "I love them dearly, but most of them need direction."

The phone conversation was over. The eyes, a mixture of will and
compassion, turned on him.

"Several times now I've spoken to you about problems with your work ethic,"
she began. "And now it's to the point where I have to take action."

He cleared his voice to speak but she raised a strong, slender hand to cut
him off.

"No Brian, " she said. "You're going to say you're sorry and I'm sure you
are. You'll say that you will change and I'm sure you want to." She paused.
"But you've said those things before and they don't happen, do they?"

"Okay then," she continued, leaning forward. "Now at this point I should
probably let you go but I don't want to do that. I like you Brian and I think
you have terrific potential but you need discipline in your life. You need it
here and you need it for your painting or you'll never get anywhere."

He nodded. This was a speach he'd heard before from numerous sources.

"The problem being, Brian,
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