Spanked Hineys

Spanked Hineys


Spanked Hineys

Spanking View
Clare Fonda’s Cameraman View

by admin on Apr.29, 2021, under spanking sorority girls
Kyra Fox goes through the embarrassment of kissing the pledge paddle before it’s used on her 
Tiana Irie delivers a powerful swat to Stevie’s bare bottom with the wooden pledge paddle
Some models believe that the wooden bath brush hurts even more than the pledge paddle
New pledge Becca finds out how painful a wooden spatula can be on the bare, wet bottom
by admin on Apr.14, 2021, under Spanking
There are spanked bottoms galore on Spanking Veronica Works – licked, probed and spanked
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Peter couldn’t believe this was happening to him! Of all the things that could have befallen
the mortified 16 year old, in response to his recent offenses against the household rules,
this particular development was probably the least expected and the most humiliating!
It was bad enough, of course, that at the age of 16 Peter Reddings was still subject to
regular spankings from his father Michael, but that at least was not absolutely _unique_ to
Peter. He knew some other guys who went to the same high school who still sometimes got a spanking
from one or both parents, even as juniors or seniors. Michael Redding had always made it clear
that as far as he was concerned, you were never too old for a spanking if you deserved such
a thing, which happened to Peter semi-regularly.
Yes, that was bad enough, Peter thought. He liked to think of himself as growing up, as
beng almost an adult, and in some moods he even omitted the ’almost’. Peter turned to look
at himself in the mirror, and what he saw _looked_ like a fairly grown up young man more than
a boy: 5’11" of slender, athletic male body, clad in blue jeans and a T-shirt with his
high school letters on it. Peter was in excellent shape, he was part of the school track team
and played basketball, his modest height made up for by his speed on the floor. His were the
muscles of a runner rather than a weight-lifter.
It was true that his light complexion and bright red hair (the family mark, both his parents
and his twin sister and younger brother all had fire-red hair, a legacy of Irish ancestors
a few generations back, and the source of many jokes on the family name ’Redding’) tended to
make him look a bit baby-faced sometimes, he admitted. But still, he thought he ought to be
old enough that teenage offenses would not merit getting his backside spanked!
If he were being completely honest with himself, Peter Redding had to admit that maybe his
offenses did warrant the punishment that was coming, after all, driving under the influence
was a very serious matter, both illegal and immoral, it was dangerous to himself and others,
and Peter had to admit that this was true. His father’s hour-long lecture had not fallen on
totally deaf ears, and Peter was prepared to grant that he had abused the trust his father
had shown in him by letting him stay out late on his own so soon after getting his drivers’
Running a hand nervously through his short red hair, Peter got to his feet and padded barefoot
back and forth across the hardwood floor of his bedroom, his stomach full of butterflies. It
was bad enough when he was waiting for one of his father’s ass-bustings, but this was going
to be so much more embarrassing, even if it might not be quite as purely painful. Peter still
could not believe what his father had decided to do!
The incident in question had been two days earlier, but the punishment for it was starting
now, on a Friday evening. Michael Redding had not been quite sure how best to handle Peter’s
transgression, but the solution he had come up with still stunned Peter.
The door to the bedroom opened, and into the bedroom came his father Michael Redding and
his mother Patricia, followed by Michael’s fraternal twin sister Rebecca. Like Peter, both
adults and the other teenager had the flame-red hair that marked the family on both sides,
Peter remembered his mother once joking that she and his father had first gotten together in
high school because their hair color matched. Peter was _pretty_ sure his mother was kidding,
but you never knew with Mom...
"Are you ready, Peter?" Michael asked. He didn’t look all that angry any more,
more like resigned. Peter had never been entirely able to ’read’ his father, still relatively
young for the father of a teenage son at 32 years old. Peter’s parents had met at the age of
14 and had married two years later, at age 16. It was an open secret in the family that Peter
and Rebecca had been born seven months after the wedding, and that the twins had been on time,
it was the wedding had been late...
Still, both his parents seemed to be in love with each other, and Peter had been assured,
at the time when he discovered that he and his sister had been the reason for a teenaged wedding,
that it had only accelerated what they firmly intended to do after graduating high school anyway,
and he had no reason to doubt them.
Peter looked at his father helplessly now, his father might be younger than the fathers
of most of his friends, but he could certainly be stern enough!
"Quiet, Peter!" Michael ordered firmly. "I am not going to debate this with
you again, my mind is made up! I asked you if you were ready."
Realizing from the look of determination on his father’s face, and te sympathetic (if slightly
amused) mien of his mother, that there was no way out, Peter sighed and said, "I guess
so. Let’s get this over with!"
"Very well," Michael nodded. "Steven, come on in here!"
Yet another redheaded member of the redheaded family stepped through the doorway, a big
grin on his 12-year old face. "Is Peter ready to take his medicine?"
"Yes," Michael nodded, "and I don’t want to see any gloating, Steven! This
is a serious matter, and if I see you gloating you’ll regret it, understood!"
"Yes, Dad," the younger boy nodded, the grin vanishing from his face (if not entirely
from is blue eyes.)
Peter sighed. His father had decided that perhaps what his older son needed was no so much
a physical punishment alone as something embarrassing as well, and it had occurred to Michael
Redding that it would probably be far more embarrassing for Peter to be disciplined by his
younger brother, especially in front of the whole family, than it would be if he himself spanked
"This is going to be great!" Rebecca grinned, only to instantly pipe down at a
glare from their father.
"That goes for you, too, Rebecca," Michael said. "Unless you want to be grounded
for a month?"
"No!" Rebecca said quickly, "I’m sorry, Daddy! I’ll stop teasing him!"
"Good," Michael said. "All right, let’s get started. Peter, go ahead and
get undressed."
"Dad...," Peter said, blushing almost as red as his hair, "do I have to take
it _all_ off? In front of Mom and Becky?!"
"You know the rules, Son," Michael said, looking as if he sympathized with Peter,
but wasn’t about to let that influence him. "You should have thought about that before
you got drunk and tried to drive!"
Rebecca looked like she badly wanted to tease her brother, but mindful of her father’s threat
she bit it back, though her eyes showed her delight in Peter’s predicament.
"Don’t worry, Honey," Patricia said, "it’s nothing I haven’t seen and bathed
in the past!"
His mother’s voice was sympathetic, but Peter thought he caught just a glimpse of wicked
amusement in her green eyes too, though if so it was hidden very quickly. Surely his own mother
wasn’t enjoying his humiliation?!
Peter sighed in mortified horror at his predicament, and slowly unbuckled his belt and slid
it from the loops of his jeans, and dropped it on his bed between his mother and sister where
they sat a couple of feet apart watching his undress.
They looked almost more like sisters than mother and daughter, sitting on his bed in their
blue jeans, flip-flops and pull-over tops. His mother was easily young enough and had a good
enough figure at 32 to get away with the tight tops that were in style, and Peter knew for
a fact that peole sometimes really did sometimes mistake his mother and sister for siblings,
much to their mother’s delight and his sister’s disgust. They were even about the same height
at 5’8 and 5’7" respectively, mother and daughter. His mother even wore her long hair
in a youthful style with two pony-tails on either side.
Slipping off his T-shirt, Peter tossed it to the floor a few feet from where his father
leaned against one wall. Michael looked like an older version of his oldest son, and he didn’t
look quite so youngish as his wife though both were in fact 32 years old. Maybe it was just
that he didn’t try to look young as Patricia did, but he seemed a bit older. He still had no
gray in his red hair, and he worked out regularly, giving him a muscular frame at 6’1".
Peter actually envied his father that built sometimes, he himself was in good shape but not
nearly as filled out.
Blushing redder yet, Peter unsnapped his jeans and slid them down, careful to face away
from his mother and sister so at least he could pretend they weren’t getting a kick out of
his humiliation. He expected this from his twin, of course, it was the sovereign right of a
sibling to enjoy watching another get in trouble or be in an embarrassing predicament, but
it was just not fair that his mother was having to hide her enjoyment too!
As he stepped out of his jeans, Peter was spared the sight of his mother and sister hiding
giggles but was facing his younger brother, who was also hiding a grin (mostly) but only out
of fear of his father’s anger. Peter wasn’t sure which was worse, having his mother and twin
sister watch him strip naked or knowing his younger brother was about to give him a spanking!
In spite of their best efforts, as she slid his briefs down Peter heard what he knew to
be suppressed snickers from his sister, and he risked a glance at the bed and saw, not to his
surprise but definitely to his humiliated dismay, that his mother had a hand over her pretty
to hide her grin. He turned away and stepped out of his shorts, and dropped them to one side,
standing up straight, stark naked in front of his entirely family!
’If I have to do this, I’m going to keep my pride intact!’ the teenager vowed to himself,
deciding he was just going to pretend this was not the most humiliating moment of his life.
"I’m ready," he said, proud of how level he managed to keep his voice.
"OK," Michael said, and he turned to Steven and said, "OK, Son, how do you
want to do this?"
"I want Peter over my knee," Steven said, managing to almost hide he glee at his
new and temporary power over his older brother. "I’ll sit on the bed and Pete can get
over my lap that way!"
Steven was 5’6", still the shortest member of the family, though he was growing fast
and was likely to catch his sister soon. As he sat down on the bed on the other side from his
mother and sister, he patted his denim-covered leg and crooked his finger at Peter.
"Come over here, Pete, and lie down over my lap!"
The mortified teenager obeyed, padding over to the bed, and reluctantly stretching out over
the 12 year old’s lap. He felt totally ridiculous, he hadn’t been spanked over the knee since
he was 11, his father usually used a belt or a strap. To his horror he realized he wasn’t quite
sure where his penis should go, it was pressed between his body and the blue-jeans of his brother!
The pressure was making his balls feel weird, but he couldn’t think of anything to do about
Peter felt his younger brother’s palm start slapping his bare butt, and at first, as he
hoped, it didn’t hurt nearly as bad as even a minor session with his father. Of course that
was to be expected since Steve was just using the palm of his hand. But the slaps _did_ leave
the naked teenager’s fanny stinging hot and sore, and Steven just kept on slapping, as if his
hand never got tired!
"Wow, Mom!" Peter heard his twin say, "Look how red Peter’s rear end already
"I know, Sweetie," Peter heard his mother reply, "I’ll bet he never forgets
this day!"
’Not likely’ Peter thought to himself as he continued to endure the modest pain and horrible
humiliation of a naked spanking over his brother’s knee. ’This is a nightmare!’
Finally Steve stopped slapping his older brother’s ass, but Peter knew all too well that
this was not nearly over!
When Steven’s father Michael had asked him if he would mind administering the discipline
to Peter for his idiotic offense, the boy had not needed to think about it. In fact, the only
thing that made him hesitate was that he had a hard time believing it was really happening!
But his father had been quite serious, apparently he thought Peter needed to be embarrassed
for his behavior.
Well, that was fine with Steve Redding. Having only just turned 12 a few weeks earlier,
the youth was quite happy to have a chance to pay back his overbearing and bossy big brother
for years of bossiness.
Watching his older brother strip naked, blushing and totally put in his place, had been
like a dream come true. He had seen Peter naked many times, of course, in the locker room or
in passing at home, but this was just _different_.
Having Peter lying over his lap, naked and helpless, had been even better, and when he had
finally started slapping his older brother’s firm fanny, it was almost like he’d died and gone
to Heaven. He could feel the warmth of his brother’s rear end under his hand as he slapped,
he could feel the ’jiggle’ of his buns, and he could see the delicious red color that rapidly
spread across his older brother’s bare behind as he spanked it!
Steven’s hand rapidly became sore as he slapped away at those temptingly presented asscheeks,
but he just couldn’t bring himself to stop, it felt so wonderful to be spanking and controlling
Peter! But the best part was still to come, and now Steven finally decided that it was time.
Reluctantly, he stopped slapping his older brother’s bottom and said to him, "OK, Pete,
get up and get on the bed on your hands and knees, it’s time for the strap!"

Copyright on this story text belongs at all times to the original author only, whether stated explicitly
in the text or not. The original date of posting to the MMSA was: 04 May 2007

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Does anyone spank with a hairbrush?
Been spanked growing up and still spanked In my adult life. · Author has 500 answers and 1.7M answer views · 3 y ·
This helps us sort answers on the page.
As a child, did you ever get spanked in public where your parents pulled your pants and underwear down and spanked you on the bare bottom?
Has anyone spanked a bare bottom as a teen?
How was you spanked by your parents exactly (bare bottom or not bare bottom)? What was the order you got spanked in?
What was the most painful bare‐bottom spanking you received as a child?
Should naughty girls be spanked on the clothed bottom or the bare bottom?
Author has 94 answers and 866.9K answer views · Apr 19 ·
As a child, did you ever get spanked in public where your parents pulled your pants and underwear down and spanked you on the bare bottom?
Has anyone spanked a bare bottom as a teen?
How was you spanked by your parents exactly (bare bottom or not bare bottom)? What was the order you got spanked in?
What was the most painful bare‐bottom spanking you received as a child?
Should naughty girls be spanked on the clothed bottom or the bare bottom?
Is a photo of a teen who's being spanked in public against the law?
Have you been spanked or give spankings to a bare bottom?
Have you ever witnessed someone get a bare bottom spanking?
What are some pictures of spanking paddles?
Who still gets spankings as an adult by their parents, and how is it done?
Was anyone ever spanked face down over their dad’s knee with their pants and panties pulled down?
How painful is it to get spanked by a belt bare bottom?
Which parent gave most of the spanking's during childhood and teen years?
What happens if you get spanked in front of a crowd?
As a child, did you ever get spanked in public where your parents pulled your pants and underwear down and spanked you on the bare bottom?
Has anyone spanked a bare bottom as a teen?
How was you spanked by your parents exactly (bare bottom or not bare bottom)? What was the order you got spanked in?
What was the most painful bare‐bottom spanking you received as a child?
Should naughty girls be spanked on the clothed bottom or the bare bottom?
Is a photo of a teen who's being spanked in public against the law?
Have you been spanked or give spankings to a bare bottom?
Have you ever witnessed someone get a bare bottom spanking?
What are some pictures of spanking paddles?
Who still gets spankings as an adult by their parents, and how is it done?
Something went wrong. Wait a moment and try again.
Definitively my wife. She’s a good disciplinarian and loves a lot her large and solid wooden hairbrush to spank my bare bottom over her knees.
If you were my son or daughter and you were misbehaving, then I would bare you from the waist down and put you over my knees and spank you with my hand and my hairbrush on your bare bottom.

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