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I own a used car sales business that does ‘on the lot’ financing. This means the customer comes to us to pay their car loan either weekly or monthly. I had three women working in my office; Tammy, who was full time, and Crystal and Jennifer who were both part time. Crystal and Jennifer worked alternating schedules. We are from a very small town and everyone knows everyone. I had known all three of my employees the biggest part of my life.
In my business, there was a huge amount of cash flow. Over time I started to suspect money was missing. I had a system in place to keep track of money, but not a fool proof one. A hundred missing here or there was, quite frankly, hard to catch. I fully trusted Tammy. I had no doubt she would not take a dime.
After a few weeks I continued to suspect money was missing. I spoke with the local police and they said the only sure way to catch someone and make it hold up was video. I suspected that if money was missing then Crystal was the guilty person.
Crystal was due to take a week’s vacation. While she was off, I installed two hidden video cameras after hours. I got the cameras installed on Wednesday night and tried them on Thursday to see if they were positioned correctly. On Friday, I looked at the footage. Much to my surprise, I saw Jennifer stuff a $100 bill down the front of her pants only 5 min after getting to work and another $40 after lunch!

I called Jennifer into my office. I told her that I had noticed some money had been missing from the cash drawer. She immediately started crying and apologizing before I could even tell her I had her on video. She actually fell on my office floor crying. It was kind of like a child in trouble. I had not seen anything like it before and was in quite disbelief. A 36 year old woman, I had practically known since elementary school, crying on my office floor.
I told her I had previously contacted the police about suspected money missing and they told me to put cameras up. I then told her I had her on video. She was in total disbelief.
I asked her how much she suspected she had taken. She said $1000 probably but then said possibly $2000 over the months!! I could not believe it. I was getting madder by the minute. Of course she immediately said she would pay it all back, given time.
I told her she would pay it back but also be turned over to the police.
“Please! Please! I’ll do ANYTHING!”
At this point I could see her thoughts on her face. I had heard stories that Jennifer was not always faithful to her boyfriend and she obviously knew I was a single man.
Again and again she said: “ANYTHING, just don’t have me arrested. My kids and my mother will be devastated.”
I asked her if she had ever stolen from anyone before. She said she stole some candy or gum when she was like eleven.
She replied that her mother beat her ass real good. Something she would never forget.
I timidly answered: “At least you didn’t forget for 25 years.”
Jennifer’s mouth just kind of dropped open.
I said: “Maybe you need your ass beat again.”
Again, Jennifer just kind of sat there in disbelief.
I said: “I will make a deal with you. You sign a statement that you did in fact steal $2000 from my money drawer over the past 4 months and, in fact, this is you on the video taking the money twice in one day. I’ll give you one year to pay back the $2000 and you take a spanking for punishment.”
She immediately said: “Okay, as long as I don’t get arrested and no one knows.”
I said: “That is fine. That is a deal.”
She typed out the letter and signed it on video. Jennifer then stated asking about the spanking.
She said: “Are you just gonna like put me over your knee after work and spank me or something?”
I said: “No, that sounds too much like fun. I was thinking of twenty swats with a belt on your bare butt.”
I said: “It is that or the police. You decide.”
I told her she needed to take the rest of the day off and to let me know by 5 pm her decision or I would go to the police. She texted me at about 4 and tried to offer just a spanking.
“Come on, it will be fun! I promise!”
I refused. As 5 o’clock got closer, she texted back and said she agreed to my deal but we had to do the punishment in a few weeks, sometime close to her next monthly period, so any marks left on her would hopefully be gone and she could hopefully put her boyfriend off on seeing her naked. We also mutually agreed she would not be employed with me any longer.
A few weeks passed and I had not heard from Jennifer. I texted her and asked when she was going to hold up her end of the deal. She said her monthly period had passed and we would have to do it next month.
This kind of pissed me off. I said next month by the 31st or I was going to the police with the video.
In a few weeks she texted and said she was ready and also had $100 toward what she owed. She agreed to meet me at my store after hours the next evening at 10pm. She arrived wearing a tight fitting tank top and blue jeans. She was an extremely skinny woman with dirty blonde hair.
Once in my office she flirted some with me and asked if we could just do something a lot more FUN. I said of coarse not!! I told her we agreed to something so let’s get it out of the way.
I told her we agreed on bare, so please to take down her jeans. She turned her back to me and slowly unbuttoned her jeans and slid them down.
I quickly said: “Bare! Bare means panties also. She slid down her skimpy underwear to her ankles. With her backside to me, I instructed her to lean over my desk. I was shocked at how fatty her ass was. It looked a lot more slim in jeans. I was even more shocked by the amount of hair that was on her front side. It appeared she done very little grooming in that area.
Once she was bent over, I removed a very old black leather belt from my desk drawer that I had brought from home. I asked her if she was ready. She said she would be more ready for ANYTHING else but this.
I swung the first swing at full force. She screamed bloody murder, and jumped up from the desk. After the third stroke she was crying uncontrollably. After each stroke she would jump up and turn around. After about the tenth stroke she said she couldn’t take it anymore. She sat for a good fifteen minutes regrouping. After that we made it through another few strokes and another break. By time we got to twenty it was over an hour. She hurriedly tried to get her jeans back on and just grabbed her panties and put them in her purse as she stormed out. I didn’t hear a word from her for several months.
She comes by and gives me money on her debt from time to time and we never speak a word about what happened.

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As some of our readers may already know, I gave my husband quite the belt whuppin’ a couple weeks ago. If you haven’t see it already, here’s his account of that domestic discipline spanking over the coffee table . He still has some marks and bruising from that spanking, along with a good attitude and good behavior. After a harsh spanking like that, he’ll generally behave himself for at least 3 to 4 weeks. Sometimes a little longer. Around that point, I can almost count on some orneriness to start creeping back in and it quickly spirals downward. But, for these upcoming weeks, I’m going to enjoy the fruits of my handy work with the belt and he’ll enjoy a good disposition and not getting himself into trouble or spanked during this time. So with said, I thought I’d share a tip I like to use sometimes before we have company stay with us.
My husband and I generally host company several times a year as we both have family out of state who come to visit. We enjoy these visits but, for obvious reasons, they can interfere with me meting out any punishments my husband earns immediately before or during the visits. Plus, as men tend to do, sometimes he gets a little extra machismo when he has an audience. A bunch of boys get together and it’s like they just can’t help themselves! LOL While I do enjoy SOME playfulness and wouldn’t want to squelch that entirely, I’ve found that a good pre-company spanking does WONDERS for my husband’s attitude, demeanor and eagerness to assist with getting the house ready for company, as well as his behavior while company is here. For my lady friends out there who spank their husbands, here are some tips that I hope can help you out as well.
As I’ve mentioned, I end up giving my husband a woodshed whuppin’ about every other month. He also gets attitude adjustments here and there but when I really tear his backside up during what we call a trip to the woodshed, he is so well balanced, behaved, and eager to please. So with that said, when company is going to be coming over for a stay, it is not too hard to time out his next spanking accordingly. Oftentimes, it’s just a matter of postponing a spanking a week or two. On one hand, I have to put up with his arrogant behavior a little longer, but on the other hand, he just digs himself into deeper trouble earning even a more severe spanking than what he would’ve gotten. Often times it is worth the trade off.
You might think that spanking your husband right before your company arrives is the way to go, but I’ve learned from experience that one week before is the perfect time for a pre-company spanking. The reason being, is that right after a woodshed whuppin’, he is a whupped pup. Very subservient, very eager to please and very subdued. Don’t get me wrong, I understand why and appreciate that part of the process. I enjoy the daily kisses to my foot, the impromptu foot and back massages and other tantalizing things he does to me. BUT…when we are having company, I like him to have a little of that “puppy” back in him that our friends and family recognize. A week after a real whuppin’, he is still well behaved and still eager to please but is more like himself. Just very balanced and still very well behaved.
As I mentioned before, our FLR situation is a bit modified. I do generally get what I want but we are still very much a partnership and loving couple. We just have real discipline/accountability for him added into the mix. My point is that I don’t ~want~ my husband to be my whipping boy or servant. And as is the case, I don’t try to command him to do everything around the house in preparation for company. We both take roles in that preparation. He has his list of chores he needs to do (that he usually comes up with himself), and I have my list of chores I need to do before company comes. But when I blister his backside a week before company arrives, he is ALL OVER his list. Very motivated to get everything done and in great fashion. Prior to these pre-company spankings, it wasn’t uncommon for 1 or 2 items from his list to not get done. Sometimes those things were not a big deal but sometimes there were things that WERE a big deal and caused me some frustration that it didn’t get done. After incorporating this practice, there is a certain “pep in his step” in doing the things he needs to do, and the added benefit of not having to keep reminding (OK nagging) him about the items on his list.
Like I’ve said, I almost always time this out so that it is a woodshed whuppin’ level spanking. There are several posts about how those go down on our blog. But when it is also a pre-company spanking, I do talk a little more. After the initial part of the spanking, I’ll ask in between swats if he’s is going to behave during company. I’ll also remind him that if he misbehaves while company is here, that I WILL find the time and the place to take the Wicked Switch to him. (It is silent and extremely effective.)
For the most part, I can rely on the whuppin’ itself (and his sore bottom) to remind him to behave but it helps to have little reminders as well. Here is another case for “sandal associations for spankings”. For instance, and as many readers already know…the meanest belt in our house, is my Italian leather belt that has been oiled and conditioned through the years. It is dense, pliable, and heavy. It is my go-to belt when I decide on belting him for a spanking as it is very effective in blistering and bruising his backside.
He’ll feel the after effects of that belt every time he leans against a counter or sits down for about a week after I spank him with it. It also happens to be one of my favorite belts. I like to wear it during company visits and he’s told me that just the sight of it causes him to pause and check himself to make sure he’s not messing up. The same thing can be said for what sandals I wear on my feet. I have a certain pair of tan sandals that I always wear before, during, and after I spank him with the water soaked cane. In addition, I have another pair of black sandals that I always wear when he gets it with the Wicked Switch. Another pair for the razor strap, another pair for a punishment strap, etc. By doing this, he associates each pair of those sandals with a very painful implement .
None of these sandals in and of themselves would be capable of teaching him a harsh lesson but he knows what each one represents and corresponds to, and pays mind to it. There have been times where he starts going off track just a bit and I can simply go sit by him for a spell, cross my legs, and casually dangle the sandal on my foot. Without saying a word, he’ll notice my sandal, be reminded of what it means, and quickly get himself back on track. See the power, ladies? I’ll generally then put my hand on his leg, lean in for a kiss and then excuse myself to go mingle some more. These tactics not only help keep him in line, they (not gonna lie) make me feel powerful and sexy. In addition, for us at least, they make us feel closer as a couple. It’s our little inside joke hiding in plain sight with no one the wiser.
So…my spanking wives and girlfriends out there. I highly encourage you to try this approach next time you have company coming into town. I think you’ll be glad you did.
I notice one of the illustrations is of a black wooden rod. Naturally, a wise woman knows the importance of using a cane. And my husband certainly gets it frequently, although he only gets a really severe session occasionally. You picture the cane, but I have not seen much discussion on your blog of what i consider a necessary part of a DD marriage.
Hello Janice and thanks for the comment. The black rod you speak of is actually what we refer to as the Wicked Switch and it is THE most painful implement in the house. 2nd to that is the cane. The cane was used more frequently prior to the arrival of the wicked switch but I still do use it on occasion. My husband actually has a blog in draft status about the cane but I don’t know what the hold up is on finishing and publishing. I may have to light a fire under his ass to get that post up. I have several canes but two are my favorite. A white lexan cane we call White Lightning and a regular rattan cane. When I am going to spank him with with the rattan cane, he is required to soak it in water for a day and a half to two day before the spanking. The cane soaks up some of the water and gets heavier and more flexible…and much more severe.
Hi Wicked Queen – (Although you don’t seem that wicked to me…more interesting [and intelligent and exciting] )Wow, I just found your site. Love it! Been trying to introduce my wife into FLR for some time, but not 100% sure how to ease her into it where she is genuinely interested. (been married f
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