Spanking Belt Boys

Spanking Belt Boys


Is spanking older children and teenagers with a belt appropriate?
I'll speak fro my own experience growing up. I was usually spanked with a hand, Flyswatter or paddle when I was little. I was thirteen when the belt was introduced to me, And that was a lot later than many of my friends. It was broken out by my parents after other types of spankings seemed less effective than they used to be and it was then used only for my most serious offenses. I probably got a handful of belt spankings between thirteen and seventeen. It was not abusive. My dad was the only one that ever used the belt, And it would be folded over during the spanking. A belt sure makes an impressive sound coming out of your father's belt loops, I can tell you that! Anyway, There were never any lasting marks or bruising. But it stung like the dickens! You can't expect to spank a fourteen year old the same way you spank a four year old and think that is going to be effective. Some parents give up on spanking not because it is ineffective when kids get older. But that's only because they don't make the punishments they are giving age-appropriate. You can't give a teenager a little pop on the bottom with your hand and then wonder why it doesn't live an impression. All that said, I'd not recommend it's use on kids younger than ten. Older than that then I'd say a paddle or a belt become necessary if you are going to give effective corporal punishment. If you aren't going to give effective spankings, You might as well give up the ghost and solely utilize less effective methods of punishment like groundings (go to your room and play with your electronic devices),
It should be used right and never in anger. The result should be a very red bottom, Not bruises.
I'm sure the naughty one thinks twice before misbehaving again. If done right the belt does not need to be used often.

It is a highly recomendable implement to correct bad behaviour
Deoending on the child and situtation the use of a belt can be appropriate. I knew a mother who always used a belt, But her whipping hurt less then my hand spankings. According tonher daughter. I got 6 licks with a belt from the VP in highschool. 2 for not lowering my own pants, 4 for cussing during my paddling. I didn't make those mistakes again.
Kids who are in school (5 or older) should be spanked with a belt with their clothes off. There is no more effective punishment than to have your bare bottom whipped with a belt. Give them enough hard lashes to make their bottom and thighs red, But don't cause bruises or bleeding. Trust me, It will work.
Younger children should only be spanked with an open hand, But when they get older it is time to introduce the belt. It is not necessary to give many strokes with it, 8-12 will do the job for older children and 10-15 will do it for teenagers. No punishment is more impressive for a rebellious teenager than a spanking with a belt on his bare bottom!
Certainly belt spankings are too harsh for children younger then age of 10, But for older children it's use is worth considering, Provided that they get spanked with care and moderate force. Teenagers should always get spanked with the belt, Hand spankings are not impressive enough to make them better their behaviour. Of course the buckle end should NEVER be used for spankings, And the number of strokes should be moderate. At the end of the spanking the bottom of the child or teenager should be red, But not purple or bruised. If used in the right way, The belt is a very recommendable tool for correcting the attitude of older children and teenagers!
When we think about health we listen to experts. We don't listen to "our aunt Sue", Who lived more than 100 years and said smoking is relaxing. Spanking is as bad for kids as smoking for health. Experiments prove it, No matter what aunt Sue says. Children are too important to leave them to our intuitions. We must be humble, And learn.
Discipline is a useful tool to turn people in to zombies. Good little zombies don't revolt. This is also a humiliating and disgusting. Discipline just turns people in to good little citizens. People need to die. The family needs to be abolished. Socialism is necessary now. HAIL ANARCHY! DEATH TO AMERICA!
Plenty of scientific research and polls already proved there are too many drawbacks and negative effects in any direct physical punishment on children of any age. It can cause horrible emotional scars and mental illness/ My own proof: I personally was hit by my own mom due to her emotional issues with my work-$$ obsessed dad (who did not provide enough emotional support for my mom), So she hit me while I was growing up, And I was diagnosed with OCD mental illness and refusing food, Plus allergy problems during my teenage years.

Better alternatives are caring education with good wisdom and morale lessons from parents and teachers, With short detentions if needed, There is no need to get violent.
If used carefully, The belt is a good spanking implement. Certainly belt spankings are too harsh for children younger then age of 10, But for older children it's use is worth considering, Provided that they get spanked with care and moderate force. Teenagers should always get spanked with the belt, Hand spankings are not impressive enough to make them better their behaviour. Of course the buckle end should NEVER be used for spankings, And the number of strokes should be moderate. At the end of the spanking the bottom of the child or teenager should be red, But not purple or bruised. If used in the right way, The belt is a very recommendable tool for correcting the attitude of older children and teenagers!
If used carefully, The belt is a good spanking implement. Certainly belt spankings are too harsh for children younger then age of 10, But for older children it's use is worth considering, Provided that they get spanked with care and moderate force. Teenagers should always get spanked with the belt, Hand spankings are not impressive enough to make them better their behaviour. Of course the buckle end should NEVER be used for spankings, And the number of strokes should be moderate. At the end of the spanking the bottom of the child or teenager should be red, But not purple or bruised. If used in the right way, The belt is a very recommendable tool for correcting the attitude of older children and teenagers!
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Кабель для iPod, iPhone, iPad NATIVE-UNION Belt (BELT-L-ZEB-2-V2)
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Общие характеристики: Разъем 1 - Lightning; Разъем 2 - USB Type-A "папа"; Совместимость - iPod, iPhone, iPad; Спецификация USB - 2.0
Габариты: Длина - 120 см
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Дата-кабель NATIVE-UNION Belt (BELT-L-ZEB-2-V2): характеристики, отзывы покупателей, фотографии и сопутствующие товары. Широкий выбор дата-кабелей NATIVE-UNION (Native-union) на сайте интернет-магазина ЭЛЬДОРАДО.
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Spanking Belt Boys

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