Spanked By Babysitter

Spanked By Babysitter


Spanked By Babysitter

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Spanked by babysitter growing up


 On 10/20/2014 at 11:17 PM, Dadsboy101 said:
 On 10/20/2014 at 3:40 AM, woobie0902 said:
 On 10/20/2014 at 3:46 AM, DunBenSpanked said:
 On 10/20/2014 at 3:59 AM, woobie0902 said:


BenJ ,
October 19, 2014 in General Spanking Discussion

Anyone here ever get a spanking from a babysitter growing up? This is a topic I've always wondered about.
Only once, I threw something at her, and she chased me down and gave me a few whacks lol. I definitely deserved it!
I had a very kind babysitter when I was a toddler. She was very caring but firm and wise beyond her tender age of 18. Sadly she had a weak heart and I found out years later that she'd died in her mid twenties. She never spanked me but I remember her scolding me. At the time my Mum wasn't well so this young lady really helped us out. Bless her wherever she is.
I was never spanked by a baby sitter, if fact wan't spanked until I was an adult.
I've always had an interest in other peoples experience like this.
When I was little and we were homeless, we lodged with my moms friends a lot. I don't remember them whipping us, but they had my stressed-out moms permission. Lol.
Last I checked, all of our babysitters now reside in the Happydale Sanitarium for criminally insane. I do send them Christmas cards every year.
I grew up in the late 50's and early 60's in one of those small neighborhoods that pretty much had that "village" attitude about all of us kids. I remember getting swatted by my friends mom a few times during one of of those "grab you by the elbow and make you dance" kind of spankings for sledding down the stairs with my buddy across the street, and then being scooted out of the room and hearing what were more more methodical and very clearly bare skin smacks coming from behind the bedroom door... Even at 10 yrs of age, I can remember she had red hair and looked just like Patricia Blair who played "Rebecca" on Daniel Boone, which may explain why I'm still watching reruns of that show 45 years later! The main thing in that neighborhood, was that if you got into trouble anywhere, it got back to mom, and depending on how bad you were or embarrassed she was, the hairbrush was coming out...
i had a few that tried when i was growing up
My mom and stepmom said the same thing about their childhoods. It wasn't exactly like that when I was a kid, but many of the people we lodged with when mom was homeless had "my mommas permission. . . "
No but I think I might have benefited from it.
No but if I could find a babysitter at reasonable rates that would spank me when appropriate I might try hiring them to give me some structure on weekends. I have to wonder if things would get done more on schedule and if I might actually feel better about myself if I had a babysitter that could handle me. Maybe I would be less prone to dumpy depression and a sense of hopelessness if I was was spurred by sinister spanking to get moving on what needs to be done. If my despair is based on negative feelings from observing my own behavior in the form of lack follow through at task I need to complete, then firm discipline that changes the problem behavior might improve my confidence and self esteem.
Holy crap! I could have written this almost exactly! Not so much as a need for a "babysitter", but someone like a personal trainer who spanks!
As a 58 yr old guy, who has had enough drive and self-discipline to be relatively successful in business on his own, and who has actually coached others in matters of personal success, it is terribly embarrassing to admit that I deal with that "stuck" feeling and almost chronic procrastination a great deal of the time. Most of the time. it doesn't as much affect the truly urgent or important aspects of my life, and (also embarrassing to admit) as long as the consequences are something I can live with, then not much changes. A case in point is filing quarterly paperwork for my business - if it is late, it only costs me a few I am chronically late. When I finally get around to it, it takes all of 10 minutes to do - so then I beat myself up for not doing it on time....
And housework....omg.....I live alone and it is so easy to just keep putting off chores and stuff that once done, always make me feel great, but when procrastinated, make me feel like such a loser...
Although I'm lucky enough to have a girlfriend who would be more than happy to swat me for this stuff, she is long distance, and its further complicated by the fact that I can also be persuasive enough to either offer her a distraction, or get out of it's a type of "mom" discipline that's probably just not fun to have to provide to a partner. I've always thought I would probably respond very well to a paid "personal trainer" who, like a fitness trainer, would be impersonal enough to not care if I complained, whined, etc while getting stuff done, but who would care enough to do whatever needed to be done to help me feel better about getting tasks accomplished and consequently, myself. The best of all worlds would be if my girlfriend was in charge of hiring her and setting the parameters - I think if that happened, I'd take it as a personal challenge not to "fail"....
Having someone show up at my house to oversee a weekly checklist, and then either deliver "not fun" kinda consequences, or a "kinda fun" reminder might make me much more productive.
Sorry to hijack the thread temporarily
Once when i was 8 or 9 years old.....a babysitter threatened me with a spanking...of course, after that it was all I could think i had to find out if she would. So, when i was supposed to be sleeping, i kept getting out of bed and playing, making noise....she would yell up the stairs for me to get back in bed. So I would...for a few minutes....then I would get back out and resume after a few times of this, I heard her footsteps coming up the stairs....Holy Crap!!! So i dove into bed and pretended to be could it fail, right? lol Well she came in, pulled me out of bed and OTK i went. It didn't take long until I was in tears, and she placed me back in bed, and walked out, turning out the lights as she went. So I had my answer...she was true to her word....
I grew up in the same Wonder Years era as Ben; and it was the same in our neighborhood. No one ever asked permission to discipline a misbehaving child not their own. Worse than that was THE NOTE from the nuns or priests explaining in great detail your misdeamer. Not only were you punished at school but at home as well.
My cousin Vinny was once caught shoplifting and that was less than $5.00 with a friend. The owner asked him who did he want him to call, my uncle or the police. Vinny immediately said the police. My uncle went far beyond the accepted norm of discipline; ya didnt mess around with Uncle Jimmy. Strange thing is, as harsh as his discipline was (at least to me) Vinny is one of those golden people who would give you a kidney if required.
My aunt had him completely renovate their bathroom and mailed a $1500.00 check to cover the cost of materials and labor. He returned it, saying his father would be spinning in his grave if he knew he was accepting money from a relative. He did some work on my house; I knew better than to send a check, so I would buy a 12 pack of beer and a giant pizza and pizzelles and told him if he didnt take them I would feed them to the dogs.
It's strange; Vince was a street kid in a poor neighborhood but despite the harsh discipline he and his 6 siblings literally worshipped him.
I grew up in the same Wonder Years era as Ben; and it was the same in our neighborhood. No one ever asked permission to discipline a misbehaving child not their own. Worse than that was THE NOTE from the nuns or priests explaining in great detail your misdeamer. Not only were you punished at school but at home as well.
My cousin Vinny was once caught shoplifting and that was less than $5.00 with a friend. The owner asked him who did he want him to call, my uncle or the police. Vinny immediately said the police. My uncle went far beyond the accepted norm of discipline; ya didnt mess around with Uncle Jimmy. Strange thing is, as harsh as his discipline was (at least to me) Vinny is one of those golden people who would give you a kidney if required.
My aunt had him completely renovate their bathroom and mailed a $1500.00 check to cover the cost of materials and labor. He returned it, saying his father would be spinning in his grave if he knew he was accepting money from a relative. He did some work on my house; I knew better than to send a check, so I would buy a 12 pack of beer and a giant pizza and pizzelles and told him if he didnt take them I would feed them to the dogs.
It's strange; Vince was a street kid in a poor neighborhood but despite the harsh discipline he and his 6 siblings literally worshipped him.
seriously? you have a cousin named "Vinny"? As in "My cousin Vinny?
seriously? you have a cousin named "Vinny"? As in "My cousin Vinny?
Yes I do. He actually saved my life during my kid brothers wedding. I told him in China (or somewhere) that meant I was forever in his debt.
Italians always add an ee sound to names; my aunt is 92, my dad is 90 and she still calls him Frankie.
My mums best friend Mrs B used to babysit me. She was a well built lady and spanked her own kids a lot.She had full spanking rights over me and my brothers(not unusual in the 60s) Mrs B never hesitated to give me a spanking if we stepped out of line. Many a time we found ourselves over her knee with our pjs down getting thrashed.
When mum came home and found out, she always gave us another spanking straight after school when we got in. Or if we weren't at school we would get it in the morning
Yes I do. He actually saved my life during my kid brothers wedding. I told him in China (or somewhere) that meant I was forever in his debt.
Italians always add an ee sound to names; my aunt is 92, my dad is 90 and she still calls him Frankie.
Not Parents would have flipped if anyone would have touched me. My Dad didn't believe in spanking girls and my Mom would never let anyone physically punish us. I was one of those boring good girls anyway, don't ever remember getting in trouble with a babysitter.
@shyfurl, how did you get interested in corporal punishment/spanking?
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More Stories wrote:
Jacked Off by the Babysitter by More Stories

When I was a teen my little brother and I had a babysitter watch after us when my parents went out. I personally felt like I was too old to have a babysitter, but since I was known for being a troublemaker, and I was stuck with a younger brother (11) too I was condemned to being babysat even at my age. Fortunately, we had a hot looking babysitter named Nancy, who was 18 with big firm boobies, green eyes and beautiful auburn hair. In front of my parents she always acted all calm and proper, but when my parents weren’t home she was a very different person. She would let us do a lot of things that my parents would never approve of like stay up and watching grown up programs on cable that had bad words and nudity, eat junk food, and even teach us dirty words. She knew I was a horny little devil and liked to tease me in different ways.

One night when babysitting us we were playing cops and robbers with my little brother to entertain him. We would take turns, one person being the policeman, and the other being the robber wearing a ski mask. We used the whole house, and with the lights off the robber would have to sneak into rooms and steal stuff putting it in a pillowcase without being caught. The police person would go through the house one room at a time looking for the robber. If you didn’t listen, and hide really good the policeman could find you and arrest you. We had these cheap handcuffs that were actually made from metal, but had a little hidden safety latch on them. Funny thing is it was really hard to reach the release latch if you were the one handcuffed.

One of the times when I was playing the policeman, and she was the robber, I caught her in the den hiding behind the couch. I got to arrest her and “play” search her for anything hidden on her or in her pockets. She let me reach under her shirt and feel her breast through her bra, and reach into her jeans pockets. I even tried to unbutton her pants and got as far as unbuttoning and unzipping them before she stopped me saying that was far enough. Seeing the top of her little white panties with a red elastic waistband and little colored dots on them made me really horny. Her smooth skin and flat tummy drove me wild. I wanted to do more but she would not let me.

We had been playing for a while so around 9:30 she told my brother it was bedtime. He didn’t want to go to bed and was being a brat about it. She ordered him to get into his pajamas, but said I could stay up longer. She put my brother to bed, and I went to change. She was sitting on the couch watching TV when I came out a while later in my lose-fitting pj’s with stripes on them. As soon as she saw me she started laughing poking fun at my pajamas. Feeling belittled I threw a fit and jumped on her trying to overpower her. I was trying to pin her down to the couch but she was stronger. In all the struggling and wriggling around together I got excited. I wasn’t wearing any underwear and with all the close contact I got a raging hard-on in my pants. Then she rolled me over on my stomach and managed to handcuff my arms behind my back! With my hands behind me I could not reach the little release catch. I was stuck handcuffed with a hard-on grinding against the ground now! I mean it got rock hard. She said she was going to spank me like a little baby if I kept misbehaving. I didn’t care. Then things got even worse (or better depending on how you look at it). When she rolled me over again to talk to me the head of my erect penis popped out of my pajama fly! I was so embarrassed that my face became hot. She stared wide-eyed at my helpless twitching penis as I lay there powerless to do anything and reached down and grabbed it by the shaft. I guess I have a pretty big dick for my age and she seemed to be very impressed with it. “Oh my!” she said with a sly tone in her voice. “Well we are a very bad boy aren’t we?” I was really embarrassed but really turned on too at the same time and just stood there speechless. Forcefully she pulled me over her lap on the couch with my shoulders propped up on the end of the couch. She pulled my pj pants all the way down and reaching underneath she started stroking my super hard dick with one hand, while spanking my naked butt with the other. “Bad boy!” she kept playfully saying while she lightly spanked my butt and stroked my dick. My dickhead now got wet with precum that she used as lube to stroke me ever further. She spanked and stroked me as I moaned in ecstasy till I arched my back and jutted my hips forward spurting all over the couch pillow! I was really embarrassed after, lying there handcuffed and bottomless with spooge all over me & the couch. She made me promise to not ever say anything about it or she would never baby sit for me again. I eagerly agreed. The she cleaned the couch off and flipped the cushion and told me I needed to go to bed.
Janienudiepants wrote:
Babysitter by Janienudiepants

Very nice story. I babysat a lot for my mom's divorced friends as a teen. Mainly single moms, occasionally everyone else. I dreaded some kids, and others I lived to die for, they were so cute. One pair of boys were four and seven, a bit like you, and cute as h*ll. At bedtime one thing you knew for sure who had a "hard-on." Their little flagpoles stood out of their pj tents once they found the hole. Of course, little boys button pjs have a huge hole in front -- they never button them, and their little d*cks found it all the time in tickle fights, wrestling playing around with them before bed or just sitting with me snuggled up watching TV. I grew up with the impression boys always had a hard-on.

I always enjoyed the cute little kids and what I saw. I imagine their mom played with them like I did. They weren't shy pulling each others pj bottoms down at all -- it was all great fun. They had such cute bottoms! And of course, they shouted with glee whenever they could pull something down from me!

still enjoy remembering...
A board for stories about girls pantsing and stripping others or getting pantsed and stripped


by PhilMarlowe » Mon Mar 02, 2020 2:58 am

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Betty is a mother of three from Arizona. At the time of interview, her two daughters were aged nine and ten, and she also had a 10-year-old stepdaughter.
Are your children defiant when they are told they are
going to get a spanking?
Yes, sometimes they are. My children, like all children,
hate getting spanked, so when I tell them they are going to receive one they
are never happy. When I tell them they are getting a spanking, they usually cry
and whine about how they don’t want one but they usually follow me to the spot
and comply. Parents have to learn to deal with this, as it can be emotionally
difficult to spank your child when you know they do not like it at all.
Yes, there are times. Recently Sasha disobeyed me and I told
her she was going to get a spanking. She immediately screamed ‘no’ at me and
ran off. I followed her as she ran out the door. This is a scenario I fear, but
really it was just my daughter being hysterical rather than my daughter
actually running away.
I walked out and stood by the door. She stopped running and
turned to me. I calmly asked her whether she was going to come inside, and made
it clear I was not going to go chasin
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