Spanked Casting

Spanked Casting


Spanked Casting

Spanking View
Clare Fonda’s Cameraman View

by admin on Sep.19, 2019, under Spanking
Clare chats with Eve Howard from Shadow Lane and Steve Fuller. Another shoot Steve?
Clare partied with long-time friends Sarah Gregory and Madame SammanthaB and new friend Amy Fox who all attended her comedy set.
Look for this scene in which Madame SammanthaB really let Clare have it good on their sites
First time shooting with both Miss Jenn Davis and Lola Belle. They were both amazing!!
A Shadow Lane Party wouldn’t be the same without shooting Sarah Gregory (with Sage Pillar)
An extra shot from Miss Jenn and Lola Belle just because she looks fantastic in those shorts
by admin on Sep.04, 2019, under Spanking
Spanking can be fun – these ladies seem to be having a good time, right Dria?
Perhaps Clare is not the best person to teach Sailor Luna that spanking is no laughing matter
Madame SamanthaB has a sneaky sense of humor as Luci Lovett discovers
Veronica Ricci can be quite the cut up – as Lola Anderson quickly discovers
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You know what happens next young lady!
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The predominate theme of this site is spanking and submissive women. This blog is intended for adults 18 years and older. The purpose of this site is to promote criticism, comment, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Soon, a very sore bottom. January 14, 2022 With 4 comments
What is the age of the youngest girl that you would or DO spank on her bare bottom when she is naughty, Ralph?
Hi – The answer to that question is eighteen years old. I’m sure Ralph would agree. Regards, Ben.
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