Spanked My Bottom

Spanked My Bottom


Spanked My Bottom
Have you ever been spanked over someone’s lap?
Knows Spanish · Author has 1K answers and 14.3M answer views · 1 y ·
As an adult, have you been spanked by someone other than your husband?
Do you have any pictures of when you were spanked while you were younger?
Has your boss ever spanked you at work? If so, what did you do?
Did anyone else have a photo album of the spankings they received while growing up?
Have you ever been part of a public spanking? What was it like?
As an adult, have you been spanked by someone other than your husband?
Do you have any pictures of when you were spanked while you were younger?
Has your boss ever spanked you at work? If so, what did you do?
Did anyone else have a photo album of the spankings they received while growing up?
Have you ever been part of a public spanking? What was it like?
As a nanny, have you ever been spanked by a kid's mommy?
Were you ever spanked by a stranger bare bottomed?
Has anyone ever been spanked by their in-laws? If you have, why and how?
Does anyone care to share some spanking fantasies?
Have you ever been spanked while your spouse/partner watched? If so, how did you feel during and after? Did you ever do it again?
What was your most humiliating spanking as an adult?
Have you ever been spanked as a punishment? How did it feel physically and emotionally before and after getting the spanking? Feel free to tell the story
What is the most unusual spanking experience you have had?
As an adult, have you been spanked by someone other than your husband?
Do you have any pictures of when you were spanked while you were younger?
Has your boss ever spanked you at work? If so, what did you do?
Did anyone else have a photo album of the spankings they received while growing up?
Have you ever been part of a public spanking? What was it like?
As a nanny, have you ever been spanked by a kid's mommy?
Were you ever spanked by a stranger bare bottomed?
Has anyone ever been spanked by their in-laws? If you have, why and how?
Does anyone care to share some spanking fantasies?
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Oh yes, many times! For the first 12 years of my life, rarely did a month go by that I didn’t go over my mom’s or on occasion my dad’s lap for a spanking (and usually more than once a month)! For the first 12 years, they just used their hands to spank me on my bare butt, but that was usually enough to make me very sore!
When I was very young, my mom would just spank me wherever we were, usually in the middle of the living room though. As I got older, my spankings migrated to more private places, usually my bedroom, but the doors were frequently left open so it wasn’t THAT private either. If we
Oh yes, many times! For the first 12 years of my life, rarely did a month go by that I didn’t go over my mom’s or on occasion my dad’s lap for a spanking (and usually more than once a month)! For the first 12 years, they just used their hands to spank me on my bare butt, but that was usually enough to make me very sore!
When I was very young, my mom would just spank me wherever we were, usually in the middle of the living room though. As I got older, my spankings migrated to more private places, usually my bedroom, but the doors were frequently left open so it wasn’t THAT private either. If we weren’t at home and I was bad, I got taken to a public restroom where mom closed the stall door and spanked me, but it was kind of awkward having those slits in the doors because I worried other women or girls might look through and see my bare bottom getting spanked! I tried to keep my head from going down too far down to avoid making eye contact with anyone or looking under a stall by accident.
I remember my mom also spanked me over her knee once at a camp site, but fortunately I don’t think anyone outside of my immediate family saw that, we had our own camp site far away from anyone else’s, and another time 2 of my brothers and I misbehaved together in a park near some woods, and dad walked us into the woods, and each of us had to take turns “standing guard” to keep other people from walking into the woods to see our sibling getting spanked… until it was our turn to go back and get spanked. Fortunately no one tried to walk past us, because I’m not even sure what we were supposed to say if anyone approached!
When I turned 13, spankings were usually bending over the bed or other furniture instead of over a parent’s lap. Also they weren’t hand spankings anymore. They did start to become a bit less frequent though.
Yes. Until 16 only over my mothers lap. After 16 I was maturing and a taller girl so they laid my body across both my parents’s laps.
My mother received my waist and bare bottom and would administer the spanking.
My father would receive my bare stomach and wrap his arms around to secure it from squirming.
Sometimes I could feel his hand brushing underneath by my bellybutton! I felt so so embarrassed and uncomfortable when he did that! I felt butterflies in my tummy when his hand was “managing” my tummy’s behavior! He loved to “feel” my tummy going up and down with fear as I panic!
Yes. Until 16 only over my mothers lap. After 16 I was maturing and a taller girl so they laid my body across both my parents’s laps.
My mother received my waist and bare bottom and would administer the spanking.
My father would receive my bare stomach and wrap his arms around to secure it from squirming.
Sometimes I could feel his hand brushing underneath by my bellybutton! I felt so so embarrassed and uncomfortable when he did that! I felt butterflies in my tummy when his hand was “managing” my tummy’s behavior! He loved to “feel” my tummy going up and down with fear as I panic!
They always spanked me in the kitchen at dinner time so my brothers would see my punishment.
I always felt very embarrassed but would try to focus on improving my behavior rather than my smooth bare skin squirming and sliding all over their laps!!!


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Having just joined hipforums and putting my first posts out there,as yet there has not been a reply to them or indeed if not to my posts but any in regards to the subject matter of the forum. Is this usual,does it always take time for people to reply? I am always keen to discuss spanking,all about it really, so if anyone has got any input then it would be great to hear about it. Female to female,male to male(my favourite topic),female to male or male to female. I find them all very erotic so anyone out there got any thoughts,ideas or questions? I have finally gained access to a forum after attempting loads of times before without success and now I have,I cant wait to exchange views etc. SEBOY.


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I have been spanked a good few times by other guys. I am bi but have only ever wanted guys to spank me(preferably older than me,or similar age) and not women.I think that an elderly guy fits the scenario and I am instantly wanting to be spanked and thrashed when I meet them. One is the feeling of doing as I am told(within reason) due to feeling dominated by a man and would not feel the same way if it was a woman. Old school values I reckon! There isn't really an infraction but if I told to confess about how naughty I have been then I always seem to blurt out something or other to give them a reason to spank me! The first time was by a guy who runs a spanking mag for men only. I answered an ad in the mag not knowing that he was the editor of the mag. Anyway,it started with a flat hand spanking over my jeans,then with jeans down and then with pants down. The slipper followed,then a wooden spoon,a belt,a tawse and finally a cane. It did hurt but I loved it. After a few more sessions with him ad a few others my tolerance became better and better and eventually I could and still can take a damn good hard spanking/thrashing. To say it does not hurt is not true,it does but the feeling is absolutely wonderful and the pleasure of a very uncomfortable drive or train ride home sitting down,only adds to the sensation of it all and I fid it very arousig!This usually passes after a couple of days but the mars seem to hang around a day or two longer,which again I find arouses me again. So although I do not court the spanking sessions,I do get the need approx every three months and thats when I start to try and arrange onewith either an existing spanker I have used or start hunting for a new one,which is always more exhilarating because of the new face,new surroundings and the way the spanker differs from the previous ones. I am to see a new guy Thursday afternoon in Wembley and quite frankly,I am just so looking forward to it,I can hardly contain myself!!!!! I hope that answers your questions and apologies for the lengthy input but I just got carried away! Good luck with your quest to get your b/f to spank you harder and believe will love it if he does. Cheers.

Do you like it when he pauses to reach around and stroke your belly before moving down to make a fist round your boner, gradually tightening and starting to pump - perhaps playing with your balls a little - weighing them, bouncing them, jiggling them, squeezing them gently - and then stopping to resume the spanking - then repeating those caresses several times until your spunk spurts all over the place ???


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Have you ever been spanked as an adult (by a non relative)?

What was the infraction?
caught having sex with his best friend

Who spanked you?

What Implement was used?
his hand with me over his knees

Did it hurt/ what was your reaction?
i cried, apologized and promised to be faithful in future


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Have you ever been spanked as an adult (by a non relative)?

What was the infraction?
caught having sex with his best friend

Who spanked you?

What Implement was used?
his hand with me over his knees

Did it hurt/ what was your reaction?
i cried, apologized and promised to be faithful in future


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Sounds Like A Classic Case Of Assault To Me, And As Such

I Would React Accordingly...

Cheers Glen.
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Discussion in ' Spanking ' started by aries44 , Feb 21, 2014 .

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I didn’t know where else to turn for this but I need to share because it totally surprised me, it’s not like him (or maybe it is?) and I just need to know if any of y’alls SO’s are like that and idk, I’m just torn because part of me really liked it and another part of me thinks it’s really weird. When I say he spanked me, I don’t mean he smacked my ass while having sex a few times, I mean he spanked me, like a punishment spanked. Hard.
We have been together just shy of a year but have known each other for 10 years. We have a crazy comfort level lol which is nice, but lately, there has been a side to him that I have never seen. He is more dominant and aggressive. Not in a mean way, idk how to really explain it. Anyway, we were in our room and I was putting away clothes and he came in and we were playing around and I got a slight attitude because I am just moody today and he told me to “drop my attitude” and me being me I was like “Or f*****g what?” And he said “If you don’t adjust it, I will do it for you, it’s unnecessary” now, mind you, he always says things like that and I always reply the same way which is I laugh and made a smart ass comment like “Yeah, okay, whatever you say” and he laughs and says “Yeah, I got nothing” and we move on, HOWEVER, this time he informed me that he was warning me and I just rolled my eyes and said “Yeah, I hear you, you should really work on your intimidation skills” and he was like “Oh yeah? You are about to regret that comment” and before I could get through another eye roll, he walked over to me, grabbed my arm, walked/pulled me over to our bed, with his other hand he yanked my pajama pants down, he sat down and told me to step closer to him, I didn’t, not even thinking his hand was still on my arm, and after 2 seconds he was like “Okay, we’ll do it my way then” and he yanked me towards him and then you guys, he yanked me down and bent me over his lap and he proceeded to spank me. Hard. And the whole time he asked me if I was going to lose my attitude. Did I like him having to spank me. Do I understand why he is. Blah blah blah.
My ass hurt so bad after and when he was done, he held me and laid me down and told me he loved me and rubbed my ass for a while after.
The whole experience was confusing and weird and embarrassing but it also turned me on in a way and a small part of me is hoping that he maintains this attitude and dominance because I kind of really liked him putting me over his knee and punishing me.
Im so confused, should I be seriously weirded out by it and even more so because i liked it? Do I say something to him?
So many feelings that I don’t know how to sort.


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When I was 15 years old I was very fascinated by the idea of being spanked over the knee of a strict woman. So fascinated that I thought about asking my mother to spank me. She was the closest one I could come to think of giving me the spanking I soo wanted. After many days of thinking about it, I finally decided So one afternoon I aproached my mother and stood nervously before her and politelty asked her to spank my bare bottom over her knees. I blushed beet red and could not even look at her from shame. My mother looked at me and asked why I wanted to be spanked. I told her I wanted to know what it felt like and that I felt like a naughty boy just asking her to spank me. We talked about it a bit and I told her that I really wanted this to happen. Well she said, if you want a spanking, then I will give you one. I swallowed hard and felt both nervous and very excited. Go to your room and put the chair in the middel of the room and wait for me my mother said. I will get my hairbrush and then you will go over my knees and get a good hard bare bottom spanking young man. I did as I was told. The straight back chair stood in the middel of the room as my mother came in holding her wooden hairbrush in her right hand. I was very excited as my mother sat down and put her hairbrush in her lap. Now this is going to be the real deal young man. I decide how long and hard you will be spanked young man, without exceptionel and you better be sure this is what you want. Once I pull your pants and underpants down there is no going back. Then you will be spanked good and hard and no pleading, begging or promises will help you. Are we clear on that young man my mother asked me? Yes Maam I said. Good then let me get you prepare for your spanking my mother said and pulled my pants and underpants down to my ankles. She picked up her wooden hairbrush and told me to stand on her right side. I did as she told me. Get over my knees young man my mother said. I obeyed her and placed myself over her knees and felt her ajust my position until my bare bottom was right where she wanted it. Then my mother raised her right hand holding the wooden hairbrush and began spanking my bare bottom good and hard. Alterning from left to right cheek I got the spanking I had as
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