Spanked By Sister

Spanked By Sister


Spanked By Sister
Comment removed by moderator · 6 yr. ago
/r/Confession is a place to admit your wrongdoings, acknowledge your guilt, and alleviate your conscience.
My brother is a lucky guy. His wife Jenny is extremely hot and doesn't act like she knows it. Beautiful face but always wears glasses. Booty like a 20 year old stripper. The works!
We all got into some pot and beers one night in the hot tub at their cabin in the mountains. People were getting in and out of the tub until it was just myself and Jenny. She asked if I wanted another beer and I said sure. As she was getting out of the tub I don't know what came over me but I spanked her right on the ass. She smiled and went inside to get the beer with almost no reaction. I was kind of horrified of what I'd done let alone what her reaction could have been. When she came back she asked why I spanked her. I told her I was just drunk and playing around. She reminded me that tomorrow is her birthday and that I'd get to spank her 23 times. Now I know she was drunk and high but was this an invite? The next day I was almost afraid of being alone with her but at the same time I couldn't stop thinking about what she said. My brother was throwing steaks on the grill outside while I was inside on the couch watching TV. Jenny came in wearing little shorts and laid down across my lap. I popped her butt 23 times and pinched it once (to grow an inch as our parents used to say). I was hard as a rock and can't stop thinking about it. She told my brother and they both joked about it but I'm so turned on it's not even fucking funny. I want her so bad now. Since then things haven't been even the slightest bit weird between us and I don't think she thinks of me sexually as I do her. She's just always been a fun spunky kind of a girl. I do feel bad though because she's my brother's wife but man If I could have my way. Does anyone else have a relative that sets their boxers on fire? This kind of sucks. [no regrets]
Don't go any further with this man.. You will end up regretting it
Well, according to the Old Testament, if he dies . . . I'll let you Google that and then you'll be really messed up.
A hot woman in skimpy shorts lays across your lap for a spanking and she doesn't think of you sexually? Bullshit. She knows how you think of her. Maybe she has a thing for spanking or she gets off on cockteasing you, whatever. However, she knows how you feel. Don't be naive.
sounds super hot. let us know next time you both get drunk
You sound like a typical healthy male. Don't beat yourself up over this (instead just beat yourself off about it).
Seriously - no biggie. The human spectrum of sexuality doesn't know boundaries.
For more fun visit r/incest (great stuff there).
Just fuck her and get it done with. Jesus.

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When I was just a sprout of about eight, I really started noticing my sister’s underwear was different than my own. This was in the 50s, when girls of about 12 or so started wearing ‘big girl’ underwear.
For one thing, hers had no flap in the front and felt like silk, althought they were really probably nylon or acetate. I was also fascinated with her petticoats, which were very full, very frilly and very ‘girlish’.
One day, when my sister wasn’t home, I snitched a pair of her panties. They were pink, with lace across the bum – they later called them rhumba panties. I felt them for a while and decided to feel what they felt like on, so stripping off my trousers and underpants, I put them on. They were too big, but not awfully so.
I admired myself in the mirror for a while and then fell on the bed, giggling to myself. I started bouncing up and down while laying face down! After a while, I got a real good feeling ‘down there’ – I believe I actually had an orgasm although of course there was no ejaculation, just a great feeling). In my childish mind, I attributed this feeling to the panties.
So I proceeded, for the next few years, to purloin my sister’s panties and those of my friends’ sisters whenever I could. I also progressed from wearing just the panties to ‘dressing up’ whenever I had the chance. I got rather bold, since I appeared to be getting away with it!
About the time I was 11, my mum and sister were going shopping and I was to be left alone for a few hours. When they had left, I immediately went up to the attic (where my collection was hidden) and – I remember this like it was yesterday – I put on a pair of blue lacy panties, a petticoat and a white dress that used to belong to my sister. I then went back downstairs to play in the living room for a while before attending to other matters.
My good fortune ran out that day – mum had forgotten her purse and just as I got to the bottom of the landing, the front door opened and in she walked with my sister. It’s hard to say which of us was the more surprised!
My sister gave me the strangest look but mum grabbed me by the neck and dragged me out onto the porch (I fought her all the way, to no avail). She proceeded to bend me over the porch rail and flipped up my skirts, showing my little panties. She gave the most exasperated sound and started to paddle my bum with her hand. After a few minutes, she told my sis to get her the strap. Now, I don’t know if any of you have been struck with a razor strap, but it ain’t fun!
She practically melted the material of those panties with that strap, with me screaming and carrying on. “I only have one girl in this house!” Mom was yelling. Meanwhile, I had gotten to the point where the spanking no longer hurt and weirdly started to feel good. I was getting quite excited by all this and it was probably on that day that I became a devout ‘spankophile’.
Thank God, there were few neighbours on our street and I didn’t know any of them, as they had no children! My sister, meanwhile, was giggling and started to laugh at me. Mom was so mad that she didn’t stop to think and had me stand by the wall while she proceed to flip up my sister’s skirts and show her panties (flowered ones) and started to spank her too, saying: “You think this is funny? I’ll show you its not funny!”
Wow! A real girl’s bum in panties right in front of me! OK, it was my sister, but it was a real bum in real panties! It was almost more than I could stand! Anyway my sister got real mad at me because she got a spanking and to make matters worse, she said she was going to tell all my mates at school that I was dressed up as a little girl, and wearing panties. I begged her not to and we made a deal – she wouldn’t tell but would get to spank me some time in the future!
After a year went by, I forgot all about it and continued to wear girl’s clothes whenever I was sure I wouldn’t get caught. I hid them out in the large storage shed at the back of the house. It had two storeys and was quite old so no-one but me went up to the second level!
Mom, I thought, had quite forgotten the whole cross-dressing incident after I apologised and told her I just wanted to see what it felt like to wear all those frilly clothes! I guess she just wanted to believe me.
One Friday afternoon, when I got home, I discovered I was alone. There was a note from mom saying she would be ‘quite late’ and so would Judith. my sister. I decided to go to the shed and play. I dressed and proceeded to do the things I would do, and was really lost in my own world when I heard a noise behind me – it was Judith.
“I th-thought you w-were gonna be l-late,”, I stammered! “Practice was called off,” she said with a smirk, “and now it’s time for you to honour your part of the deal. I’m going to spank you, just like momma.” “Please, no!” I begged. “I’ll do anything else you want but please don’t spank me!”
Well, begging didn’t help and she made me go back to the house with her, where she got the strap and proceeded to whale my bum until I was screaming like a banshee. I was making so much noise that neither of us heard the front door open.
It was our nearest neighbour, Mrs Smyth. She had heard me screeching and thinking I was alone, came to check. She was flabbergasted. Here was a red-faced boy of 12, wearing a dress and panties, being spanked by a much larger girl of 16 who happened to be his sister, wearing a dress that was far too small for her (it was last year’s and she had grown some) so that every time she bent forward her panties were showing.
“Stop that!” Mrs Smyth yelled. Sis, who until then hadn’t noticed her, jumped about a foot in the air and spun around at the same time, giving me a lovely view of her panties. However, I was in no shape to enjoy it at the time. I think she was intent on literally seeing if nylon would melt if enough friction was applied to it! I jumped up also and both of us said ‘Mrs Smyth!’ at the same time, as if this were a very astute observation!
I was trying my best to shrink into the carpet, wishing my clothing was a bit more masculine in appearance, and trying to pull up my very non-masculine panties at the same time!
“What in the name of the Lord is going on here?” Mrs Smyth asked, looking back and forth at us. Meanwhile, I had got my panties up but unfortunately was in an excited state and the dress got caught in the waistband of the panties, so it was quite noticeable!
“I am going to have to tell your mum about this!” she yelled. “Now, both of you go stand in different corners.” She would brook no arguments, and the strap was clearly visible there on the floor!
Well, about an hour later, mum came home and of course the first thing she saw was a grim-faced Mrs Smyth, and her daughter and son (in drag) standing in the corner.
Mrs Smyth gave mum her impression of what had happened. She said it wasn’t just a spanking, it was something sexual and perverted and dirty and…here she ran out of adjectives. By then, both sis and I were crying, knowing we were going to die – whether from embarrassment or from being thrown in the nearest rock quarry!
Mum and Mrs Smyth talked for a while in low tones so we couldn’t hear. Mum then told us to both come over, which we did and she asked us what was going on! She appeared entirely too calm. We both started to speak at once, saying we weren’t doing anything dirty, and tried to explain about the promise I had made – knowing we were making things worse but not knowing how to fix it!
At that, Mrs Smyth piped up: “How do you explain the fact that you were all excited, then?” “Shut up, you old biddy,” I thought but didn’t say. “Yes, how do you explain that, little girl?” my mum asked.
Now, do any of you know how embarrassing it is to explain to three females – one a neighbour, one your sister and the other your mum – that you get excited wearing girls clothes? I didn’t mention that getting spanked by a pretty young female while wearing those clothes was absolute heaven – especially since the female in question was a very close relative.
After mum listened to us carry on for a while, she observed: “Well, we’re getting nowhere with this. Mrs Smyth, would you care to take a hand in the handing out of discipline?” Mrs Smyth agreed, and it was decided that she would use her hand on me (maybe they felt sorry for me) and mum would use the strap on Judith.
Judith was pushed over the arm of the settee and her dress was flipped up. I was in the same position but over Mrs Smyth’s knee. Looking right at my sister’s panty-covered bum, she got hers while I got mine! I soaked my panties – Mrs Smyth didn’t say anything but she noticed! How I found out she noticed is another story.
I still loving dressing up. No, my sister never got a chance to spank me again. Yes, I got caught again – but not by mum. But I still love giving and receiving spanks. My lovely bride of 35 years is also into ‘love spanking’ and we sometimes play out mum and child, with both of us taking different roles at different times – but I’m always the female!
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Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers.… When I was 13, my step sister Tina, who was 16 at the time, was left in charge over the weekend while our parents went on a little weekend vacation. As I have mentioned before my sister is a real “looker” with long beautiful hair, nice boobs for her age and a killer athletic body that’s hard to ignore. Because of this she also quite arrogant and took great pleasure in bossing me around all day the first day after my parents left. As her “little brother” my sister, for as long as we’ve known each other, had always liked to make a habit of embarrassing me just for fun. Often, in more recent years her favorite thing to do was to tease me with her sexiness wearing skimpy clothing, or prancing around in front of me in her panties just to see my how I’d react. When she was really “feisty” she’d even play wrestle me sometimes, grinding her body against me trying to arouse and overpower me, on occasion even playfully tying me up so I was helpless and at her mercy. Once restrained she’d tickle torture me, or do even worse things, till I was either crying, or she had gotten her jollies out of humiliating me. As we got older it curtailed but still she seemed to relish in the roll of showing me she still had the upper hand. This afternoon she had her girlfriend over and after some time stole away to the backyard to smoke a joint. I knew what was going on even if I hadn’t tried anything like that yet myself. Needless to say, when they both came back inside they were acting very silly and weird. They both were making jokes and playfully teasing me, as was the norm at that time in our lives. Then giggling, my sister brought up a very sore subject that had just happened a few months ago. Right in front of her friend she tells the story of how she caught me in my room one Saturday morning jerking off! She made it as descriptive as she could making sure I was fully embarrassed. I could have killed her! Flush with embarrassment I stood there the subject of ridicule as they made one degrading joke after another laughing hysterically the whole time at my expense. My blood was boiling inside. Later that night I was lying in my room in only my underwear (in an attempt to keep cool since we had no air conditioning) watching TV when I heard a knock on the door. Knowing it was probably my sister or friend I got up making my way to the door to lock it saying I wasn’t dressed and not to come in. Before I could even finish my sentence my sister and her friend burst into my room laughing and giggling tackling me to the ground. Before I could react properly they had me pinned down with my arms behind my back. They obviously had pre-planned this because they proceeded to immediately tie my hands together behind me, then my feet. In only my underwear, screaming to be let go, they rolled me over so I was face up. “What’s up Boner Boy? You playin with yourself again… as usual?” my sister giggled to her friend. I could tell that they had been obviously drinking, and were high by the smell of their breath. “YOU BETTER LET..”, I started to scream out before I was immediately silenced by a hand covering my mouth. My head was held and a wash cloth was pushed into my mouth followed by a rope that was tied around my head gagging me. My muffled screams were barely audible now. They both began to tickle and pinch me all over laughing at my spastic reactions. I squirmed trying to break free from their grasp but the situation was hopeless. They taunted and ticked my sides and leg, and feet mercilessly. “Hmmm what do we have under here little brother?” My sister enthusiastically said as she snapped the waistband of my underwear playfully a few times. “Wanna see my brother’s thingy?” Tina laughed asking her friend. Her friend just laughed back showing her support, taking her cues from Tina. Panicked I wildly struggled to break free with all my might but they had me pinned down quite well nearly sitting on me. I screamed, “You better not or I swear I’ll kill you!!” through my gag to only have it come out on the other side as a series of unintelligible staccato’ed “Mffffh-mmffffh” noises. I was near exhausted from my efforts to break free already. “Hmmm should I, or should I not?”, she inquired almost rhetorically as she snapped away at my waistband of my under shorts. “I should”, she said answering her own question. With that she very slowly began pulling them down. With all the struggling and female contact I felt not only angry and embarrassed but unintentionally aroused by the whole situation. As she slowly slipped my underwear down past my hips it hung up as it made it to my bulge. With an extra little pull the elastic waistband stretched slightly and then popped past my semi-solid penis evoking a harmonious squeal of delight from both girls at the sight of my naked exposed unit. Then my under shorts were pulled all the way down to my ankles leaving me basically stark naked apart from my bound ankles which prevented the full removal of my shorts. I lay exhausted with very little fight left in me at this point. Holding me like this they both took a few moments to take in the details of my naked body and full erection. They seemed quite intrigued with it but not intrigued enough to actually touch it at this point. Instead they resumed tickling me all over causing me to squirm and struggle with my fully exposed erection bouncing around. Unbeknownst to them I was incredibly aroused at this point secretly hoping they would eventually make contact with my now rock hard cock. Being held down like I was it was hard to see who was doing what to me but the tickling and to
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