Spanking Enemas

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Subject: The Soapy Finger Treatment
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Date Posted: 10:49:48 08/28/17 Mon

Did anybody else get the soapy finger treatment?
My mom is a bit eccentric, o.k., she's crazy and had some strange habits. One of them was, along with my spanking she would poke her soapy finger up my butthole. Oh it burned!
I doubt it, but did anybody else get the soapy finger treatment?

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[> Subject: Re: The Soapy Finger Treatment

Date Posted: 16:27:11 08/28/17 Mon

Sounds kind of yucky to me.

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[> Subject: Re: The Soapy Finger Treatment

Date Posted: 05:40:47 08/29/17 Tue

Good heavens! Why did she do that?

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[> Subject: Re: The Soapy Finger Treatment

Date Posted: 07:05:49 08/29/17 Tue

I've gotten the soapy finger treatment but not from my mom and not during a spanking. My room mate has done that after I'd gotten a spanking and because I stunk so bad she threw me in the bath and scrubbed me. Not the kind of anal fingering I would hope for.
Why did your mom do that? How did she do it? How often did she do it? Did she do it because you had dirty panties? How old were you when she did that? Did you ever get a soap suppository or enemas?
Sorry about all the questions.

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[> [> Subject: Re: The Soapy Finger Treatment

Date Posted: 06:10:49 09/12/17 Tue

How did she do it? Usually over her knees with my bottom on fire. Either a wet bar of soap or dip her finger in shampoo, then poke her finger up my butthole. Makes my bowels burn just to think about it.

How often did she do it? I don't know how to answer that. Not with every spanking, and I got spanked a lot.

Did she do it because you had dirty panties? You seem to have some obsession with dirty, poop stained panties. There's nothing wrong with that, just something I've observed. Not specifically for that, but if it makes you feel better, my panties haven't always been spotless.

How old were you when she did that? I guess about 9 to 25 when I got my last spanking (from my mom).

Did you ever get a soap suppository or enemas? Those too, but not that often.

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[> [> Subject: Re: The Soapy Finger Treatment

Date Posted: 05:50:40 09/14/17 Thu

Thanks for answering.

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[> Subject: Re: The Soapy Finger Treatment

Date Posted: 07:16:50 08/31/17 Thu

What was your mothers intention when doing this?

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[> Subject: Re: The Soapy Finger Treatment

Date Posted: 05:36:04 09/07/17 Thu

Oh yes. At first it was just for constipation, but constipation and misbehavior tend to go hand in hand, and mum knew that anal penetration (of any kind) was a greater threat for me than spanking.

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[> Subject: Re: The Soapy Finger Treatment

Date Posted: 07:49:10 09/15/17 Fri

Let me also add that the after effects (burning bottom aside) last for a long time and are not pleasant. Lesson definitely learned, which may be what my mom was going for......or she was just crazy.

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[> Subject: Re: The Soapy Finger Treatment

Date Posted: 03:47:55 09/20/17 Wed

I used to get an enema after every spanking. Not as a part of the punishment, but because my mother was an anti-constipation fanatic and in her opinion, constipation was a leading cause of naughty behavior. She felt that if you needed a spanking, then you certainly needed an enema too!

Sticking her finger up your butt was her way of lubing you up for the nozzle. She had a rubber glove just for this chore. It was a very thin one and bright yellow. Depending on how mad she was at you and how you took the spanking, she'd coat her index finger with Ivory soap, baby shampoo or, if she wasn't mad anymore and you hadn't fought or tried to get away, with vaseline.

She'd stick her finger all the way up your butt and massage your rectum with her finger tip while she twisted the finger back and forth and moved it in and out to spread the lube around. When she felt you were lubed enough, she'd pull her finger out, daintily remove the glove and put it in the sink, and then she'd pick up tihe nozzle (the long one with lots of holes) and ram it right up where her finger had been. Give her credit, it usually slid right in.

At this point, your fate was in your own hands. If you emptied the bag without making a fuss, you could poop it out (while mom cleaned the rubber glove and the enema equipment in the sink right next to you at a time when you desperately wanted a little privacy!) and then you were done and you could go. But if you couldn't empty the bag or made too much of a fuss, she'd be refilling the bag while you were on the toilet and then you'd go back over her knees for another one. And you might get a second spanking first!

What was really weird, sometimes you'd be so anxious to get out of there that you'd forget to put your pants back on ... which was embarrassing because mom's bed room emptied into the living room and sometimes you'd be halfway to the hall going to your room before a breeze down there where there usually wasn't a breeze would remind you that your pants were still in mom's bathroom and you were butt naked from the waist down! My brothers found that highly entertaining.

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[> [> Subject: Re: The Soapy Finger Treatment

Date Posted: 05:33:18 09/20/17 Wed

Every spanking? How often did you get spanked? What ages were you when you got that? How did you feel about your mom when she did that? Was it just water in the enema? O.k., I'm not obsessed with dirty panties as someone had suggested on here, but did you get worse if you did? What if you couldn't hold it? How often did you get this punishment?
Sorry about all the questions.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: The Soapy Finger Treatment

Date Posted: 04:13:07 09/21/17 Thu

Every spanking?

Every spanking I got in my mother's bedroom. That's where we got our serious spankings. They were bare bottom and there was an ajoining bathroom. She wouldn't give us enemas after minor spankings.

How often did you get spanked?

Major spankings, in the bedroom, share bottom, sometimes with a hairbrush or, God forbid, The Paddle, werent too common. Most of my hard spankings were with a hairbrush, that was mom's favorite tool, but once in a while I lucked out and she used her hand. I only got the paddle once and that was more than enough! I would guess I got the hairbrush three or four times a year and maybe one hand spanking. So four serious spankings a year from 8 to 20 - wow! Sixty? Seems hard to believe, but this wss in the fifties in a small Midwestern town where frequent and hard spankings were just accepted. I certainly knew I wasn't the only one.

What ages were you when you got that?

See above. Eight was the official starting age for serious spankings and I got plenty of warnings about that plus I saw my older sister get her first when I was about six. Saw her get marched in to moms bed room and heard the results, that is. I got my last spanking the summer before my junior year in college.

How did you feel about your mom when she did that?

I hated the spankings, but I knew that mom didnt like giving then either. We both thought that MOST of the spankings were necessary. Hard spankings were so much an accepted, everyday part of our lives back then that I would have worried if I never got spanked. I know mom would have thought she was a bad mother if she wasn't diligent with the spankings.

Was it just water in the enema?

She'd also put a couple of spoons of salt in the bag, but that was ok with me.

O.k., I'm not obsessed with dirty panties as someone had suggested on here, but did you get worse if you did?

That was never a problem in our house. Mom's thing was keeping close track of our b.m.s and getting out the bag at the slightest suspicion of constipation.

What if you couldn't hold it?

Never happened.

How often did you get this punishment?

The enemas were not the punishment! We got them because if we were so naughty we needed a spanking, then we were obviously constipated and needed to be cleaned out. That's how she thought of it, as cleaning out the toxins, not as a punishment.

If anything, we were relieved and grateful when mom put down the hairbrush and led us into the bathroom. The spanking was over!

Sorry about all the questions.

I'm glad you asked. It's fun remembering these things.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: The Soapy Finger Treatment

Date Posted: 05:05:27 09/22/17 Fri

Thank you mam, for the detailed answers. So you grew up in the 50's? Just to get some historical perspective, what year were you a junior? I guess spankings and enemas were pretty common for teen and adult girls in the 50's and 60's. Do you think other girls your age got as many spanking as you did? Do you think your girlfriends also got enemas and the soapy finger treatment? Did you do the same with your kids? Do you think it was pretty common then for college girls to get spanked by their parents?
Another subject. I have heard and read stories about dorm moms, sorority moms (whatever) and landladies for college girls who gave pretty severe spankings. Did you or anyone you know experience anything like that? Do you think it should be acceptable now?
Sorry about all the questions, but it's pretty fascinating.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: The Soapy Finger Treatment

Date Posted: 21:43:23 10/08/17 Sun

Maddie "Just to get some historical perspective, what year were you a junior?"

I graduated from college in 1969.

M "Do you think other girls your age got as many spanking as you did?"

I don't think most people today realize how much spanking was built into life in the 50s. I lived in the proverbial small Midwest town. No stoplights, no parking meters, church three times a week, PTA patrolling the movie theaters and LOTS of spankings!

You were expected to spank your children and hard. We children expected to get spanked. Implements were normal. Belts, paddles, hairbrushes, straps, there were even a few razor strops around then. Leaving marks was considered normal, although severe cases were frowned on. Not reported, of course, but people tsch tsched.

When I got into Jr. High, we had Phys Ed and the locker rooms could give you a good idea of who'd been spanked recently. You'd see an embarrassed girl trying to keep her rear end to the wall while she changed, but there was no hiding in the shower room and you'd see that her rear end was covered with stripes. Of course, I'd swear some girls were proud of their marks and would flaunt their decorated rears.

One year in high school I had gym Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Just about every monday that winter, a girl named Donna come to school with her rear end, thighs and calves covered in bright welts. They didn't seem to bother her much, she didn't try to hide them and sometimes she'd joke about "Really getting it." They'd be faded on Wednesday, just about gone Friday and Monday she'd have a new set. She was one of the farm kids and I didn't know her family, but a lot of them were very religious and super strict..

Maddie "Do you think your girlfriends also got enemas and the soapy finger treatment?"

Well, as an inveterate bathroom snooper, I can report that EVERY house I ever visited had an enema bag in a drawer or cupboard and they all looked well used. It was not unusual to walk past a drug store and see an enema bag in the window. I also remember once when I was very young, being amazed at an eight ounce bulb enema syringe in a window and marveling at how enormously huge it was. (We had a one ounce baby syringe that was only used when we were babies. It was never thrown away and I sometimes used it as a rubber ducky in the bath.) Drug stores would have a dozen different syringes for sale and the dime store had one ounce baby syringes just like ours for 25 cents. Oh yes, Sears, Speigel and other mail order catalogs all carried "rubber goods" in the "sickroom supplies" section and the Mongomery Ward catalog had TWO pages of enema and douche syringes!

So I think a lot of little hinders got frequent waterings and I know we got weekly enemas at our house and so did my cousins. Fingers up the butt? I think some of my cousins did, but I don't know about anybody else.

Enemas after spankings? I know one of my aunt's gave them for the same reason mom did, but I never heard of anybody else.

M "Did you do the same with your kids?"

I didn't spank my kids. I was never convinced it was necessary (especially when i was being spanked) and just didn't do it after a few half hearted trys. But the main reason I didn't spank them was because my wicked boyfriend convinced me they were foreplay and it just didn't seem so appropriate after that.

I definitely gave them enemas, though. Once a week and as needed and for EVERYBODY including the wicked boyfriend. Serves him right.

M "Do you think it was pretty common then for college girls to get spanked by their parents?"

I don't really know. It was in my house and I know that at least two of my college friends got spanked on vacation, but that's all I know about.

M "Another subject. I have heard and read stories about dorm moms, sorority moms (whatever) and landladies for college girls who gave pretty severe spankings. Did you or anyone you know experience anything like that? Do you think it should be acceptable now?"

No idea. I was a commuter student. As for now, the "landlord" at this house has always been very strict when the kids were out of the house and became a real tyrant when the last one moved out and I find that very acceptable.

M "Sorry about all the questions, but it's pretty fascinating."

Thank you for asking, it's fun thinking about the old days.

P.S. In the 50s we also saw lots of spanking in the Sunday papers. Lulu, Little Audrey, Little Iodine and lots of others, children and adults, got spanked in the comics. I think a spanking was the punchline to half the Katzenjammer Kids strips. I think they got it with sticks, too. Adult ladies got spanked fully clothed, but female kids almost always got it on their panties. Most spankings were OTK.

P.P.S. Any John Wayne movie that didn't involve shooting enemy soldiers.

Also, every tourist trap souvenir shop carried at least one "joke" spanking paddle and my Much Hated Older Sister once found out they were no joke at all in a motel in Bismark, South Dakota, to my immense satisfaction.

Also also, about half the time we played house, at least if we had some privacy, a "bad girl" just had to be spanked. There was no lack of volunteers to go over "mommy's" knee and lots and lots of giggling. I recall pants coming down on a few occasions, but never panties. I was a frequent volunteer and this was before the wicked boyfriend had his way with me.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: The Soapy Finger Treatment

Date Posted: 05:07:12 10/10/17 Tue

Wow! Thank you for the in depth reply Ms. Judy. I don't know where to begin.
So, you got to go to college during the whole hippy thing. How cool. Were you a hippy?
This girl Donna. You said you could see stripes on her thighs and even her calves? Really? What do you think her calves got whipped with? Was calve spanking not unusual then? Do you think she got a switching? Did you ever get a switching? Did you ever see any girls get a switching?
It's good to see we have another snooper on here. Did you ever get spanked for snooping? Did you snoop places other than the bathroom? I am a very naughty snoop and very good at it. I would never, never use any information I've found against anyone or to spread gossip, no mam. I just snoop for my own curiosity and to get ideas for stories. People on here have yelled at me for snooping and I've been caught and gotten my butt paddled by my room mates Kailey and Brandi. So there were lots of enemas back in the day?

I'm sorry mam, I don't know what you mean by this >As for now, the "landlord" at this house has always been very strict when the kids were out of the house and became a real tyrant when the last one moved out and I find that very acceptable.< Can you clarify that?

Well I don't want to talk your eyeballs off so I will let you go for now. When you would be in the shower room or play spanking games did you ever, you know...excited? Did you ever have fantasies about them? Did it ever go any further?
So lets just say you have this sweet, shy, awkward young lady staying with you and she was really intelligent and well behaved, but was kind of lazy about some things, could be really annoying and irritating real quick and you caught her snooping. How would you handle that?

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Judy???

Date Posted: 06:00:07 10/13/17 Fri

Are you out there?

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: The Soapy Finger Treatment

Date Posted: 01:33:14 10/20/17 Fri

I was a snooper - I never got punished for it, and I never got my butt opened in a relative's house either.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: The Soapy Finger Treatment

Date Posted: 05:05:57 10/20/17 Fri

So tell us about some of your finds.

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[> [> Subject: Re: The Soapy Finger Treatment

Date Posted: 05:33:41 09/22/17 Fri

We were given punishment enema in our house and it was done before getting the belt or strap. It was only done for very serious things and the two that I got them for was lying. That was considered one of the worst things we could do as
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