Spanking Enema Stories

Spanking Enema Stories


Spanking Enema Stories
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These are love stories about people that love each other. Spankings given by a parent or mate to those they love for correction are vastly different than those given to those not loved for just punishment. What do you think? This is a free site, no porn, just good stories, hundreds of pages of them
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Lifeknox wrote: > > These are love stories about people that love each other. Spankings given by a > parent or mate to those they love for correction are vastly different than > those given to those not loved for just punishment. What do you think?
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"Lifeknox" < > wrote in message
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Either email addresses are anonymous for this group or you need the view member email addresses permission to view the original message
On 15 May 2004 20:41:51 GMT, (Lifeknox) wrote:
Either email addresses are anonymous for this group or you need the view member email addresses permission to view the original message
> This is a free site, no porn, just good stories, hundreds of pages of them >
We've recently been having a discussion of what constitutes spam on our newsgroup. This definitely qualifies.
If you're seriously interested in AFO, read the faq at
If, indeed, anyone here is curious as to the content, I cannot recommend:
I was quite drawn by the title "THE PATH TO GOD" until I opened it and amongst the exposition I found that apparently enlightenment is another quality best delivered via enema.
And "WHEN THE JONQUILS BLOOM AGAIN", all 369 pages of it, sounds interesting. Until you read the precis: "This is a 369 page e-book of the first 19 years of Sister Sharon, the finding of her true love and her experiences including enemas and spankings."
Doo doo doodoodoo doodoodoo doodoodoo doodoodoodoodoo doo doodoodoo doo
"Lifeknox" < > wrote in message
>These are love stories about people that love each other.
Nah. I prefer the love stories about people who hate each other. Enemas or otherwise.
> My contribution to your site:- > The Enema Song (apologies to Kermit)
And if it was a rap version, it could be The Eminemenema Song
Mick,. -- "You are the music while the music lasts" - Antonio Damasio (after TS Eliot).

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I was with my sisters-in-law recently – the wine was flowing pretty freely and the girl talk was starting to get naughty. My husband’s middle sister Brenda (I’ve changed all the names here, by the way) doesn’t have many inhibitions at any time and certainly not when she has been drinking.
During our chat, Brenda blurted out that she hoped that my husband could satisfy me since he had such a little dick. This is unfortunately true, but nevertheless I came to my man’s defence and insisted that he did not. Brenda replied bluntly that she knew he did, and regaled us with this spanking story from their youth…
My husband Tony is the oldest of four kids, and as the oldest he was generally very responsible and well behaved. My mother-in-law told me that he was the easiest of the four children to raise and subsequently not spanked very often. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Brenda, who is two years younger than him, was the most unruly of the four and by contrast often found herself with a sore and stinging bottom.
This story happened when Tony was 14 and Brenda was 12, and it was one of the last spankings that Tony ever got. He had returned home later than he was supposed to and then got into an argument with his mother about it. He gave her some attitude and she sentenced him to a spanking with the belt.
In the kitchen, he had to pull down his pants and underwear and then bend over and grab his knees while sticking out his butt for the spanking. Unbeknown to Tony and his mother Brenda and her friend Lisa had just come in from outside and were immediately drawn to the kitchen by the sounds of a spanking. 
The two girls surreptitiously peeked around the corner and suppressed their giggles as they watched Tony getting about a dozen hard cracks with the wide leather belt. By the end, my husband-to-be was openly crying and the girls had to put their hands over their mouths to stifle their laughter. 
When she was done spanking her son, my mother-in-law let him up and he immediately did the spanking dance, hopping around from foot to foot and trying to wiggle out the pain. It was while he did this that Tony unwittingly exposed his little willy to his sister and her friend, who were naturally loving every minute of it.
The girls beat a hasty retreat to Brenda’s room, where they burst into fits of laughter. Lisa, who was 13 at the time and quite a bit more worldly than her friend, said: “I can’t believe how small your brother’s dick is – he’s such a baby!”
Brenda had no point of reference for this statement – when it came to boys, she had only ever seen Tony and her much younger brother naked. Lisa assured her that Tony’s penis was very small – she had seen her brothers even her little brother was bigger than that. 
After more fits of laughter, the girls decided to go and tease Tony. After some taunts about him crying, they brought up the subject of his manhood. Lisa was really mean to him, making the ‘little pinky’ sign and talking about how she was going to tell the girls at school. Tony was getting very frustrated and begging them not to do so.
Suddenly, his mom showed up – she had not heard everything but she had heard enough. She ordered both girls downstairs immediately. She phoned Lisa’s mother and described what had happened. Lisa’s mother was horrified and promised that a spanking would be applied to her bottom upon her return home, but then my mother-in-law asked if it was OK if she administered itself. Spanking other people’s children was not uncommon in those days, and Lisa’s mom told her that would be fine with her.
My mother-in-law hauled both girls out of the corner where she had placed them, and divested them of their pants and underwear. She laid into them in no uncertain terms with a lecture about respecting people’s privacy and not being mean. 
Finally, she made both girls present their bottoms and spanked them both thoroughly, alternating from girl to girl in groups of three strokes. Each girl got 15 stinging swats and then did their own spanking dance. They were then made to apologise to Tony and swear that they would never mention it again. 
And until that day she told me, Brenda never had!
All Maman stories are copyright, unauthorised reproduction may lead to legal action.
Maman is an adult website containing recollections of corporal punishment experienced during the contributors' childhoods. By proceeding, you are asserting that you are over the age of majority for the country in which you reside, and you further agree to the use of cookies on this website. Note that although this website contains only legal content, Maman is nevertheless a fetish site and should be considered Not Safe For Work (NSFW). Maman does not advocate corporal punishment for today's children. If you are a minor or likely to be upset by the subject matter, please do not proceed any further. 

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Recently, my wife, Christina, and I were talking about things we did in high school. We knew one another back then because we were from a small town, but we weren’t really friends. She is a year younger than me.
I mentioned that I used to see her sometimes at the Johnson girl’s house. I told her I thought they were kind of trouble-makers. Christina was always more of the type that followed the rules, and I always thought it was odd she hung around with Sheila and Cathy Johnson. Sheila was a year younger than me, and Cathy was two years younger.
My wife commented that she was always on good behavior when she stayed with the Johnson girls because, she didn’t want any part of the strap that hung on the wall in their home. I was kind of dumbfounded by her saying this. Her comment just came out of nowhere in the conversation.
I asked what exactly kind of strap it was. I didn’t think I heard her correctly. She said it was a long leather strap, much wider and thicker than a belt. “Maybe a razor strap with no handle, or something,” she said. It hung ominously on the kitchen wall.

I told her it was probably some kind of strange wall decoration.
She said, “No, pretty sure Cathy and Sheila’s stepdad used it to whip their asses.”
I said, “Oh, that can’t be true. Surely it was a decoration or something.”
My wife said, “Nope. I asked Sheila once what it was and she kind of avoided the question and changed the subject. That confirmed what I suspected. Then, once I spent the night there when I was maybe seventeen and I actually saw what it was used for.”
By this point, I was real interested in my wife’s story, but I didn’t want to let on like I was overly interested. I asked, “What do you mean you saw what it was used for?”
She said that her, Cathy and Sheila always stayed up all night long whenever she spent the night. They would gossip and listen to music. She was always friends with Sheila. Cathy always just hung around and tried to fit in. Late into the night, about 2.00 am, they were thirsty and there were no sodas in the refrigerator. There was only water. Cathy suggested sneaking out and running a couple of blocks to the gas station to get fountain drinks. My wife said she and Sheila were absolutely against the idea, but Cathy insisted.
Cathy snuck out the window and ran to the gas station while my wife and Sheila stayed in Sheila’s bedroom. As soon as Cathy got outside and started running to the gas station, Cathy and Sheila’s mom opened the bedroom door. Cathy had obviously made too much noise and their mother came to see what was going on.
She was really mad when she found out Cathy had snuck out. She yelled for Cathy’s stepdad and told him Cathy had gone to the gas station. My wife said she could see the fear in Sheila’s face when her stepdad came into the room. He went to the window, closed it and locked it. He said Cathy would have to come to the door to get back in. He left the room and went to the kitchen. My wife said Sheila looked scared to death, even though she hadn’t done anything.
Soon, Cathy came running to the window and saw it was closed. She motioned for us to open it up. Sheila shook her head and pointed to the open bedroom door. With that, Cathy’s smiles and laughter turned to fear. Then she realized the lights were on in the rest of the house and her parents were likely up.
Her stepdad heard the commotion, opened the back door of the house and yelled for Cathy to get inside. My wife said Sheila told her Cathy was definitely “going to get it.” They could hear Cathy’s stepdad yelling at her about prowling the streets in the middle of the night and sneaking out. Sheila suggested to my wife they go along and watch.
They peaked around the corner and saw Cathy crying her eyes out while her stepdad was reaching for the leather strap. He told her, “She knew the rules and she knew the consequences. Now get to it.”
Cathy turned and faced the kitchen table and pulled down her shorts and underwear.
My wife figured this had happened several times before because, when her stepdad said she knew the consequences she appeared to know that meant to face the table and drop her shorts without being told. At that point, Sheila went back into her bedroom and covered her ears. My wife said that part of her wanted to do the same, but part of her wanted to see what was going to happen, so she stayed peeking around the corner.
The stepdad pushed Cathy over the table and swung the wide strap hard. The strap was nearly as wide as Cathy’s small rear end. He whipped her at least ten times, really hard, and told her she better not sneak out again.
My wife hurried back to Sheila’s room before she was seen, and saw Cathy going back to her room across the hallway, carrying her shorts and panties. Sheila told my wife she didn’t understand why Cathy never learned. She would do the same stupid things that she knew was wrong, get an ass whipping for it, and then a few weeks later do the same thing again.

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Subject: The Soapy Finger Treatment
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Date Posted: 10:49:48 08/28/17 Mon

Did anybody else get the soapy finger treatment?
My mom is a bit eccentric, o.k., she's crazy and had some strange habits. One of them was, along with my spanking she would poke her soapy finger up my butthole. Oh it burned!
I doubt it, but did anybody else get the soapy finger treatment?

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[> Subject: Re: The Soapy Finger Treatment

Date Posted: 16:27:11 08/28/17 Mon

Sounds kind of yucky to me.

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[> Subject: Re: The Soapy Finger Treatment

Date Posted: 05:40:47 08/29/17 Tue

Good heavens! Why did she do that?

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[> Subject: Re: The Soapy Finger Treatment

Date Posted: 07:05:49 08/29/17 Tue

I've gotten the soapy finger treatment but not from my mom and not during a spanking. My room mate has done that after I'd gotten a spanking and because
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