Spanking Enema Punishment

Spanking Enema Punishment


Spanking Enema Punishment
Former Retired Government Employee · · 2 y ·
How many girls were punished with enemas?
How does it feel to have enema punishment?
Should I give enema to my teenage daughter myself as her father?
I have an enema kink. What is the largest enema I can safely take? I’m a 16-year-old girl.
When did you begin to enjoy the "hated" enema cure when you were young?
How many girls were punished with enemas?
How does it feel to have enema punishment?
Should I give enema to my teenage daughter myself as her father?
I have an enema kink. What is the largest enema I can safely take? I’m a 16-year-old girl.
When did you begin to enjoy the "hated" enema cure when you were young?
Is there an enema punishment to children until now?
Have you ever been given an enema as a form of punishment?
Have you ever had an enema for discipline?
Have you ever had enemas as a child and started to like them?
Can a teenage girl take a gallon enema?
Who received old fashion punishments, soap suds enemas? What equipment was used for them?
Did you get enemas for 'health' but came to realize sometimes they were for punishment?
Were you given an enema as a teenager?
How many girls were punished with enemas?
How does it feel to have enema punishment?
Should I give enema to my teenage daughter myself as her father?
I have an enema kink. What is the largest enema I can safely take? I’m a 16-year-old girl.
When did you begin to enjoy the "hated" enema cure when you were young?
Is there an enema punishment to children until now?
Have you ever been given an enema as a form of punishment?
Have you ever had an enema for discipline?
Have you ever had enemas as a child and started to like them?
Can a teenage girl take a gallon enema?
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Yes. Although I was given enemas for health several times I was given enemas as punishment ( for example when I didn't want to go to school) I was a modest boy and mom would make me get naked head to toe, go over her lap for multiple bulb insertions in my rectum. Later she used her big red bag and large douche nozzle. It was most humiliating and resulted in cramping. I also got spankings but only had to get naked for enemas. I guess in retrospect the extreme embarrassment is what made enemas effective in her bag of discipline tools. It was especially mortifying when others were in the house. W
Yes. Although I was given enemas for health several times I was given enemas as punishment ( for example when I didn't want to go to school) I was a modest boy and mom would make me get naked head to toe, go over her lap for multiple bulb insertions in my rectum. Later she used her big red bag and large douche nozzle. It was most humiliating and resulted in cramping. I also got spankings but only had to get naked for enemas. I guess in retrospect the extreme embarrassment is what made enemas effective in her bag of discipline tools. It was especially mortifying when others were in the house. We only had one bathroom and an occasional aunt or cousin would walk in and see my butt high in the air above moms lap, belly bulging with warm soapy water( the door was never locked). But I must admit healthwise the enemas DID help…and I grew up to be a “regular fellow” and a very good and respectful man…so…I still do enemas…for health anyways LOL
often when my daughter was growing up her bad attitude would be a sure indicator that she was due to be given a good enema. one such afternoon my wife told her “get ready for an enema”. “but I don’t WANT an enema!” she replied. her mom told her, “you need one you’ve been miserable!” “I’ll be GOOD…” she whined. we both explained to her that the enema was not for punishment but she needed one that is why she is in this miserable mood. she ALWAYS benefited from a good enema and would be happy after getting one. she literally would be singing and dancing around the house after getting an enema.

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>If you're looking for a good punishment enema recipe,
>fill a two quart pitcher with very hot water and swish
>a bar of Ivory soap in it enough to make the water
>just slightly milky with a little foam on the top.
>But don't pour the pitcher into an enema bag.
>Instead, get an old bulb douche syringe, one you don't
>ever want to use for douching again, and give the
>enema with that. The long thick tube is perfect for
>punishment enemas. The first thing the naughty girl
>will feel is the rounded end of the pipe invading her
>rectum, forcing it open and sliding into her and then
>she'll feel the entire length of the long thick tube
>sliding deep into her rear.
>The real "fun" starts when you squeeze the bulb and
>she feels six to eight ounces of hot soapy water
>squirting deep into her bowels. Feeling the long
>thick tube forcing itself inside her concentrates her
>attention on her rear and when you squeeze the bulb
>and force the hot enema water into her bowels, you are
>guaranteed to have her undivided attention.
>If she's laying across your lap, hold her down with
>your left hand while your right hand squeezes the
>bulb. She's almost guaranteed to try to get away when
>the hot water invades and she'll try to jump right off
>your lap, but once you've squeezed two thirds of the
>bulb full into her, she's usually calmed down enough
>so you can use both hands to empty the bulb.
>I usually give my daughters these punishment enemas
>laying across my lap in spanking position. In fact, I
>keep the paddle handy in case the girl has to be
>"persuaded" to cooperate. I put the girls way across
>my lap so their head is on the floor and their toes
>are dangling in the air. This positions their rectum
>so the nozzle is pointing downwards. Another great
>position is on her back with her legs in the air - the
>"diaper position". You can slide the tube in all the
>way and then tilt the rubber bulb upwards so you don't
>squeeze any air into her bowels, which will often make
>it almost impossible to poop the enema out. I keep
>the paddle handy here, too, to assure cooperation.
>How much to give depends on the girl, her age and
>other factors, but if you don't put too much Ivory in
>the water, she should be able to take as much as she
>can take from a regular for-health-only bag enema. My
>14 year old is kind of small and can only take a
>little over a quart and a half comfortably, but her 16
>year old sister can easily empty the two quart bag.
>I use an old douche bulb that holds eight ounces. If
>you give the girl a bulb full and then remove it and
>squeeze the remainder into a measuring cup, you can
>figure out how much of an enema the girl is getting
>with a typical squeeze. I typically find two ounces
>in the measuring cup, so it's six ounces per bulb
>full. Figure six bulb fulls for a one quart enema and
>a dozen bulb fulls for two quarts.
>I usually let the naughty girl poop the first enema
>right into the toilet without waiting - if you put too
>much soap in the water, there won't be much choice
>anyway. If you use clear water for the second enema,
>she should be able to hold it just as long as a
>regular health enema - five or ten minutes, whatever
>is normal for her.
>If the two of you have a lot of experience with
>enemas, you can put the paddle to work while she's
>holding it. She has to be comfortable holding large
>enemas, though, or there will be "leakage" problems.
>A butt plug might be useful here, but I've never tried
>If you spank her while she's holding the enema, you're
>finished as soon as she sits on the toilet and you can
>leave, telling her to clean up the equipment when
>she's done. If you can't spank her while she's
>holding, then it's best to give her a good hard
>paddling when she's finished pooping, then tell her to
>clean up the equipment.

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Subject: The Soapy Finger Treatment
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Date Posted: 10:49:48 08/28/17 Mon

Did anybody else get the soapy finger treatment?
My mom is a bit eccentric, o.k., she's crazy and had some strange habits. One of them was, along with my spanking she would poke her soapy finger up my butthole. Oh it burned!
I doubt it, but did anybody else get the soapy finger treatment?

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[> Subject: Re: The Soapy Finger Treatment

Date Posted: 16:27:11 08/28/17 Mon

Sounds kind of yucky to me.

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[> Subject: Re: The Soapy Finger Treatment

Date Posted: 05:40:47 08/29/17 Tue

Good heavens! Why did she do that?

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[> Subject: Re: The Soapy Finger Treatment

Date Posted: 07:05:49 08/29/17 Tue

I've gotten the soapy finger treatment but not from my mom and not during a spanking. My room mate has done that after I'd gotten a spanking and because I stunk so bad she threw me in the bath and scrubbed me. Not the kind of anal fingering I would hope for.
Why did your mom do that? How did she do it? How often did she do it? Did she do it because you had dirty panties? How old were you when she did that? Did you ever get a soap suppository or enemas?
Sorry about all the questions.

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[> [> Subject: Re: The Soapy Finger Treatment

Date Posted: 06:10:49 09/12/17 Tue

How did she do it? Usually over her knees with my bottom on fire. Either a wet bar of soap or dip her finger in shampoo, then poke her finger up my butthole. Makes my bowels burn just to think about it.

How often did she do it? I don't know how to answer that. Not with every spanking, and I got spanked a lot.

Did she do it because you had dirty panties? You seem to have some obsession with dirty, poop stained panties. There's nothing wrong with that, just something I've observed. Not specifically for that, but if it makes you feel better, my panties haven't always been spotless.

How old were you when she did that? I guess about 9 to 25 when I got my last spanking (from my mom).

Did you ever get a soap suppository or enemas? Those too, but not that often.

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[> [> Subject: Re: The Soapy Finger Treatment

Date Posted: 05:50:40 09/14/17 Thu

Thanks for answering.

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[> Subject: Re: The Soapy Finger Treatment

Date Posted: 07:16:50 08/31/17 Thu

What was your mothers intention when doing this?

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[> Subject: Re: The Soapy Finger Treatment

Date Posted: 05:36:04 09/07/17 Thu

Oh yes. At first it was just for constipation, but constipation and misbehavior tend to go hand in hand, and mum knew that anal penetration (of any kind) was a greater threat for me than spanking.

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[> Subject: Re: The Soapy Finger Treatment

Date Posted: 07:49:10 09/15/17 Fri

Let me also add that the after effects (burning bottom aside) last for a long time and are not pleasant. Lesson definitely learned, which may be what my mom was going for......or she was just crazy.

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[> Subject: Re: The Soapy Finger Treatment

Date Posted: 03:47:55 09/20/17 Wed

I used to get an enema after every spanking. Not as a part of the punishment, but because my mother was an anti-constipation fanatic and in her opinion, constipation was a leading cause of naughty behavior. She felt that if you needed a spanking, then you certainly needed an enema too!

Sticking her finger up your butt was her way of lubing you up for the nozzle. She had a rubber glove just for this chore. It was a very thin one and bright yellow. Depending on how mad she was at you and how you took the spanking, she'd coat her index finger with Ivory soap, baby shampoo or, if she wasn't mad anymore and you hadn't fought or tried to get away, with vaseline.

She'd stick her finger all the way up your butt and massage your rectum with her finger tip while she twisted the finger back and forth and moved it in and out to spread the lube around. When she felt you were lubed enough, she'd pull her finger out, daintily remove the glove and put it in the sink, and then she'd pick up tihe nozzle (the long one with lots of holes) and ram it right up where her finger had been. Give her credit, it usually slid right in.

At this point, your fate was in your own hands. If you emptied the bag without making a fuss, you could poop it out (while mom cleaned the rubber glove and the enema equipment in the sink right next to you at a time when you desperately wanted a little privacy!) and then you were done and you could go. But if you couldn't empty the bag or made too much of a fuss, she'd be refilling the bag while you were on the toilet and then you'd go back over her knees for another one. And you might get a second spanking first!

What was really weird, sometimes you'd be so anxious to get out of there that you'd forget to put your pants back on ... which was embarrassing because mom's bed room emptied into the living room and sometimes you'd be halfway to the hall going to your room before a breeze down there where there usually wasn't a breeze would remind you that your pants were still in mom's bathroom and you were butt naked from the waist down! My brothers found that highly entertaining.

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[> [> Subject: Re: The Soapy Finger Treatment

Date Posted: 05:33:18 09/20/17 Wed

Every spanking? How often did you get spanked? What ages were you when you got that? How did you feel about your mom when she did that? Was it just water in the enema? O.k., I'm not obsessed with dirty panties as someone had suggested on here, but did you get worse if you did? What if you couldn't hold it? How often did you get this punishment?
Sorry about all the questions.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: The Soapy Finger Treatment

Date Posted: 04:13:07 09/21/17 Thu

Every spanking?

Every spanking I got in my mother's bedroom. That's where we got our serious spankings. They were bare bottom and there was an ajoining bathroom. She wouldn't give us enemas after minor spankings.

How often did you get spanked?

Major spankings, in the bedroom, share bottom, sometimes with a hairbrush or, God forbid, The Paddle, werent too common. Most of my hard spankings were with a hairbrush, that was mom's favorite tool, but once in a while I lucked out and she used her hand. I only got the paddle once and that was more than enough! I would guess I got the hairbrush three or four times a year and maybe one hand spanking. So four serious spankings a year from 8 to 20 - wow! Sixty? Seems hard to believe, but this wss in the fifties in a small Midwestern town where frequent and hard spankings were just accepted. I certainly knew I wasn't the only one.

What ages were you when you got that?

See above. Eight was the official starting age for serious spankings and I got plenty of warnings about that plus I saw my older sister get her first when I was about six. Saw her get marched in to moms bed room and heard the results, that is. I got my last spanking the summer before my junior year in college.

How did you feel about your mom when she did that?

I hated the spankings, but I knew that mom didnt like giving then either. We both thought that MOST of the spankings were necessary. Hard spankings were so much an accepted, everyday part of our lives back then that I would have worried if I never got spanked. I know mom would have thought she was a bad mother if she wasn't diligent with the spankings.

Was it just water in the enema?

She'd also put a couple of spoons of salt in the bag, but that was ok with me.

O.k., I'm not obsessed with dirty panties as someone had suggested on here, but did you get worse if you did?

That was never a problem in our house. Mom's thing was keeping close track of our b.m.s and getting out the bag at the slightest suspicion of constipation.

What if you couldn't hold it?

Never happened.

How often did you get this punishment?

The enemas were not the punishment! We got them because if we were so naughty we needed a spanking, then we were obviously constipated and needed to be cleaned out. That's how she thought of it, as cleaning out the toxins, not as a punishment.

If anything, we were relieved and grateful when mom put down the hairbrush and led us into the bathroom. The spanking was over!

Sorry about all the questions.

I'm glad you asked. It's fun remembering these things.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: The Soapy Finger Treatment

Date Posted: 05:05:27 09/22/17 Fri

Thank you mam, for the detailed answers. So you grew up in the 50's? Just to get some historical perspective, what year were you a junior? I guess spankings and enemas were pretty common for teen and adult girls in the 50's and 60's. Do you think other girls your age got as many spanking as you did? Do you think your girlfriends also got enemas and the soapy finger treatment? Did you do the same with your kids? Do you think it was pretty common then for college girls to get spanked by their parents?
Another subject. I have heard and read stories about dorm moms, sorority moms (whatever) and landladies for college girls who gave pretty severe spankings. Did you or anyone you know e
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