Spanked Them

Spanked Them


Spanked Them
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Parents & Family

What ages is spanking appropriate, youngest and oldest (meaning parents spanking their children as punishment)?

If you grew up in the seventies did you get spanked or not?

how can i make my parents stop spanking me?

am I too old for a spanking

Do you get spanked as an adult

opinons on spankings

Why should girls be spanked untill an older age?

Spanked as an adult.

Am I A Victim of Child Abuse?

is hitting spaking slapping considered chile abuse?

Is abuse allowed these days?

Things are terrible... Please help? I really need to know what to do...

Can my parents( mom ) make me for to a catholic bording school?

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I used to get spankings, until I was about 16, from my Mom. That was five years ago since the last time she did it. Actually, I don't think it was a bad thing, looking back, though I hated it at the time! She usually (not always) spanked me bare bottomed and sometimes used the hairbrush after I was about 12.
I am just curious how others got spanked? Until what age? Were you spanked bare bottomed? What do you think of it now? I am not talking about abuse, that is wrong. I just mean spanking on the bottom. I know others disagree, but I am kind of glad my parents disciplined me instead of letting things run wild.
I was spanked both at school and at home until I graduated from high school. In high school my vice principal administered between 5 and 24 punishing swats, the latter when two severe back-to-back spankings were laid on hard with a 42 inch perforated hardwood spanking paddle with parental blessing across my skyward, bare, prone behind. I shed many tears under that instrument. At home mom preferred a three foot semi flexible switching staff on my naked cheeks while dad favored a two and a half foot oaken paddle to the exposed buttocks until I was awarded the 42 incher from my school on my last day of my senior year after my final school spanking. This became the preferred spanking device for both parents thereafter. During the summer between high school and college I was spanked to tears several times by both mom and dad for curfew violations, minor drug use and other misbehaviors. Just after my junior year in college I suffered the mortification of having a large group of my male and female friends and peers walk by the house while I was naked and upended over the back of a love seat and in the midst of a tough and thorough beating which had long since reduced me to an intensive tearful wailing. I was just getting teased about that even today from my now girlfriend who was among the peers who witnessed part of my punishment at the age of 22. Believe it or not I have been spanked a handful of times in the four years since then.
I grew up in a catholic family that believed in the power of a good spanking to change bad behavior. My parents were the kind of people who had James Dobson's "Dare to Discipline" on the book shelf. They also had two heavy duty wooden spoons that hung on the kitchen wall that were never used for cooking - not food anyway. The spoons had my name and my brother's name painted on them. Relatives and friends of my parents who saw them hanging on the wall knew exactly what they were used for, some people would even start conversations about them. It was so embarrassing.
While we weren't spanked often, maybe once a year, when we were it was always a very memorable experience. If my parents decided that my brother or I, or both of us deserved a spanking my dad would send us to the bedroom my brother and I shared.
He would go to the kitchen and retrieve the wooden spoons. He would enter our room, spoons in hand, and the begging and pleading would start. He would set the spoons down on our beds and bare us from the waist down. Then he would make us sit next to our spoons, bare bottomed, and make us wait for one hour. It was horrible. Eventually the time would come and my dad would return to our room. He would make us stand up and then, one at a time, he would have us hand him the solid spoon, bend us over his knee, and put the spoon to work. Needless to say, the house was a very noisy place for quite some time.
I was, and still am at 26, spanked when I misbehave. As recently as this past Friday night when I stayed out till two AM I was repeatedly and sharply slapped across my face, vigorously bawled out, ordered to strip to my altogether, dragged by my ear to the back of the living room love seat and blistered long and hard upon my skyward tush with my old perferated 3 and 1/2 foot high school paddle while I balanced over the back of the couch. It was My mother who punished me this time but my aunt, uncle and girlfriend also discipline me when I am deemed to be deserving. My friends think it unusual and hilarious when they chance to overhear me getting it as has happened more then once over the years (walking by the house while I was getting well tanned this past April). In defense of my disciplinarians I should point out that I have had a history of behavioral problems requiring correction as reported over the years from high school officials , police, neighbors, friends and their parents, jail, probation officers, dorm floor managers and the university dean.
Yes, I was spanked fairly regularly as a little boy by my mum (up until age 12). She always took me to the bathroom, bared my bottom, put me over her knee and smacked my bottom about 10 times with her hand. I always cried so it must have hurt a bit but it was nothing like as severe as some of my friends got. It probably happened on average about once every six weeks or so and although I didn't like it at the time, I always deserved to be punished and I'm kind of glad I was spanked in retrospect. On 3 occasions only, my dad gave me the slipper - about 8 whacks on the bare bottom ages 10, 11 and 12 for more serious transgressions. Although I guess I got quite a lot of spankings growing up, usually the threat was enough to make me behave. My mum definitely threatened it quite a lot and often in front of other people which definitely made me behave 'do you want your pants taken down?' was a common question.
I was spanked on and off till I was 13. they were always bare bottomed and over the knee with a wooden spoon. It was always handy in the kitchen where the spanking took place. But one day when I was 16 i came home drunk. My mother told me to go to bed and she would deal with me in the morning. I sleep till about 11 and came down stairs and there on the kitchen table was a wooden hairbrush. Mom said have some coffee. After about half an hour she said you think your all grown up drinking well I am going to show you different. After all the begging/pleading she yanked my shorts down and flipped me over her knee. my head was pounding but my bottom felt even worse. While I was standing in the corner of the kitchen with my bare bottom on display for 10 minutes. She told me I could expect this more often from now on, but that was the last spanking I got
I was spanked fairly regularly through high school-both at school and at home and less frequently after graduation. At school I was usually paddled in my briefs or bare bottom with anywhere from 5 to 12 pops from a three and a half foot perferrated hardwood paddle which left bruises an blisters. At home my mother uses a three foot semi flexible cane while my dad favored a solid two and a half foot paddle until I was awarded the three and a half footer on the last day of my senior year in high school which he now favors Odd as I know it seems, now that I have completed college and am temporarily at home I have become acquianted with the old high school paddle again in the hands of both mother and father bare bottomed on three occasions since, I still yelped in pain after a dozen blows but the spankings of late have become longer. lol,
yes I got the hairbrush also, a wooden spoon was popular, and my dad had this old leather strap, I also got the belt, and a paddle (mostly at school), the hand, and my favorite was when my grandma had me go pick my own switch that only took roughly 2 hours. I can remember being so nervous about getting a spankin, but after it was over it was such a relief and really wasn't that bad. Personally I didn't have to get spanked all the time, but there were times (like starting a fire) that totally called for a spanking according to my parents. The best was when I was little and not as nervous, I would run from my mom and this caused for a lot of ankle spankings because she couldn't catch me, and would swing the belt towards me and it would sometimes get me on the ankles.
I don't think I will spank my children (when I have them)
Yes, I was spanked until about the age of 16 or so. Dad as a rule always took his belt to us and although it hurt like hell, lol, it certainly wasn't abusive. I deserved each and every lash I got, and probably deserved more at times. Growing up in a home where it was common knowledge that if you misbehaved a good spanking with the belt was what you received for your misbehavior made us less likely to get in trouble. Unlike what those anti-spanking morons believe. I wish someone would explain to me how if spanking for discipline doesn't work then how come crime rates keep soaring higher and higer annually? I think the government needs to mind their own business, and allow loving and responsible parents to "whip" american kids back into shape.
I was smacked (spanked) on a regular basis up2 the age of 14 then I went in2 care I didnt just get a smack on the bottom it wud b where ever they said it wud hurt me more I also go the belt hard backed brush or hard backed slipper an even on the odd occasion I got the cane I hated it every time but what cud I do if I tried 2 move so I didnt get a smack id get it 10 times worse I dont have a problem with spanking I think on the bottom is fine if you have gud reason 4 it but I dont agree with going overboard an useing objects 2 hit with at the end of theday we was kids an cant defend ourselfs so I think spanking on the bottom with the hand is fine as long as its not hard enough 2 leave a mark but 2 use objects an that then I dont agree with it
well- yes I was spanked until I was about 11 years old- sometimes bare bottomed- sometimes not- but always with my fathers thick leather belt.
sometimes it was a legitimate spanking- most times it was abusive- my father getting out his frustration by spanking me.
now as an adult- I can see the excessiveness involved, but I do believe that there has to be an element of fear involved in a spanking to keep the child in line .
I don't believe in time-outs, I believe in a firm- but not excessive spanking with maybe a ruler or something similiar.
the old addage- spare the rod spoil the child does ring true.
and switches- I won't even go there- but to those who know what I am talking about-OOOUUUCCCHHH!!!
No I wasn't. I remember one time I hit the boy next door and my mom told me to go to my room and wait for my dad to get home. I thought I was finally going to get a spanking just like every other kid my age. I was terrified. When he came into my room that night he asked me what happened. I told him and I started to cry. He told me not to do it again and hugged me. Would most kids have gotten a spanking for that? I was never spanked for anything. I don't know if I was just a good kid or my parents didn't believe in it. Anyway, I've always felt like I missed out on a rite of childhood. I know that sounds weird.
No I wasn't. I remember one time I hit the boy next door and my mom told me to go to my room and wait for my dad to get home. I thought I was finally going to get a spanking just like every other kid my age. I was terrified. When he came into my room that night he asked me what happened. I told him and I started to cry. He told me not to do it again and hugged me. Would most kids have gotten a spanking for that? I was never spanked for anything. I don't know if I was just a good kid or my parents didn't believe in it. Anyway, I've always felt like I missed out on a rite of childhood. I know that sounds weird.
I was 15 the last time I got one. we got it with a paddle but it was a little paddle so it didnt hurt much and it had a funny picture of 2 fat girls on it that were getting spanked. when we were going to get one it was usually after dinner. I would have to get the paddle out of the closet and take it to my room and take off my pants and boxers and wait for what seemed like forever but was only like 10 minutes. when he came in I had to bend over a chair and put my hands on the seat and I wasnt allowed to move at all until it was finished and I had to count the licks out loud.
I got many spanking though none were bare bottomed. I would get a lick with a belt. My parents never left marks on me but it would hurt. I believe in discipline. To many people now let there kids run all over them because they believe spankings are the same thing as beating a child! I discipline my children. Not with a belt, she is 4, but I will smack that bottom a few times. I agree with baldwinwolf! Spare the rod spoil the child!!!
I was raised by a divorced mom and got spanked pretty regularly as a child when I was bad. My mother used a wooden spoon or two wooden rulers taped together (the rod of correction) on my bare butt. That was excruciatingly embarrassing and hurt like heck. I also got groundings and other punishments of course. All in all, I think her discipline methods were for the best.
I'm a straight man and I was spanked by my male boss for bad time keeping I was 47years old and he put me over his knee pulled down my pants and spanked my bare bottom after the first time he would find a reason to spank me bare I worked there for six years and got spanked often
I'm sixteen and I still get spanked once or twice a year. They're usually over jeans or panties unless my mom or dad are really mad.
My mom uses a hairbrush and my dad uses his hand although I've gotten the belt a few times.
I'm sixteen and I still get spanked once or twice a year. They're usually over jeans or panties unless my mom or dad are really mad.
My mom uses a hairbrush and my dad uses his hand although I've gotten the belt a few times.
I'm 17 and still accasionly spanked by my mum or dad, they have always been with my knickers pulled down, I think in the long run they have done me good and made me a better person, altho I never agree when it happens.
I was spanked till I was about ten by my dad and he wouldn't do it bare bottomed. he would just use his hand but one time in walmart he used one of the boots he was going to buy because I was being really bad
I was spanked about a total of 5 or 6 times and stopped at age 5 or 6.. I am never abused because I am good though.. I think wild little brats need a little spanking to put them in their place
I am a professional spanker and I think spanking kids should be at an absolute minumum. Only after as an adult in a consenting role is it beneficial.
I was spanked until the age of 17. I was spanked with paddle or belt. My dad did use a razor strop on my last spanking. I was spanked bare bottom.
Yah,I was spanked as a younger child.It wasnt bare bottom,just a light spank on the butt.She always had good reason though.
I was spanked often by my girlfriends father over the knee on my bare bottom she would watch and say I got what I deserved
I get it all the time only when I'm wrong
but not on bottomed.from that I learned right from wrong
I'm good person now
Spank on the thigh, if you spank the butt you run the risk of missing and causing injury to the spine.
until I was about 9. then they realized it didn't work anymore.

Parents & Family

What ages is spanking appropriate, youngest and oldest (meaning parents spanking their children as punishment)?

If you grew up in the seventies did you get spanked or not?

how can i make my parents stop spanking me?

am I too old for a spanking

Do you get spanked as an adult

opinons on spankings

Why should girls be spanked untill an older age?

Spanked as an adult.

Am I A Victim of Child Abuse?

is hitting spaking slapping considered chile abuse?

Is abuse allowed these days?

Things are terrible... Please help? I really need to know what to do...

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