Spanking Doggy

Spanking Doggy


Spanking Doggy
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Doggy style is one of the first positions, learned by couples who only start their sexual experiments. It’s simple, versatile, and satisfying — perhaps, that’s the reason why it remains a favorite of many experienced men and women. Once you’ve gotten past that initial barrier of not liking to be taken from behind, you will likely discover that it’s well worth it.
This position offers both anal and vaginal penetration, and some say, even hits the mysterious G point. This is my guide to one of the favorite sex poses.
The basics are straightforward: the receiver gets down and stands in a cow-cat-like pose, with the butt facing the partner. The partner enters from behind — similarly to how dogs mate. It’s one of the most common sex positions that you’ve likely seen in movies, and it’s a must-try.
The doggy position has multiple variations, but the simple version has only a few rules. Let’s see what each partner is supposed to be doing.
The most important role for the receiver is to stand in the position properly. Once you’ve got the height and the angle right, all you have to do is remain in the same position. It’s perfect for beginners — you don’t have to take the initiative or exhaust yourself.
Get on your hands and knees, facing your partner with your rear. You can stay in this position or lie on the stomach if your hands and legs get tired quickly.
Be sure that your heights match. If not, one of the participants can use pillows to decrease the height difference. You certainly don’t want to tense your muscles, trying to reach the partner or lower yourself.
Find additional support for your hands, if the floor surface is slippery or you get tired quickly.
Use a vibrator to stimulate your clit while the partner is thrusting from behind. To reach orgasm faster, you need additional stimulation.
Talk to your partner in the process. You need to discuss the tempo and degree of penetration, so no one is hurt or unsatisfied.
Doggy position is a transition state between vaginal and anal sex — you can switch to either of these, and that’s the beauty of it. If you do, however, be sure to change the condoms and don’t rush the process — you might need some additional foreplay.
Once you’ve got the height and the angle right, all you have to do is remain in the same position
This position requires a lot of activity from guys. Men are busy thrusting in and out, and they need to adapt the intensity and speed of penetration to their partner’s likes and physiology — the last thing you want during sex is hurting each other. Let’s take a look at the essential tips for the position.
Men can change the angle of their entry by thrusting forward or leaning back. How much and where the guy should be leaning depends on the length of his penis and action intensity.
When a man is behind a girl, he can also stimulate a girl’s clit with fingers or hold a vibrator to help her reach a vaginal orgasm faster.
The legs can go either inside or outside the girl’s legs. Both positions are equally satisfying.
Couples, where the man is dominant, can experiment with spanking. You can ask your guy to scratch your back for more playfulness.
Guys have to listen to what their partners have to say — sometimes, the girl will feel uncomfortable with too deep penetration or unsatisfied with the superficial one — both can be fixed by leaning and thrusting.
The doggy style is more demanding for guys in terms of motion because they always need to be active and alert to the partner’s reactions. However, girls face some challenges of their own, like keeping up with the guy’s style. But, there’s nothing that communication can’t solve.
The doggy style is more demanding for guys in terms of motion because they always need to be active and alert to the partner’s reactions
Some aspects of the position can and should be improved on the go, as it’s often impossible for partners to guess precisely what degree of penetration or height to choose, even if they know each other well.
It might take some getting used to, but once you are proficient in the position, you will hardly need so much additional preparation. Let’s take a look at the main issues during doggy sex and figure out how to solve them.
Ask your partner to go with less amplitude in his movements. Maybe, he’s pushing hard on purpose, hoping to satisfy you better.
Instead of having your partner enter you, try thrusting yourself on his penis while facing him with your butt. You might not hit the target right away, but the result will be worth it.
Change the angle of your stance. Sometimes, the position opens a direct path to your cervix, and that can be painful.
Ask your partner to lean backward slightly — but not too much, or the penetration will be shallow.
Elevate yourself — if the height difference between partners is significant, achieving deep penetration will require more effort because the guy has to rich for your rear.
Spread your knees more: to achieve more noticeable effects, you can help yourself b opening the vaginal and anal canals better.
Ask a partner to move closer to you: sometimes, a guy is too far away, and the penis size might not be enough to deliver noticeable effects.
Either way, if the penetration is not enough, the main go-to strategy is minimizing the distance between the partners and picking nice angles that open your canals better. It’ll take some practice even if everything feels right, experimenting with different positions never hurts.
If one partner is significantly shorter than the other, it will have a direct impact on the quality of penetration, unless you equal the differences. Luckily, there are plenty of tips for that.
Fixing height differences is a key factor in creating a pleasant experience in the doggy position.
You can’t possibly achieve the highest degree of stimulation if either one of the partners feels uncomfortable
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Doggy style is one of the most satisfying positions, even if you don’t add any other activities. However, my favorite aspect of this position is that no matter how good a basic experience is, it can always be enhanced. Here are my tips for getting an ultimate doggy style experience.
Doggy style is intense, and it needs warm-up. You can’t just ask your partner to thrust in you right away — if you are unprepared, it might even hurt. Give your body time to adjust to strong sexual pleasures with light foreplay. Start with dirty talk, do some finger stimulation, and bring the vibrator to the game. Dedicate at least 5-15 minutes to getting yourself exciting — and use doggy style as a finishing touch.
Traditional doggy style puts a lot of pressure on girls’ knees — if you are not used to this, they will start hurting pretty soon. If you feel pain, you can get up and lean with your body, using a wall for the support. Some like the standing doggy style better than the kneeling one.
If standing or kneeling during sex isn’t your thing, you can make it easier for you and lie flat on the stomach. Don’t forget to use the pillow to elevate yourself. Otherwise, your partner will have to work hard to reach you, and neither of you will enjoy the process.
The doggy style doesn’t need a bed. You can take the party to the kitchen, bathroom, and room, and even to the car, as long as you have enough room there. It’s one of the most mobile positions, so definitely use it to shake things up.
In the doggy style position, your partner’s hands are free, which means you can grab ahold of them and place them on your chest. Your partner can start slowly massaging your breasts with some assistance from your side — and you will get that orgasm pretty quickly.
Although the doggy style reaches a vaginal canal during penetration, it’s still more of an anal type of sex. You need to stimulate yourself from the front to get higher chances of an orgasm — use a vibrator or a finger play.
You want to hold your angles nice and steady, and that’s pretty hard to do if you are slipping in bed. You don’t want to lean on anything rough either — your knees will start hurting immediately. My top choice is a thin natural blanket that provides my knees with enough friction but isn’t quite as hard as the floor on its own.
You need to turn to a guy with your back and butt and bend so that he can enter you from behind. Dogs’ mating style inspires the position — hence, the name. If you are doing it for the first time, I suggest using a mirror for a reflection — you will be able to see both of you and know which angles work best.
It’s a highly submissive position — you let a guy to show his wild side and fully take the initiative. Girls can enjoy the process without thinking about what to do with their legs or hands. Also, the doggy style has a high likelihood of reaching the rumored G-spot — the point in female’s vagina that, when stimulated well, brings the most satisfaction.
There are many reasons. Some guys enjoy getting a good look at their partner’s butt; others like having free arms and legs. For many, it’s also the question of preference: doggy position is a very dominant one, which allows guys to express themselves.
Doggy style can be seen as something humiliating by women who don’t enjoy the thought of being entered from the back. The name doesn’t help, either. However, these are prejudices — women who tried a doggy style know that it’s one of the simplest and most satisfying positions. It requires little to no effort, and delivers a lot of pleasure instead – what’s humiliating about that?
Doggy style is a rough sex position with deep penetration. It’s highly compatible with BDSM sex — guys can spank, scratch, and even choke a partner. It can also be done more gently in combination with foreplay and vaginal sex. Doggy style is diverse, which is why it appeals to so many women.
It feels intense but very satisfying. It might slightly hurt at first, but as your partner goes on, you start getting more aroused. At first, you won’t be too impressed — doggy style seems too rough for many. But if you keep at it, you’ll see that the intensity and depth of penetration, offered by doggy style, makes it worth it.
If you want to get practical tips on getting started with the doggy style, I recommend taking a look at this guide. The position is explained in a very doable manner — you’ll be itching to try it out yourself.
Doggy style is an intense experience, and you need to prepare your body for deep penetration. You can stimulate yourself independently, if it works for you better, or ask a partner to join — tender foreplay at the beginning always makes things better.
When you are in the process, don’t be shy about speaking up if you don’t enjoy things. Sometimes, the smallest changes, like getting a pillow or moving closer to your partner, can make a huge difference. As soon as you two know what you are doing and are confident about it, you are going to make the most out of it. So, good luck with becoming a doggy style pro, you are in for quite a ride.
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Your favorite position just got hotter.
Ah, doggie style. Man's best friend.
Guys consistently rate it their favorite sex position —and there are a lot of reasons to love it. Not only does it feel all hot and primal, but it also lets you go really deep . (Just try not to fracture your penis in the process, friends.) But did you know there are ways to make doggy style sex even hotter?
Yup, you read that right. Adding a toy... Doing it outside the bedroom... Incorporating a little butt stuff... There are so many ways to make doggy style more amazing than it already is, according to Dr. Zhana Vrangalova, LELO "sexpert" and NYU professor of human sexuality.
Here are 6 ways to spice up doggy style sex.
"It's a great position for external clit stimulation," Vrangalova says of doggy style. You can reach around and use your hand or a clitoral vibrator to get her off. Vrangalova recommends LELO's Lily 2 or Smart Wand —or even the Sona sonic massager.
Not sure how to touch her clitoris? Ask her what feels best. (For more guidance, here's a study on what women like the most when it comes to clit stimulation .)
"Doggy style is the perfect position for some rough sex, if that's something you and your partner enjoy—things like hair pulling, scratching, butt slapping," Vrangalova says. "Of course, make sure you get consent from your partner before you try one of these." (The same goes for ANY sex act.)
If rough sex isn't your thing, here's a tip to make doggy style more intimate, instead.
"I recommend doing it in front of a mirror, allowing you and your partner to look each other in the eye (as well as be able to observe the rest of the hot scene)," Vrangalova says. "You can also forgo any rough stuff and incorporate, instead, a lot of caressing of your partner's back, ass and legs, slow thrusts, and little breaks—with the penis or dildo still inside them—to grab their head, turn it around and give them a passionate kiss."
Doggy style allows for deep penetration, which is great for guys with smaller penises. But if you're on the larger end of the spectrum, and standard doggy style is too intense for your partner, you can try tweaking your positioning.
Your partner can try changing the angle by leaning forward or backward, Vrangalova says. She can press her legs together, "creating a bit of a cushion in between." (Of course, if it's still uncomfortable for her, it's probably time to try another position— and we have plenty of suggestions .)
"Doggy style is great for incorporating some anal play for additional stimulation," Vrangalova says. You can use your finger or an anal toy, like this PicoBong vibrating butt plug .
Having sex outside of the bedroom—or wherever you typically get down—is a great way to spice things up.
"Doggy style is super versatile in terms of where you can do it," Vrangalova says. Do it on the couch...the kitchen counter...even the beach, because apparently, it's a great position for avoiding sand contact .

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For starters: "My butt must look amazing right now."
Doggy style is dope. It gives you just enough personal space while hitting that G-spot like a boss—and gives you easy access to get your rocks off with your digits (or a sex toy if that's your thing). 
But, despite our best efforts, our head is not always focused on how damn good it feels. And if you're a gal who likes to bow-wow-wow-yippee-yo-yippe-yay, you probably know what we mean. 
Here are 12 thoughts bound to enter your brain when someone enters you from behind.
There really is no greater angle for your backside. Large, small, round, or flat—everybody's shape shines when they're on all fours.
All lady lumps look like udders when they're poised for doggy style , and that's a fact. Thankfully, nobody's really getting the full visual on milking season.
The beauty of this position is the freedom to not lock eyes—but isn't the occasional glance appreciated? Oh no! Neck cramp!
'Cause nobody's looking to get a penis shoved into a hole that wasn't prepared for it. Dude, just stay in the designated bone zone, please. ( Find out what anal sex is actually like from women who've tried it .)
Sometimes we find it sexy to push our face right into the pillow, but that also leads to drooling because we're humans. Just know there's going be some serious condensation on these linens post-coital.
We're vulnerable, we're being penetrated, and our ass is on full display. Even the tiniest of verbal affirmations would be appreciated.
Check out these crazy 14 facts about your orgasm.
Not all women like their mane yanked while they're getting boned from behind. But for the ones who do, he better bring his A-game. The gentle tug isn't going to cut it. Grasp it like the sex god you probably think you are, man!
This speaks for itself. Is there anything sexier than a dude grabbing your waist as he thrusts? Thank you for this romance novel moment, sir. (Get ultra-intense orgasms by doing Kegels with these Luna Femme Training Beads from the Women's Health Boutique.)
Doggy can go from amazing to awkward in a millisecond. When we said harder, we didn't mean human jack-hammer mode—we'd still like our cervix intact after this.
Sure the mattress is better than the floor, but either way we don't want to flare up an old high school basketball injury due to an intense sex sesh. If you want to bust out some actual kneepads, maybe our stamina could be extended.
When we're on all fours and you want to squis
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